The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 125 Start of the game

The farewell party is not a success. After all, it is strange that there are so many people who may meet their swordsmanships on the field again, and they can eat happily without burden!

However, it is not unsuccessful. Kikukawa is a master who is good at adjusting the atmosphere, and it is also true forbearance. Jibu is not a person who does not know good or bad. He is not a person who can condescend the welcome to sing the program as Tezuka, nor is not blindly annoying noble - that does not conform to the gorgeous aesthetics of Uncle Jibu!

And the aesthetics of Uncle Jibu are shining and updated every day!!!

For example, when Uncle Jibu left, he swore gorgeously, "Terzuka, we will wait for us to meet on the field."

Minister Tezuka was also infected, which was a rare juvenile impulse. "I also look forward to it."

For example, now, he doesn't care about the dark face of Yueqianjun, and he is very elegantly pointing out by his predecessors. If he doesn't endure the twitch at the corners of his mouth, it must be a very harmonious picture.

I came to a conclusion - Uncle Jibu is very vengeful.

This conclusion was fully certified later.

Fortunately, the comrades of the Ice Emperor are not blindly cynical, and they are also quite rich in their opponents. Knowing that they were going to the United States to compete, they sent their blessings one after another. This farewell party finally came to their name and ended perfectly.

Everything is harmonious, and harmony makes people feel false.

Especially when we saw Kikukawa's kind and pleasant face to me, it seemed that we had never been angry before, and we were not separated by Takeuchi or Ida, as if we were so polite and polite when we met on the first day.

I always feel that there are strange things, but I can't say that Kikukawa's performance is too polite and there is nothing strange - this is the real strange place.

So many things happened between us. At that time, when Ida framed me, Kikukawa was on the same front as Ida. According to reason, he should not be so calm. At least it won't be so natural, but she can't hide her pleasure, and I don't feel her malice.

When you just look at the trace department, there will always be some pity in your eyes.

She hides very well, and no one has noticed except me who has been paying attention to her.

I wanted to make it clear, but now I have changed my attention. Since there is no malice, there will be no lack of meat after a few more glances, and I don't have to care about it. If there is really anything, it will still appear at that time. We won't be so stupid that Kikukawa has made us, and we can't even notice it.

Let go of this matter.

Now mine, it's time to concentrate on another thing. This——

Out of the sushi restaurant in Hecun, his face turned black.

I immediately pulled the alarm and was about to slip away, but I was blocked by Xiang Ri's smile, "Where is Baosheng going?"

For a moment, everyone looked at me, but everyone was willing to stand up. Whoo-hoo, I was so angry that even the old man Feng refused to help me.

I was holding back for a long time before I hesitated to say that I wanted to go to the bathroom.

The trace department was very cruel and said directly, "Wait for me." Forbearance added, "The car of the trace department is nearby." He seemed to have found a new continent, "Baosheng, are you very hot? Your head is sweaty?"

This guy is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and his preference is to build his happiness on the pain of others! Shen Nange, your own people can't handle it. Even if you can't do it, don't pick this kind of hard to clean up!

I really want to look up to the sky and roar. What's wrong with this!!!

After a while, Uncle Jibu's iconic extended car drove to the door of the store. Jibu stopped me from walking in and said to Ninja, "You go back by yourself. I'll go first."

The mirror of the forbearance reflects the dangerous light, "Don't worry." Look at me and "Take good care of Baosheng."

The trace gritted his teeth and said, "Of course I will take good care of her."

I want to slip to another car door and adapt to changes. As long as I get out of the car, I can hide for a while. Unfortunately, the trace department looked at me firmly. Xiang Ri was very happy and pulled Ri Ji Ruo to say goodbye to me.

God knows, I even have a dead heart.

When the car starts, the trace presses the isolation button, and the rear seat soon becomes a separate space, isolated from the outside world, and nothing can be seen or heard inside. Similarly, I thought bitterly that it must be more difficult to run away this time.

I don't dare to move casually. Jibu is angry and has a bad temper - I have learned this person for a long time.

The most terrible thing is not this. Jibu didn't say a word today, which is the reason why I feel uneasy. How angry he used to say, he would say a few words about me, which seemed to be sarcastic and demeaning, but in fact, as long as he said it, it means that it was not dangerous. Naturally, he would not care much except for anger.

But today, although there are more people, it's not so much that they don't say a word to me.

At Yueqianjun's farewell party, Jibu didn't say a word to me. Don't say anything, just his eyes. From beginning to end, he stayed on Tezuka and Yueqianjun, and the afterglow did not give me any. When we left, the emotions written on the faces of the youth students made the Ministry ignore me even more. They almost made it clear how the Ministry of the Ministry ofji could do this to me...

Deep breath, " trace--"

He glanced at me, silent, and sat there gracefully, stroking the tear mole at the corner of his eyes.

