Where does the prince escape

Chapter 131 Give me a look

(Bingbing asks for collection, red tickets, Hadu asks for... There is another update before 11 o'clock)

"Oh?" Xuanyuan Hongwen looked at Bi Huantong very playfully and joked, "Where do you want Tong'er? I just want to have a drink with Tong'er."

"Don't bother. Yixin Pavilion is for your little honey. You get your concubine to Yixin Pavilion, and the fool knows what you want to do!" Bi Huantong didn't give face back.

"Xiao Mi?" Xuanyuan Hongwen was a little confused, but he also understood the meaning of Bihuantong's words. His eyes flashed and said, "Tonger, I think you are misunderstood. Yixin Pavilion is not what you said. Yixin Pavilion is set up for my confidant. Tonger, I regard you as a confidant."

For Xuanyuan Hongwen's strong words, Bi Huantong said coldly, "Your Majesty, I can't afford it. I have a husband. I don't want to be the so-called confidant of the second man. Please forgive me."

Xuanyuan Hongwen's eyes flashed a hint of cold and said slowly, "It's just a confidant. Is my request too much?"

"Your Majesty's words are serious, but Tong'er doesn't want her husband to misunderstand."

"Hmm!" Xuanyuan Hongwen came in with a cold snorting and sat down at the banquet: "I want you to accompany me today to see if you are going to drive me away!"

Rogue, hooligan, ruffian!

Bi Huantong scolded secretly, and Xuanyuan Hong's civilization was lying here.

Okay, let you know that I'm not easy to mess with!

A cunning smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Bi Huantong sat opposite him. He picked up the wine pot and poured a glass of wine on Xuanyuan Hongwen and his own cup. He smiled and said, "Since your majesty wants to drink, then Tong'er can accompany you."

Looking at the change of Bi Huantong's attitude, Xuanyuan Hongwen thought she had no way. A smile floated on his face, held a wine glass and drank it all.

Bi Huantong raised her eyebrows, the glass touched her lips, and a strong spicy smell of wine choked her throat. Goodly, this wine is stronger than Erguotou!

Xuanyuan Hongwen wants to get her drunk...

He held his breath and drank the wine. As soon as he put down the glass, Xuanyuan Hongwen quickly filled the two people and raised the glass and said, "Come on, have another drink." After saying that, he poured it into his mouth as if he couldn't wait.

Bi Huantong had to bear to drink up the wine again.

Looking at Xuanyuan Hongwen who wanted to pour wine again, she said anxiously, "Your Majesty, this wine is very strong. Do you want to get my concubine drunk so quickly?"

Bi Huantong asked directly. Xuanyuan Hongwen was a little embarrassed, so he put down his glass: "Tong'er misunderstood, so don't drink. Come on, try the dishes. These dishes are specially designed for you."

Bihuantong smiled and did not mean to eat food: "Your Majesty, how about Tonger dancing for your majesty with such a beautiful scenery?"

Xuanyuan Hongwen was happy, and the dance like a fairy immediately came to his mind. He couldn't help saying, "Okay, this is just right!"

"Your Majesty, if it's too monotonous to dance alone, can you add some music accompaniment?"

"Good! Come on, call the band to accompany you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In a while, I saw that the palace band had arrived. The lineup of the band was very strong, with all kinds of musical instruments. The huge room could not be accommodated, and half of the band's number of people lined up outside the house.

The music sounded leisurely, and the blue fantasy danced with the music. The long sleeves flew over, and the clouds and water flowed. The world's face was enchanting, and every move attracted the most primitive desire of Xuanyuan Hongwen's body.

His eyes became extremely deep, with a beast-like breath. Xuanyuan Hongwen drank all the wine and half squinted and stared at the stunning person in front of him.

This perish has been fooled!

Bi Huantong approached Xuanyuan Hongwen while dancing, and said gently, "Your Majesty, let's dance with Tong'er."

This sentence was in the arms of Xuanyuan Hongwen. Without thinking about it, he grasped Bi Huantong's hand and was led to the center of the room by Bi Huantong. Bi Huantong let go and floated beside him like a colorful butterfly.

The enchanting eyes, the fragrant breath, and the flirtatrous dance posture stirred the heartstrings of Xuanyuan Hongwen like magic. The breath became heavy, and it didn't take long to roar and rushed to Bihuantong.

Bi Huan Tong skillfully smiled and circled around, and Xuanyuan Hongwen was empty.

"You're bad!" Xuanyuan Hongwen pointed at her and smiled, and rushed over again like a beast.

is coming!

Bi Huantong's eyes sank, and she swirled to avoid Xuanyuan Hongwen's tiger pounce, and quickly pushed his hand behind him! Xuanyuan Hongwen only felt a strong force pressing back, and his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell on the ground and ate shit!

"Your Majesty!" Grandpa Li exclaimed, and the music immediately stopped.

"Ha ha, your majesty may have drunk too much, and you can't stand still." Bihuan Tong smiled coquettishly and was so proud.

Looking at the beauty smiling like a flower, Xuanyuan Hongwen's heart was rippling. Although he was hurt all over, he also pretended to be fine. He stood up and straightened his clothes and said, "It's okay. Tong'er is just joking with me. Don't make a fusss."

"Yes, Your Majesty..." Grandpa Li lowered his head and turned his head to signal the band to continue playing music.

The elegant music sounded again, and Bi Huantong danced with a smile on his face. Xuanyuan Hongwen suffered a loss. This time, it was not so easy to take action. He quietly looked at Bi Huantong and found the opportunity to win.

She is as beautiful as a prey, which aroused his great interest!

While she danced, he stretched out his long hand, held her jade hand, and pulled her into his arms! There is a smile in your mouth. Why don't you come to my arms this time?

As soon as his body rotated, he saw that he was about to jump into his arms. Bi Huantong's eyes quickly aggravated the pulling force in his hand. With a backhand, he pulled Xuanyuan Hongwen straight in the opposite direction. Unexpectedly, Bi Huantong was so strong. Xuanyuan Hongwen, who was treacherously smiling, was "throwed out" again, and he was very invisible. The elephant was thrown to the ground.

Looking aside, the crowd took a breath of cold air. Looking at this delicate but strong beauty with an incredible face, my God, which one is this?

"Hey, Your Majesty, why did you fall down!" Bi Huantong pretended to be surprised and exclaimed, and walked over to help Xuanyuan Hongwen up: "Oh, it's all to blame Tong'er, Your Majesty, where is your fall?"

Xuanyuan Hongwen couldn't pull down and gritted his teeth and said, "No, I'm fine..."

"Oh...so it's okay..." Bi Huantong said meaningfully. Before Xuanyuan Hongwen stood firmly, he stretched out his foot and swept at his feet. Then he heard a dull sound, and Xuanyuan Hongwen's gorgeous buttocks landed on the ground again!

"Oh!!" Xuanyuan Hongwen cried bitterly. It seems that he really fell hard this time...

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Eunuch Li couldn't stand it and came over in a hurry to help Xuanyuan Hongwen up.

He saw it very seriously. Bi Huantong was careful. Obviously, Xuanyuan Hongwen was not her opponent.