The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 24 Underground World

In the dark underground passage, it is simply another world.

This underground passage is Lin Yuchen's hiding place. With Xiaohei, he left the goblin village, went to the entrance of the jungle, removed the branches and debris hidden at the entrance of the cave, and entered the underground world of Tianxu Forest, his biggest support in this game.

This game is the same as Invincible Heroes. There are two worlds on the ground and underground. You only need to find the passageway to enter the underground world. There are all kinds of underground creatures living here, with all kinds of resources and hidden secrets. It is said that there are also legendary underground castles. Therefore, opening the underground passage is equivalent to entering another world.

Lin Yuchen can find this underground entrance mainly because of the Dijing Village.

For a period of time, the gob village has been invaded by a herd of beasts, and the crops and villagers have been seriously damaged. The herd has come and gone, making the gob village very painful.

After some exploration, the goblossus finally figured out the traces of the herd. It turned out that this underground passage was helping the herd hide its traces. But the weak spirit can do nothing about it.

When Lin Yuchen ran around in the jungle, he accidentally touched here. After talking with the village head, he received a task to help them destroy these monsters and help the goblin protect the safety of the village, and the goblin will also give corresponding rewards.

In this game, although the ghost no longer plays a negative role, it is also one of the weak creatures. Their greatest feature here is that they have a special feeling of the earth. They believe in the god of the earth and love the earth. Therefore, they are good at farming, prospecting, familiar with the earth veins, and know the role of every plant. They are the elves of the earth, as long as they touch the earth and look at the surrounding rings. They can know what kind of bankers and plants are suitable for planting in this place, and what minerals there will be nearby, but war is an absolute layman.

Therefore, for a weak orblin, even the lowest caveman is extremely horrible, but after Lin Yuchen figured out the terrain, he found that this task was not difficult.

The tunnel is not wide and can only accommodate three people side by side. This is destined that the speed and number of the herd will be greatly limited when passing through the hole, and Lin Yuchen's subordinates are all phantom shooters who are proficient in long-range strikes, which determines the fate of the herd, in front of the strong long-range killing power of the phantom shooter. This narrow hole became the grave of the herd. Here, he easily buried several herds, successfully completed the task, became the guardian of the village, and obtained the supply of the village.

This is because the head of the spirit village calls him a 'guardian'. His task of protecting the village is to guard against all kinds of creatures and monsters suddenly emerging from this tunnel.

The whole underground passage is crisscrossed, like a huge underground labyrinth. Lin Yuchen led the way with a torch in front of him. Xiaohei followed closely, followed by Lin Yuchen's phantom troops. This time, he gathered all his troops.

"Big boss, you are so awesome that you can even find the underground world. Hey! You are so lucky. I don't know how many people are looking for the entrance to the underground world, but I have never heard that someone has found it, but I didn't expect to be found by you. No wonder you have found the underground castle. Have you found any treasures, minerals or so on? Xiaohei looked at the scene in the tunnel and said with in surprise.

"Dream! It's not that easy. The creatures here are very powerful. I've hung up a lot of people here. If I want to have treasure, I have to do so many things. Lin Yuchen said.

Although the game description describes the underground world like a huge treasure, Lin Yuchen understands that this is by no means as simple as everyone thinks.

He has explored here for a period of time, but the harvest is very little. The reason is that in this underground passage, the terrain is complex, there are fork roads everywhere, and there is insufficient light, so it is extremely difficult to explore. With a little negligence, underground creatures suddenly emerge from a corner and catch you off guard, and And the underground passage is wide and narrow, high and low, wide and narrow. There are more than ten meters wide. A container car can pass horizontally, but the narrow place can only barely squeeze through sideways. The high place is as high as three floors. In the low place, people can only lie on the ground and barely get through it. The troops can't open it at all in this terrain. There is not much room to move when they meet the war. In many cases, they can only fight hard, which is very unfavorable to Lin Yuchen's pure bow and arrow troops. Lin Yuchen spent a lot of time and losses. I wasted a lot of energy and only figured out a small place. Finally, I had to give up and only regard this passage as a hiding place.

"Is there an exit for this tunnel!" Another function of the underground passage is to be able to use it to transfer troops.

"I didn't find it either." Lin Yuchen said helplessly.

"Oh! Boss, let's just ignore the above and explore here. If my skeleton army is there, it will be your cannon fodder, and our two brothers will build an empire in this underground world. Xiaohei said complacently.

I have to say that this is a good proposal. The undead and dark arms have bonuses underground, which is the most beneficial to players like Xiaohei. Moreover, in this terrain, the cannon fodder force such as skeletons is also the most suitable. With them in front of them as cannon fodder, Lin Yuchen's phantom has distance and space to use, and after the undead players master the soul recruitment technique, the skeleton army can Add on the spot, and even more and more, you are not afraid of loss at all.

Little black chattered about his development plan, and Lin Yuchen could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

"Don't nag. There are powerful creatures living in many places here. I dare not provoke them. You are crooked. Wait a minute to attract those guys. I can't take care of you." Lin Yuchen said this, but Xiaohei didn't dare to say it.

A team of people and horses circled around and finally came to a branch road of the tunnel to stand. Lin Yuchen pointed to a small gap and said, "I'm here! This is it!"

