Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 04 Underworld

The saint has been out of the emotional category, and the immortal Buddha pays more attention to the divine universe.

Therefore, in the world of immortals, those who fight for benefits like secular mortals and large-scale wars are mostly monks. In a world without immortals and Buddhas, these monks who still have conspiracy and interests are better at killing those immortals and Buddhas who are only illusory in the world one by one.


Jangren came to find hell. There are few clues to hell in the secret place of the Journey to the West. In addition to the early days of the Journey to the West, Sun Wukong returned to Huaguo Mountain and was seduced by the Yinsi of the hell, thus making a scene in hell and all the cause and effect reincarnation of all the surnamed Sun. After they were cut off on the life and death thin, there were only two or three places mentioned in the secret territory of the Journey to the West. chu.

The game calls the scene of Journey to the West the "plot world" and the rest of the secret world as the "unknown world", while NPCs in the main world rarely go to the "plot world" and interact with the NPCs in the plot world; the main world NPCs walk more in the "unknown world" and explore the unknown. The secrets of the world and get what you need.

Zang Ren knew that he could get information about hell faster and more comprehensively in the plot world, but he did not want to go to the plot world, but shuttled through the unknown world. This time he came to the "sang world" to pursue a clue.

"Do you have any secret of crossing the boundary marker without worrying about being randomly transmitted away?" The steamed bun in the coffin suddenly asked next to him.

"Damn it, bag! You are so bad at acting, aren't you?"

When he saw Baozi ask this question, there was a blank and ignorant expression on his face. Situ Hao was immediately happy and complained in his heart. The reason why Baozi behaves like this is probably that he also knows that this question is a little **. Therefore, the more ignorant he behaves, the more confused he is. Of course, it is best for General Ren to answer. If he does not answer, he can avoid the embarrassment of both sides.

Jiangren had no intention of hiding this secret. He turned his palm and lay a piece of "soap" with a strong fragrance in his palm. Seeing the soap, Situ Hao and Baozi suddenly shook his body. Nima, the little prince of the demon clan, is still a dead glass?

The two people opposite saw a strange color on their faces and thought that they recognized this thing. Suddenly, they said with great admiration: "When I got this thing before, it took me a long time to know what it was and what it was for. I didn't expect that you two recognized it at a glance. It was really a wide range of knowledge!"

"Huh? Is this not soap?

Hearing what General Ren said, the two guys who covered ** and were ready to run away at any time, after a dry smile, the steamed bun in the coffin said, "We don't know what this is."

Jiang Ren glanced at the two people strangely. He had no impression of the steamed buns in the coffin. Of course, this was the first time he saw steamed buns! However, he also saw Situ Hao for the second time, but he always looked like an old friend, which made Situ Hao very curious about the idea of this NPC.

"This thing is called incense charm. If you want to cross the boundary marker and not be randomly transmitted away, you need to use this thing for world incense..."

Jangren's explanation made Situ Hao understand that this thing is a search engine, which is extremely powerful, but the consumption is also quite expensive. It is not something they can get at present, or even if they get it, they can't afford it. "This is the real local tycoon!" The two guys sighed in their hearts.

During the conversation between the three, the monsters were all locked in the sealed demon cage. Situ Hao found the leopard demon and asked curiously, "You have opened your wisdom, so it's not surprising that you have become amorphosis/adult, but the little brothers behind you are all unwise. How can they Morphosis?"

"Tell you, what's the benefit of me?" The leopard demon stared and shouted.

"How about letting you go?" Situ Hao said as if everything was negotiable.

"Has you heard of the worm?"

"I've never heard of it."

"Hey, there are also things that human kids don't know! However, I don't know what it is. Anyway, my little brother can be deformed even after being illuminated by the shadow beads.

"Have you ever been taken?"

"I have taken it, but there are no special changes."

"Where did you see the rage beads?"

"Zhenguan Temple in the city."

The three of them arrived at the Zhenguan Temple and found what the leopard demon called the "Mage Pearl". Then, Situ Hao cursed, "Isn't this a reli?"

A "reli" that can be transformed into a person by taking a picture of the unopened spiritual demon clan. In this way, it is placed in an ordinary and abandoned county temple, and there is no monk to take care of it. This looks like a trap!

