The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 285

Another day later, Mo Fan and Xiao Yuening got up and heard the sound of reading before they were washed. After cleaning up, I saw Daqiang and a group of people reading in the yard.

Xiao Yuening couldn't help complaining: "Is this a primary school student?"

"What's going on?" Mo Fan turned his head and asked Aunt Chu, who had just prepared breakfast for them.

Aunt Chu looked at Daqiang and said, "You said Daqiang. I was rescued early in the morning. It was the first time I saw them so serious. You can see that the mouse that has been going backwards is also there.

Mo Fan and Xiao Yue stared and saw the mouse with a bitter face and scratching his ears and cheeks. He was the worst at learning. At this moment, it was difficult to explain the meaning of the book.

"What's going on?" Mo Fan asked again.

"The second lady of the Tenglong Club pulled out Daqiang this morning, and then a group of people came out." Aunt Chu said.

Mo Fan and Xiao Yuening nodded and sat down for breakfast.

Mo Fan said, "If it were this second lady, it wouldn't be bad. Since she knew us, she has basically forced us to study."

"Oh? Are you also forced to do it?" Xiao Yuening asked.

"No, my high school grades are not bad, but Daqiang. I repeat the grade for three years and finally didn't go to school. He was the oldest. However, at that time, he was the most tragic person. The second lady teacher targeted him and made strict requirements everywhere, so Daqiang was afraid of studying and finally dropped out of school." Mo Fan said.

"Isn't this second lady studying abroad? Why do you have so much time to stare at Daqiang?" Xiao Yuening asked again.

"The Tenglong Association is so powerful that it is definitely in the top five on the list of Chinese gangsters. This kind of thing of stalking a person is not a matter of hand." Mo Fan said.

Xiao Yuening nodded and said, "That's right."

Soon the two had breakfast. At this time, a taxi stopped outside Aunt Chu's booth and a woman came out of it.

Mo Fan took a look and shouted, "Sister?"

The woman heard Mo Fan's voice, with a smile on the corners of her mouth, and then noticed Daqiang's Langlang book and said, "What's wrong with Daqiang? I have never seen them work so hard. Besides, didn't I give them a few days off these days?

Mo Fan waved and motioned Molly to come over.

Molly took a look at Daqiang and others, then went to Mo Fan's table, sat down and said, "What's wrong?"

Mo Fan said, "The strong second lady came, and then the second lady didn't like their lazy appearance, and then used reading to trick them."

"Ah! Has Xiaozhi come yet? Molly was a little surprised.

"Well, yes."

"Isn't she studying abroad? Why did you come back?" Molly asked.

Xiao Yuening smiled and said, "Sister, you don't know that. Do you remember that Mo Jun went to a gang called the Hidden Dragon Club the other day?"

Morey nodded and said, "Didn't they go up for Daqiang?"

"Well, I really came out, and I did an earth-shaking good thing." Xiao Yuening said mysteriously. At this time, Aunt Chu came over and prepared a bowl of wontons for Molly. Molly just didn't eat it. She nodded to thank her, and then said, "Thank you, Aunt Chu. Xiaojun and others are fighting together. What earth-shaking good things can they do!"

Xiao Yuening smiled and said, "Maybe, Mo Jun's limelight has been robbed of everything in that matter."

"Oh?" Molly seemed to be interested and said, "This is a rare thing."

"Well, this matter is indeed a rare thing for the person who likes to show." Mo Fan echoed on the side.

"Hey, that being the most popular at that time was Daqiang!" Xiao Yuening said.

Molly said "Ah" in surprise and said, "Daqiang is relatively stable, the oldest, and never does such a showy thing."

"The so-called people can't be good-looking. This time, Daqiang can be said to be infinitely beautiful. Not only did the Hidden Dragon save the two super beautiful women, but also won the hearts of the two people." Xiao Yuening said.

"Is there such a thing?" Mo Li opened her eyes wide. Daqiang is the least popular among Mo Jun's younger brothers. Even the thin bones have written love letters to him, but they were accidentally burned by Mo Jun. And although he is good-looking, he will never have a girl within three feet of him. Not to mention his girlfriend, he has never heard of gossip.

"Do you know Caiyang Group and Changheng Foreign Trade Company?" Xiao Yuening said again.

"Oh, I know, these two are well-known companies. Caiyang is the largest electrical appliance industry in the country. I heard that the game warehouses in Jianghu Fengyun are all developed by them. Changheng foreign trade is also a great company. I heard that the two companies are always best friends and have always had a good relationship."

"Well, that's right, not only are their old friends, but their boss's daughter is also a best friend, and in this incident, she was rescued by a popular guy and then died." Xiao Yuening said with a narrow smile.

Even Mo Fan beside him laughed.

Ah? What did you say! Has the fate of a strong woman awakened? These two rich daughter are also quite famous in the upper class. Both of them fall in love with him? Molly can't believe it.

"Why did I lie to my sister? Isn't that the second lady has come back?" Xiao Yuening pouted and saw Feng Zhi come out of the house, looked at Daqiang, and saw Mo Fan and the others. When she saw Molly, she immediately smiled and trotted all the way.

Molly whispered, "I understand."

Xiao Yuening smiled, and Mo Fan stood up beside him: "You guys are talking. I'll go to my second brother to have a look."

Xiao Yuening nodded and said, "Okay, I'll come later."

Mo Fan nodded and said goodbye to her sister. Molly told her to be careful on the way and left.

Three women play a play, and he is a big man. Can't it be embarrassing to sit there?

"OH! Myeldersister!" Feng Zhi hugged Molly.

Molly patted her on the shoulder and said, "Come on, let my sister have a look."

Feng Zhi let go of her. Mo Lizai looked at Feng Zhi carefully and let her stand again. She also got up, looked up and down, and even nodded and said, "It hasn't changed at all."

"Sister, how have you been these years?" Feng Zhi asked.

"How can my sister have been bad, but how are you doing abroad alone?" Molly sat down with her.

Xiao Yuening said, "I don't know if my sister will be jealous when she sees this scene."

Mo Li glanced at her and said, "You and your sister are simply carved out of the same mold."

Xiao Yuening smiled and Feng Zhi said, "Ah! Yue Ning, are you Yue Qing's sister's sister?

"My sister!"

"Oh? What about Sister Yueqing? Feng Zhi asked eagerly.

"I'm preparing for the wedding!"

"Ah! "Are you getting married?"

"Yes, the one sitting next to you is going to get married!"

Feng Zhi was shocked when she heard it. After a few years, the two sisters were actually getting married. It was especially easy to talk about this, so the three women chattered about the marriage issue.