The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 26 Post-war Summary

Sitting in his seat, Lin Yuchen was weak, but his mood was quite happy. Of course, the reason was that he subdued the monster.

The physics teacher is talking about the skills and methods of solving problems on the podium, but Lin Yuchen's heart still remains in the game. What the teacher said, he didn't listen much.

Although the battle at noon racked my brains and tried my best to take a lunch break every day, it was all worth it.

In Xiaohei's words, this time it's really profitable.

The strength of this monster was unexpectedly. It was roared seven times by flames, and all of them were shot at close range. Coupled with Lin Yuchen's two swords full of true spirit, and several times by the archangel, Xiaohei's bloodletting move was still immortal. Such a tough monster, whether it is Lin Yuchen or Xiaohei, is the first See you once.

The two earned money for a while, but Lin Yuchen found that arguing with Xiaohei was definitely more horrible than shaking with the monster.

When he watched Journey to the West, he laughed when he saw Tang Monk talking to death about the two executioners who were going to kill him. He thought it was just an exaggeration in the movie, but now he found that this kind of thing was absolutely possible to happen.

This little black is simply a realistic version of the 'Tang Monk', which is even better than the one on TV. At that moment, he was like a fly locked in a glass bottle, buzzing and crooked. Lin Yuchen's kung fu, but he was defeated by the other party's endless saliva like the Yangtze River. After retreating, he completely collapsed and fled. He almost embarked on the equally tragic fate of the two executioners. He had no choice but to give up the monster and watched Xiaohei take the monster as the guardian spirit.

This guy was simply the result of Tang Monk's possession or reincarnation, which made Lin Yuchen understand why the two executioners quickly broke themselves at that time. Even the ghosts couldn't stand the situation.

But Lin Yuchen also got a little benefit, that is, Xiaohei must bear the main defensive responsibility for the next two days.

This guy got such a fierce guy. What if he doesn't let him do more?

When he turned this monster into his guardian spirit, they finally got the general information of this monster:

Underworld demon: life 600, force 578, physical strength 300, speed 130, mana 0, attack 380-423, defense 350, intelligence 50, strength 400, seven-level arms from the Netherworld.

There are two completely different ways for people to play games in front of the computer and directly enter the game environment, so in many places, holographic game players cannot be absolutely digital, but the arms simulated by these computers are different. In order to give players a more intuitive understanding of each arm, in this game Among them, the attributes of the arms are set in detail, with a total of ten items, namely: force, life, speed, attack, intelligence, strength, mana, defense, physical strength, morale. Among them, force, life, speed, intelligence, strength and physical strength are the basic attributes, which will increase with the level of the arms, while attack and defense are determined by the equipment and strength of the arms, and morale is determined by the player himself and the environment.

From a numerical point of view, this fire demon is the most powerful place to force. Force represents the melee fighting ability of the arms. The higher the value, the stronger the melee ability. For melee arms, this attribute also determines the attack power of the arms, but the higher the force value does not mean that the attack power is stronger.

Like Lin Yuchen's phantom shooter, the force value is 20, but the attack power is quite high 90. With the increase of experience, Lin Yuchen's 'guardian spirit' has reached 230, because he is a long-range soldier. Although his melee ability is low, it does not prevent him from killing his opponent with bows and arrows. If Lin Yuchen equips them with 'Flame Roar', this value can still be added.

Of course, these values are just a reference value. The higher the values, the stronger the ability. Everything depends on the environment, timing, and changes in various actual situations. Such a high-level creature like this underworld demon was defeated by Lin Yuchen using the environment and various conditions.

The defense of the 'underworld demon' comes from the layer of scales and ringworm armor on his body. Its toughness has reached the golden level. Ordinary weapons can't break the defense at all, but this is not the reason why his defense is high. The green flame on his body is the real best, that is, the legendary underworld fire. This layer of underworld fire can It resists most of the magic attacks and has strong corrosion, which can burn all substances below golden quality into ashes. It can be said that this layer of underworld fire is the dual defense of magic and martial arts, and the best armor for both attack and defense, which makes them more powerful when fighting in close combat. Therefore, he can resist the roar of the flame and shoot so many times. It can be said that ordinary weapons do not do much damage to him at all. When Lin Yuchen cut him at noon, he was directly forced back by the underworld fire on his body.

