Where does the prince escape

Chapter 116 Reality is cruel

As the saying goes, it takes a long time to fall. The two brothers heard that they went to look for flowers and ask willows every night. They went up many mountains and finally met tigers.

"Your Majesty, they are sent by your majesty. If something happens to them, doesn't your majesty know that you did it?" At that time, I was shocked by the snake.

Xuanyuan Yulin said disapprovingly, "Since tonight, they are not their original identities. Naturally, someone will live for them.

Does someone live for them? Does that mean that Xuanyuan Yulin is going to kill them?

"But Tong'er promised them that if they said it, they would avoid death." Although the two had to die, after all, she promised to do so, it seemed to be a little unfaithless.

"Yes, Tong'er promised them, but there are many ways to live. I will have a way to make them live without knowing who they are."

Although Xuanyuan Yulin's face was calm, the information of the words was chilling. Bi Huantong took a cold breath and felt again that the person who was the enemy of Xuanyuan Yulin must have died.

If it is in this world, it can use many technologies to make a person forget who he is, destroy his face, wash his brain, and make him stupid. The meaning in Xuanyuan Yulin's words should be similar to these, but one thing is certain that Xuanyuan Yulin's means must be much more cruel.

He will definitely make those betrayed lives worse than death!

As for the people who live instead of them, it is to find two people to impersonate them, especially under the premise that there is no DNA verification nowadays. If they are well trained, others will not notice anything strange at all.

"Where did you learn those dances?"

Xuanyuan Yulin came out coldly, and Bi Huantong was slightly awe-hearted and said a little hesitantly, "This... I understand this by myself."

"Did you understand it yourself?" Xuanyuan Yulin raised his eyebrows and said, "Tong'er really has this heart. Even the most powerful dancer today is not half of Tong'er!"

Xuanyuan Yulin's words have a sour taste, vowing to break the meaning of breaking the sand basin to the end. Bi Huantong thought for a moment and squeezed her lips and said, "There is a reason, but I don't know whether the prince believes it or not."


"This dance... was dreamed by Tonger when she was dreaming at night a few days ago. When she woke up, she wrote it down and just danced out in a hurry."

Yes, it was her dream. Her previous life was like a dream. When she woke up, she came to a different world.

Xuanyuan Yulin looked at her silently, and his deep eyes judged the truth of her words. After a long time, he slowly said, "This dance can only be shown to me alone in the future."

"Oh..." Stingy!


"My subordinates are!"

"Dig their eyes."


"!" Bi Huantong's eyes widened in surprise, and then shook her head and glanced at Xuanyuan Yulin. Just now, there were more than N people watching her dance. The two people bumped into the tip of Xuanyuan Yulin's gun, which was really unlucky.

————————————Please collect, please collect————————————

During the flowers, colorful butterflies flying, and the melodious and pleasant sound of the piano lingered, a derivative.



Two strange and harsh tones suddenly sounded, shocking a group of elves busy with flowers.

"Your Majesty, it hurts so much!" Bi Huantong stroked her delicate jade and pointed out.

Since she took over the star-picking building, Xuanyuan Yulin has trained her every day, piano skills, martial arts, military, political affairs... It seems that she can't wait to teach her everything she knows.

Xuanyuan Yulin is a peerless master. He is willing to teach her what he has learned in his life. This is a trap that has fallen from heaven, but the problem is that there is a saying that if you want to hurry, you can't reach it. In just a few days or even a few months, she is the smartest, and she can't understand it so quickly!

At night, when I saw that the things in the book he threw for himself had not been digested, I tested her in the morning. If she failed, she would be punished. After dozens of days, she was really about to collapse.

If an eraser collapses too tightly, it will break sooner or later!

In addition, this body is not as good as before. Although this body has practiced martial arts, it is very weak. It can be guessed that the former owner of this body has suffered a lot, and it is very painful to be punished every once in a while.

Especially when she couldn't play the piano well, he whipped it down, which often made her sweaty eyes and tearful. She stood up and quit!

"Tong'er, come back!"

Within a few steps, his deep voice came from behind him, and he could hear that he was also angry.

He is angry, isn't she angry?! Martial arts practice is accumulated overnight. Her physical qualifications are not good. If she continues to practice like this, something will happen sooner or later.

She didn't listen to his words and continued to leave with a dark face.

"Mother!" In front of her, Xuanwu stood in front of her and saluted respectfully, "Mother, please go back."

Bihuan's eyes are cold, and the rescuers have been moved? Or is Xuanwu eager to protect the Lord?

"Your Majesty, I don't want outsiders to get involved in Tong'er's affairs with you!" She said coldly.

A sigh came from behind: "You all retreat. Don't come out without my order."

"Yes, my lord!"

The sound sounded from all directions, and after a few slight winds, the whole world was quiet.

