The evil of the rebirth of the net king

Chapter 126 vs. Youth 1

I stopped three steps away from her, "What's the matter with you?"

When Takeuchi saw my defensive look, he smiled sarcastically, "What are you doing? In this way, can I eat you in public?"

I squinted and smiled, "Who knows this? Isn't Yi Tian also blaming me in public?

It's not that I'm worried, it's just a habit. The dog jumps over the wall when she is anxious. Who knows what she can do!

I can't stand the toss now, hey hey!

However, Shinko Takeuchi seems to have been resentful of Ida for a long time, "Ida! Oh, Yi Tian, she is really good. Her words were full of sarcasm, and she looked sideways, "Do you know why the white well asked you to go to the swimming pool alone?"

"I don't know. However, I don't think it's necessary to know now. Yi Tian is not my one, but fortunately, she can only do such a little and has no courage to do anything else. Otherwise, there is no room for her now. This is true. Now that it is the result, it is also a warning, warning Takeuchi not to think crookedly about me.

"I forgot that there is a trace to protect you, how can it be bullied? If you don't want me to know, I also want to tell you that Shirai really wants to reconcile with you. She likes Yukimura, and naturally she has to think about Yukimura, but she was taken advantage of by Ida. She has always been afraid of you, and she is also afraid of water. It's normal to have such a result.


"So Yitian chose a good place. Your excitement, the excitement of the pool, she will fall into the water as soon as she is excited. Yitian probably watches from beginning to end."

"Are you sure Yi Tian did this?"

"Who else can there be besides her? It's just two-headed deception, and I'm sure you won't come into contact in private. Now, Xingcun will definitely regard you as the culprit.

I don't care much about these things, but why don't you know how to pick out what's important?" Is that right? That's what you came to me today?"

"Of course not."

"Then get to the point quickly. I don't want to get in touch with you now. Trouble."

"You are very straightforward. I really don't know what the trace department like about you. It's as delicate as a dodth flower. Sooner or later, the trace department will see through your essence - you are not suitable for him."

"It seems that you really have nothing else to say. Take me and go first, Elder Takeuchi." There is a saying that it is called lust for capture... A bad smile in my heart!

"Wait!" Takeuchi hurriedly stopped me, "You should notice that the three of us, um, are different from you, no, different from ordinary people, right?"

"Why isn't it different from me?"

Takeuchi laughed at himself, "How dare I compare with you, the teenager who died by the swimming pool... Ha ha, I don't need to say more."

"Well, what about then?"

"This world has a power that ordinary people don't know, right?"


"probably? Ha ha, Liu Shengtong, no, you must not be Liu Shengtong. Baosheng, you are Baosheng! You came with the help of these forces, right? - You are different from us.


"Kikugawa and Ida, the three of us," she bit her lips as if she wanted to make some determination. "We are from another world."

This is very interesting to me, and I can't move on my face, "Really?"

Although they are not ordinary people, are they not from this world? This is a very novel thing. Go back and ask Jing Mingyue to see if there is this piece of thing in his inheritance.

"Of course!" So sure, "In our world, there is a cartoon called The Prince of Tennis, which tells the story of what happened in this tennis tournament. There is no us, no Baijing, and no you. Where are you? It's just a symbol, Liu Shengbi Lushi's sister, and we," she muttered, "we don't even have a symbol."

"Is that so?" Takeuchi's confused eyes seemed to see a lighthouse covered by heavy fog. He only felt light, but he didn't know where it was. "That world is your previous life, right?"

"Previous life? Of course, it was a previous life, a ridiculous previous life. I can't tell what I'm here to do now. Looking at me bitterly, "You can never see me in the eyes of the trace department."


This has nothing to do with me. Didn't you move when I didn't come before?

However, I think it is necessary for me to rush to a good person and help this lost girl on the right path, so as not to learn from Yi Tian to walk and walk crooked. At that time, it must be me who is troublesome.

Far-sighted, the distant light is deep, and the voice is low. "Everyone has different opportunities, which is certain, but among these different opportunities, if external forces intervene, there will be results that no one can predict - you are these results."

With that, he smiled strangely, came forward, slapped her in the face, "Will it hurt?"

"You are crazy! Of course it will hurt if you hit it on the face! Otherwise, you can try it! Myss, it hurts so much."

Looking at Takeuchi jumping with anger, I'm really happy! I've been wanting to beat you for a long time. Since my sister and I went to Japan, I can't get rid of the shadow of the three of you. At least it makes me angry.

I said leisurely, "As long as it hurts, it hurts, which means you are still alive. Do you know what life is? You can eat, talk, jump, fight and scold, and hurt others, just like this.

I waved my hand and looked at her subconsciously retreating with satisfaction. "You just take yourself too seriously."

