Infinite Secret Land of Online Games

Chapter 05 Ghost Gate

Heaven and escapes from the earth, calls for wind and rain, and can do everything. What he wants is the immortal Buddha.


Although the city god is also a little god, but when he meets two monks, his attitude is extremely respectful. There is nothing he can do. Who knows whether there is a real fairy or a real Buddha standing behind these two little ghosts? Therefore, if you can't offend, you won't be offended. If you can open the door of convenience, you can open the door of convenience, so that you won't be worn by the bigwigs in heaven every day.

The level of the position has nothing to do with the level of cultivation. The position of City God is also good in the world. Don't treat village officials as cadres. At least they are officials, aren't they? Therefore, using the crystal, the currency commonly used in the three worlds, can make the City God laugh out of his mouth.

The opening of the ghost gate is a rule of time, and the City God only knows the time and does not have the power to open and close the door. Therefore, while waiting, Situ Hao and Baozi watched the ghosts constantly being detained while talking to the City God at will. City God is full of bitter water, but it is not without information. From his bitter water, it can be seen that Mao Shen and Yin Shen have 18 grades.

City God, land, and mountain god are known positions, but many people don't know that there are toilet gods, tables and chairs, bed gods, and bed gods, but there are road gods on the road. In the words of the City God of Song Kingdom, there are thousands of hairy gods in the world, not as good as the little fairy boy in heaven.

In the city emperor's various complaints, the time when the ghost gate was opened arrived. It was not a big city God temple, and the wind suddenly roared. Two of the ghosts who had just died today were blown by the gloomy wind and disappeared into smoke on the spot. The remaining ghosts were unknown, so they screamed with fear.

It is a misunderstanding that the so-called bull-headed horse face to detain the soul. The bull-headed horse face is two officials in the Yin Division, and their identities are immortals rather than yin gods. Therefore, with their identity and status, it is impossible to do this kind of work. In fact, it is the servants who arrest souls and arrest ghosts in the world, called hooks and detention, which belongs to outsiders. Staff, temporary workers.

It is a matter of taking the ghost into the ghost gate and stepping on Huangquan Road to cross the Wangchuan River. The number of people detained by the city lord is determined by himself. If he is rich, he will hire a few more temporary workers to reduce the workload of the city lord. If he is poor, the city lord will only do good things.

The City God of Caisang Kingdom is a poor man. He does the things that attract ghosts; he does the things that his life needs to be taken over; he still does the things that ghosts enter the hell. Therefore, Situ Hao and Baozi's ears were only temporarily clean. After entering the ghost gate, it is estimated that the nagging City God will be bombarded by the sound.

With the roar of the wind, a towering city gate appeared in the void. There were countless reliefs of the Rasha Yecha at the wall. These reliefs sent out bursts of pressure, making the ghosts who had not yet stepped into the ghost gate grow out bursts of pain, and the weak ghosts immediately turned into smoke and became fertilizer between heaven and earth.

"I have accumulated virtue for a lifetime, I have been an evil animal for a lifetime, nine good deeds enter the heavenly court, nine evils go to hell, mediocre people are mediocre, people and animals reincarnation, the weak are mediocre, causeless."

Baozi asked why some ghosts turned into dust souls, and some could still enter the ghost gate. After receiving such an answer from the city emperor, Baozi thought for a moment and said, "Do you mean that those who are more mediocre than mediocre people will eventually exhaust their reincarnation quota and turn into dust of heaven and earth?"

"Everything in heaven and earth, is dust not a thing? One flower, one grass, one dust, everything is counted, and everything needs to be reincarn.

"Ha, if you want to retain ten thousand years of stink, or leave a name for thousands of years, this sentence is really true. Whether it is for good or full of evil, it can be passed on from generation to generation. Unlike those who are neither good nor evil, they will eventually turn into dust souls, turn into stones or grass or seedlings after thousands of years, and then rely on whether they become sperm or not, they will not. The monster turns into a dust soul and returns to the outer reincarnation of dust, stones or plants.