The only thing that makes people dissatisfied is that this guy will not upgrade again, have no spells, and his IQ is also a little better than that of mentally retarded children. Although the underworld fire is good, it also makes him unable to equip him with any armor and weapons. There are not many unique tricks. In addition to spitting fire, there is also a 'underworld fire shock wave'.

But this is enough for two people to have fun. From the perspective of combat power, he is absolutely a high angel, almost at the same level as the power angel. Such a high magic defense, thick armor, sufficient blood, strong force and can fly, they actually have twelve, even the Temple of Light can't make up twelve powerful angels. If they are given enough time to subdue the twelve fire demons in the token, they can definitely walk across this continent.

But the problem is that they are now a big enemy. They don't have much time, let alone neglect. Today is Friday. Starting from tonight, the game will enter the peak of the flow of people, and idle players will continue to flood in. Once the fight starts, the opponent will not give them much time at all. Under the limitations of physical setting, they can't cope with too many battles at all. Just like the short battle at noon, Xiaohei consumed all his mana, and Lin Yuchen also consumed most of his physical strength and true energy. The 'guardian Yuanling' had a physical exhaustion and could not cope with any more battles at all. At this time, there was no other way but to rest.

Therefore, Lin Yuchen and Xiaohei made a decision to give up the goblin village, hide in the tunnel, and wait for tomorrow to recover before making plans. The tunnel is easier to defend and hide. There are many fork in the tunnel, and the players who catch up are easy to go astray and fall into the tunnel maze.

In this way, he can relax and read a book these two days.

It's good to have someone to help! Lin Yuchen sighed.

In the past, he was a single-person household. He wandered alone in the jungle and met all kinds of creatures designed by the game. He was lonely and lonely, and he could only rely on himself for everything. Now suddenly someone is willing to stand with him and take part of the responsibility for him, which makes him feel the importance of friends.

Unconsciously, he and Xiaohei have established a relationship of mutual trust in a short period of time. Although they have quarreled and refused to forgive, both of them have given up their vigilance of each other. Although they are not iron buddies now, they are at least difficult friends sitting in the same boat.

In fact, no matter where you are, it is not easy to do it alone. Even the protagonist in YY novels often has an extremely strong*, a group of brothers who are willing to die for him for free. Lin Yuchen secretly made up his mind to make fewer enemies and make more friends in the game in the future. Otherwise, with more and more players, the situation will become more and more complicated, and it will be more and more difficult to survive in it.

In just a few days, he planted two big enemies and became the big villain and the enemy of the public in the game. If he continues to develop at this speed, he will soon become the public enemy of the whole game. Everyone shouts to fight the street mouse. In this game that never goes offline, there is really no way to live.

Multiple friends have multiple roads and multiple enemies have multiple walls. Whether it's reality or a game, if you want to get along better, you must have more friends.

I think that only a special situation like Xiaohei and the best personality can be mixed with myself. Lin Yuchen couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of this little black.

The luck of this talkative guy is really a surprising advantage! Lin Yuchen later thought about it carefully. There was also a lot of luck in the battle at noon. The success rate of Xiaohei's bloodletting move was only 50%. If he had not succeeded at that time, today's result might have been completely different, but this guy actually used it twice to make him successful, and the success rate was 100%; If you count the time when you accidentally met him by the Templar yesterday and saved him, the boy's luck is really good and nothing to say. I don't know if he has always been like this before. He can always be auspicious and turn bad luck into good luck.

What made Lin Yuchen most angry was that this boy successfully subdued the underworld demon once and directly turned it into a guardian spirit. On the contrary, the archangel Lin Yuchen has surrendered countless times and refused to surrender. This man is really angry than others.