"This is not the cartoon you mentioned. Everything can only be fixed according to the setting of the painter. People who live here will be able to eat, sleep and have their own lives. Most importantly,

Everyone in this world has relatives and can think by themselves. Just like you, why don't you follow the painter's settings and simply be a person who can't even arrange symbols?

Finally, to sum up, "Try about your purpose today. I haven't seen you like you. After talking nonsense for a long time, you can't stand the business. No wonder the Department doesn't like you."

It's too happy to poke people's pain. Especially the pain in the bamboo.

Trust me.

But now, Takeuchi doesn't seem to pay attention to my bad taste. Instead, he looks worried and directly points out, "You have to prevent Vietnam from going back to Japan."

I'm surprised, "What's wrong with preventing Vietnam from going back to Japan? Where did Yueqianjun provoke you?"

Takeuchi said solemnly, "Since you have believed that I am from another world, you should trust me."

"It's one thing to believe that you come from another world, and it's another thing to trust you."

"Echizen, he," Takeuchi took a deep breath, "he will let the Ice Emperor experience another failure! And the trace department, the trace department, he will be defeated by Yueqian.

"Is that all?"

"What does it mean just like this?" Takeuchi spoiled me and roared, "Do you know what you are talking about? Just like this?! Ha, do you really think that if you fail again, the Ice Emperor will suffer such a blow? Especially the trace department!"

"All the way! If you lose again, you will definitely not. You think too much. I know you like Jibu, but Jibu doesn't like you, and you can't bury him like this. How could he lose to Yueqianjun?

No matter how powerful Yue Qianjun is, he is still a child. He is already different from the trace department. After meeting such parents! Parents - it is indeed the most lethal humanoid weapon.

"You don't believe it?"

I raised my eyebrows. I was very calm from beginning to end, and my mood did not fluctuate as much as her. "Give me a reason to believe. Moreover, Echizen has not appeared in Japan until now.

"Before the game, Yueqian will definitely return to the field. The day before the game, Echizen had already talked to Tezuka on the phone. He will come back."

"All's it. Don't think about something. Maybe you are talking about the truth of that world, but don't forget that this world is a world with full subjective initiative.

Takeuchi was anxious, "Have you seen Kikukawa? Have you seen the smile on her face that can't be hidden? Damn, looking at her like this, I want to tear her up!"

"Ah!" I think these three are inseparable, but in fact, they can't escape human nature.

"The three of us like different people, and she is the only one of us who has succeeded in being with that person. I have no reason not to be jealous of her. Moreover, I hate him more than you.

"Sure enough, it's the same sex repulsion!!!!"

"What are you talking about! Not only her, but also you hate her. What kind of person stole all the attention of the trace department as soon as he appeared..."

I can only say that this girl is a little naive than Kikugawa and Ida. It seems that among the three people, Kikukawa's family background is the best, unreasonable, and she is actually spoiled like this.

"Okay, okay, senior Takeuchi, that's all you want to say. I know it, and you don't have to repeat it. I can only say that maybe what you said is true, but you obviously forgot the idea of the trace department. That's all. I'm going back."


"Fare, senior, go home early to wash and sleep."

Leave quickly. How can I stay? What should I do? Tell Takeuchi Xinzi why you were so completely ignored by the trace department?


I won't tell her how unique she thinks she is, so the trace department can endure everything about her, tolerate her, love her, and spoil her. Is this a romance drama? How can it be!

Who is the trace department? In his life, he has never seen many people who are more arrogant than him. As soon as Takeuchi often appears, he will dictate in front of him. He can endure it in a short time. After a long time, who will pay attention to her?

Everyone is the favorite son of heaven. What's so proud of? Does she have the ability to convince everyone like the trace department? She deserves to be isolated from the trace department. That's why I'm the most knowledgeable one!

I told Jibu about seeing Takeuchi, but I didn't say what we talked about.

Jibu has his pride, and he absolutely disdains to block his opponent outside the field to win - for him, this is nothing less than an insult and a serious insult.

Takeuchi didn't see this clearly, so she came to this point. She thought that what she had done was for the good of Jibu, but she didn't think about whether the Jibu needed this good or not.

The family background of the trace department determines that the trace department must be the person who is in active and control, not controlled.

However, to my surprise, the trace department decided the order of the players.

"This time, the third single is the birchland, ah, birchland?"

"Wish!" There was a very loud response.

"The third single? Can you bear it? Are you okay?"

"No problem." He held his eyes and said, "Just in time, I want to try my skills." The lens flashed, "No matter who the other party is!"

"As for the second single, Tezuka, hum! What I aimed at is Tezuka Kunimitsu.

I'm a good baby. If you don't know, you have to learn to ask, "Why?"

Jibu said, "Handzuka is a very responsible person. For him, nothing is more important than the victory of Qingxue." Jibu sneered, "I couldn't see this clearly before, but now, don't I know it yet?"

