The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 23 Planning

"Big Boss Yu, what should we do now!" At noon, Lin Yuchen hurriedly finished lunch in the canteen and rushed home. As soon as he went online, he saw Xiaohei with a black line.

"I thought I had taken a series of tasks, but I didn't expect it to be such a plot." Lin Yuchen said angrily, "My value has now reached 150,000. MD, even I want to sell myself."

" boss, if I hadn't signed a follower contract with you, I would have sold you." Xiaohei said honestly.

It seems that you are also in the wanted notice! You will be fine if you sell me. I'll hang up, and it must be you next. Lin Yuchen said, "We are grasshoppers on the same line now. Neither of us can escape. If we want to survive, we can find a way together."

In this game world that speaks with strength, no one will care who killed Nocker and who is the real owner of this token. Everyone only knows one thing. Whoever has a hard fist and who is the boss will take this reward. No matter who has this thing, players will definitely try their best to grab it.

They are now a delicious meal roasted on the fire, and everyone wants to take a bite.

"That Pope is so annoying. What kind of spiritual feeling is he just afraid that others don't know where we are! How can it be like this? It's obviously cheating! This is so unfair and shameless. Xiaohei began to be angry again.

"Let's just don't take this thing, find a place to hide it, and we'll just run away. Anyway, this jungle is so big that it must not be easy to find such a token. How about we take it out and use it after this storm? Lin Yuchen came up with an idea.

" boss, are you willing to give up! This wanted notice is a top wanted notice. As long as the token is not found, the Pope will publish the coordinate range every day. As long as the scope remains unchanged, it will be found sooner or later. Besides, your phantom shooter is so conspicuous that you are probably the only one in this kind of arms in the whole game. Where can you go? Little gangster.

"What do you think we should do?" Lin Yuchen was unwilling to give up this token.

"Big boss, what are we afraid of? The terrain of your village is also good. I think you can get a few arrow towers at the intersection over there, add some fortifications, and give him a man to be a gate. We will fight with them. Xiaohei gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"It's so easy for me to do it a long time ago. I only have a phantom shooter, and you are a bare lever commander. What if there is a melee? Archers are not omnipotent. In addition, the current resources are not enough to do these for these fortifications. There are not enough stones and not enough wood. Although there are many weapons, there are not enough people. The ability of gobion is mainly to farm, prospecting, extracting drugs and pharmaceuticals. Fighting is absolutely not good. Building fortifications is not their strength. This battle can't be fought at all.

"Why don't we ask the dwarves to help?"

"I've tried it for a long time. Those dwarfs don't accept conscription."

There is a dwarf village near the goblin village, where Lin Yuchen's weapons were built. Lin Yuchen also had the idea of dwarves, but somehow, these dwarves ignored everything except building weapons.

" boss, don't you have any friends? Just find a few friends to come and help.

Lin Yuchen is speechless. People like him don't like him, but because he has developed his own living habits and way of thinking since he was a child. When he is with others, there is generally no problem in socializing, but if it is in-depth, it is not so easy. Therefore, he is used to doing it alone. Whether in the real world or in the game, although his popularity is not bad, unless he meets a familiar cowhide candy like Xiaohei, he is all alone.

"You don't even have a friend, do you?" Seeing that Lin Yuchen was silent, Xiaohei asked with a puzzled face.


"Big boss, it turns out that you are so un popular! What's the point of living like this? You don't even have a friend. Xiaohei looked contemptuous.

"What, do you have a lot of friends?" Lin Yuchen said something.

"Haha, no matter where I go, I always have no shortage of friends. I dare not say that we know each other all over the world, at least 180 of them. Xiaohei said proudly.

"Yes! With such a thick skin, you will never lack friends. I said that you can simply go to the black S meeting, and 180 people can raise the flag to grab the territory!" Lin Yuchen replied.