If this kind of human life is better, it is the protagonist of the kind of YY novel that can dig a treasure by digging a hole. Lin Yuchen suddenly wants to know how his skeleton giant got it! This man lives such a good life in the game. I don't know if he is so happy in the real world.

The only thing that comforted Lin Yuchen about the battle at noon was that the two angels did not die, which had to make him sigh at the strong vitality of the angel. Although the archangel was seriously injured, he still had a breath. The angel was just stunned by a tail gun from the monster. After waking up, he added a recovery technique to himself. Now, Lin Yuchen has ordered him to heal the archangel and prepare for the next action to conquer the 'underworld demon'.

Just when Lin Yuchen was distracted. After class, the bell rang, and the physics teacher dragged the class for a while before leaving reluctantly, leaving a group of sleepy people.

As soon as the teacher left, Tofu packed up his textbook notes and quickly took out his mobile phone to read news on the Internet.

"Is there any good news?" Lin Yuchen asked. Because of economic problems, Lin Yuchen's mobile phone is the most simplified type. He can only answer phone messages. Although he can barely access the Internet, Lin Yuchen dares not buy network traffic in order to save money. Therefore, he learns about network information through tofu.

"No! However, there are a lot of discussion posts. It seems that they are all preparing and still in the brewing period. The tofu finger brushed around on his mobile phone, ten lines at a glance.

In this game, many settings really subvert previous game habits. The game is not only a holographic way, but also closer to reality in many places. It is impossible to ride a horse to cross several continents thousands of miles away, and players can no longer do whatever they want to do as they used to be.

Just like the huge reward released by the Temple of Light this time, if it had been the task just released yesterday, someone might have blown it up today, and maybe even the strategy has been written. But in this game, more than ten hours have passed, and there is still no movement on the Internet. Most players are still in the preparation period, calling for friends, changing equipment, and no battle has occurred.

The closer the setting is to reality, it means that players have to deal with more details. The day of upgrading the equipment, forming a team and slashing, putting down the boss and getting rewards for the violent equipment no longer exists. In each action, players must deal with a series of problems such as supplies, equipment, marching, intelligence collection, etc. A little negligence will bring serious consequences, and even haven't been found. The boss hung up by himself, which means that they have to spend more time during the preparation period.

There are good and bad in this way. The advantage is that Lin Yuchen, as the opposite party, has more opportunities to breathe. The disadvantage is that once the fight is started, it must be a tough fight.

"I feel that this game is too demanding for logistics. I think if I bring less food, let alone beat the boss, I may starve to death in the forest first. Tofu said while looking at a post.

"Let me have a look and write something!" Lin Yuchen stretched out his head and looked at the post that Tofu was reading.

This is a deep technical post, which lists some precautions for jungle warfare in detail. As a senior jungle player, Lin Yuchen nodded repeatedly and felt that this person's summary was quite reasonable.

According to the post, the jungle war is not the more people the better. The complex terrain in the jungle has no room for large troops to unfold. The young Minghao Legion has suffered such a loss, but there are fewer people and can't cope with the dangerous environment in the jungle. The war damage along the way is enough to make people eat a pot, and the supplies are the same. It's also a big problem. If you bring more, you will slow down the speed of the march. If you bring less, you are afraid that you won't be able to find the boss. In a word, this high reward order is not so easy to take.

As a person who has been in the jungle for more than a year, Lin Yuchen also understands the difficulties. Of course, this is also beneficial to him. This post invisibly gives him more confidence.

"This money is not easy to earn!" Lin Yuchen said proudly that he had to say that he was very happy with this post.

The tofu also sighed.

Lin Yuchen also realized that war is not a simple thing after the experience of the game.

The description of war previously seen in various media novels focuses more on describing the tragic and horrible scenes of war, but says little about the details of logistics. For this game, all the troops are recruited digital simulations. No matter how tragic the killing is, no matter how real the designer is, the player will not feel guilty psychologically. After all, these are not real lives.

But in other aspects, Lin Yuchen really experienced the difficulties of war.

