Where does the prince escape

Chapter 118 Competition

Xuanyuan Hongwen put down his wine glass, and a touch of sinisterness flashed in his eyes. He looked at Bi Huantong and said, "I heard that the princess of Zhenguo is very talented. Since everyone is so happy today, the princess of Zhenguo, please give me a dance and wish me eternal prosperity!"

Feeling that his movements around him slowed down, Bi Huantong raised his eyebrows and got up and said, "Your Majesty, I haven't prepared today. I'm afraid it will sweep away everyone's elegance. Coupled with my concubine's clothes, there are many inconveniences..."

"It's okay. I have prepared a beautiful suit for the princess of the town. You can choose the dance you are most familiar with. I believe that the ministers are also very eager to see the world's top dance posture!" Before Bi Huantong finished speaking, Xuanyuan Hongwen interrupted disapprovingly. The officials in the lower seat heard the meaning of covering the moon emperor's words and echoed one after another.

The momentum is difficult to get off. Although he knew that the Moon Emperor was in a dilemma, Bi Huantong also had to go up. After responding, he went down to change into dancing clothes.

"King of Zhennan, good things should not be enjoyed alone. The princess of Zhenguo is so beautiful that you trapped her in a town government, won't you bury her?" Xuanyuan Hongwen said in a secluded way, and his words were extremely provocative.

Hundreds of officials on the court couldn't help sweating for Xuanyuan Yulin.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled faintly and did not answer. He raised his glass and said, "I would like to pray for the prosperity of your country!"

For a bloody man, Xuanyuan Hongwen's words were undoubtedly extremely unpleasant. Just as all the officials estimated how Xuanyuan Yulin would respond, Xuanyuan Yulin was not angry, which made the officials more strange.

Xuanyuan Hongwen was slightly awe-sighted, and his narrow eyes narrowed: "Of course, my country will prosper forever!" After saying that, he looked up and drank all the wine.

"Wish to hide the prosperity of the moon and the country!" Hundreds of officials immediately raised their glasses and echoed.

At this time, only a very lyrical tone was heard, which suddenly eased the tense atmosphere on the field. The tone was extremely beautiful, as if the fairies were from the sky, scattered all over the world, so beautiful that people were stunned.

A beautiful shadow danced out, and the sleeves floated, half covering their faces, like smiling, charming and enchanting, and graceful. It was just such a appearance that immediately stunned the people present and held their breath.

Pear flowers float, delicate in the painting, this woman should have been a fairy in heaven; her face is like jade, flowers are like a face, I don't know who fell into the world...

The music changed from slow to fast, the woman's delicate body danced gently with the rhythm of the music, and her long sleeves flew like a flowing cloud, offering a song or dance for you.

It seems to have great magic. Everyone on the field can't take their eyes off, and their whole body has gone with the dancers on the field. The smile and every move are beautiful.

The music gradually urged **, and the woman danced faster and faster, as if a prosperous scene appeared in front of her. Everyone was immersed in sighing and could not extricate themselves. In the end, the music disappeared, but the woman did not stop dancing. Her long sleeves flew like the wind, and her body jumped. Just when everyone's emotions reached the most excitement, the woman's dance stopped and stopped. All the movements.

After a while, the officials came to their senses from exclamation, and the thunderous applause poured out, and the praise was endless and shocking.

Bi Huantong bowed slightly and said softly, "I made an ugly concubine."

"Okay...Okay!" Xuanyuan Hongwen's eyes glowed, and he even clapped his hands.

I was relieved by the praise of everyone on the field. This song was made on the spot and danced extremely rough. Fortunately, people in this era did not know, otherwise they would definitely scold her bloody.

After passing the pass, Bi Huantong's eyes secretly glanced at Xuanyuan Yulin. He looked at himself thoughtfully, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but he couldn't see if he was smiling.

Fed, what kind of expression is this?

"Thank you for your praise."

"It's better to meet today than to be famous! Princess Zhennan, can you dance one more song for me?

Bi Huantong's heart darkened, but her face remained calm: "Your Majesty, because I haven't danced for a long time, I'm a little unwell now. I can't dance anymore."

"Well..." A trace of disappointment flashed in Xuanyuan Hongwen's eyes: "Well, when you are well, dance to me!"

"Your Majesty, I will leave first." A touch of nausea flashed in his heart, and Bi Huantong retreated after finishing his words.

Can I show you the dance again? In the next life!

Fortunately, she suddenly remembered this song in her mind, otherwise she would have made a fool of herself today. This song is one of the songs taught by the master who loves ancient culture, and it is the world-famous "Nium Clothes".

Although I don't remember it clearly, I still passed the test when I danced at the last minute.

Returning to Feng Guanxia, Bi Huantong sat back to Xuanyuan Yulin's side. Just as he wanted to speak, he saw a smile on his face, but his breath was cold, and he couldn't help but be shocked!

The more angry he is, the calmer Xuanyuan Yulin will be!

He is not an easy person to get angry, but he is not a person to get angry...

Just as Bihuantong was wondering, Xuanyuan Yulin put down his glass and stood up, respectfully saluted the emperor and minister, and said slowly, "Your Majesty, it's rare for you to come back in your busy schedule. How about a wine order in such a good time?"

"Dinery order?" A strange touch flashed in the eyes of the Emperor of the Moon: "Okay, I often play with wine. It's hard for you to beat me, King Zhennan!"

