Zero point of online games

Chapter 21 SX-level mission, the first song to the peak!

Chapter 21 SX-level mission, the first song to the peak!

When he came out of the bank, Tianya became a person again. The thing he regrets most now is that he just kissed his heart, but his shyness left.

He also said that he would come back to find him at any time (the more he said it, the more ghost he became). Think about this

I couldn't help laughing, 'You used to bully me, but now it's time to change your position. As the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi! '

Tianya took out all the gold coins that Ren Wuxin hit his account, a whole five thousand oceans! What a huge amount of money this was in the early stage of the game! Because now only gold coins are exchanged for RMB, and RMB will take at least 40 natural days to exchange gold coins.

Tianya went to the pharmacy to buy supplies and went to the government to see if there was any task to do.


Ten minutes later.

Tianya went to the government of Yaoshan City, and the appearance of the government was very simple. Although there is only a pair of stone lions at the door, they are majestic and extremely high in terms of defense.

Tianya came to an NPC guard and asked, "Brother, I don't know if there is anything you can do recently?"

The escort looked at Tianya and said rudely, "Hmm! Why do you think you have the ability to complete the matter of the lord of the city!" Although his tone was very contemptuous, Tianya was not angry. That's right! It is normal for him to be discriminated against if his level is too low. Let's take a look at some of his current attributes:

Player Name: Feng Tianya (Level 12)

Qingyun Friar (Level 1)

Main attributes:

Strength 2320=43

Intelligence 25202=47


Agile 25202=47


Tianya still didn't want to give up, so he said, "Brother guard, it's not easy for me to come here from Qingyunzong. Just say it clearly! Is there any task you can give me?"

Suddenly, something unexpected happened to Tianya. The NPC escort suddenly changed into a flattering look. TNND is as disgusting as it is.

The NPC guard said with a charming face, "It turns out that you are a high man from Qingyun Xianzong!" Your small eyes are not Mount Tai, please don't be surprised! Blame the little one!"

Attachment: A brief history of Qingyun. Qingyunzong was founded by Qingyun Shangren in Yuncheng, Yunshan County, a poor empire in the sixth year of the sacred calendar. After more than 400 years and three generations of descendants, he finally reached the peak in the hands of Qingyunzi, the fourth generation of descendants, and became the first organization in the mainland. Although it has declined slightly since then, it is still within the top ten of the mainland. Four hundred years ago, Qingyunzong had a crisis. Although there was an eighth generation of human power to turn the tide, it was still depressed. Now a new 400 years are coming, and a new leader is urgently needed.

Tianya heard the words of the NPC guard, and he really had an impulse to spray blood. Shit! Is there such a thing? It was because I changed my face as soon as I heard that it was a big faction. This is too realistic!

The more Tianya thought about it, the more angry he became. Thinking of this, Tianya wanted to tease the eyes of this force.

So! Tianya patted his head and said to the NPC guard with a frightened face, "This guard brother! This is my habitual action. Don't be surprised! What you said, the guard brother, is wrong. I'm just from Yaoshan Taoist Temple..."

Sure enough, before he finished speaking in Tianya, the NPC guard interrupted Tianya who was talking. The NPC guard said angrily, "How dare you! How dare you deceive me! Do you know my nickname in this area? I have always been the only one who lied to people and no one has lied to me. Don't you want to live? Er! Humph!" Saying that the NPC guard was about to pull out the knife and cut the end of the world, but at this time, the NPC guard suddenly stopped his movements, and he was a little embarrassed and had to hum.

It turned out that when the NPC guard was about to pull out the knife and cut to the end of the world, the system suddenly gave him a hint:

"Warning, warning that this status is illegal! Please stop immediately, please stop immediately, or the law will be erased!"

When the NPC guard heard the prompt of the system, he had to stop the action in his hand.

When Tianya saw the face of the NPC guard, he said evilly in his heart, "This NB guard brother! I really didn't know you were that green onion! Why don't you teach me a lesson and let me improve my memory! I don't know if the guard can help me!"

Tianya's expression was more begging, which made the NPC guard angry, but the NPC guard forced him to suppress his anger because of the previous system notification. As a result, the whole face of the NPC guard turned purple, which made people shudder. Tianya is also a little guilty at this time! After all, it was caused by him who wanted to tease others!

The NPC guards have become like that! Therefore, Tianya said with a serious face, "This guard brother! It was all my fault just now! I just want to make a joke, but I didn't expect that, er, you got the trick.

The NPC guard pointed to Tianya with a demented face and said, "You! You! Really, hum!" The NPC guard didn't finish his words, and he didn't want to make it clear.

"Okay! Brother Guard, can't I apologize to you? Don't be angry. By the way, do you know if the city lord needs to go down to finish anything?" See NPC

The guard's expression seemed to be a little too much, so he quickly made a loss. Then, ask if there is any task to do!