The cage with an area of about 10 square meters fell from the sky, but was directly pushed above by two giant birds. Then the three people below raised their legs and left the place. The two giant birds were then taken back into the pastoral ceremony with a "swish". The cage fell suddenly and splashed the ground. It seems that the floor is also strange!

Waiting for three to investigate, the rapid and messy footsteps came from all directions, and then the monks who were blown up, holding fire sticks and angrily surrounded the three people in the not spacious hall. Fortunately, these monks did not lose their minds, but did not take action after surrounding people, no Then, they are only ordinary people's skills, and it's not enough for a steamed bun to cut alone.

"Madman, Buddhism is clean, how can you wait for chaos again and again." A white and thin monk scolded angrily. He held the arm of the wooden stick and the blue veins rose up, showing how high his anger was at this time.

Listening to the monk's words, you can know that you must have carried the blame for others. You don't need to guess more, and you know that the blame is for those monsters. Think about it, with the cultivation of the leopard demon, it's really easy to deal with these monks who are powerful but powerful, but actually have no power to bind chickens.

Put Ren's palms together, leaned over and saluted, and said, "There is no mercy as my Buddha, Zen master. We have only happened to this time. How can we say it again and again?"

Jiangren's attitude made the monks around him stunned. In addition, the boy was extremely romantic and unrestrained, and the monks unconsciously eased their attitude. Baozi muttered enviously and resented, "How can you take advantage of being handsome!"

In the courtyard Zen room, Chang Ren sat opposite an old monk. Situ Hao and Baozi were regarded as their followers standing around the general Ren. Situ Hao and Baozi did not care about such small details. After the general Ren just threw an apologetic look, he talked with the old monk.

"Zen master, if you die and come back, what's the solution?"

Baozi and Brother Hao heard this sentence, and their heads were sweating. Nima, is it time to ask Zen now?

"Cause and effect cycle."

"Where do you come from and where do you go?"

"It's time to come and go."

Jiangren talked to the old monk like a mute fan. Baozi and Brother Hao were confused, but looking at the appearance that Jiangren seemed to really understand, the two suddenly couldn't calm down. Is there really a mystery hidden in it? Half an hour later, the three left the county and disposed of all the monsters, but left the leopard demon, saying that they could not be killed arbitrarily if their wisdom was open.

The leopard demon was also strange, and seemed to be very moved. Then he was grateful, and finally became the servant of General Ren. Later, during a period of time, Baozi filled the leopard demon with wine and asked Ya why he followed General Ren. Why didn't he or Brother Hao? The leopard demon said with fascination that the general is rich and handsome at first glance. You two are both poor. How can his generation of leopards fool around with silk?

After hearing this, Baozi beat the leopard demon wildly. Anyway, she was so drunk that she couldn't wake up. When she woke up, she probably thought she had fallen down.

Although Situ Hao did not speak in the Zen room, he could also hear that the conversation between the general benevolence and the old monk of Huajia had a lot of mystery, but it also had a lot of real content. In fact, what General Ren wanted to ask was where the entrance of hell was, and the old monk did not answer directly, but used cause and effect and fate to play the mystery. When he understood it, the old monk laughed. If he didn't understand it, he also laughed. Anyway, it was worthy of the general's heart. If you understand it or not, it's "like fate" in terms of Zen machine.

Jang Ren's heart is very full. He gave the old monk a "reli". I heard that it is what kind of "Ma Li Yanba coax" relic. Anyway, it looks very high-end and elegant. Otherwise, the old monk will not be ecstatic and excited, and then many mysteries are given to the general Ren. The monks are the masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. I really believe that Ya Talking about "cause and effect", "Buddha's fate" and so on, you will lose.

"Isn't the City God Temple the entrance to the hell? Why do you still ask the old monk?" Situ Hao asked puzzledly.

"The Yin Division is the Yin Division, and the hell is the hell."

The explanation of Ren made Baozi and Brother Hao understand that the Yin Division is the location of the government agency, and the hell is the city where the government agency is located; entering the hell does not mean entering the Yin Division, just like you went to the magic capital, can you find the area where the magic capital government agency is located? That must not be! You have to fight, or you have to live in Modu for a while to know.