"When the time comes, the ghost door opens, the ghosts avoid, and the city master stands." The deafening roar makes countless ghosts who are gathered in front of the gate to howl together. Those who can stand are the city spirit and the human monks. After all, those ghosts are also ghosts. Like the ghosts, they will be affected by the pressure of the ghost gate.

It's no wonder that the ghosts and demon bosses dare not enter the hell. In the secret territory, their strength will be greatly reduced. If they enter the ghost gate, they will really be picked up and reincarnated if they are not careful. That's really funny.

It's not only two monks between Situ Hao and Baozi. You can see a large number of human monks in front of the marginal ghost gate. Human monks are also human beings, and there are many family relatives, among which very few can be cultivated. Life, old age, illness and death are common. In order to avoid their relatives suffering less, the monks will accompany them. Connect some joints and let the ghosts of the hell know who has *.

The reason why the hell ghosts maintain respect for the monks on earth is that they are afraid that in case of a certain day this monk will become an immortal, Nima is not worth a hundred times and a thousand times, but can directly enter the hell and slap the ghosts into dust; even the immortal officials of the Yinsi do not want to offend the monks. It's also afraid that if tens of thousands of people become colleagues or bosses after becoming immortals, what can they do?

Of course, respect, the monks in the world also understand the truth that you and I are good, except for those who do have a hard backer behind them; however, if there is a hard backer behind them, their relatives and family members have not avoided the need to endure the humiliation of entering the ghost barrier, crossing the yellow spring, and forgetting the river, and will be directly introduced to hell. Therefore, those who want to go through ordinary procedures are all people who have no big* and big backers.

Caisang Guochenghuang ran into the ghost door, first signed in, and then crossed. Life and death is the big killer of Yin Si. It enveloped the whole journey to the west in the two thousand worlds of ordinary creatures in the two thousand worlds, life, old, illness and death are in the record of life and death.

Therefore, a wall in the ghost gate records how many people have died in a certain country, and how many ghosts must be handed over by the city lord of a certain country. Those who have disappeared outside will also know the life and death, and the number of ghosts on the ghost wall will decrease accordingly.

The city lord of Caisang is in charge of the city lord of the whole country, but his actual jurisdiction is only the capital of Caisang. He only needs to manage the ghosts in his area, even if he is responsible.

As for whether the five levels of city lords in the lower states, prefectures, cities, counties and villages have enough, the chief city lords of Caisang is naturally also responsible for some relationships, but it is only some relationships. Which city lord has not completed the task, and the board of the Yin Division will hit which city lord. You can't do it because their subordinates do their duty. The boss called.

As soon as the gate is closed, all the citygoris of Cais of Caisang Kingdom have to enter, and then they will appear in the same place. The city demons in various places will hand over the pocket version of the life and death disk to the General City Emperor, and then takes the life and death disk of a certain country in the westward journey and queues up to enter the ghost gate, comparing it to the ghost gate. If the difference is small, the data on the wall of life and death can be crossed. If the difference is too large, the city of the whole country will be flogged.

The whip is not used to beat immortals and Buddhas, but is specially used to clean up the hair god and yin gods. God is a creature between virtual and reality. They need to practice aura and yin qi to maintain their body shape from collapsing, and the divine whip is specially used to beat the yin spirit on their bodies. If it is not good, they may be directly The soul is blown away.

Therefore, the city demons raise ghosts. If they don't raise them, they can't do it. In case they don't catch enough one day, Nima, won't they be whipped? The ghosts raised are not raised randomly. They all have a history. The "difference" mentioned above is a loophole. There are 30 ghosts in a month.

Of course, raising ghosts is not to raise ghosts in a circle, but ghosts also have to eat. Ghosts also consume yin qi and aura, and yin qi and aura are needed by the city emperor himself. Therefore, it is impossible for an unaffluent city man to raise too many ghosts. Basically, one or two circles today, hand them over tomorrow, and then circle one or two to keep The amount that can be afforded.

There are 2,000 large and small worlds in the Journey to the West. More than hundreds of millions of people died in a day, but the handover is very fast. The city leaders of each country run into the ghost gate and send the life and death disc to the wall of life and death. After the amount of the wall of life and death is compared, it will be spit out. Without warning, it means that it has passed.

