The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 2 Minghao No. 1 Dun

During the break, Lin Yuchen was standing in the corridor outside the classroom, but heard a voice: "Haha, I got a treasure called 'The Ring of Posation' yesterday. I have used it, and I can instantly send a spell called 'O possession'."

Hearing this sound, a name immediately popped up in Lin Yuchen's mind: Sen Shao!

Ming Haosen is young! The No. 1 dho in Minghao Middle School.

I'm afraid few people don't know the name in Minghao Middle School. Because almost everyone in the school saw the 'Bentley' parked at the school gate when they went to and from school, and they saw a thin student swaggering on it, sometimes calling friends, and sometimes bringing the most beautiful girls of all grades in the school.

Many teachers in Minghao think that it is unfortunate to be in the same school as Sen Shao, because he is so rich that he can despise many things in the school, including teachers, the school system, and even the ultimate goal that everyone in this school strives for - the college entrance examination.

His existence will make many students feel that all their efforts are useless, and even doubt their future, because he can easily get everything you strive to pursue and cherish. Just like when everyone is working hard for the college entrance examination three years later, his family has arranged several ways for him to study abroad directly or stay in China to find a well-known university. If he wants to, even the top ten universities have a way to get him in. All this is just a matter of money and less money for him. It completely depends on his preferences and has nothing to do with the words hard work and struggle.

The existence of Sen Shao makes many people's values worthless. What many people may not get in their life can throw away or even trample on.

He is like a whirlpool. Money is the driving force of this whirlpool, and he is the center of this whirlpool. With almost infinite power, this whirlpool can easily roll in many things in the school and crush them to pieces.

So, the most unfortunate thing in this school is to be in the same class as him. Almost everyone in his class is ahead of him. What he said sometimes works better than the teacher.

Lin Yuchen's luck is a little better, but it's only a little better. Although he is not in the same class, he is in the same year, the next class.

So close to a celebrity, Lin Yuchen can feel the power of this whirlpool, and he can hear a lot about his 'advanced deeds' every day.

Raising concubines, changing cars and racing, soaking in bars to fight, all kinds of private games to fight for wealth, all kinds of which are overwhelming.

However, the situation has changed a little recently. I heard that Sen Shao has not played with beautiful women or cars during this period of time, and he seldom goes out at night, because he is addicted to a game.

This game is a very popular and mysterious holographic game recently - Land of the Brave.

This game is popular because it is a holographic simulation game. The charm of this game is that it breaks away from the traditional game's gameplay of sitting in front of the computer screen and pressing the mouse and keyboard to command virtual characters. Players immersively enter the game world and become part of the game.

Now that computer technology has developed, it has been able to simulate a virtual world that is very close to the real world, and electronic intelligence has also reached a point where it is closer to the human brain. There, everything is similar to all kinds of feelings in the real world, joy, anger, sorrow, color, fragrance and touch. All the same. Therefore, people can experience what they can't experience in the real world, realize many wishes that can't be realized in the real world, and do things that can't or can't be done in the real world.

The reason why this game is mysterious is that not everyone can play it.

Almost all games want the more players, the better, but this game is not the case. Only those who get a pass can enter the game. People without passes, no matter what you use, there is no way to enter the game. It's quite like the kind of mysterious high-level clubhouse that serves some people.

The game operator's explanation for this is that the game is still in the initial operation period, many data programs are still in the debugging stage, and the server is still undergoing final optimization and adjustment, which cannot accommodate too many people for a while.

Because the authenticity of this game is extremely high, according to people who have experienced it, the various feelings in it are almost the same as in the real world, almost the same as in the real world. It is comparable to the virtual world shown in the classic movie Matrix. Game designers use extremely powerful computer technology to virtualize tens of millions of square kilometers of continents, mountains and rivers, sun, moon and stars, birds and beasts, human history, and architectural cities, all of which are real to the extreme. Therefore, All the people who have experienced this game are so happy that they can't stop.

Since the launch of this game, the publicity has been increasing. Operators release a variety of promotional videos every day, including various life and battle details of players in it. After these videos are edited and produced by professional film and television production masters invited by operators, some are even better than movies and TV series. It's also wonderful.

Many gamers who were originally unknown have become star figures.

This is also one of the ideas put forward by game operators: here, everyone is the protagonist. Here, you can be unknown, laugh proudly, dominate the world, and do whatever you want, because here, everyone is the protagonist. Maybe one day you will appear on the screen and become a high-profile character!

Movies and TV are all played by others. You can only watch them and can't move them, but you can watch or participate in the game, and you can even change the plot according to your own ideas.

From obscurity to world-famous, it is well-known, and sometimes it's only one step away!

Therefore, under the huge publicity campaign, it has become a dream for many people to experience this game. As a result, countless people flocked to the official website of the game to apply*. It is said that the number of applicants has reached eight digits, but only one in a thousand can finally make their dreams come true. In China, being able to get a pass to enter the game actually becomes a special identity symbol of a person. In Minghao's student circle, this pass is even more popular than the notice of top universities in China.

For a while, the pass of the brave mainland was difficult to find, and it became a hot treasure in the market and dreamed of countless people.

