The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 286

Mo Fan sat alone in Mo Jun's dormitory, his roommate fished for girls, and the library of the library was not in the dormitory.

And Mo Jun himself, of course, also played the game. He is not a fool or an ordinary smart person. Naturally, he knows that once Liu Xu's bureau is set up, there is almost no solution. Simply go offline. The reason why Mo Fan is allowed to sit in the dormitory at this moment is that he went down to buy wine.

Mo Fan looked around and was about to stand up when the door opened, and Mo Jun came in with a few bags of things.

"Lie has gone home today, and you can have a good drink." Mo Jun smiled and then put the wine bottle away.

Prinking wine and picking up vegetables, the two talked while drinking.

"Although you and I are not directly related by blood, we are both from the Mo family and are more or less from the same family. Tell me honestly, how many days do you still have? Although Yue Ning is pregnant, there is no pregnancy at all, and I can't judge how long you can be my brother." Rarely, Mo Jun said solemnly.

"Can you not mention this matter? I've been looking for you recently. You're not a game, it's about this matter." It was also rare, Mo Fan frowned.

"Well, I don't care. Have you considered the feelings of the elder sister?" Mo Jun drank all the wine in the glass.

Mo Fan was silent for a moment and said, "I don't know how to face the eldest sister. I won't mention this matter. I don't have many days left."

Mo Jun drank another glass of wine and said, "Well, let's not mention this matter. There is one thing that I have been holding back for a long time, you and Yue Ning. When will you get married?"

"Uh..." Mo Fan was obviously shocked with a wine glass.

"No matter how special your relationship is, but Yuening is a girl after all. Don't you even want to give her the most beautiful one in her life? You have announced your marriage before, but now you don't have much time. If you don't get married, it will be too late. Mo Jun's cheeks were slightly red, and he was obviously a little drunk.

Mo Fan frowned, then nodded and said, "I know about this matter, but... I always have to give her a wedding that an ordinary girl should have, and I can also be an ordinary person."

Mo Jun smiled, but picked up a glass of wine, touched Mo Fan, and drank it separately.


The two people drank a drink for about an afternoon. When they were about to fall down, it was past four o'clock. Mo Jun's roommates also came back one after another. Seeing that the two were drunk, they couldn't help smiling bitterly. Mo Jun was popular and the relationship in the dormitory was naturally good. At this time, someone helped him to bed, but Later, according to Mo Fan's wishes, he stopped the car and sent it to the small commercial street. For this reason, some people were worried and made a round-trip car to send Mo Fan back.

Mo Fan returned to the small commercial street. Xiao Yuening had already frowned and waited for him in the attic. Originally, Xiao Yuening wanted to find him, but she didn't expect to get through Mo Fan's phone. When Mo Fan came back, she found that he was drunk and naturally frowned.

Mo Fan said, "I drank a few more drinks with my second brother."

Without the expected rage, Xiao Yuening just said calmly, "What did your second brother say?"

"No, just advised me to marry you earlier." Mo Fan said.

Xiao Yuening was stunned for a moment, and two red clouds rose on her face and said, "Your second brother is not serious. I won't allow you to drink with him in the future."

Mo Fan smiled and said, "What are you shy about?"

"I... I'm not shy, I just feel awkward and awkward!" Xiao Yue's voice gradually increased.

Mo Fan took her sober tea, took a sip, and his head was slightly sober. He said, "You feel awkward, and I also feel awkward."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. The day after tomorrow is my sister's wedding day. Have you prepared the bride price? This is a custom that cannot be forgotten. Xiao Yuening said.

Mo Fan rubbed his forehead, as if his head hurt a little, and said, "I've never been good at shopping. This time I have to go to another world. I haven't contacted Mo's family, and I don't know what to give them."

"Well, I'm also worried about this, and I haven't been in contact with it. Generally, the Xiao family and the Mo family have little contact, unless there is something big, the so-called gentleman's friendship is as light as water, maybe that's what it is." Xiao Yuening also frowned bitterly.

One is a cousin, the other is a sister, and she is not an ordinary person. She really can't send something ordinary.

"Let's go out and have a look tomorrow." Finally, Xiao Yuening made the decision.

Mo Fan nodded and then said, "I want to sleep for a while."

"Well, go ahead." Xiao Yuening said, and Mo Fan walked to the bedroom.

Wait for Mo Fan to fall asleep, Xiao Yuening stroked her stomach and muttered, "Your father, everything else is good, but you will never treat your friends badly. You will also learn hard in the future. Although you will suffer a lot of losses, although your father is mean and unsmiling, he is the best person in the world."

After saying this, Xiao Yuening smiled at the corners of her mouth.

On the other side, Zhou Liandie put away her phone, said goodbye to her grandfather angrily, and got on the plane and flew straight to Beijing.

"This child... Next time I want to see my granddaughter-in-law she said. Look at her blowing nothing in the sky. I'd like to see if it's three heads and six arms." His grandfather smiled.

When Zhou Liandie rushed to Mo Jun's dormitory, his roommate looked at her helplessly. Mo Jun had a beautiful girlfriend. Naturally, the people in the dormitory knew that the two were also talented and beautiful. I don't know how many people they envied. Seeing Zhou Liandie coming, it was not easy for them to make light bulbs, so they found a reason to withdraw.

Looking at Mo Jun lying in **, Zhou Liandie snorted and was about to wake him up. She only felt that her feet slipped, "Ouch" and fell to the ground.

"Really, I must have drunk with your precious brother again. You can't be frank." Zhou Liandie got up, sat down by Mo Jun's bed, and gently stroked Mo Jun's face.

"This is the eleventh time. You are drunk. During this period, you drink almost every day, drink in games, and drink in reality. Although you are different from mortals, drinking too much is more or less bad. How worried I am about you." Zhou Liandie muttered.

"Even for the sake of your precious brother, you cherish your body more. It's fate. Why bother?" Zhou Liandie bent down gently, lay on Mo Jun's chest, closed his eyes, and seemed to be tired from the journey, so he fell asleep.

Mo Jun frowned, muttered a few times, and then there was no sound. It looked like he was asleep.