Zero point of online games

Chapter 22 Honor Kill!

Chapter 22 Honor Kill!

Yaoshan is one of the top ten famous mountains. Now it is the season of autumn, and the mountains are full of red. The breeze blew slowly, making the red maple leaves flutter all over the sky, which is really dazzling!

Suddenly, a young man came from the path beside the mountain and saw him rushing straight to the maple forest. Despite this, his footsteps are solid, and he is quite a master. This person is really our protagonist Tianya.


Tianya came out of Yaoshan City and went straight to the place told him by the old road. It was a maple forest under Yao Mountain. The old road also assured Tianya that this must be the most suitable place for him to practice. If not, he will compensate Tianya for the mental loss, the delay of fighting monsters, the cost of supplementary consumption and so on. Uh-huh! Well, cough! Although these were imposed by Tianya himself, he also blamed the old man for saying the spell. You deserve to be rid of!

With the help of the old man, Tianya is now taking out the equipment in his backpack, because some level 15 monsters have begun to appear on the following journey!

He will also slow down the speed of the march to prevent the danger of being blamed for making dumplings. Of course, Tianya did this under the premise of blessing Xinjinfu Wutufu and wind control. After all, if he dies now, he will be relegated!

Tianya feels more depressed than the forest in the mountain village, because the sound of the breeze blowing on the red maple leaves will seriously affect his sense of danger. Although this will not be fatal to him, it will seriously delay the progress of his training, which is beyond doubt.

In order to reduce consumption, Tianya had to slow down. This is also conducive to the performance of Tianya's half-toned insight.

Sure enough, less than three minutes after Tianya slowed down, a 16-level mountain jackal was found in the half-tune insight.

Mountain Jackal

Biological characteristics: low-level demons

Equivalent: ordinary

Level: 16

Blood volume: 9000

Attack: 594-630

Defense: 184-201

skill: unknown

Attack method: unknown

He tried his best to slow down and lighten his pace, and at the same time prepared his best skill, the sword. Tianya is now only seven meters away from the mountain jackal, which is enough for the imperial sword, but Tianjian and Wujinshu, who are not familiar with Tianya, can't hit the target at a distance of more than five meters, so he must walk within five meters of the jackal to attack.

It took him 20 seconds to finish the distance of only three meters, and he saw that the jackal was still lying there. Tianya directly stabbed the imperial sword, but something happened that surprised Tianya!

Just as the sword was about to hit the jackal, the jackal jumped gently to the side and dodged the blow.

It turned out that the jackal had already found the approach of Tianya and just wanted to ambush. But what made it a little unreacted was that Tianya was also planning to do this, and Tianya actually launched an attack first, so it had to avoid the attack first!

Seeing that the world was hit, he quickly gave way to the side. Sure enough, after dodging the blow of Tianya, the wolf immediately turned around and rushed to Tianya.

Tianya saw the jackal coming and happened to have a coordinate distance from him. Of course, Tianya will not miss this good opportunity, so the waist of Tianya aiming at the mountain jackal is a heavenly sword chopping (after all, this is also known as a wolf!). The mountain jackal can't hide even if it wants to, because it is in the air!

Soon, a golden "4628" appeared above the mountain jackal's head, and the voice I expected came from the system "Congratulations on the player Feng Tianya for successfully hitting the key point of the mountain jackal, causing a fatal blow, and the damage index 4628"

The mountain jackal cried in pain, "Wow!" Then its eyes turned blood red. Although it did not enter a state of madness, it was not far away.

I saw it lick the injured part, and then bowed its hind legs and threw it on Tianya again.

When Tianya saw it licking the wound, he rushed towards him and quickly hit the imperial sword, but Tianya was also preparing for the attack skill of the mountain jackal.

What Tianya can't react to is that the mountain jackal did not launch his imaginary attack skill, and his sword hit the claws of the mountain jackal. Amazingly, Tianya fell into a state of stiffness because of this blow, and the system said that he was shaken to stiffness for two seconds.

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Tianya couldn't help scolding 'wipe! Is there anyone who plays like this? Oh! Sin! Sin, heart! Ha ha! Of course I'm not talking about you! Ha ha! Because Tianya obviously felt a 'killing spirit' coming to his face at this time, so he quickly turned around.


Tianya watched the mountain jackal grab his blood. Tianya really felt a sense of powerlessness.

Finally, this long two-second is over, and Tianya's blood volume is less than 100 points. If Tianya is one second later, he can take the free car back to the city.

At the end of the stiffness, Tianya quickly jumped aside and patted his chest and said with some fear: "Wake! It's too dangerous, just a little bit! MD, let's see how I deal with you! Humph!" As he spoke, he was constantly replenishing blood with a large dose of red bottles.

Soon he filled the blood and began to fight with this mountain wolf again.

Several auxiliary skills were newly added, and this time Tianya chose to fight against mountain jackals. Several royal swords hit the mountain jackal, and all three swords hit the mountain jackal's head, causing three red damage numbers of "630", "470" and "549" respectively.

Tianya's blow completely angered the mountain jackal, and the mountain jackal hit Tianya with an intermediate true air bomb.

