The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 1 High School Students

Lin Yuchen is a high school student. He is ordinary, unassuming, and his grades are neither high nor low. He belongs to the role that is inconspicuous in the crowd. His classmates are not lure or hot, and the teacher has no pain or headache.

If it must be said that he is different from other high school students, then he is probably one of the few high school students in China who have to face life independently.

Many parents in China will swear when their children are naughty and difficult to discipline: "When he is 16 years old, let him live independently like a foreigner, so as not to be upset." But the fact is that many people have never really let go of their parents from birth to marriage and children.

Lin Yuchen's father is one of the few people who have done what he said.

When Lin Yuchen was admitted to high school at the age of 17, his father really let him live alone.

Even if Lin Yuchen took the exam in the top three key middle schools in Quanyuan City, he did not change this decision. People in Quanyuan City know that entering Minghao Middle School basically means that one leg has entered the university.

Once someone in the family is admitted to a key high school, they are basically mobilized to treat people as emperors, never get tired of eating and fine details, and dare not let him do anything. For fear that he will fall and get sick, in order to let him go to college smoothly, and then leap over the Dragon Gate and rise from then on.

But Lin Yuchen's father didn't seem to care about it. According to him, "Wh whether to go to college or not is actually of little significance to people's life. Taking a diploma can only show that you have been recognized by some people in this education system. The most important thing in life is not to be recognized by someone, but to learn how to survive and find the joy of survival in survival. But since you have been admitted to Minghao, let's go to Minghao to find the meaning of survival. At least it is one of the best middle schools in Quanyuan. Those who can enter must have their own advantages. After three years there, you can meet more people who are better than you, meet all kinds of friends and enemies. Seeking survival in this circle is much more important than whether you can get into college.

Lin Yuchen thought that the reason why his father said this was that he had not been admitted to college.

It is said that Lin Yuchen's father was not admitted to college for some reason. He was cold-eyed and went away to his hometown in anger. After struggling, although he also returned home, he did not have a BMW.

Now Lin Yuchen's family environment is not high or low. Although he can't afford to drive a car and live in a villa, at least he has no worries about food and clothing, and the numbers in the bank always remain positive.

Although it is more than the top, Lin Yuchen has reason to think that his father has a knot in his heart, so in the era when everyone is fighting for a diploma, he is the only one who disdains the diploma. Even if his son was admitted to Minghao, he still didn't show much enthusiasm. You should know that when this kind of thing is placed in Quanyuan City, many people will even hold a big banquet and invite all their relatives and friends to celebrate.

He not only disdained it, but also made a move that stunned many ordinary people and made Lin Yuchen leave the family for independence. That look seems to be really afraid that he will be admitted to college.

"If in ancient times, you had married a wife and raised children at home, and the children of foreigners became independent at the age of 16. Your 17 or 18 years old are still eating and drinking at home. What will you do in the future when you come to society?" Lin Yuchen's father said so.

But it was finally okay. Instead of letting Lin Yuchen leave the house, he lost 10,000 yuan and asked him to write an IOU. It is stipulated that in these years, as long as he is still studying, Lin Yuchen can still ask his family for tuition and living expenses, but this money will be repaid in the future.

Just as Lin Yuchen took this 10,000 yuan and was thinking about how long he could last, the savior appeared.

Lin Yuchen had a grandmother who loved him very much. After learning that her grandson had been 'independent' by her son, she appeared in time and gave him a bunch of keys without saying a word, which solved Lin Yuchen's most troublesome accommodation problem.

This is the key to a single apartment.

Moreover, the owner of this house is actually Lin Yuchen.

Only then did Lin Yuchen find that he still had a house.

This house is the ancestral property of the Lin family. The Lin family has lived in Quanyuan City for a long time. After several generations of efforts, Grandpa Lin Yuchen's generation finally saved a little assets. After experiencing ups and downs, this asset became the ancestor of the Lin family. Later, when it came into urban renovation and construction, the Lin family's industry was included in the scope of transformation and received compensation for demolition. Lin Yuchen's grandmother also had the idea to replace the ancestral house with three single apartments, with the names of his three grandchildren written on the property certificate.

Although Lin Yuchen's father is unique, he still dares not say much to his mother, not to mention that the house is legally Lin Yuchen's property. So when he learned about this, he only said a few words of doting and killing the child.

After Lin Yuchen's grandmother gave him the key, she smiled and said, "I can only help you take this step. The rest is up to you. This house will be yours in the future. Of course, you have to pay the property management fee by yourself.

Lin Yuchen calculated it himself. In addition to water, electricity and miscellaneous fees, in addition to more space and freedom, it is actually not as cost-effective as living in a student dormitory.

But anyway, I'm finally free! When Lin Yuchen picked up the package and walked out of the house, he felt extremely relaxed and finally got rid of his father's strict discipline life. In the future, I will really do whatever I want.

I want to sleep in, play games at any time, buy what I want to buy, and... Lin Yuchen calculated himself, but when he paid his tuition, all his fantasies were instantly shattered.

Because it is out of the scope of compulsory education, the tuition fees of high schools must be taken care of by yourself, and the tuition fees of key high schools are naturally not cheap. Looking at the remaining numbers on the deposit card, Lin Yuchen suddenly calculated the water and electricity fees, property fees, Internet fees, living expenses, and various miscellaneous expenses that he had to pay next. Understand what 'freedom means responsibility'.

Freedom is not priceless! In this way, Lin Yuchen, a 17-year-old high school student, began his free and independent life.

For him, the rainy season at the age of 17 was not romantic but very free. Just when Lin Yuchen began to enjoy his free life, there was a little bitterness in the free air and a little heavy on his shoulders.