Where does the prince escape

Chapter 117 Step by step

(I lost a collection, and Bingbing was depressed all night... The inside is full of cows...)

"If one day you and I are really in danger, I will definitely not leave you, and Tonger, you will protect me desperately. If it is like that just now, you and I... will have no life."

Bi Huantong choked and listened quietly to what Xuanyuan Yulin said, with complex emotions surging in his eyes, as if thinking.

"Although the world may not be able to find a more powerful figure to join hands than the Lord of the Four Gods Hall, according to the news, Qihuang Kingdom, Tianxing and Wuyou Kingdom are plotting some things at this moment. As for the time being, it is unknown what is, but it is certain that it is very unfavorable to the Moon Kingdom."

The blue fantasy eyes condensed and stopped choking, and the vertical toughness flashed faintly in her eyes.

"My reputation has long been regarded as a thorn in their eyes. If there is really a bad attempt, I will definitely bear the brunt. Although I see through life and death, I am reluctant to part with you. If I am not here, where will you go?" Xuanyuan Yulin became heavier and heavier. In the end, he couldn't speak. He frowned and sighed long.

"No!" Bi Huantong replied very directly, gently smoothing his frown and said seriously, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Tong'er won't let them have this opportunity!"

For the sake of his beloved, she will do anything this time!

Although the training is a little harsh, compared with her previous life, these are nothing. After traveling for so long, she has been entangled in her children's love and hatred all day long, and her inertia has long been breeding, and even now she has no resolute will in her previous life, which is absolutely impossible! Sooner or later, her idea will make her doomed!

This physical qualification is not very good. Don't be afraid. She can practice, make this body into steel, train herself into a copper wall and iron wall, and firmly protect Xuanyuan Yulin!

Even, she is better than Xuanyuan Yulin! More amazing!

A flame beat in the depths of his eyes and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, Tong'er will never escape again. Train me in your way. Tong'er won't let you down."

She wants to be his protective shield and his sword!

"Your Majesty!" Xuanwu called and said, "Your Majesty, the servant Eunuch Zhang is here."

Seeing a yellow figure coming here from afar, Bi Huantong helped up Xuanyuan Yulin, took care of his clothes, and sat back on the sandalwood stool. Bi Huantong stood aside. Seeing this, Eunuch Zhang saluted, "I have seen the prince, princess."

"Exemption, Mr. Zhang took time out of his busy schedule to go to the town government. I don't know what's important?"

"Go back to the prince, I am here to convey your majesty's meaning." Speaking of this, Eunuch Zhang took out a golden brocade silk from the yellow brocade box held by the attendants and wrote the word 'Edict': "Zhennan Wang Xuanyulin, Princess Zhennan received the order!"

Xuanyuan Yulin knelt down respectfully: "Cen Xuanyuan Yulin took the order."

"According to the sky, the emperor's edict said that the peonies were blooming and prosperous, and I was very happy. I specially invited Xuanyuan Yulin, the king of Zhennan, to go to the imperial city to enjoy the flowers together with the princess of Zhennan. When I shared flowers on the seventh day of April, I admired this!"

"Thank you, Lord Longen!" Xuanyuan Yulin raised his head to receive the imperial edict with both hands and smiled, "Congratulations on Eunuch Zhang's promotion. I wish Eunuch Zhang's fair step and straighten up."

As soon as Eunuch Zhang heard the joy, he narrowed his eyes, but he smiled for a while and then stopped smiling: "Where, the king of Zhennan is flattered. In fact, I didn't expect this incident. I just hope that I will be safe and satisfied in the future." He has heard a little about the tragic situation of the Empress and Eunuch Liu. There are often sudden changes in the imperial city. He has made twelve careful steps to achieve this step. In fact, wealth is a passing by. He is a timid person who only wants a good end.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled happily, talked with Mr. Zhang for a few words, and then sent him away.

As soon as Eunuch Zhang left, Xuanyuan Yulin's face darkened. Bi Huantong vaguely knew what Xuanyuan Yulin was annoyed about. She held his hand and said, "Don't worry, no matter how many storms there are in the future, Tong'er will be with the prince."

On the seventh day of April, that is, tomorrow, the imperial edict of the Moon Emperor is so urgent that I'm afraid it's not good to come.

With a touch of tenderness in her eyes, Xuanyuan Yulin held her in his arms: "Little fool, how can I let you fall into the situation and hide the Moon Emperor... This time, I let the king enter the palace just to test the truth."

Peony is known as the 'national beauty and the king of flowers' when it blooms. Peony opens a garden, which is very luxurious.

The Moon Emperor had already prepared a hundred banquets in the imperial garden. When he invited the ministers to enjoy the flowers together, the dancers twisted their waists and danced gracefully, and the officials were intertwined, a lively scene.

Yuan Hongwen, the emperor of the moon, sat on the main table, dressed in a golden dragon robe. Shan Feng looked at the dancer dancing on the stage. His feminine face seemed to have a smile and he didn't say much.

Next to him sat a beautiful woman, dressed in pink, very young, with a tender and simple smile on her face. Her big watery eyes looked at the officials from time to time and curiously at every move of the officials.

Xuanyuan Yulin is also a golden python, wearing a purple golden crown, although his face is slightly pale and charming.

