Where does the prince escape

Chapter 132 Drug

"You all go out for me!"

Before Grandpa Li came over, Xuanyuan Hongwen roared angrily. The music suddenly stopped, and everyone knelt on the ground in horror.

"What are you doing here? Let me out! Get out!" Xuanyuan Hongwen lay on the ground and stamped his feet and howled.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Grandpa Li took the lead and waved his hand to make the band all retreat. As soon as everyone left, he closed the door tightly.

Long Yan is furious! The princess of the town's joke is too much!

The huge palace calmed down, and Xuanyuan Hongwen looked at Bihuan Tong with an angry face, who sat back to the banquet as if nothing had happened and poured wine into their empty glasses.

"Are you going to embarrass me?"

"I dare not." Bi Huantong replied calmly: "My concubine has already warned your majesty that my concubine is the wife of Xuanyuan Yulin. Except for my husband, my concubine will not be entangled with other men, and your majesty can't..."

"How powerful Xuanyuan Yulin is, he is just a prince! He is my subordinate, and I am the emperor of the moon kingdom! I can't compare with him! It's a hundred times better for you to follow me than to follow him!"

In the face of Xuanyuan Hongwen's childish statement, Bi Huantong smiled: "Of course, I understand that your majesty is the emperor of the moon kingdom, but I only love my husband. Even if I am a thousand times stronger, I will only follow the prince."

Xuanyuan Hongwen's eyes narrowed: "Haha, love? Do you know that I can kill him with just one imperial edict!"

Hearing the word death, Bi Huantong's heart was worried and her hand couldn't help stopping: "In this case, my concubine will also follow him." Speaking of this, he sighed and said, "Your Majesty, what doesn't belong to you will never be yours."

"Presumptuous!" Xuanyuan Hongwen shouted, and his strength suddenly stood up: "Everything in the world is my. I want to see if you can say such a thing after you become my person!"

After Xuanyuan Hongwen's words, he rushed up savagely. Bi Huantong wanted to avoid it, but he didn't dodge it. He was really hugged by Xuanyuan Hongwen.

The beauty was in his arms, and Xuanyuan Hongwen's beastly hair came over. His lips came over. Bi Huantong pressed his mouth with a bright palm and said in a coquettish voice, "Oh, Your Majesty, my concubine is just joking with you. Don't you want to be so rude?"

The sudden change in Bi Huantong's attitude stunned Xuanyuan Hongwen and said in a hoarse voice, "Are you kidding?"

smiled at his bloodshot eyes, and Bi Huantong handed him a glass of wine: "Oh, I'm kidding, I want to have another drink with your majesty..." At this point, she paused, lowered her head and smiled shyly: "The amount of alcohol hasn't arrived yet."

Warm and soft. The meat, with a clever smile, was as angry as Xinlan, which made Xuanyuan Hongwen dizzy. He was stunned and then drank the glass in Bi Huantong's hand and drank it out without thinking about it.

"That's all right!" As soon as he shook the glass in his hand, the glass fell into pieces in the back, and Xuanyuan Hongwen wanted to knock down Bi Huantong again.

"Your Majesty, don't be so anxious. It hurts my concubine!" Bi Huantong said with a smile, but his hands were hard. No matter how hard Xuanyuan Hongwen tried, he couldn't get any closer.

Unexpectedly, Bi Huantong was so powerful that Xuanyuan Hongwen used his strength to breastfeed. Looking at the beauty in his arms with an unchanged smile, he was very puzzled whether she was strong or weak?!

Why can't even a weak woman fall down!

Don't let people all over the world laugh out?!

When he thought of this, he gritted his teeth and intensified the strength of his hands, but he felt that his abdomen was getting hotter and hotter. The beauty in front of him gradually melted, but slowly closed. He smiled and took the initiative to lie in his arms, taking the initiative to undress and untie, Jiao. Breathing and snow, his skin suddenly made him completely lose his reason.

Looking coldly at Xuanyuan Hongwen's funny behavior, Bi Huantong pushed him away. Instead of being angry, he fell to the ground, he burst into waves**. Laughing, Bi Huantong suddenly felt a burst of nausea.

She secretly drugged the wine that Xuanyuan Hongwen drank. At this moment, the object Xuanyuan Hongwen's imagination was her!

Looking at his increasingly crazy actions, Bi Huantong frowned.

No, even if it's imaginary! You can't give him this opportunity!

Suching this, she walked over to Xuanyuan Hongwen's sleeping hole and pressed it. Before long, Xuanyuan Hongwen fell asleep.

Although I fell asleep, that desire. Before it disperses, Xuanyuan Hongwen's whole body turned red like a shrimp.

"Call me lustful!" Bi Huantong scolded and kicked him. The powerful force combined with Xuanyuan Hongwen's body retreated and retreated straight to the bottom of the big bed before stopping.

"Hmm! Go to sleep!" Bi Huantong stepped forward and cursed again, picked him up with his hand, and fell heavily to **!

"Um..." Xuanyuan Hongwen snorted, but did not wake up.

Bi Huantong clapped her hands and saw a guqin across the room. Thinking about it, she thought of playing the music taught to her by Xuanyuan Yulin in front of the guqin.

The voice is melodious and quiet, ancient and beautiful, and the crisp tone floats in the Yixin Pavilion. Everything seems to be silent, listening to this rare heavenly sound carefully.

After playing one song, Bi Huantong rose again and again. After touching two or three songs like this, Bi Huantong stopped playing, got up and walked to the door, opened the door, and saw Li Gong just standing not far from the door.

Watching her come out in surprise, Grandpa Li rushed forward and said, "Your Majesty, he..."

"Your Majesty, he is asleep. Go in and serve him well." Bi Huantong replied with an expressionless face and turned around and left.

Seeing her go far away, Grandpa Li winned at the jade slave beside him: "Why don't you keep up!"

Yu Nu nodded and hurriedly followed.

Except for the broken wine glass, the things in the room were not messy at all. Xuanyuan Hongwen lay down and slept in a big shape. Eunuch Li frowned slightly. Just now, he heard the two quarreling. Why was it so quiet all of a sudden?

It is reasonable that Your Majesty should not fall asleep at this moment... Could it be...

Ever-in-law Li glanced at the room and finally stopped on the guqin. He walked over and touched the piano body and frowned more tightly.

There is no problem with this guqin!

Then why did Your Majesty suddenly fall asleep...

He walked to Xuanyuan Hongwen gently and looked at his red face, exhaling the breath of alcohol, and scratching his forehead.

What happened just now...

"Where can I sleep in a room?" Her bedroom has been 'occupied' by Xuanyuan Hongwen. Eunuch Li and others certainly dare not wake him up. She hit his sleeping hole heavily, and Xuanyuan Hongwen will not wake up in these hours.

"This..." Yunu hesitated for a moment. She didn't quite understand the reason why the Empress came out alone in front of her, but since the Empress opened her mouth, she could not offend her, so she said, "Mother, please come with me."