It is said that the pass was randomly issued by the operator through the network. I don't know whether he was lucky or what means he used. In short, he also got a pass and played in it.

As soon as Lin Yuchen heard Sen Shao's words, his ears moved slightly and immediately turned all his attention to that side, carefully capturing every sound from there, without teaching any omission.

"Sen Shao is awesome."


As soon as Sen Shao's words fell, he immediately attracted a lot of admiration and envy.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Sen Shao comes to school or not. He can stay at home and have fun. The reason why he is willing to go offline to come to school is that in addition to some strange settings of the game, he can enjoy the feeling of standing above all sentient beings and receiving public attention in school.

"Sen Shao, what are the conditions for this spell, how long can it last, and how long is the cooling time?" There will always be an advice counselor next to the boss, and this voice is made by Sen Shao's counselor.

"There is a condition for possession, that is, you can only use your own 'guardian spirit'. My current 'guardian spirit' is a Queen Medusa. When I use her to possess it, I can get all its ability attribute points and skills. The maintenance time is related to its own mana. The stronger the mana, the longer it will last. Each point of mana can last one minute, but the cooling time is longer and takes one day. This is what I hate the most. However, when I was possessed, my six attributes doubled. I can not only use bows and arrows, but also have the skills of 'petrochemical' and 'snake entanglement'. They are super strong in long and close battles. In order to try this ring, I specially found an ogre squadron to practice yesterday. First, I killed more than half of them 'fing kite'. After shooting the arrows In close combat, I used 'petrochemical' and 'spirit snakes'. Haha, in less than 30 minutes, more than 150 ogre in a squadron were destroyed by me. Damn it! It's so cool!"

Another sound of admiration!

Lin Yuchen took a deep breath, and his eyes also flashed with envy.

The reason why the game is attractive is that you can achieve what you can't do in reality.

In real life, Sen Shao is not very thin. Although his family is rich, he can't help but grow weak. Eighteen kinds of martial arts are loose. If external environmental factors are excluded, maybe even a junior high school student can easily defeat him, and I don't know how his family raised him. But in the game, he can single out an ogre squadron.

In this game, the ogre is a giant of more than two meters. Except for the slower speed, power and lethality are horrible.

"Now I want to get a Queen Medusa. I feel a little worse. The Queen Medusa's skills are stronger. Using it to possess it, her strength must be twice as strong as Queen Medusa. At that time, I will be invincible in the brave continent! See who destroys whom!"

"Sen Shao, I heard that the Empress Medusa is a top soldier. This thing can be encountered but not sought. Now there are few in the whole game. I'm afraid there are, and they won't sell it!"

"It doesn't matter if I can't buy it. I upgraded myself. Recently, our legion found a new portal, which is 'Tianxu Forest'. Tonight, I will gather the Minghao Legion, pass all the people over there to practice, and promote my Queen Medusa. . These nerds say all day long that they can't surf the Internet if they want to study, so that I can't have fun.

When Lin Yuchen heard 'Tianxu Forest', he couldn't help but move again.

In the whole Minghao Middle School, there are about ten people known to be lucky enough to get passes. With the call and financial support of Sen Shao, these people formed the 'Minghao Legion' and fought hard in the game every day. Unfortunately, these people can't do anything like Sen Shao and spend all day on the Internet.

Lin Yuchen thought to himself: Because of the pass, people like Sen Shao have become powerful and have nowhere to do. Whether in the virtual world or the real world, he is used to instructing others to do things. Without anyone, he is just a rich man with a pocket full of money.

While thinking about it, Sen Shao's voice sounded again: "I heard that the operator will release another batch of passes recently. You all apply for it. After playing the game, you all come to my legion. I am responsible for the money and equipment. I want to establish the 'Yansen Dynasty' in this game and sweep the whole brave continent.

Sen Shao's original name is Wang Yansen. With the huge financial support of his family, it is obviously not impossible for him to achieve such a goal.

The existence of the virtual world has largely realized the ideals that can be said but cannot be done in many people's hearts.

In the real world, even people like Sen Shao who spend a lot of money still have many constraints.

Because after all, there are superiors, laws and various rules here. Even if you are rich, you can't be too unscrupulous. Once you touch the interests of the superiors, the final result must be extremely miserable.

But it's different in the game. Behaviors that can't be experienced or dare not be done in the real world can be safely and boldly tried here. For example, starting a war, killing, scolding the street, chopping friends, claiming to dominate, playing hooligans, pretending to be cool heroes, and pretending to be heroes. As long as you want, you can do all kinds of different actions that are out of reality without scruples.

Holographic games are immersive and more fun. Even Sen Shao, who has experienced most of the fun in the world, can't avoid it.

Sen Shao's words immediately aroused the infinite enthusiasm of the onlookers.

"It seems that no one has been to this 'Tianxu Forest' now. Our legion must make good use of this opportunity, search hard, and make a profit first. By the way, find out if there is a suitable place to build a city. I have seen it. The geography here is good, which is most suitable for building a city and establishing a country, as long as there is In the town, my Yansen dynasty can..."

At this moment, the bell of the class rang, and Wang Yansen's speech was also interrupted.