Bi Huantong sat next to him, dressed in a bright red phoenix robe, with a phoenix crown above his head, and was elegant and noble.

This dress is a symbol of power, but she is miserable.

Oh, my God, it's so heavy that she wears her hands and feet, so that she doesn't dare to make a big move, and she is afraid that the phoenix crown on her head will fall off.

"Brother," the moon emperor opened his mouth, and the whole audience immediately calmed down. He picked up the wine glass and said, "Such a beautiful scenery, I will have a drink with you!"

Xuanyuan Yulin picked up the golden cup in front of him and greeted him. The two of them drank it all.

Put down the wine glass, covered the moon emperor's eyes and looked at Bi Huantong, with a narrow smile on the corners of his mouth: "Brother, you have a good vision. The face of the princess of Zhennan is beautiful. I can't even reach the peonies in the imperial garden. Brother, are you blessed."

The words that seemed to praise her were very ridiculed. As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little awkward, and the eyes of the officials focused on the two of them with different faces.

His slender fingers wiped the wine stains on his mouth. Xuanyuan Yulin turned his eyes and looked at Bi Huantong. Suddenly, he held her in his arms and said softly, "As the old saying goes, I can get this beautiful woman for life, although I die without regret."

Faced with the praise in front of Xuanyuan Yulin, Bi Huantong's face turned red, smiled and lowered her head, with amorous feelings.

Looking at the two immortals and beautiful families, the officials were envious.

The Moon Emperor half squinted his eyes and said quietly, "Brother, Bi Haotian rebelled against the country and seeks glory. The princess of Zhenguo is his beloved daughter. Although the beauty is unparalleled, I am really worried about the emperor's brother."

As soon as this came out, hundreds of officials on the scene whispered again, and many people looked at Bi Huantong with caution.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled cheerfully: "Maybe your majesty doesn't know that Tong'er is not Bi Haotian's biological daughter. Bi Haotian used Tong'er to approach the king. He originally wanted to monitor my actions and wait for the opportunity to assassinate and murder. Although I was recognized by the king, the king could not do anything to Tong'er. At that time, Tong'er knew that he had fallen in love with me, or It's Tonger, and I may not be able to deal with the old fox of Bi Haotian.

The Moon Emperor smiled coldly: "Although it's just my adoptive father, the princess of Zhen can do it. This move makes me very chill."

"Your Majesty's words are heavy," Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes were like a torch and said solemnly, "All of you here are people who have read the books of sages. They know what benevolence, righteousness and morality are. Bihaotian has done evil and everyone to kill them. Tong'er's doing so is just abandoning the secret. The power of the Canning Moon State today is assisted by people from all walks of life. Your Majesty, if your words just now are heard by the wise men of other three countries and know that your majesty is so valiant, may ask how they dare to cover up the moon country and how to make the moon country revitalized and strong.

A sharp word made Emperor Hu Yue speechless. His face was black and he was about to be angry, but when he saw Xuanyuan Yulin's smile on his face, his heart was cold and he had some scruples. When he saw the officials looking at him nervously, he coughed a few times and said, "The imperial brother is really good. I just tried the imperial brother just now. Already, if it hadn't been for the way of benevolence and righteousness of the moon country, there would not have been today's situation. The emperor's brother must keep this in mind in the future and win this cup in order to cover the moon country!" After covering the moon emperor's words, he raised his glass and drank it all.

Hundreds of officials stood up one after another and raised their wine and shouted together: "I am willing to hide the moon country for all ages, and long live my emperor!"

Looking at the performance between the kings and ministers, Bi Huantong smiled inside. It seemed that the Moon Emperor was very unhappy with Xuanyuan Yulin. Although he maintained the etiquette between the kings and ministers with Xuanyuan Yulin on the surface, in fact, the two fought in the open and secretly. The world knew that the Kingdom of the Moon could be inseparable from Xuanyuan Yulin today, but not many people mentioned it. When it comes to the Lord of the Moon, this undoubtedly makes the Lord of the Moon very unhappy. Xuanyuan Yulin's achievements are higher than the Lord, which makes the Emperor of the Moon have scruples.

According to the ability to cover the moon emperor, if Xuanyuan Yulin is not here at this time, the moon country may not last long, but the moon emperor sent people to monitor and assassinate Xuanyuan Yulin. It can be imagined that the moon emperor could not tolerate Xuanyuan Yulin. In ancient times, there were few Ming emperors. Although Xuanyuan Yulin had the power to destroy the king, as the moon emperor, he could not tolerate it, only It can be said that he is also a faint king.

Qihuang Kingdom, Tianxing Kingdom and Worry-free Country are afraid of Xuanyuan Yulin, and the Moon Emperor can't tolerate Xuanyuan Yulin. Xuanyuan Yulin's situation can be said to be dangerous, and if he is not careful, he will be crushed to pieces.

Every step he takes must take a step and think carefully. Every small oversight may lead to a deadly poison. For Xuanyuan Yulin, she is undoubtedly an obvious major threat. It is a miracle to live to this day.

May not be described as a miracle, or it may not be Xuanyuan Yulin's soldiers who are dangerously turning darkness into light, but she would rather believe that Xuanyuan Yulin loves her and has never been able to attack her.