The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 15 Cirvence

Liu Sheng suddenly pulled me, and a high-speed car wiped my school uniform skirt and roared away. Finally, my soul was shocked back. "Walk carefully and don't think too much."

Liu Sheng was really worried, and I sincerely said, "I know, brother."

Instead, the benevolent Yazhi said with a smile, "She is very quiet today."

I didn't like him earlier. "It's natural and quiet when there is nothing to do."

"Oh! I'll talk back. That's good. That's good."

I also said, "It's not as good as my predecessors, it's okay!"

He didn't continue to fight with me, but just patted Liu Sheng, "I'll go back from here and go first."


I saw him leave, and Liu Sheng took me home. As the sun sets, the setting sun shines on our forward figure and move forward on the ground. Infinite silence spreads and I don't want to speak.

When I got home, I called and asked how I was doing today.

Of course I said it was good, and then I made fun of him, whether he had a spy by my side, even my first day of school today.

He said, "Dr. Shen told me."

Dr. Shen? That Dr. Shen? Shen Nange or Shen Lanxun? Senior tolerant, don't tell me that you haven't found out that Dr. Shen is actually two people yet!"

"This is for sure. It doesn't matter who said it. The important thing is that the two quarreled again. Shen Nange doesn't know where he has gone now. I can't find it. Renzu is worried. Although he is calm, I just think he is worried. Emotional changes will be highlighted in the tone, but sometimes it will be an atmosphere.

"This! Senior, are you in a hurry to see a doctor? Do you think Shen Nange has disappeared and come back to me?

"He likes you very much."

"Actually, you should find Shen Lan. They are brothers. It's not that I don't worry about him. Senior, think about it. The two doctors Shen are twin brothers. How can they be more than I know, right?

" Shen Lanxun said he didn't know."

"Well... I know. I'll ask. I'll tell you when there's any news."

"Good! Although Xiaotong is in Lihai, if you want to come over, we are always welcome. Take good care of yourself."

Thank him, talked about other things, hung up the phone, and called Shen Lanxun directly. I don't know what it is for this time.

Shen Lanxun is very unhappy.

However, it was gratifying that Shen Nange finally roared out. Because of Qianxu, Shen Nange and Shen Lanxun quarreled. Shen Nange acted like nothing. Shen Lanxun looked at him and said a few wrong words, and the two turned against each other. Then Shen Nange ran away penniless. Shen Lanxun was very relieved and said with a sneer, "That bastard didn't bring a dime. I'll see what he eats."

Obvious gloating.

After saying something painless, Shen Lanxun was very impatient, and I could only stop it. Then I sent a sorry message to Renzu.

In the evening, the family gathered around the table, Liu Sheng's father, Liu Sheng's mother, Liu Sheng and me. The family is very warm. Liu Sheng and his wife were very happy to see this scene. Liu Sheng's mother ate half a bowl of rice. I told them that the school was very good, my classmates were very friendly, my former good friends also took good care of me, and my brother Liu Sheng was meticulously considerate and took me to watch them play tennis.

It can be seen that Liu Sheng is very happy.

After dinner, Liu Sheng's mother cleaned up in the kitchen. Liu Sheng's father's wife went to help, and there were only two of us left in the living room. I want to go back to bed when I have nothing to do.

"Brother, I'll go up first."

"Go ahead. Take a good look at your homework and come and ask me if you don't understand.

"I know."

I hurriedly ended the conversation. I went into my room, turned on the computer to surf the Internet, and then found a strange letter in the mailbox. Open it and see that it was sent by Feimo.

He said that if three people are together, the goal will be relatively large, so he will not come in a short time and let me take good care of myself.

I curled my lips and didn't think so. Obviously, Casanova was too pestering and I couldn't get through it by myself.

Turn off the computer and lie down **. These days are just like a pig. Now the body is so bad that you have to take good care of it. An accident is a devastating blow. I have to be serious. The Jing family's skills are so domineering that they can't even practice the most basic skills now. It's really frustrating. Such a weak body does not have the most basic self-preservation ability, especially Shen Nange and Shen Lanxun's absence, and it feels terrible to hand over his life to others.

I don't know how many times I went back and forth, and finally fell asleep.

The next day, he became confused, had breakfast, and followed Liu Sheng to school in a daze.

Follow Liu Sheng and walk step by step. I don't need to remember the way. Anyway, Liu Sheng will look at me. Why bother myself?

Today, Liu Sheng put me at the school gate and hurried away. There was probably something urgent. When he met Xia Shi on the road, he jumped up and followed him. Sanada said something to Xia Shi with a straight face. Xia Shi couldn't help but feel funny. Sanada, a black-faced god, probably had no choice but to do anything about his sister.

"Xiaotong is here!" Far away, Xia Shi shouted at me. What else did Sanada say? Xia Shi directly said as if he didn't hear it and said, "I know. I know. My brother hasn't gone to the tennis department yet. You have to say that it will delay your training."

It was very helpless that Sanada left. Give me a meaningful glance before I leave.

de! It's been remembered again.

"Good morning, Xia Shi!"

Xia Shi grabbed me and said, "What's so early! It's going to be late. Let's go quickly.

At noon, Liu Sheng came to pick me up again. Xia Shi said that she had no other activities today and went to the tennis department with us.