Keep working hard, "Jibu, I know I'm wrong..." Anyway, it's the king's way to bow your head and admit your mistakes. No matter what's wrong, what's the value of Fu Xiao's face? The key is to solve the problem.

The trace department still doesn't speak.

"Jibu, I shouldn't go to see Yueqianjun alone. I know I'm wrong. Can I let you stay with me in the future?

"Hmm!" The trace department finally hummed, and really just hummed.

"Really, really, I swear!" I have been dealing with angry fathers and mothers like this since I was a child. Does it work? - hey hey, look at my incompetent appearance now, and you will know!

"Jibu, can you forgive me? Don't be angry."

"Is that it?"

"Ah?" I blinked. What else? I only did such a thing today!

"Hmm!" Proud again!

"I, I, I, I didn't do anything else! Jibu, I really don't know what else to forget. Why don't you tell me?" At worst, I will be shameless. Anyway, my face is nothing in front of the trace department.

"Come here!"


As soon as the trace was pulled, I fell on him. Looking up at his beautiful jaw lines, it's really beautiful.

Stop it. It's not the time to commit nymphomaniacism, and I'm still calculating.

But the trace department didn't say a word for a long time, which is really puzzling. I don't know what he is doing. I still think about it. I will definitely ask him. Even if I have bad luck, I have to figure it out!" Why don't you talk? How do you know if you don't tell me? That's all I know. What on earth are you angry about, Jibu?"

The old man turned his face and seemed to smile, "What happened today reminds me of something. At that time, I didn't ask the situation clearly. Today, did you tell me?"

It's rare to see Jibu behave like this. It's really cute!

However, I still don't understand the voice and color on my face, and I'm still scared. "What's the matter?"

"How can you get entangled with Yueqian?"

"Uh--" This misunderstanding really hurts people's stomach. "You absolutely misunderstood. You don't want to think about how old I am. I look young. In fact, I'm a child before. Do you think I'm so obscene and attack a child?"

Jibu said calmly, "I'm only two years older than Yueqian!"


"That, that, that..." to the finger, "You can't be compared at all, okay? Jibu, Uncle Jibu, you don't even think about it. Even if you are only two years older than Yueqian, can you compare them together? He can't hold anything else in his mind except tennis! And you are different. You are much more mature than him, and what I like is you. What does it have to do with age? Even if I am more than 20 years old now, I still won't like him.

I understand this statement, won't it cause misunderstanding? - Maybe! If today is not the day when my lucky index is negative.


"Is that so? How do you explain Yuekun? If you hadn't done anything, why did he insist on letting you be his wife?

I really feel that this day is so fierce that it is not appropriate to go out.

To tell the truth or not? I think neither of them works. Simply deny, "How do I know what he thinks? His mouth is on his face, and he will say whatever he likes to say. It has nothing to do with me. Besides, even if he is so persistent, he just wants to find a qualified mistress for his family. My identity happens to be able to stand in this position.

The trace department was not fooled by me. "The head of a family, why didn't he choose another person? Aren't there other girls in your ancient clan that are suitable for this position? Why is it not Yue Kun's own family, but it must be you?"

"Well, this, this..." Damn it, why don't you say anything? I can't think of another person having such a bad taste!" Maybe he thinks I'm very beautiful and has a lot of face to take it out.

It's time to make up your mind. Anyway, it's impossible for the Ministry to ask Yue Kun why.

Is this a blessing in misfortune? Whoo-hoo, I have fallen.

"Apart from Yue Kun, how do you explain that Duan Mulin? Don't fool me, or I will throw you on the playground 20 laps tomorrow.

"I'm really wronged! Isn't that why my father insisted on me get engaged? I swear, I really resisted."

"Have you resisted? Humph!" Uncle Jibu snorted coldly, which scared me so much that I almost fell off the seat. "If you don't wake me up, will you definitely be engaged to him?"

"Well... Anyway, everyone can rest assured that we are engaged. I have no reason not to agree. Moreover, getting engaged does not mean that we will get married immediately, and we can go back on it."

"You don't care about it."

"It's not important at first. Duan Mulin won't do anything to me - he still has a lot of busy things. Carefully decided that the trace department must not know that I had broken the jar at that time.

"Jing Baosheng!"

"What's wrong?" Breaking into a red look, the red flame is no less than the fighting spirit of Minister Tezuka!

If you are submerged in this red flame, you won't regret it!

Damn trace department, I almost wiped my gun and went off. Damn it, damn it, how can I go to school tomorrow? I don't think she is a girl and thin-skinned.

Thinking of the satisfied appearance of the trace, and the hot burning face, how can it be so attractive? The bright eyes, the sexy thin lips, the beautiful chin, the tear moles with attractive color...

What should I do? It seems to throw him down...

Stop! What do I think? I'm a lady, Jing Baosheng. What about your reserved? Woo-woo, ladies also have nymphomaniac, especially the nymphomaniac's partner also likes you!

