Where does the prince escape

Chapter 134

(This book is coming to an end. It is expected that Bingbing will prepare a new book next month. I hope you will continue to support it!)

Bi Huantong also wants to ask Xuanyuan Hongwen about this question. If she doesn't escape, how long he wants to lock her up.

With a smile, she said, "Have you heard about what happened two days ago? What happened in the imperial study.

Concubine Chen thought for a moment: "It seems that the Duke of Hu has gone there," and she trembled as soon as she took action: "I don't know if your majesty is going to let your majesty handle whose crime... There are rumors in the palace, Tong'er, you have to be careful."

"Yes, that's why Your Majesty arranged Tonger here from being disturbed by others." A large part of the content in the middle was eliminated, and Bi Huantong avoided the heavy and took it lightly.

"So that's it..." Concubine Chen said thoughtfully, "Why don't I move here and live together?"

If Concubine Chen comes, she can contain Xuanyuan Hongwen, but she plans to escape, but Concubine Chen is very inconvenient. She must stick to herself all day long, and it will be difficult to prepare at that time.

"Your Majesty, Tong'er's current treatment is very dangerous. If the Empress also comes over, I'm afraid it will involve you. In addition, this is the Golden Dragon Hall, your majesty's bedroom. If you come, it's better for Tong'er to ask your majesty first."

A trace of loss flashed in Concubine Chen's eyes and said frustrated, "If you ask your majesty, he will definitely not agree. Your majesty doesn't like me by his side."

"How can it be," Bi Huantong said with a smile, "If Your Majesty doesn't like it, how can you make the Empress? Your Majesty is just not good at expressing his feelings."

If it hadn't been for Chen Fei's bad mood, she wouldn't have been too lazy to say good words for this faint gentleman!

"Really?" There was a trace of excitement in Chenfei's eyes: "It turns out that your majesty has this palace in his heart..."

"Well, don't think too much. Soon, the Empress will lead the six palaces of the world. The Empress should correct her mentality."

Concubine Chen smiled and said, "Well, Tong'er is right. I shouldn't think so much."

The two chatted for a while, and Chenfei went back. As soon as Chenfei left, Bi Huantong closed the door and whispered Ah Yan and Fan Li, but strangely that they didn't appear after calling for a long time!

Isn't it really blocked from the door?! With the martial arts of Ayan and Fanshi, who is so powerful that they can be sealed?!

Wait, it won't be in any danger! Xuanyuan Hongwen put her under house arrest and then took the opportunity to deal with her bodyguard!

When she thought of this, her heart sank. There was no A Yan and Fan Li. She was weak in the imperial city. Xuanyuan Hongwen wanted to cheat on her. Duke Hu wanted to kill her. It would be more dangerous to stay here one more. It seems that she must escape as soon as possible!

She is not very familiar with the terrain of the imperial city, and the specific alternation time of the soldiers defending the city is not very clear. In this case, it is impossible for her to find someone to inquire, so she can only slowly think about how to escape based on the memory in her mind.

Holding paper and pen, carefully plan the escape route. The gate of the imperial city is the closest to the town, but it is impossible to get out of the gate, so you can only retreat and choose the side door.

Fortunately, the medicine she is still on her body can save her life if necessary.

At this time, there were several rhythmic knocks on the door. Yunu said, "Princess, the Empress Chen sent someone to send incense. Do you want to accept it?"

Quickly put away the paper and said, "Come in."

The door was opened, and Yu Nu came in with an incense burner in his hand: "Madam, this is the incense sent by the Empress Chen. It smells like laurel. Do you want to replace the incense in the room?"

What ignited in the room was the sandalwood fragrance similar to Xuanyuan Yulin's body. When she smelled this fragrance, she felt that the prince was beside him. If she removed it, she was very reluctant to do it, but this was the intention of Concubine Chen. She couldn't refuse, so she nodded and said, "Replace it and light the incense sent by Concubine Chen."


When the incense burner was lit and a wisp of cigarette slowly came up, Bi Huantong retreated all the maidservants in the room.

The sandalwood fragrance gradually dissipated and was gradually replaced by the fragrance of laurel. The room was surrounded by the fragrance of osmanthus, as if the laurel flowers were blooming in the room.

She is also a person who loves laurel, but somehow she always feels that the fragrance is too strong. Maybe it is mixed with other ingredients to strengthen the aroma during the manufacturing process.

I yawned and stretched out. I'm so tired and want to sleep...

Huh? She just woke up. Why is she suddenly tired again?!

It's not appropriate!

Consciousness was alert, and all of a sudden focused on the newly replaced laurel incense burner!

Incense will calm people's mind, but it will never be a drowsy feeling! With this in mind, she quickly poured a glass of water and rushed to the incense burner and extinguished the incense.

Although the fire was extinguished, the fragrance in the room did not dissipate for a long time. Quickly opened the window to make the aroma in the room dissipate faster.

It is not suitable to stay here. As she thought of this, she walked out of the room. After a few steps, she felt dizzy and staggered to the ground.

The eyes are gradually confused, and the feeling of dizziness comes one after another. It's not good... The medicine works!

"Your Majesty is coming!"

The official outside the door reported, and Bi Huantong's heart sank. Damn it, why did it come at this time!

The internal force is fighting, but the damn it accelerates the effect, and the eyes are blurred and can't see anything clearly!

It's broken, and A Yan and Fan Ji are not here. This faint king came here again at this time. How can she protect herself like this?

No, she can't be sleepy, she can't lose consciousness, at least she can't fall in front of Xuanyuan Hongwen!

I struggled to support myself and walked to the window awkwardly, at least... turned over the window... and found a place to hide. Let's wait until the effect of the medicine dissipates.

He gritted his teeth and supported the last consciousness to prevent himself from falling down. The moment he climbed up the window, the door was opened, and Xuanyuan Hongwen came in in a golden dress. It could be seen that he had just finished the morning.

Seeing Bi Huantong lying on the window with blurred eyes, Xuanyuan Hongwen was slightly stunned, and then an evil smile appeared on his face. At a glance, he knew that she was addicted to the drug in front of him!

Who did it? Forget it, there is obviously a chance for him to meet.

is a good opportunity to start!

Xuanyuan Yulin... Your woman belongs to me!

"Stay outside, no one is allowed to come in without my order."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Li Gonggong went out and closed the door tightly.

Only Xuanyuan Hongwen and Bihuantong were left in the room, and the evil smile on Xuanyuan Hongwen's face turned into **. Laughing, he said wildly, "Haha, baby, I'm here to love you. Are you happy?"

Xuanyuan Hongwen looked at her appearance and was about to flow out of water. Bi Huantong was disgusted and said shamelessly, "You stupid king, get out of here!"

The hand slowly stroked the machete on her arm, and as long as Xuanyuan Hongwen is close to her, she will take action.

Either you die or I die!