The handover was completed in only 10 minutes, but this is not really complete. The task of the city spirit is to send the responsible ghosts into the hell. The hell will not send soldiers to receive them in advance. Therefore, if there are ghosts*, rebellions, etc. on the road, the city demons need to hang themselves.

"And * and the rebellion?" The steamed bun turned into a curious baby and asked.

Although the city lord of Caisang is a chat, it is extremely interesting for him to talk about the gossip in hell. Situ Hao and Baozi listen to it with great interest. The city lord rarely has an audience and speaks very vigorously. As for his city lords and servants, they have long been far away. It is estimated that they have long enjoyed the chatty bombing of the city lord.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. After all, the immortals have not been sanctified and still maintain people's seven emotions and six desires. Although those monks say that Zen is mysterious, it seems that they can live without absorbing aura. In fact, the secret war between immortals and Buddhas is also very powerful.

And there are not only immortal officials in the Yin Division of hell, but also Buddhist officials. The Yin Division of the hell is an institution jointly managed by immortals and Buddhas. Therefore, things such as quarreling with each other, pulling their hind legs, and framing stolen goods between immortals and Buddhas can't be finished for millions of years.

The lamp goes out, but people have faith before they die, whether they believe in Buddhism or what kind of evil/religious. After death, do you care about these believers? You have to take care of it, or who will believe it in the future?

Therefore, there is no conflict between the Buddhist believers and the Taoist believers themselves. They are just ordinary ghosts, but the immortals and Buddhas in the Yinsi are relatively dirty, secretly gathering a group of war ghosts, sneaking on each other's followers, and there is a bloody conflict.

It is extremely pious to be able to be specially gathered by believers. Because of piety, they will log in to the believers' monument and enjoy the special care they have received for their faith, such as becoming a fairy servant Buddha brother, or reincarnated without queuing up, or casting a good child, etc. .

Let the believers get good benefits, which is conducive to the spread of faith. Coupled with the usual manifestation, the believers' piety is higher, and the higher the piety, the thicker the purer the aura is. The aura in the Buddhist world is continuous, and the aura index remains the highest 10, which attracts many rising monks.

"Angang", an extremely strange voice sounded from the front. Situ Hao and Baozi looked up and found that the ghost door, which had been shrouded in thick black fog, finally revealed its ferocious face. Two huge ghost heads appeared on the two huge doors with fangs. As the two huge doors opened left and right, the ferocious ghost heads also slowly disappeared. No.

A large number of ghosts staggered forward crying, and the ghosts ran back and forth to maintain the order of the team, but if someone fell behind or lost their souls, the ghosts would not take care of it. What they had to do was to keep the team neat and order. The ghost gate is so big. If it is not kept neat, it is easy to cause congestion, and if it causes congestion, the city lords will certainly be whipped, and these ghosts will be directly wiped out. Therefore, whether for the old man or for themselves, the ghosts will work very hard.

Naturally, the monks on earth do not need to be squeezed together with ghosts. They are more floating in the air, and the two rookies in the light period, in order to avoid timidity, sit on the two birds and spiritual pets that can fly freely in hell. That is definitely not ordinary. Therefore, the monks around them dare not underestimate these two. Just a rookie.

The City God of Cai Sangguo squeezed together with steamed buns with a smile on his face. He was very knowledgeable and recognized at a glance that there was a fairy bird under the seat, called "many strange bird". This fairy bird only appeared in heaven and appeared in the world. There were only two situations. One was that the fairy egg fell to the earth, and the other was taken to the earth. Master believes that it is the second kind.

If it is the second kind, it means that the origin of these two masters is really not small. In this way, he can no longer perfunctorily work for the two masters. Therefore, the city man began to talk. He felt that this master was more tender than that master, so it was easier to get the words out.

How did Baozi know that he was despised as younger than his boss, but the truth is true. He unconsciously told some things. However, the NPC in the secret territory is ultimately between illusion and reality. Many things may be noticed, but they can't understand. In the end, they can only ignore Omitted.