The City God Temple is the entrance to the hell, which is what many people know. The hell is a huge city. After death, all ghosts will go to hell, but on the way, they will pass through the "Ghost Gate, Huangquan Road, Wangchuan River". These three barriers are to brush away those mediocre, incompetent, old, weak and sick ghosts, and finally Those who can cross the bridge and enter the underworld are strong, unjust death, evil, little goodness and so on.

Entering hell is like a migrant worker entering the city without the right of residence, no welfare, no insurance, and being driven around by the urban management from time to time.

Ghosts have to live in the Mingdu before they are sentenced. All applications must be supplied by their relatives in the sun. If no one burns paper for the five animals during the festival, it is better to die than to live in the Mingdu. Therefore, if there is a relative in Yangjian who is a fairy Buddha, you can take advantage of this period to fight, or directly mention the heavenly world as a handyman, or put on a good fetus, or take away the soul and so on.

The appearance of the merit monument made Situ Hao understand that some benefits are not easy to get, and some information is not good. There is no lunch in the world, and there will be no pie in the sky. In particular, the matter of -15*de makes Situ Hao worried. He knows that the divine herdsman Wangdian, the old well, and the herdsman Waiting for the acquisition of these benefits is the source of his-15*de.

Although he does not know how to obtain merit for the time being and how to avoid getting benefits and provoke merit, at least he now knows that equivalent exchange is definitely not wrong.

Jiangren did mean to let Situhao enter the hell, but he was still thinking about the wording to avoid Situhao thinking that he had said so many demon secrets, which was to let Situhao do things. Therefore, when Situhao himself proposed to go to the hell, Jiangren was stunned after hearing it. Then, his handsome face surged red and said He said angrily, "How can Brother Hao think of me so much?"

Brother Hao looked at General Ren stupidly. Didn't he understand and said he would go to hell? Why did it become "Think of me?" Speaking of this, it seems to mean "Brother Hao can humiliate me so much". Damn it, at the thought of this meaning, Situ Hao did not calm down. He didn't want to provoke any more merit and moral cause and effect, so he said anxiously, "Brother, are we brothers?"

"Okay, that's what I mean."

So, in the coffin with a puzzled face, his boss knelt on the ground with Jiangren to worship heaven and earth. Oh, no, it's a knot!

After paying homage, it seems that General Ren really doesn't treat Situ Hao as an outsider, and throws all his dirty work on this cheap brother. Who is Situ Hao's younger brother? Don't think that the young man is a coquettish year. In fact, this guy has lived for 150 years, although in the demon clan, 150 years old is the same as 15 years old.

In the game file, Situ Hao is only 13 years old this year, and so are the steamed buns in the coffin. All the players who enter the game with Situ Hao are now 13 years old, one year older in a month, that is, 12 years old when she first entered the game. Now the game has been operating for more than a month, and Ya is one year older.

Although General Ren is an NPC, after he asked Situ Hao to do things, these things did not form tasks, but were transferred to the window of "My Cultivation Career", and then refined everything into a detailed order to facilitate Situ Hao to do it.

Jiangren wants to find the entrance of Yinsi, and there is no need to find the entrance of hell. Just go directly to the nearby Chenghuang Temple. According to the division of the secret world, practitioners like Situ Hao are actually semi-immortals. If you want to enter the hell, you only need to do some business with Chenghuang.

The four eras of Journey to the West, Fengshen, Shanhaijing and Honghuang are all eras of immortals and Buddhas running all over the ground, and the monks of the main world enter the secret territory. As long as they do not meet immortal Buddhas, they can still cope with one or two with their cultivation. Even if they meet immortal Buddhas, because they are only memory illusory bodies, their strength is greatly reduced, and the crossing of the main world The masters of robbery and Mahayana can also fight for immortality.

Strictly speaking, the immortals and Buddhas in the secret territory are far worse than the real immortal Buddhas, but this difference is only relatively speaking. The masters of the main world can only win with human sea tactics. Therefore, so far, no race has launched a war to capture the secret place.