Where does the prince escape

Chapter 88 So Similar

Bingbing wants to collect... wants to collect...

Bi Huantong squeezed her lips and said while tidying up her clothes, "Actually, my lord, do you know what kind of disease the Empress Wuyouguo is? What if it can't be cured? Yixuan Yulin's character is unprepared to fight. He should know a little about the illness of the Empress Wuyou Kingdom. Maybe he already knows how to cure it.

Xuan Yulin stroked the white beard, coughed a few times, and said in a hoarse voice, "The secrets cannot be leaked. Buddha said that it can't be said, it can't be said... You will naturally know it then..."

Bi Huantong rolled her eyes and didn't say anything. She didn't bother to ask.

"Grandpa, little brother, have you washed it?" The voice of the little doctor came from outside the hall. Xuanyuan Yulin answered and came out with Bi Huantong.

A Feng was also there. Seeing Xuanyuan Yulin, A Feng said respectfully, " Dr. Yuan, you are going to meet the emperor with your master tomorrow. Please have a good rest tonight."

"Tomorrow... OK, Yuan knows that Yuan doesn't understand anything. I hope you can give me some advice then."

A Feng smiled and said, "A ceremonial officer will come later. Dr. Yuan should learn well. Although the emperor is an easy-going person, don't mess up etiquette in front of the emperor."

"Uh-huh, Yuan knows, don't worry." Xuanyuan Yulin and Yan Yu said happily.

Bi Huantong stood next to Xuanyuan Yulin and turned his face slightly. The reason why A Feng said this was that he was worried that they would talk nonsense and cause trouble tomorrow, and he was afraid that the emperor and Dr. Xue would blame him! A look of contempt for people.

Not long after returning to the wing, a ceremonial officer came and enthusiastically taught a lot of etiquette. After the ceremonial officer left, Bi Huantong breathed a sigh of relief. In a blink of an eye, she couldn't help but admire his patience.

The etiquette she learned in the prince's mansion and the imperial city of Qihuang Kingdom is not so complicated!

"If you are tired, take a break when you are tired. There are still activities at night." Xuanyuan Yulin poured a cup of tea and drank it leisurely.

Activity? What do you mean?

"Xuanwu Baihu and others have news in the evening, and they need to deploy something tonight."

"Oh," Bi Huantong answered, walked to ** and fell asleep.

She almost fell asleep just now, and now she is sleeping. When the news from Xuanwu and others arrives, maybe she won't have to sleep at night.

The two figures flew in the night sky, one after the other, very agile. Although there were many guards in the imperial city, no one found them. The direction of the two was obvious. The destination was the Taihe Hall, the place where the Wuyou Lord met with the ministers.

The lights in the Taihe Hall are bright, and they are all night guards. The posture is like daytime, because the Lord of Wuyou is still in the Taihe Hall.

The two stopped on the eaves of the Taihe Hall and covered the night and the high and low roof. Xuanyuan Yulin gently knocked on the roof tile, and then lifted a tile that had been loosened.

A bright light came straight up. From this position, you can see the general situation in the Taihe Hall. On a dragon chair in the middle, there sat a thin and straight man. Although he was not very strong, he was full of emperor.

Wearing a jade mask on his face, he is the jade-faced king, the lord of the worry-free country.

At this time, I saw a man hurriedly from His Highness, wearing a dragon-patterned robe. He seemed to be extremely noble. The man knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, the sinner Liu Sang knocked to see your majesty."

The Lord Wuyou immediately stood up and walked to the man to help him up: "Uncle, you are back. I'm very worried!"

The man lowered his head: "Uncle is useless. He can't complete the task. Please punish him!"

"What are you talking about? As long as the imperial uncle comes back safely, the insidiousness of the man in the Kingdom of the Moon is known to the world. After the Uncle went to the Kingdom of the Moon, my nephew is worried until now!"

The man sighed and didn't say anything.

"Since the emperor's uncle is back, don't leave again. My nephew only has one relative left!"

"If you don't get rid of Xuanyuan Yulin, Uncle Huang is uneasy. Your Majesty, you are kind. If there is anything wrong with your uncle, I'm afraid he will say the devil!"

Uncle...Bi Haotian?! Liu Sang! Bi Huantong was shocked.

The man in front of him is strong and slender, with black hair and a cold face, which is very different from Bi Haotian's appearance!

Wait, is it that Bihaotian is easy to tolerate? It should be said that this man became a Bi Haotian, and then went to cover the moon as a spy in China.

"Your Majesty, can you see that the queen's illness has improved?"

Speaking of the queen, the Lord Wuyou was silent. After a long time, she said, "Yun'er's illness is good and bad, and it's very unstable. It's really worrying."

"What did the imperial doctor say?"

"The imperial doctor is helpless! However, Dr. Xue told me that a famous doctor will come tomorrow, hoping that this famous doctor can cure Yun'er's illness.

Liu Sang pondered for a while and said, "If it is cured, will your majesty worship him as Taifu?"

"Hmm! If it is cured, it will be nothing for me to give him half of the country..."