In each battle, pre-war preparation is sometimes more important than the battle, and many times even determines the outcome of the battle. The training, preparation and command of soldiers, the use of weapons and equipment, the use of terrain, the collection of information, and the supply of logistics are all crucial. Every negligence may lead to the defeat of the whole army.

At the beginning, Lin Yuchen always felt that this was just a game. Fighting was to fight with many people, tactics and so on were secondary. However, after being beaten several times and the finally recruited troops were destroyed, he finally calmed down and thought about his whole strategy and tactics.

For this reason, he even read Sun Zi's Art of War for a long time. In that saddest day, this book really helped him a lot.

The Taoist makes the people agree with the superiors, so they can die with them, live with them, and the people are devious. Heaven, yin and yang, cold and summer, time system. The land is high and low, far and near, dangerous and narrow, narrow and life and death. General, wisdom, faith, benevolence, courage and strictness. Law, music system, official Taoism, main use. All five will not hear; those who know will win, and those who do not know will not win. Therefore, the school took the plan and asked for his feelings. He said: The master is familiar with the way, the generals are familiar with the ability, the heavens and the earth are familiar with the law, the soldiers are familiar with it, the soldiers are skilled, and the rewards and punishments are familiar with it. I know the victory or defeat.

With the lessons of failure, he gradually understood the importance of organization, training, command, logistics, terrain and timing. After repeated experiments, he finally found his own way to survive and gave up all kinds of miscellaneous soldiers, focusing on phantom shooters, and tactics were also dominated by fast-moving guerrilla warfare. Don't fight hard with your opponents, and make full use of terrain and speed to fight sports.

After the strategy and tactics were determined, Lin Yuchen's life was much better. He gradually felt like a fish in water in the Tianxu Forest. This is really thanks to the Taizu of the founding of China. His original guerrilla tactics have benefited Lin Yuchen a lot. The vast Tianxu Forest has become his stage. Although there are not many people, it will always be controlled. Control the initiative on the battlefield, 'Although our strength and weapons are not as good as our opponents, it is up to us to decide where to fight, when and how to fight on the battlefield.' Taizu's words are really good words.

But in this way, he developed the habit of not being good at fighting hard. When he encounters battles, he always finds a way out first, and always thinks about 'the enemy advances and I retreats'. Just like the situation at noon, when the underworld demons counterattacked, Lin Yuchen's first reaction is to leave this land and leave his life first. In addition, it is the first time to fight with Xiaohei. Fighting on his shoulders, he actually couldn't take care of him for a while. Later, after he reacted, he found that he was excited at that time and forgot that his token was in his hand. The monster did not dare to touch him at all, and even forgot the "receiving demon" function in the token.

However, Lin Yuchen also knew that at that time, he was probably the same as Xiaohei, and he couldn't fart. Although the spell of collecting demons on the token is not difficult, the success rate of reading it in that case is not high.

The later counterattack of the archangel also made him sigh. People with faith are different!

When Lin Yuchen released the monster, he immediately untied the archangel's bondage spell. As soon as the archangel got out of trouble, he immediately picked up his long sword and rushed to the monster without hesitation.

It looks like seeing your own father's enemy.

Even if you know that you are invincible, you have to fight to the end. If it hadn't been for his Jedi counterattack at a critical moment, the battle at noon would have been a different scene.

Thinking of running away at noon, Lin Yuchen still felt that his face was lightless. In the past, when I worked alone, it was okay to run alone, but now I have a comrade-in-arms, so it doesn't seem appropriate to run like this. Xiaohei's small physique, with slow speed and poor physical strength, can't keep up with his rhythm at all, and is not suitable for his tactics.

It seems that we need to recruit a group of relatively tough arms, which are specially used to fight hard battles. Although this phantom shooter is good, the small physique determines that they are only engaged in guerrilla materials. It is absolutely impossible to fight hard. If they fight hard in close combat, any of the most ordinary long shooter can stab him to death.

After this group of monsters were subdued, I went to the 'Beast Valley' to recruit a group of 'bears' to make meat shields, specializing in fight with people. Lin Yuchen thought to himself: Who dares to provoke me when he sees it!