Where does the prince escape

Chapter 133 Is it true or false?

(I lost a collection, Bingbing is so sad... so depressed...)

This room is a little far from the Yixin Pavilion. Thinking that the bastard emperor had to sleep for at least a few hours, Bi Huantong also took off his clothes and went to bed. Considering that this was Xuanyuan Hongwen's dormitory after all, he just took off his robe and lay down to **.

Although she was not very sleepy, Bi Huantong also closed her eyes and pretended that the prince had not come back yet. She had to be energetic enough to deal with Xuanyuan Hongwen.

You can't give him a chance!


Someone is calling her? When I opened my eyes, I saw a darkness, and a voice echoed in the void. Bi Huantong was shocked. Where is this!?


Well, this sound is so familiar... so familiar! It's Ling Yuexuan's!

Wait, she is no longer there in her previous life. Why can she still hear Ling Yuexuan's call?

Here, it's weird...

"Xiao Tong... Why do you ignore me?"

A faint light appeared in the dark, and a slender figure slowly came from a distance, with white light around it, slowly illuminating the darkness.

"Yuexuan?" She called in a low voice and saw that the figure in the distance was gradually clear, and the long-lost face appeared in front of her.

The pure and beautiful face, but the eyes are clear and deep, but there is a touch of grimness, and the whole body exudes a charming but dangerous atmosphere. It's really him, that's right!

"Why are you here? What is this place? No way, she seems to have just fallen asleep. Won't she close her eyes and travel again?!

"Xiaotong, do you miss me?"

The voice in front of people seems to float from far away, echoing in a low voice.

No, the Ling Yuexuan in front of him is not real! This space... is not real either!

As her eyes sank, she was silent, such a real person, such a painful experience, how could she forget, but the man he who once loved so deeply is now just a dream for her, a long-lost dream.

It's like a bomb bursting in her heart, and the scars caused are always difficult to erase.

"Xiaotong, why don't you talk?"

As soon as he bit his teeth, Bi Huantong shouted, "Ling Yuexuan, what do you mean by appearing in front of me!"

No matter how sorry she was for him, he beat her to death! She can't have a chance with this man.

He is a demon! There is no room for half a grain of sand in the eyes.

The man in front of him opened a sad smile and smiled strangely: "I want to show you something..."

As soon as Ling Yuexuan's voice fell, a gunshot suddenly echoed in the quiet space, and the sound swirled back and forth, tearing the calm in the space.

The gunshot was like a hammer hitting her in the heart, shaking her whole body on the spot!

A touch of blood bloomed on his chest, and the blood gradually spread all over his body. Ling Yuexuan smiled sadly, and blood kept gushing out of his mouth: "Xiaotong... I owe you... I'll pay you back..."

"Yuexuan!" The heart seemed to be torn apart, and Bi Huantong rushed forward. What happened to the gunshot? Is Ling Yuexuan dead?

Did Ling Yuexuan die in that era?!

"I was punished...but Xiaotong... I won't let you go... I won't..."

Ling Yuexuan's voice was intermittent, and his figure gradually disappeared. Bi Huantong rushed forward, but it was getting farther and farther away from him...

"Yue Xuan-!"

She suddenly opened her eyes, and a bright light came into her eyes, which was so strong that she blocked it with her hands. She couldn't help gasping and realized that she had sweated coldly.

After a while, she slowly took her hand away, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and sat up.

Looking at the sky, it was already bright. She slept for a long time.

I took a deep breath, which turned out to be just a nightmare.

But this nightmare... is too real. It's as real as Ling Yuexuan really came to her.

Her hand stroked her chest, which was still beating violently. She closed her eyes and stabilized her mind, and a trace of doubt condensed in her heart.

This dream...is it true or not?

Is Ling Yuexuan really dead? Why did he say he wouldn't let her go?

Don't let go? She smiled disdainly. He has been dumped by him for a long time, okay? It's too late to say that I won't let her go now.

"Princess, the maidservant is here to deliver breakfast."

Yu Nu's voice sounded outside the door at the right time. Could it be that every maid of honor has this ability? Can you know when the master got up?

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and the jade slave in yellow gorgeous clothes came in, with a peerless appearance and looked very eye-catching.

Mo Ningfu suddenly thought of the word senior public relations.

Ha ha, this word is quite appropriate for her.

The meal was full of one, all kinds, and everything. Bihuantong simply cleaned it up and then ate breakfast.

To be honest, this breakfast is better than in Yongcheng Hall. In this way, the one living in Yongcheng Hall is not the highest, the highest... is hidden here by Xuanyuan Hongwen.

Bah, ah! What's the most advanced one? She is a woman of Xuanyuan Yulin, not a plaything of Xuanyuan Hongwen!

After breakfast, he found an excuse to sneak back to the prince's house. He would not do anything to the town government.

When she thought about this, she ate some to fill her stomach randomly, and her makeup was just a simple comb, otherwise how could she escape with so many hairpins?

A maid came in and saluted her, "Princess, the Empress Chen is waiting outside the door. Do you want to meet her?"

Oh, this world is really funny. Mingchen Concubine was one level higher than her, and she changed in just one day. When the queen came, she also wanted to ask her if she wanted to see her.

"Hmm." She nodded, and the maid retreated.

After a while, I saw Concubine Chen in a light purple dress. Her young face was very haggard, and she could see that she had been stimulated a lot.

In fact, Hu Guifei's death has nothing to do with Chen Fei. Why did she torture herself like this? Bi Huantong was very puzzled.

Maybe the women in ancient times were so sentimental.

Wait, does Concubine Chen know about Yixin Pavilion?! If she knows, how can she bear it?!

"My concubine knocked on the Empress Chen." Bihuan Tong saluted.

Concubine Chen nodded and saw a pile of delicious food in front of her, and her eyes flashed: "You haven't had breakfast yet?"

"Uh..." She was a little embarrassed: "Just got up..."

"Then eat quickly. I'll just sit here." Concubine Chen sat down next to her and motioned her to sit down as well.

Bi Huantong squeezed her lips and sat down: "Are you in a better mood?"

The Empress Chen's expression was slightly gloomy: "I've figured it out. In fact, there's nothing wrong. If she wants to come, come. It's not the same below."

Hearing this, Bi Huantong rolled his eyes and fainted. What's going on? It's completely false.

"Tong'er, when will you go back to accompany me? I'm so bored in the palace alone.