"Nonsense!" Before the Lord of Wuyou finished speaking, Liu Sang said angrily, "Your Majesty, this world was painstakingly by the ancestors. What your majesty has to do is to expand the revitalization of Wuyou country. How can you delay national affairs for the sake of children's private affairs!"

"Uncle, if Yun'er is gone, I don't want to live. What's the use of this country to me?"

"You..." Liu Sang stared angrily and finally said fiercely, "Why did you fall here! Even if you are under the nine springs, He Yan is facing the ancestors of Wuyou Kingdom!"

"Uncle, there is only Yun'er in Liubing's heart! For Liu Bing, Yun'er is everything about Liu Bing. This emperor is the same as Liu Bing. Liu Bing feels that his uncle is more suitable to be the Lord of the Wuyou country than Liu Bing!"

"Your Majesty! Don't talk nonsense!" Liu Sang was furious, "Uncle just wants to assist Your Majesty! If Your Majesty does this again, don't blame the emperor for being cruel..."

"Even if you don't meet Yun'er, Liu Bing can't be this emperor. Uncle, you know better than anyone else!" After Liu Bing's words, he stretched out his hand and took off his mask.

Pale face, pale eyes, pale eyebrows, except for red lips, everything on the face is white!

But... it looks the same as him!

Bi Huantong was stunned on the spot. This face looks like Ling Yuexuan!

"Uncle, how can I become a king with this face! If it hadn't been for Liu Bing's identity as the owner of Wuyou, no one would have paid attention to me long ago!"

"Your Majesty..."

"Yun'er, she knows me and understands me. In front of her, Liu Bing feels that she is alive! She is the pillar of Liu Bing's survival!" Liu Bing looked excited, "If Uncle really wants to be cruel, then kill Liu Bing together!"

Liu Bing's face was full of grief and indignation, and his face was determined to die. Liu Sang was stunned for a moment and had nothing to say.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and said softly, "Lyu Sang, it seems that you have been competing with me for so many years. It seems that all this will be in vain."

"Ryu Bing..." Bi Huantong lowered his voice, and his emotions surged in the depths of his eyes.

Aware of the strangeness of Bi Huantong, Xuanyuan Yulin was shocked and reached over to hold her hand. With a little force, Bi Huantong's eyes flashed, turned his face in a daze, and looked at Xuanyuan Yulin blankly.

It's not appropriate!

Xuanyuan Yulin's face sank and whispered, "Tonger, we're leaving."

Bi Huantong was stunned, as if she was thinking about something, and there was no response for a while.

Xuanyuan Yulin frowned and patted her on the face: "Tong'er! Come back to your senses!"

"Uh..." After being drunk by Xuanyuan Yulin, Bi Huantong was smart and suddenly woke up.

At this time, Taihe also seemed to have found something strange in the hall. The two people who were arguing did not say anything, and Liu Bing had put on his mask.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xuanyuan Yulin hugged Bi Huantong, jumped his breath, and his elegant figure rushed to the imperial medical prison.

Soon, Xuanyuan Yulin took her back to the outside of the room. At this time, the other end of the imperial city was already brightly lit, and the voices were noisy, and he faintly heard someone shouting: "Catch the assassin!" The sound.

Seeing that there was no one around, the two hurried back to the room and quickly changed their clothes. At this time, the imperial medical supervisor was also lively. After a while, they saw someone knocking on the door and heard the sound of today's little doctor.

"Grandpa, open the door, there is an assassin in the palace!" The little doctor said urgently.

"Oh...it's coming..." Xuanyuan Yulin answered in a hoarse voice, as if he had been woken up in a deep sleep.

Bi Huantong straightened his clothes and walked over to open the door.

The little medical boy also just got up and was still wearing a belt when he came in: "There is an assassin in the palace. Someone came to check it. Everyone in the imperial medical prison is going to gather in the hall. Grandpa, come with me quickly. If it's late, it will be misleading!"

"Oh, okay!" Xuanyuan Yulin quickly answered, "It's very dark. I'm afraid of falling. Sun, come and help Grandpa."

Bi Huantong squeezed his lips and took his hand. The three hurried to the hall.

The hall was full of people and was heavily surrounded by soldiers, and even Dr. Xue was in the middle.

At this time, a man dressed as a general stood up and said, "Just now, an assassin appeared around the Taihe Hall. Someone saw the assassin fleeing here. The assassin was extraordinary and may have come in. Tonight, we need to investigate one by one until the assassin is found out!"

At the general's order, the soldiers began to investigate, and everyone was interrogated in detail. It took a long time before it was Xuanyuan Yulin's turn.

"say! Who are you?" The soldier shouted loudly.

Xuanyuan Yulin was shocked and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, soldier, my surname is Yuan, and I am from Hunan. The one next to me is my little grandson, named Yuan Tong. I and my little grandson just came to the imperial medical supervision today..."

The soldier's eyes sank and shouted, "General Huang, the assassin is here!"

As soon as this came out, the eyes of everyone in the hall looked at this way. The two were surprised. How could this soldier know everything so quickly?!