The NPC guard did not want to answer, and Yaoshan did not have any trouble at this stage, which made him extremely embarrassed. After thinking about it, he finally thought of a task. Even if this matter is not done well, there will be no punishment and it can annoy Tianya. This is the most perfect result for the NPC guard!

So, the NPC guard pretended to be embarrassed and said, "This little brother! Although you came here sincerely, Yaoshan really has nothing to worry about during this period! There's nothing I can do! Alas!" The NPC guard deliberately sighed in order to appear more authentic, but he didn't know that it was he who exposed his mind.

Hearing that the NPC guard was so kind, Tianya decided to play with this flatterer. Therefore, Tianya said in a meaningful tone, "I'm sorry, this guard brother! I just remembered that I have something else to do at home. Why don't I go first?" With that, he made the appearance of turning around and leaving, ready to scare the NPC guard.

Sure enough, the NPC guard became nervous and quickly patted his head and said, "This little brother! Look at my memory. I just remembered a task that you can do. The task is relatively simple, but there are many rewards! Can you answer it or not?"

Tianya knows that there is a problem when he sees the NPC guard, but no matter how big the problem is now, it is no longer a problem for him. His main task now is to upgrade to level 15 as soon as possible, and wearing the ring of meteorite is the key! Only in this way can he completely disappear from the sight of everyone, that is, he will be safer. After all, he does not have the strength to fight with Xuanyuan Dongfang now.

So although Tianya knew this was a trap, he could only jump into it. So Tianya said with a smile, "Mission? Is that right? No matter what task I take over! How's it going! Where is the task you mentioned? Take me to pick it up!"

NPC guards also asked with surprise when they saw the end of the world: "Are you really sure? Don't regret it? If you pick up the task and regret it, you may be erased. Aren't you afraid?

Hearing what the NPC guard said, Tianya's expression remained unchanged, and he still said with a smile: "Afraid! Of course, I'm afraid of death, but I have something that makes me more afraid, since there is something more terrible! Am I still afraid of death? Ha ha! Say it!" Although Tianya said he was afraid, his eyes betrayed him, because there was only perseverance, blood, tenderness, and a trace of faint sadness in his eyes. Afraid? Yes, Tianya is also a human being. Of course, he is afraid sometimes. But what will Tianya be afraid of?

The NPC guard couldn't help admiring Tianya when he saw Tianya's persistent face. So the NPC guard said in a farewell tone, "Okay! In this case, you can go to the notice office of the east gate of the city and take over the top task! In fact, I lied to you. If you take the initiative to give up that task, you only need to pay 100,000 gold coins, instead of being erased by the law! You have to cheer up! You came from our Yaoshan, but you must make our Yaoshan famous all over the continent! We will remember your contribution!" With that, the NPC guard stretched out his hand and motioned Tianya to touch him. Seeing that the appearance of the NPC guard was not easy to refuse, Tianya obeyed him and touched his hand and made an agreement.

Then, Tianya said, "Don't worry! Although I can't reach the first level in the whole continent, how can I have a second place! Ha ha!" Look at his look, the typical expression that I was the second in the world and the first in the world yesterday. It's really funny!

The NPC guards couldn't help laughing and scolding: "In this case, why don't you go quickly! Be your second as soon as possible!"

Tianya also said with a smile: "Order! Let's go!" With that, he quickly ran to the east gate of the city and prepared to take over the legendary task.


More than ten minutes later, in the east of Yaoshan City, in front of the notice.

Tianya saw the notice of the task when he was 50 meters away from the notice column. It's not that his eyes are good, but that the task accounts for one-third of the page. You can't see it!

Go to the end of the world to read:

Mission Name: Looking for the Lost Ancient Civilization (Simplified)

Mission Level: SX Level (Sacred)

Mission requirements: find at least one site of ancient civilization, but the size of the site is at least one square kilometer, which can be calculated cumulatively.

Mission reward: calculated by the value of the discovered site.

Mission time limit: within five months from now.

Mission punishment: failure punishment, deduction of 1,000 gold coins. Take the initiative to give up the punishment and deduct 100,000 gold coins.


"Dear players! Do you accept the sacred task of 'searching for the lost ancient civilization'?

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Tianya did not hesitate to accept it. He thought so in his heart, 'After all, if you fail, you will be deducted 1,000 gold coins! It's no big deal. If you succeed by chance, how much reward will you get! And it can still be collected in a cumulative way! It's just sending money! The more Tianya thought about it, the more excited he became. In the end, he flowed down again. Really! ( I wrote that Tianya, is there too much saliva flow? What I will correct is that Tianya also uses this way to relieve his inner suffering! After all, it's hard for anyone to have a sea of blood and hatred!)

After a few minutes, Tianya came to his senses. Tianya secretly clenched his fist and said, "Look at it!" This is the beginning song of my Xuanyuan Ying Tianfeng stepping on the peak of the world!" Tianya continued to stand there for a few minutes, and then turned around and walked out of the east city.

Leave a line of wind to bring the dead leaves on the ground higher and higher!