Like Zhongzhou and the Secret Fairy Palace revealed by Baozi, the City God is confused, but this does not prevent him from thinking. The City God has not been to the heavenly world. He believes that these two young masters must have gone around the heavenly world. Zhongzhou, the Secret Fairy Palace and so on must be in the heavenly world.

In the journey to the west and the previous era, the world of heaven was not closed, and the immortals and Buddhas were not kept in captivity. The three worlds of heaven and earth were interconnected with each other. The story of a mortal inadvertently breaking into the heaven is also widely spread in the human world, which shows that there are not too many restrictions on going to heaven.

Of course, no limit does not mean that anyone can go. Master Xiangcheng wants to go, but although he knows which direction the southern gate of heaven is and how to go, he dares not go! Nima, a fairy light shines down, and he just hangs up! Go to the hair!

According to the level of the world and the size of the country, determine the position of the team and the number to enter the ghost gate. Caisang Country is located in the middle world, ranking 57, with only 2,000 worlds, 10 super worlds, 100 large worlds, 500 middle worlds, and 1390 small worlds.

The City God Master, who had been saying that he was good luck, talked happily with Baozi. Suddenly, there was a roar. The City God shook all over and quickly floated down from the strange birds. There was a general in armor standing on the ground. He glanced at the two fairy birds above his head, kicked the City God hatefully and took the number. With a wave of his hand, a powerful suction power sent people and ghosts, including Situ Hao, into the ghost gate.

In the dark and quiet ghost gate, green torches float on both sides. The city lords and ghosts who are used to all this are very familiar with suppressing the fearful ghosts, while the General City God is still close to Baozi and Brother Hao, and introduces the origin and arrangement of the ghost gate passage, etc.

The ghost gate is not only the first pass that ghosts want to walk, but also the gate of hell. To enter the hell, you need to pass the ghost gate, which cannot be changed by the immortal Buddha. Therefore, whoever wants to attack the hell must attack the ghost gate, and the ghost gate is arranged with 19,999 attacks and small attacks and defenses. The formation is even more than a million ghost soldiers. Who dares to fight?

Even if you break through the ghost gate, there is a huge hell behind it. The hell is not a mansion. It is an underground heaven. The strong aura and the yin qi group constitute a special yin spirit. If you have malice to the hell, you can't absorb aura or yin qi from the yin spirit, and lose these. No matter how high your cultivation is, you will live. Consumed to death.

If you have strong logistics, you can ignore the gloomy spirit of hell. The huge depth of hell will make it futile to fill in as many troops as possible. What's more, hell is not a flat river. It also has mountains, water and rivers. In the underworld sea connected to the southeast and northwest, led by the great devil of the ancestor of the Ming River. With 0 million soldiers guarding, they can attack the land troops who entered the hell through the river at any time.

"Sun Dasheng entered the Yin Division from the heavenly world. If he dared to enter all the way through the ghost gate, it is estimated that he has not even touched the edge of the capital, and he has been cleaned up so that he has not even left a monkey hair." Caisang said with a disdainful face.

It can be seen that the idea of the demons and ghosts to attack the Yinsi directly is still very correct, and it is estimated that they are also very clear how difficult it is to attack the hell.

The ghost gate channel is 10,000 meters long, which seems to be extremely short, but in fact it is not the case. This passage must be completely walked by foot force, and the road surface is not flat, but full of white bones, kicking a skull from time to time, making an "empty" sound.

These white bones have no effect on the monks on earth, but to the walking ghosts, just like walking barefoot on the glass fragments and crossing the road of charcoal barefoot, the ghosts screamed "Oh" in pain, but they have to continue to walk forward. If anyone can't stand the fall, there will be countless white bones tearing them up. Crush.

And if there is a war, the white bones here will become a barrier. Any troops that break through the ghost gate will be attacked by the white bones all over the ground, or tear, or pull, or bite. Maybe it will not be effective against the immortal Buddha, but the number of immortal Buddhas is limited. It is really necessary to fight barefoot. It is estimated that It is also a critical situation, so those who take the lead must be monks on earth, otherwise, the immortal Buddha bosses are usually so good to monks for Mao? Cannon fodder must have the awareness of cannons!