Tianya quickly dodged aside, and then threw a penny technique at the mountain jackal with his backhand. Suddenly, a golden damage number "3513" appeared above the mountain jackal's head, and the mountain jackal fell down.

"Congratulations to the player Fengtianya for successfully killing the mountain jackal, with 100% damage count and 216 points of experience."

Tianya saw the mountain jackal fall to the ground, so he came forward and touched it under the mountain jackal. Unexpectedly, there were only 69 copper coins, and several collection techniques were thrown at the mountain jackal. There would still be only a tattered medium fur and one claw.

Seeing this result, Tianya couldn't help scolding: "NTMD, don't you feel ashamed of your first title? Shit!"


Half an hour

A golden light came down from the sky and rushed straight to clean up the monsters that had just been killed.

Feeling the arrival of the golden light, Tianya couldn't help saying, "Alas! Finally, I was promoted to level 15. Finally, there is no need to be exposed to everyone!"

The golden light flashed, and Tianya heard the system prompt

"Congratulations to the player, the experience has reached the upper limit of the experience value, and the level has been upgraded to level 15 to get a five-point attribute reward!"

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya, the talent broke out in the divine golden light, lucky to understand the skill space conversion, skills and other level three. Get the reputation reward 50"

When he heard the system prompt to get five attributes, Tianya couldn't help but put up the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Tianya heard the system prompting that he had realized new skills at this time, and Tianya couldn't help laughing wildly. Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Tianya laughed wildly for a few minutes and returned to his normal look. Tianya will open the control page and add all the five attribute points to the yuan god. After closing the page, he will open the backpack to equip the meteorite ring inside.

Shun, Tianya felt a power like a soul power pouring into his whole body, which made Tianya feel like a fairy.

Suddenly, Tianya felt a burning sensation in the middle finger of his left hand wearing the ring of meteorite, which made him feel very bad.

At this time, the system suddenly made a prompt sound.

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya for successfully repairing part of the damage of the ring of Tianmei with his special physique and upgrading its attributes."

Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Tianya really had a feeling of falling from heaven to hell, thinking, 'No! You are so playful! '. Just as Tianya was still thinking about it, a prompt sound came from the system.

"Congratulations to the player Feng Tianya for successfully recognizing the Lord of the meteorite, and all wearing requirements are invalid."

This made Tianya really feel like crying without tears, thinking, "Why do you love to play so much!" It's hard for me to die. Even if I'm not killed twice, I'll be played to death by you! '

Just when Tianya was crying without tears, a golden light suddenly appeared less than 200 yards away from him, but Tianya did not find this situation.

The golden light in that place became stronger and stronger, and suddenly a loud "boom" sound came from here. Tianya finally came to her senses when she heard this loud noise.

is still a little confused towards the place 200 coordinates away from him. Tianya looked at it with a surprised face, because a monster with golden light appeared there at this time.

The monster that should be said to be more like Dapeng looked at the direction of Tianya as soon as it appeared here, and there were bursts of golden light in its eyes.

Tianya suddenly felt that this substantive look made his breathing extremely uncomfortable, which also made him recover from a little confused state!

Tianya really has a desire to look at that monster, which is to kill him and explosive equipment, because looking at that monster is definitely a golden creature! What level of equipment does it have to explode?

The more Tianya thought about it, the more excited he became, so Tianya made something that he regretted a little later.

Tianya's eyes turned golden and glittered. Step by step, he walked towards the creature like Dapeng.

Soon he came to the strange front. And the monster saw Tianya coming towards him, and he knew it with that expression that it would die soon. Because he has reached a critical situation (he was originally the leader of one of the demon clan, close to the god-level life, but because of the sneak attack, he was demoted to the Golden One, there are less than 60 points of blood, and he is unable to carry out any action.), if he is still in a normal state, such a life. He won't even look at it. But now...

In a short time, Tianya came to this dying monster. Seeing that he seemed to be unable to move, he let go of his originally hanging heart. The courage also increased, and it was an insight towards the monster, and got some attributes of the monster:


Biological characteristics: unknown

Equivalent level: 18 immortals to a golden beast

Level: 19

Blood volume: 58/13098500

Attack: 0

Defense: 0

skill: unknown

Attack method: unknown

Status: On the verge of death

After seeing this strange attribute, Tianya couldn't help but think of it! No way! Isn't this a waste of experience? But if this monster is not going to die, how strong it is! '

Tianya calmed down and said to that strangely, "If you are to blame, you for being unlucky to meet me!" It's also my luck to meet you, a newbie who gives away experience for nothing! Don't blame me! Do you understand? Ha ha!" After saying that, he stabbed him with a sword, but to his surprise, this sword, which was originally a hundred times, did not even have any damage value.

It turns out that just above the horizon, the heart has been paying attention to him, and all this is a gift for the soul to give him...

Seeing such a close sword, Tianya couldn't help scolding: "Wake! I still don't believe it today. I can't kill you, hum!" After saying that, he stabbed him with another sword. Finally, a purple deadly blow appeared on the head of the monster with only name, reducing the monster's only 58 points of blood to zero. There is also a prompt sound from the system.