Xiaohei looked in the direction pointed by Lin Yuchen and saw that it was dark inside.

"I have thought that only the special terrain of the tunnel can limit the advantage of the air force. No matter how powerful the monster is here, it can't fly out. This road is a dead end. When you enter this entrance, there is a relatively large space. There is no other exit. It is simply a natural cage. As long as the two of us can hold this entrance, that guy can't escape. Lin Yuchen explained

" boss, you're not going to fuck that monster here, are you?" Xiaohei looked scared.

"Of course. Haven't we studied it? The only way to command these monsters is to knock them down and let them sign a contract with us. Otherwise, this token will be of no use to us at all, but will only become a burden. I have thought about it. If this ticket is done, even the Pope can fight for it. If it can't be done, I don't want this token. Let's throw him away now. It's useless for anyone to pick it up. If you hold it in your hand, it will only cause trouble. Lin Yuchen's face was determined.

"Is this place OK!"

"Absolutely no problem. You see, this entrance is so small that we, together with angels and phantom archers, should be able to hold it.

Xiaohei stood at the gap and carefully observed the terrain. He held a torch and looked inside to see the space inside clearly.

This closed space is about 50 square meters, and the height is about six meters. Originally, a group of cavemen came here, but recently Lin Yuchen used the method of drawing snakes out of the hole, and then sealed the hole with the phantom shooter and shot clean. Here, he also obtained some resources left by cavemen.

Originally, Lin Yuchen wanted to use this place as a warehouse, but this place was too deep and it was very inconvenient to move. In the morning, Lin Yuchen thought hard, and suddenly a flash of inspiration, and finally thought that he could make good use of this special terrain.

While listening to Lin Yuchen's words, Xiaohei held a torch and took pictures inside. Suddenly, he suddenly saw a tall figure and couldn't help being shocked.

"Ah! ~~Archangel! Fuck! Why did you bring the archangel here?

In the dark tunnel, Lin Yuchen was escorting the captured archangel in.

What's the name! Damn it! Scared like this! You are too cowardly. This archangel is also part of the plan. This guy just refused to surrender. Later, I thought about it and simply let him be cannon fodder. Let him work with the monster and let him hold the hatred of the monster. We output it next to us so that we can also know what level the monster's strength has reached.

" boss, I think this is a little suspense. What if angels and monsters rush out together? At that time, neither of us will be enough to cook.

"Isn't this angel and the dead a natural enemy? It would be strange if they joined hands. What's more, we don't have time to think so much now. I can only spell it and take it step by step. Don't you have to fight to play games? Don't you know that you have more experience in fighting monsters than superiors?" Lin Yuchen also looked contemptuous.

"Big boss, don't think about it anymore."

"Damn it, you dare to play games with others. No wonder he will be abused by the Templar. I really don't know how you have lived until now. Do it or not! I have to go in the afternoon... Uh-huh! I'm doing something." Originally, Lin Yuchen wanted to go to class, but since he was the boss of others, he naturally couldn't say that he was too young. If he wanted to say that he was still in high school, I really didn't know that Xiaohei would react.

"Do it! Who said I didn't have the courage? Damn, you don't even think about how my skeleton giant got it. When I visited the ancient tomb alone at night and fought with countless ghosts and witches, was I afraid? Am I afraid? I..." stimulated by Lin Yuchen, Xiaohei immediately became extremely angry and began to talk about his majestic history again.

"Just do it! When I release the monster, you brush him 'weakness', and then let the archangel fight with him. My phantom seals the exit with a bow and arrow, and the angel and I stay aside, as long as they come out, we will cut it. Lin Yuchen interrupted Xiaohei. If this guy opened his mouth, he might be able to say that it was dark directly.

"... Boss, where am I standing?"

"You stand here first and hide behind me after brushing. As soon as the cooling time is over, make it up for me. Pay attention to the position and the rhythm of the attack!"

" boss, you can help me block it later. I'm a necromancer and have no melee ability." Xiaohei has no confidence in this plan.

"Damn, what a waste! Isn't the current trend for mages to play melee? Why don't you, as a mage, have the ability to fight at all? Can't keep up with the trend! It's outdated! Out!" Lin Yuchen took the opportunity to attack.

"Hey! Boss! I will definitely correct this shortcoming in the future! But you must hold on today, by the way! This angel is tied up. How are you going to let him go later?

"I'll let him go now." Lin Yuchen said and launched a 'thorn bondage' to the angel.

I saw some vine-like plants sticking out from the wall of the tunnel, tightly entangling the archangel. After the vines were wrapped tightly, Lin Yuchen held the archangel's judgment cross sword, cut the expansion of the angel's body, and then inserted the sword into the ground in front of him.

"Prepare quickly! In this place, the wooden spell will be weakened to a certain extent, and the duration and power of this spell will decrease.

The two quickly plugged in lit torches around this tunnel space, so that there was enough light in it so that they could see the scene inside. After arranging the torch, the two immediately retreated. Lin Yuchen arranged the position of the phantom shooter, and after configuring the ladder and direction of the fire strike, he took out the "Nether Blood Order".

"Are you ready!"

Xiaohei took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Then I'll start!"

Lin Yuchen began to chant spells.