"Who still plays the Black S Club now! What kind of thing is this? If you want to grab the territory, you can also come here to rob it. You don't have to pay for your life, you don't have to go to prison for injuries, and you don't even have to pay for medical expenses. How good! What kind of black S meeting? What's the difference between being against the police and looking for death?

"Xiao Hei, it turns out that you are the real boss! Black boss, you have so many people. Why don't I be more generous and transfer this village to you, and you will be responsible for the defense?

"I don't have anyone, but there are few people who can enter this game, mainly because this pass has been issued too little. Although there are some friends here, they have known each other for a long time. Will you be relieved when they come here? With such a high reward, who knows what can be done? If I hadn't signed a follower contract with you, I wouldn't have been able to guarantee what I would have done. This time, some of my group of friends got 50,000 passes. My guys are all life-threatening friendships. They will never frown on the mountain of knives and the sea of fire, the iron kind! They are absolutely fine, but they are still familiar with the game and learning skills in the training camp. As you know, they can't fully adapt to this game in less than ten days and a half months, so they can't help even if they come, but just have a few more mouths to eat. Xiaohei said.

"That means you have no one. Then what are you talking about?"

"What should I do? Do you really give up this place?"

"Of course, will you stay here and wait for others to cut?" Lin Yuchen calculated that it was more cost-effective to evacuate. Anyway, his supplies had been hidden for a long time. Now he has nothing to worry about, but no one can do anything about him when he runs.

Xiaohei looked at this vibrant village and felt very reluctant. When Lin Yuchen brought him here yesterday, he shouted and excitedly, shouting that he wanted to develop this place.

In this game, villages can be upgraded to towns and castles, which can be operated and managed to obtain benefits. Once the urban operation enters a virtuous circle, it is equivalent to a continuous source of wealth in this game world. At that time, it will really be a daily struggle.

The gameplay of this game is very diverse. Players can freely choose their own development path. They can constantly upgrade their forces and kill people. They can also develop their power, recruit troops and buy horses, cede land and become kings. They can also do business and develop various sideline industries to make money. Infinite possibilities are also one of the reasons why this game attracts many players.

"If I have money now, I will immediately upgrade this place into a town and recruit troops. Who dares to provoke me? I will definitely make him come and go..." Xiaohei began to exert his infinite YY imagination again.

"Don't dream, let's live first." Although Lin Yuchen is also the age of special YY, the reality is always so cruel that he always has to face it.

"Why do people pick up any junk is a treasure? It's unfair that I finally got something and made it so embarrassed." Xiaohei sighed.

"Have you read too many YY novels?"

" boss, where are we going to hide? It doesn't seem safe anywhere now! Damn, the dead pope, let me meet him, I must turn him into a necromancer.

"I know how to blow all day long. You can't beat him with one finger. Have you recovered your physical strength and mana?

"Recovered, how about it? What do you want to do?" Xiaohei's face was alert. The last time Lin Yuchen asked him this, he cut off his skeleton giant!

"How are those spells going?"

"I just recited a spell of 'weakness'. Damn, this spell is too difficult to memorize. It's all magic things. It's simply ignorant."

The spells designed by the game designer are really shocking. There is no connection between the syllables or semantics. It is simply a random selection of some irrelevant words to put together. Some words are still rare words. The larger the spell, the more so. There are also broken sentences when reciting. A series of restrictions such as syllable, pronunciation accuracy, light and heavy tone, etc. must be completed in one go, and the error rate should not exceed 1%. Ordinary people can't master a spell without detailed explanation and certain guidance.

This setting makes everyone who learn spells extremely painful. Generally, the local accent is too serious to basically not expect to release any spells. Some people even give up spells and can stick to it. The level of Shenzhou official language and literacy have also advanced rapidly, directly following the mainstream of official radio stations. Newscaster.

"One is also OK. I finally came up with an idea today. Let's try it quickly. If it is done, there may be a turnaround.

" boss, what's your idea?"

"Come with me and you will know then."