Where does the prince escape

Chapter 89 Worry-free Queen

When the soldier shouted, everyone's eyes suddenly looked at him. Xuanyuan Yulin suddenly became the focus of the whole audience. General Huang came over, looked up and down at Xuanyuan Yulin, and asked the soldier, "Who is the assassin?"

The soldier pointed to Xuanyuan Yulin and said, "That's him!"

As soon as this was said, everyone in the hall was talking about it. Seeing that the situation was not good, Dr. Xue quickly came over and said, "General Huang, this is a misunderstanding. Dr. Yuan is going to meet the Holy Lord tomorrow. How can he be an assassin!"

"Seeing the Holy King?"

"Yes, Dr. Yuan is here to treat the Empress," Dr. Xue answered honestly. Although there is no detailed explanation in the imperial list, the imperial medical supervisor knows what the real meaning of the imperial list is.

The imperial medical supervisor is helpless, so he can only issue a list to find the world's famous doctor.

"If Dr. Yuan has any mistakes, we can't afford it! What's more, the grandfather and grandson have been in the medical supervision, how can they be assassins?"

General Huang flashed with a flash of eyes and asked the soldier, "Why do you say that Dr. Yuan is an assassin?"

Looking at this situation, the soldier hesitated for a moment, his face was very frightened, and he stammered, "He, he is a newcomer to the imperial medical prison... Someone saw the assassin coming in this direction, so... so..."

General Huang's tiger eyes stared: "So what!"

"So the little one thinks he is an assassin..."

"Nonsense!" Before the soldier finished speaking, General Huang kicked over. The soldier was kicked to the ground, screaming and getting up, kowtowing repeatedly begging for mercy.

"Come on, pull him down and hit 40 military sticks again!"

"Yes, General!" The guard behind him answered and dragged the soldiers down. After a while, I heard the soldiers crying and howling, with sticks hitting their bodies.

The stick was hit so lightly that the sound came from here.

"D. Yuan, my men are all rude. Please forgive me for offending you." Everyone in the imperial city knows that your majesty is worried about the queen's illness, not to mention whether the surname Yuan will cure the queen's illness. If this Yuan really cures the queen's illness, it will be your majesty's celebrity, listed as Taifu, which can't be offended!

"Oh... Oh, I'm really scared to death. It's okay, it's okay." Xuanyuan Yulin patted his chest and said uncertainly, "My little grandson and I are here to practice medicine. We just want peace..."

"Don't worry, old man. Don't worry about this matter. I'll order someone to send you requiem soup later. The air in the hall is not good. You'd better go back to rest first and go to the saint tomorrow." After saying that, Dr. Xue gave A Feng a winp. A Feng was conscious and retreated.

"Well... can I really go back? There are still so many people here..." Xuanyuan Yulin asked worriedly.

"It's okay. Don't worry, Dr. Yuan, go back and have a rest. The soul soup will be delivered later." Dr. Xue patted Xuanyuan Yulin on the shoulder and looked at General Huang as he spoke.

"Yes, yes, don't take it seriously. Go back and have a rest." General Huang echoed.

"Well... Well, little grandson, let's go back." Xuanyuan Yulin held Bi Huantong's hand heavily, and Bi Huantong lowered his head to help him and left the hall.

Not long after leaving the hall, I saw a team of heavy soldiers going to the hall, and it was Liu Sang!

The two were shocked and accelerated their pace.

Although it is now a change of appearance, it is not appropriate to have a head-on conflict before seeing the Lord of the Worry-free country.

After a while when the two returned to the room, A Feng brought the hot requiem soup. Xuanyuan Yulin thanked him repeatedly. After saying a few words with a smile, A Feng left.

After the door closed, Xuanyuan Yulin turned around and had another face. He walked to Bi Huantong and put the soul soup in front of her and said, "Tonger, drink the soup."

After aiming at the soul soup, Bi Huantong turned his face away: "This is for the prince."

"But Tong'er seems to need it more than me."

"I don't want it." Bi Huantong replied with a little guilty and got up and walked back to herself**: "It's getting late. Prince, take a rest."

Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes flashed and said in a condensed voice, "Tonger, I hope you can tell the truth. What happened when you saw Liu Bing just now?"

Bi Huantong paused slightly and said, "No, it's nothing," Xuanyuan Yulin's doubtful eyes and added, "I just think he looks like a person."

"Who is it? Where is this person? Xuanyuan Yulin said solemnly that the intuition was not as simple as what she said.

Bi Huantong squeezed her lips and said impatiently, "That man is dead." After saying that, he lay back** and covered his head with a quilt.

There was a dark cloud in the depths of Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes, with a cold face. He turned his head and looked at the soul soup. After a long time, he picked it up and drank it slowly.

The next morning, the two changed into court clothes, and after the early morning, they were declared into the Weiyang Palace.

Weiyang Palace, the palace of the Empress of Worry-free Kingdom.

The huge palace is gorgeous and elegant, showing the emperor's favorite everywhere. Xuanyuan Yulin and Bi Huantong were taken into the Weiyang Palace by the palace people and stopped at the door of the queen's dormitory.