There were only her and Xuanyuan Yulin left in the same place.

"I won't practice!" She came straight to the point.

"Oh." Behind him, he answered faintly.

What kind of answer is this?!

"Your Majesty, Tong'er is serious!" She turned around and looked like a torch.

"I know." Xuanyuan Yulin replied without salt.

"Take back all your Bai Yuqin, military books, secrets and so on. Tong'er is stupid and can't learn."

Xuanyuan Yulin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes were cold: "No!"

Bi Huantong's whole hair blew up: "It's okay as you say, I just won't learn!" After saying that, he turned around angrily and walked away quickly.

"Tong'er, come back... er!"

After a slight moan/groan, he heard the sound of the chair falling to the ground. Bi Huantong's heart was cold and stopped. She turned around and saw Xuanyuan Yulin fall to the ground.

Her long hair was like a waterfall, and her white clothes were better than snow. Her slender body struggled to get up. Her heart was tight and she stepped forward, but she stopped abruptly.

Xuanyuan Yulin is making a trick, and he is making a bitter meat trick! No, she can't waver. She can't practice anymore!

"Tong'er, come and help me." Xuanyuan Yulin gasped.

She gritted her teeth and opened her face. She didn't look at it!

"Tong'er, come here, okay? I don't have much strength..." Xuanyuan Yulin looked at her with a little pleading tone and looked at her with mist eyes.

God, such a beautiful woman!

This is obviously seductive...

Take a few steps forward, but stop again: "Come and help you, but Tonger doesn't want to practice anymore."

"If Tong'er can't come, I will lie here forever." On the side of the head, Xuanyuan Yulin said half angrily.

With his lips squeezed, Bi Huantong still walked over and helped Xuanyuan Yulin up first. Anyway, he is also a prince. It's very indecent to fall to the ground like this...

"I thought Tong'er couldn't come." He smiled faintly.

"I can't think about it... eh?" Before he finished speaking, he suddenly hugged himself tightly beside him. Just as she was stunned, he heard him call: "The Lord of the Four Gods is listening to the order!"

"My subordinates are!" In the blink of an eye, four handsome men appeared in front of them.

"Tong'er, I'll trouble you to protect me later." Xuanyuan Yulin said softly in her ear, and Xinlan's breath spit on the back of her neck, coquettish and soft.

Protect him? What do you mean?

"Lord of the Four Gods, attack me, don't show mercy!"

After Xuanyuan Yulin finished speaking, he pushed Bi Huantong away, and his body couldn't help staggering forward a few steps. Then he saw Fan Li first lifting his sword and stabbing Xuanyuan Yulin straight!

God, Xuanyuan Yulin is desperate!

He pulled out the two knives on his arm and turned around with a long sword blocking the fence. Before she could breathe, A Yan's second sword stabbed Xuanyuan Yulin again.

Ayan's second sword grid was removed with his backhand, and the white tiger's big axe attacked again. For a moment, Bi Huantong was very passive.

Xuanyuan Yulin is so weak that any move of the Lord of the Four Gods can seriously injure him, but Xuanyuan Yulin seems to be playing with his life. Without the order to stop, the Lord of the Four Gods will not stop attacking!

The martial arts of the four gods hall master's martial arts are extreme. She is very hard at the four people, but the target of the four gods hall master is not her. While protecting Xuanyuan Yulin, she blocked the fierce attack. After a while, she sweated profusely and gasped.

"Your Majesty, run!" She took the time to shout.

"No, Tong'er is here, and I won't leave." Xuanyuan Yulin answered faintly. Although his tone was light, he showed firm belief.

"Don't play, my lord, you can only concentrate on fighting!" Bi Huantong waved his hand violently and opened Xuanwu's move.

Is that right? Then the king will run away." Xuanyuan Yulin said something meaningfully, stood up and walked a few steps. Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and a sword had been put on his neck.

It's A Yan!

In just a few seconds, Xuanyuan Yulin had no vitality!

As long as A Yan works hard, Xuanyuan Yulin will fall to the ground immediately...

The heart was suffocated, and the head was blank. Bi Huantong stayed on the spot. At this moment, the two looked at each other, and the next second, they would always be separated from each other...


Xuanyuan Yulin whispered, and the owner of the Four Gods Hall closed his hand at the same time and stood in place.

"Your Majesty!" Bi Huantong choked and ran over and hugged Xuanyuan Yulin to death. Tears gushed like a spring. Thinking about the moment when she was about to separate, her heart was broken. If he is not here, what's the point of her living in this world?

Xuanyuan Yulin waved his hand, and the owner of the Four Gods Hall saluted and disappeared.

Gently wiped away her tears and slowly said, "Tong'er, you are now a woman. Your life is connected to me. I treat you like this because I'm worried that one day I can't protect you and put you and me in danger."