Today's lunch became interesting because of Xia Shi's joining. Xia Shi didn't seem to see Sanada's dark face, and he chatted after eating. As if there was no one around, Marui endured and endured today. He opened his mouth several times and held back. King Ren is also like eating flies today, and his face is ugly and scary.

It's the original, that is, the child who played basketball and went crazy. His eyes turned red when he was excited, and he was completely ignorant. The waves on the table were surging at all, and he was eating by himself.

After the lunch break, they began to train, and I returned to a state of doing nothing. Looking around, I felt bored that no one paid attention to me. Xia Shi and I ran around together, shouting boredom without watching few people training.

I took out a PSP from my bag, bought drinks and snacks, and found a shade of trees. The two of them nestled together to play CS. At the beginning, the muscles in my hand couldn't keep up with the speed of my brain, so I knew what to do, but I couldn't react and made a series of mistakes. After playing for a long time, I slowly got better.

On the contrary, Xia Shi is very out of my chat. Xia Shi looks like a delicate girl, but she can't stand that she has been practicing samurai since she was a child. When she touched the game, she immediately got started. She played the game and didn't want to return me back.

I was so bored that I came up with such a bad idea, and I didn't force it, so I just watched her play.

The PSP was still made by Shen Nange in the hospital to relieve my boredom. At that time, I was adapting, and Shen Nange Shen Lanxun came to take care of me. I really didn't play it a few times, and the game console was just like the new one. There is a difference between watching others play games and playing games by yourself. Although Xia Shi played wonderfully, it didn't feel completely different in his own hands, so it didn't take long for me to fall asleep again.

I swear, this is really not what I want. It's not the original product. This physiological adaptation period is still quite long. I didn't feel that I slept in the hospital every day before. When I went back to Liu Sheng's house, there was a comparison between others. This effect came out at once. Basically, I slept half of the time more than people every day.

And when it comes to the recovery of physical skills, the foundation is too poor to do much. Sleep is the most affordable and convenient.

After a few days like this, I became more and more sleepy. Sometimes I couldn't wake up in the morning and was carried back by Liu Sheng directly in my dream.

Liu Sheng and Liu Sheng felt something was wrong and grabbed to go to the hospital for a check-up. After a morning, nothing happened, and it was normal everywhere. Fortunately, after sleeping for a week or two, I began to return to my normal routine. When I usually slept for an hour at noon, I woke up by myself, and they were also rejud.

These days, because of mental distress, no one but Xia Shi ignores it. Even Xia Shi can only occasionally say a word or two. After waking up, I found that no matter how far away the class is from me, I can't even say a few words. Anyway, I don't care. I have to muddle along. What should I do every day?

I heard from Xia Shi that it was rumored in private that I was arrogant and my chin was raised to the sky. I could only listen to it.

Sometimes, in the eyes of some people, silence is acquiescence, and silence is weakness. I don't want to pay attention to these rumors, but it doesn't mean that others don't.

In this class, I don't know where the happy event went. I walked alone in the corridor and was stopped by several girls. A girl with often curly hair and a thin chin said, "Let's talk?" It sounds like a question, but it's actually an order. At this time, the rest of the girls have been scattered around me, and there is a great tendency to do it without cooperation.

The form is not up to one, N to one. Without the help of external forces, I can only be passively beaten. The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and I cherish the life I picked up. I followed.

The hand in his pocket held the mobile phone and hesitated several times, but he still didn't dial the phone out and naturally took it out.

They chose on the rooftop. It is said that Liu Shengtong also fell from the rooftop. In such a high place, it can only be said that Liu Shengtong was too unlucky to be handsome, and his soul dissipated first.

I don't know if it was such a person who confronted her like this at that time.

Most of them are angry and angry at me. I stood closest to the edge of the rooftop, and the fence was not as good as my thigh. After taking a step, I could fall down.

The breeze here is blowing and the vision is spacious. My eyesight has improved these days. I can even see what textbooks are holding in the hands of the students walking below. This is an additional benefit provided by this half-dead body. Looking up, you can see the blue sky and white clouds. The sun can't see it. I don't know how to hide behind the cloud. I can only see the sky at a glance, pure and beautiful.

"What's the matter with you coming to me?" You didn't invite me to see the scenery.

"I can't say anything. I just have something to remind you." The previous curly-haired girl spoke very rudely. Her face was always arrogant. As the leader of these people, she was very leading.

"I would like to hear more about it." I'm not slow, and I'm very calm.

It's just that this calmness is a different taste in the eyes of others, "Oh! It's been a long time since I've seen you. The arrogant and domineering Liu Shengtong has become like a little sheep. People who don't know think we bully you. This statement is extremely ironic, and I want to accumulate a lot of grievances. I think so.

"If you have anything to say, my time is precious and you can't afford to waste it. You know, my brother is coming to pick me up. Although I don't like Liu Sheng to do this, it's still good to anger little girls.

She sneered, "Liu Shengtong, don't think that Elder Liu Sheng protects you, and you can be capricious. What did you do to Elder Xingcun? You know best. Now that a memory loss is like being clean. Are you still a human?"

"You said that I lost my memory. I definitely don't know what I've done before. Since I don't know, I have nothing to feel guilty about, right?

"You--! OK, very good. Senior Yi Tian is really right. You are extremely shameless. When she said this, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, which was extremely small. If she didn't pay attention, she couldn't see it. She disappeared with a proud smile.