The palace man knocked on the door a few times and said, "Your Majesty, Dr. Yuan brought it."


The door was pushed open, and the bedroom was fragrant. Under the smell, it was carefully blended by the aroma of medicinal herbs. The mainstream ice of Worry-free country had already been waiting in the bedroom. There was a beautiful woman lying in the gorgeous **, coughing from time to time.

And Dr. Xue was also on the sidelines.

Because it is on the side and the distance, Bi Huantong can't see what the queen looks like, but she can really feel Liu Bing's love for her.

A faint touch of pain flashed in my heart, and I actually felt that the person lying in ** was very happy.

"Yu Yuan Yu, a grassroots citizen, saw your majesty!" Xuanyuan Yulin bent down to salute.

Bi Huantong behind him also bent over.


"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xuanyuan Yulin stood up with his head slightly lowered.

"Doctor Yuan, I heard that you are good at medicine. My queen is suffering from a strange disease. I hope Dr. Yuan can cure the queen's illness, and I will definitely be rewarded!"

"Thank you for your appreciation. The people did their best."

"Can Dr. Yuan start now?"

Xuanyuan Yulin saluted again and walked forward. At this time, a palace man moved a stool. Xuanyuan Yulin sat down for careful diagnosis and treatment for a while, and then said, "Your Majesty, Caomin has always been the assistant of the little grandson when he practiced medicine. Can the little grandson of the Caomin be treated together?"

"Okay!" Liu Bing answered and said to Bi Huantong, "Come up."

Bi Huantong returned a gift and walked forward, but she was puzzled. What's the purpose of Xuanyuan Yulin doing this?

Seeing her coming up, Xuanyuan Yulin whispered to her, "Look at the queen."

Bi Huantong raised her head and looked at each other. She was shocked!

It's sent by Flynn!

The queen of Wuyou Kingdom is...Lin Jifu?

One second, she hesitated whether she was wrong, but the next second, after seeing the resentment in her eyes, she no longer doubted that Lin Jifu hated her to the bone.

Didn't Lin Jifu abolish her martial arts? Why did she come to Wuyou?

After looking at her for a while, Bi Huantong lowered her head. Oh, my God, Lin Jifu is now the queen. As long as she says a word, she can't run away.

Wait, Xuanyuan Yulin and Lin Jifu will not cooperate in advance, will they?

She will not believe that Lin Jifu will become the queen of the worry-free country for no reason! Lin Jifu loves Xuanyuan Yulin!

Is this arranged by Xuanyuan Yulin? If so, Lin Jifu will be too pitiful.

With a pale face, bloodless lips, and an extremely tired look, Lin Jifu is not really suffering from a strange disease, will he?

How's it going? Dr. Yuan, can Yun'er's illness be cured? Unaware of the strange eyes between the two women, Liu Bing couldn't wait to ask.

Xuanyuan Yulin thrashed his white beard and said, "Your Majesty, there is a request that the grass people will not be submitted. I don't know if the emperor can agree."


"The queen's illness is very strange, but I have also been exposed to this disease during the medical journey, and it can't be said that it is incurable, but the treatment method is a little special. Can you let everyone in this hall go out for a while and allow Caomin to have a deep talk with the queen?"

"This..." Liu Bing was stunned, hesitated for a while, and looked at Lin Jifu and said, "Yun'er, did you hear what the doctor said? Do you agree?" When I heard that some famous doctors treat patients, no one else was allowed to be around. Maybe Dr. Yuan also had this habit. Although he was extremely reluctant, he could only do so for the time being.

Lin Jifu nodded, coughed a few times, and said nothing.

Liu Bing stood up and just wanted to leave, as if thinking of something, and said, "Mr. Yuan, try your best... Don't talk for so long, Yun'er... is not in good health and should not talk too much."

"Okay, Your Majesty, please rest assured."

Liu Bing looked at Lin Jifu reluctantly and walked out. After Liu Bing left, all the palace people in the hall also retreated.

In the huge palace, there are only three people left, Xuanyuan Yulin, Bi Huantong and Lin Jifu.

When everyone withdrew, Lin Jifu actually got up, got out of bed, knelt down in front of Xuanyuan Yulin and said, "My maidservant Lin Jifu knocked on the prince."

"Get up."

"Thank you, Lord." Lin Jifu got up and glanced at Bi Huantong and said, "Your Majesty, why did you bring this bitch? She is a detailed work sent by Bi Haotian!"

Bi Huantong glanced at her white. It seemed that Lin Jifu had been in the palace for a long time and didn't know what had happened outside.

"Jifu, Bi Haotian is no longer there." Xuanyuan Yulin replied.

Lin Jifu was shocked and said, "Why is he not here?"

Xuanyuan Yulin's face sank and said coldly, "Jifu, it seems that you don't remember what I said to you. Are you addicted to this queen?"

Lin Jifu's face changed and quickly said, "Your Majesty, forgive me, maidservant... I'm not in good health these days... So..."

"Are you in poor health?" Xuanyuan Yulin raised his eyebrows slightly: "You are in love with the Lord of Wuyou Kingdom, right?"

"No, how can a maidservant fall in love with him!" Lin Jifu replied immediately without thinking about it.