Stand up the collar to cover the traces left by the traces. Damn it, how can he deliberately leave such a thing in such a conspicuous position? How does he want me to meet someone tomorrow?

It's too much, woo-woo, no matter how much it is, it's still my man! I couldn't bear to beat him, but I couldn't swallow this breath. Fortunately, today's incident won't make me lose my mind. Thinking about the last sentence of today's trace department, "If I let you know that you have done such a not gorgeous thing today,..." The unfinished words make me more afraid.

It's just - don't let the trace know, right? Hey, the point is wrong!)

Entering the door, the light in the living room lit up in vain, and Shen Nange's figure appeared on the sofa.

He smiled badly, "Baosheng, I'm going to tell you that you won't return home at night!"

"Hey! Obviously, I just came back late, and there is no destination anywhere! Shen Nange, don't go too much. Next time I'll ask Jing Mingyue to take you to Africa. I'll see how you can kiss me. Two souls! Unexpectedly, he said nonsense in front of the trace department. What's wrong with Yue Kun and me?"

"Jing Mingyue said that my task is just to look at you, so don't waste your brains. However, you and Yue Kun set their lives without authorization when they were young, and they still want me to remind you, huh - what's on your neck? Sure enough, I have to tell you that this boy of Jibu is too unreliable!"

With that, I really contacted my father.

How can I sit back and wait for death and grab his communicator?

Who knew that Shen Nange shook his shot and turned around to let me catch the air and said proudly, "You are just too stupid. How can I say something to my husband? He won't forgive me."

I was so angry that I was told by him that I turned back to my room and fell to the door with a loud bang.

You can still hear Shen Nange's exaggerated smile in his room.

I swore secretly that I must find the scene! This person is simply lawless. Sooner or later, I will let you suffer the consequences and be put up severely.

The next day, I put OK on my neck. When the trace came to pick me up, I sat in the farthest position of him. He coaxed me so much that I wouldn't go there. Just kidding, how can I hide it if I leave something on me again?

But this practice can't stop eight thousand ambiguous eyes. The "I know" eyes thrown one by one seem to make me run away as soon as I go to class.

At the weekend, the national competition officially began.

Sitting in the audience and looking at the pile of heroic young men on the field, even in such an excellent team, Jibu is the kindest one among them.

Shen Nange's mouth almost grinned, "Look at our Yushi, tsk, he is simply unmatchedly handsome."

Why do you say by my side, "Is that right? Why didn't I see it? I only saw our family's trace department. Did you see his iconic tear mole? How sexy it is!"

"Jing Baosheng, I really don't look down on you. What kind of eyes are you wearing a telescope? How can you see the tear mole so far away?

"···Do you know about the exaggeration?"

Shen Nange, "·····"

Then there was the game scattered to various stadiums. Shen Nange and I followed them, sometimes cheering and shouting, sometimes delivering tea and water, and sometimes watching them play without doing anything.

The teenagers who have been tempered during the summer are no longer those young teenagers who sit in the well and watch the sky. They have learned not to despise every opponent and respect every opponent. No matter who they are, they will treat them seriously. Even the most detached Xiangri will treat their opponents solemnly!

Uncle Jibu is very satisfied. As for his satisfaction, he is very happy to look at me. That feeling is as if he wants to share his happiness with others, and I can also feel his satisfaction from his eyes.

Every look I saw made me feel pleasing to the eyes. Unfortunately, Jibu pays more attention to the game than me...

It's cheap Shen Nange. Renzu Youshi is very conniving Shen Nange at the same time without a bottom line. Even if he holds the shoulder of Renzu very possessively, he has no objection... However, it seems that Renzu Youshi has grown a few centimeters taller. It should be more than 180. I'd like to see. There are still a few good days left for Shen Nange!

People like me, as well as Kaoruko Takeuchi, are also present, but they are incompatible with the surroundings.

This makes me wonder, how could this person do this?

Others were cheering, but she became more and more anxious. This anxiety became more and more serious with the victory of Jibu and their game all the way. She even had to run to Jibu many times, but she didn't know why she couldn't resist it.

This person is quite interesting. Compared with Kikukawa's normal and abnormal performance, her performance is more worthy of exploration.

is not enough. I shouldn't come to my door by myself. If I go by myself, I will be in a passive position.

In the recent few games, she uneasily even tore her clothes, I think it won't be long!

Sure enough, another victory. After this, the Ice Emperor Tennis Department will directly fight against the Qingxue Tennis Department. The Ice Emperor Tennis Department is full of high fighting spirit, trembling and expectation, but more and more firm - he must defeat Qingxue with his own hands and wash away the shame of the Battle of Waterloo in the Kanto Competition!

And Takeuchi almost fell to himself after that game, and then blocked me at the door after class.