Sure enough, parents and adults are all murder weapons! Compared with the beginning, I don't know how much he has matured, but his pride is fixed, and people are also shining.

The shining old man continued, "The person in charge may avoid the third singles and give Yueqian a chance to play because of me."

"Well... Well, do you know that Yueqian is back? You won't eavesdrop on me and Takeuchi, will you?"

With a smile, "Baosheng, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, yes, Baosheng, did you say anything to Takeuchi?" Xiang Ri asked rhetorically, which was completely different from the obviously evil smile of ren zu.

I found that the face of the trace was different, and I was very familiar with it. "No, I didn't say anything."

The trace department hummed, and then discussed the battle plan with them.

I was put aside and looked around boredly.

The trace department is really powerful. I almost forgot that the trace department was powerless in the ancient world. In fact, the trace department is not a good stubble at all. If you want to come back, the trace department will know the news as long as you move your finger.

Takeuchi is stupid.

I'm also stupid.

It's okay. It's not too late to know.

I told this matter to eight thousand grass as a joke. Eight thousand grass is very regretful, "Why can't you break the meaning of bamboo? At least you have to make a look!"

Of course, they hide that Takeuchi are people from a different world, and only tell eight thousand grasses that Takeuchi feels that Echizen will be the disaster of the Ice Emperor and the trace department.


"Why?" The voice was raised by eight degrees, "Of course, it's to see the surprised appearance of the high-ranking senior Takeuchi! Think about it, what a time for Genesis!"

Ah? Is it?" I thought about it carefully, "Well, didn't Takeuchi tear the corners of his clothes and almost fell down when watching the game?"

"Is there anything like this? Do you have any photos?"

"I don't have that hobby. Why do I carry a camera at any time?"

"You idiot! You don't have a camera, you have a mobile phone!"

"..." I just found out now that we are really not a person who stays in the dimension. Is it too late to regret now?

The game came as scheduled.

The opening ceremony was his windy entrance ceremony. The 200-person community was not covered, and the voice was quite in place, which shocked the whole audience.

Shen Nange complained, "It's also our Yushi's self-restraint, otherwise, who can stand such a peacock as Jibu?"

"Hey, pay attention to what you say. I'm still sitting next to you. You can't wait for you and Forbearance to say it! Shut your crow's mouth."

"Cut! Only you ignorant little girls regard the trace department as a treasure.

"It's none of your business!"

"Of course it has nothing to do with me. It has a lot to do with you. Didn't you come yesterday? A little girl came to pay attention to the trace department with a bento, but you didn't see it. It seems that you are so powerful. There are still people who dare to dig the wall after being recognized by the trace department.

"Shut up!"

Of course I don't know about this. Because I said a word, I was bitten by the trace and my neck was full of marks, and I didn't dare to go out. Of course I won't know.

"I think the young students are popular, and the foreign schools also come to help?"

"Who knew? Maybe it's because the 200-person club of the Ice Emperor is too high, so they will come.

Isn't it the defeated general of the Ice Emperor?

"Baosheng, are those three girls really from a different world?"

"No. She said that the Ice Emperor would lose today. The trace department will lose."

"That's terrible."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Shen Nange quickly shut up and pretended to watch the game.

This boy is really flat.

"Do you want to say it or not?"

"Look at it. Today's game is a crossover of singles and doubles. Don't wait for me to remind you again.

This boy changed the topic again.

Did Jing Mingyue do something without telling me?

The birch is on the field, and the opponent is Taocheng. Oh, too, Mr. Taocheng.

Kikukawa's face turned pale, and their coach Longzaki also looked bad.

It's no wonder.

Taochengjun and Huadi, both of them are power-type players. Moreover, compared with Taochengjun, Huadi is simple-minded and good at imitating. Taochengjun's talent is average (in this group of tennis talents are perverted guys, it can only be regarded as ordinary). Most of his advantages over people are in strength.

This time, the power of the advantage is suppressed. If you can win, you can only expect miracles.

How can miracles happen?

There is no doubt that Huadi won this game.

The youth is bleak. The voice of the Ice Emperor Tennis Department is even higher.

In the second game, the second doubles, we became Xiang Ri and Ri Ji Ruo, and Qing Xue were Qian Zhenzhi and Hai Tang Xun. I think the winning chance is very low.

Supervisor Sakaki said to the two people, "Victory can only belong to the Ice Emperor." The slender index finger and middle finger pointed to the court, "Go!"

As a result - two people lost imagelessly: 7-5. By the time the results were announced, both of them were already lying on the ground, looking very tired, leaving only gasps left.

Their opponent can stand effortlessly. Sure enough, physical strength is also a fatal injury.

In the third game, Jibu smiled. Looking at Director Tezuka, who is preparing to appear on the side of Qingxue. The tear mole of the trace is as shiny as his gorgeous aesthetics.