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled and said, "Your Majesty is the proud son of heaven, and nothing in the world can defeat Your Majesty."

"Okay, this is right. The rules of the wine order will be decided by the royal brother!"

A trace of coldness flashed in Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes: "It's better to obey than to be respectful."

Xuanyuan Yulin said the rules of the wine order, to the general idea is that when the wine order comes, all officials should first sue a poem, and the next one must be followed by the last word of the poem. In addition, several radicals prepared by Xuanyuan Yulin in advance are remade into a new word, so that this word can be used as a poem, which can be homophonic, and it can be followed in turn.

This wine order is a little difficult.

Especially for her, it is more difficult for her to dare that she is not very proficient in classical Chinese!

Looking at the officials who were happy or anxious, Bi Huantong was so nervous that his palms were slightly sweating. Seeing her like this, Xuanyuan Yulin held her hand and said, "Don't be afraid, these things are not as difficult as my Tong'er."

Bi Huantong complained in her heart. There are some things that can't be said to be difficult. It seems that she is sure to drink this glass of wine.

The wine order rotated once among the officials, and finally it was her turn. She looked at the word 'force' behind the last poem. She drew the word 'and' and synthesized the word 'persuasion'.

Use the word persuasion to make a poem... Bi Huantong thought for a moment, and the inspiration flashed in her mind and came out: "I advise you to drink more wine, and there is no reason to go out of Yangguan!"

As soon as this poem came out, all the officials here were full of praise. Bi Huantong pinched a lot of sweat. Fortunately, she read a lot of 300 Tang poems. When she was in a hurry, she stole Wang Wei's poems, but congratulated herself on successfully passing the test again.

After her, it was Xuanyuan Yulin. He looked at him and looked at the approving eyes in his eyes, and Bi Huantong's heart moved slightly.

Her last word is 'human'.

The first word was placed in front of Xuanyuan Yulin, and he drew one casually, which was a 'ten' word.

"Shi...four..." Xuanyuan Yulin's eyes quickly flashed a touch of coldness and said loudly, "In the four seas, they are all kings and ministers; under the whole world, they are all kings and earth."

Hundreds of officials cheered in unison, but Bi Huantong gave him a white look, and Xuanyuan Yulin actually stole the poem she recited casually.

Next is Concubine Chen.

What she drew was next to the word 'bi'.

Looking at the word 'bi', Chenfei frowned and couldn't speak for a long time. Finally, she automatically gave up writing poetry and punished herself for a cup.

The moment Chenfei drank the wine, the moon emperor covered her face with a beaver.

"Wait!" Emperor Kaiyue said, "Change the order of Concubine Chen and the emperor's brother."

That is to say, after Bihuantong.

Concubine Chen can't match, and the Moon Emperor is unhappy.

Another round of wine order came down, and it was Xuanyuan Yulin's turn after finishing the poem. According to the last word of the previous sentence, it merged with the head of the department she drew, forming a word 'Qiang'. After thinking for a while, she slowly said, "Why does Qiangdi have to complain about Yangliu? The spring breeze does not pass the Yumen Gate."

At the end of the word 'Guan', the head of the department was placed in front of Concubine Chen. She pulled one, but her face changed greatly and urgently put down the head of the department: "This palace is shallow. This word doesn't match. I will punish myself a cup." After saying that, he drank a large glass of wine in a hurry.

The officials are very puzzled, but no one dares to ask.

It is said that the second time it doesn't match, so the amount of alcohol will increase. After drinking a cup, Chenfei was about to drink the second glass. Before drinking the wine, she heard the moon emperor say, "Enough!"

The Moon Emperor was really angry this time.

The officials were shocked and stunned on the spot for a moment.

"My concubine is too drunk, so this wine order should be avoided! I'm tired, you can do what you want!" After covering the moon emperor's words, he got up and left the table. Seeing that the situation was not appropriate, Chen Fei also quickly followed.

"I look forward to sending your majesty, the imperial concubine...!"

Covering the moon emperor's displeasure from leaving the table, all the officials were very frightened and discussed it. There is no doubt that the matter was directed at Xuanyuan Yulin, but the mastermind was calm and self-drinking.

God, the emperor has been angry, and Xuanyuan Yulin is really not afraid at all.

"Your Majesty, don't drink, let's go back." I can't stand the feeling of being on my back, Bi Huantong whispered.

"Oh, Tong'er asked me to go, and I will go." Xuanyuan Yulin answered cheerfully.

The carriage moved slowly. Xuanyuan Yulin sat aside and closed her eyes to refresh herself. From leaving the imperial city to now, Xuanyuan Yulin has not said a word. Bi Huantong had a lot of questions in her heart. Her lips moved several times without asking. She was afraid of disturbing his rest.

"Tong'er, you want to ask why Concubine Chen doesn't dare to write poetry." Xuanyuan Yulin said lightly.

"Hmm!" Looking at the concubine Chen, she didn't seem to be writing poetry, but as if she was afraid of something.

Xuanyuan Yulin smiled contemptuously and opened his eyes slightly and said, "If she writes poetry, it will be very disrespectful."

"Great disrespect?!" God, this is a felony!" How can it be disrespectful?

(Happy Chinese Valentine's Day to you! Bingbing stole a little lazy and went to dinner with her family and forgot to update. I hope my relatives will forgive me.)