The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 27 Fat Man Under the Starry Sky

The fat man under the starry sky is a very sultry person, which can be seen from the name he gave himself.

Friday night, the fat man finished dinner early, rushed into his room without even taking a shower, hurriedly turned on the computer, put on the game device specially equipped with the game Atlanta Land, and entered the game.

Fat under the starry sky: occupation: captain of the Golden Knights, can command 600 people; equipment, Temple of Light standard suit, quality: white.

The Golden Knights is one of the five knights under the Temple of Light, which belongs to the official force of the Temple of Light in this game.

Setting up an official force is also one of the features of this game. This setting is similar to that of civil servants and national soldiers in reality. Once they join, they must serve their respective forces wholeheartedly and not rebel.

Players have also discussed this setting fiercely. It can be said that there are both good and bad. The disadvantage is that they have lost the freedom of many games. In order to serve the forces, they must complete the tasks assigned by their respective forces. Many times, they must be done step by step, and there are not much free time, and some things they have to do if they don't want to do. But compared with the benefits, these disadvantages are somewhat insignificant. After joining the force, the player's equipment and supplies are supplied by the forces they serve, and they can even receive some salaries every month without having to bear their own profits and losses like ordinary players.

This means that players can not only play games without paying, but also earn some money. This alone is enough to make those players who are shy and want to play games for nothing.

I have to say that this is a very attractive setting. At the forum, these players who serve the major forces in the game are nicknamed 'Atlan's civil servants'.

Of course, it is not easy to become a 'civil servant in Atlan'. Players must go through a series of assessments before they can get such an opportunity. The content of the assessment is the various rules and doctrines of the major forces compiled by game designers. Like the Temple of Light, the content of the assessment is the doctrine of light. Only those who are devout enough can enter the Temple of Light to serve the God of Light.

Some players read those teachings, which are basically the Bible in the real world.

The burden of modern people is so heavy that those who play games are happy and decompression. Who would spend so much time reading the boring things made by operators to make trouble for themselves in order to play a game? Therefore, most people can be said to be powerless and want to sign up, but there are not many people who can get the qualification in the end.

But the fat man is different. The fat man is not only a Christian who was baptized at birth and goes to church with his parents every week, but also a civil servant. What civil servants are best at is to read various documents, understand various spirits, and deal with various assessments. From childhood to his extraordinary ability to take the exam, the fat man easily entered the system of the Temple of Light.

He started as a soldier, and after more than a year, he actually got into the captain.

Fat people like this game very much and are used to it. After all, in the real world, he has also worked in the system for many years. But compared with the real world, it is obviously more attractive. Among other things, it is much faster to improve this aspect than in the real world.

In the real world, the fat man has been in the system for four or five years, and he is still a section member who is called to run errands. Not to mention hundreds of people, even a deputy section level is an unattainable wish for him.

The unfulfilled wishes in the real world have finally been greatly compensated here. Here, he not only experienced the happiness of promotion, but also saw the hope of promotion. If he continues to do this, it is not impossible to be a legion commander. That's the official who commanded tens of thousands of people. Just controlling those equipment and materials is enough to enjoy himself.

Therefore, after being lucky enough to get the pass of this game and successfully entered the Temple of Light, the fat man who lost hope for his official career moved and put his full energy into the game. In the past, he occasionally bubbled and drank after work, but now he basically doesn't go anywhere after work and plays games at home.

Today, he is going to work all night. Anyway, tomorrow is a weekend holiday. He doesn't have to go to work. He just spend these two days to carry out the mission issued by the Pope.

Of course, it's private!

The Golden Knights belong to the Temple of Light. Without official orders, the Knights cannot be dispatched casually. However, there is a setting in the game that in addition to fulfilling their corresponding obligations in their respective forces, 'civil servants' can also perform some tasks privately, but there are certain restrictions, that is, performing private tasks must not affect normal work, must bear all the expenses by themselves, and the troops under their jurisdiction cannot all be taken away, only Limited to your own cronies, and at most one-tenth of the number of troops you lead.

The fat man brought 200 people this time. In addition to 60 of his own guards in the Temple of Light, there are also 83 archers, and the rest are the biggest support of his trip - 57 cross sword and shield warriors.

This unit is a private army raised by fat people.

The rules set by the game are not rigid. Even if they are 'civil servants', they are allowed to change their own equipment and support the private army if they have enough money. The upper limit of the number of private troops is determined by the level of military rank.

For this operation, the fat man has spent a lot of money. He not only did his best, but also bought a lot of equipment for his troops, which not only took out all the money he had saved for playing games for more than a year, but also put in all his salary this month except for his living expenses.

Although he ate public food, the fat man did not get much benefits in the game. On the contrary, in order to complete the tasks released by the Temple of Light, improve his strength and level as soon as possible, and change equipment for his troops and support his private army, he often put money in. Moreover, with the deepening of the game, There is a tendency to match more and more.

Game operators are obviously not fools.

He used to be a gourmet, and he could see him wherever there was delicious food, but since he fell in love with this game, the fat man found that he had lost at least ten pounds.

All these fat people think it's worth it. Once this mission is successful, he can not only upgrade three levels in a row, but also get 100,000 and golden equipment. He is rich and dangerous, and the winner is the king...

Desire can always give people infinite motivation!

If this mission is successful, I will have a good meal. The fat man swallowed his saliva.

He led his troops and lined up to the portal.

According to the official information of the game, there are portals in many corners of Atlanta land. You only need to know the coordinates of the portal to achieve two-point transfer, eliminating the pain of marching through mountains and rivers.

The fat man is now located at the closest portal to the Temple of Light; his goal is Tianxu Forest.

When someone announced the coordinates of Tianxu Forest on the Internet a few days ago, the fat man still felt that this person was quite stupid. If he found the coordinates, he should hide them so that they would not let them know, and then leave them to explore them well. The discovery of every new place means that a large number of ownerless resources and land are waiting to be developed. The more people know, the more The more you get, the less you get. Isn't this the same as cutting the cake for others? This man is so stupid!

But what happened in Tianxu Forest also overwhelmed him. First, a legion was completely annihilated, and then the mercenary union issued a reward task to hunt down the 'lurkers in Tianxu Forest'. The high reward made the whole mercenary union lively. The mercenaries have been teaming up there for the past two days to prepare for this huge reward; then there is a high-level temple horse. Shi was killed while carrying out the pursuit mission assigned by the temple in Tianxu Forest. Although this matter has less impact than the former and is limited to the interior of the Temple of Light, it has also caused a sensation among the temple players, because this player is a rare pure air force, and it is said that there are angels to help, and such elite troops have been killed. Why don't you teach other players? Finally, the lost treasures of the Temple of Light appeared in Tianxu Forest, and the Pope of the Temple of Light also came together and issued a huge reward. At this time, the whole Atlanta land moved, and all the focus was concentrated in the Tianxu Forest.

The fat man was surprised and quickly found a reason for this series of events: this is probably the plot specially designed by the game designer.

The portal is five meters wide and eight meters high. The largest arms in this game can pass through, and five or six ordinary arms can pass side by side. The fat man sorted out the team, entered the coordinates in front of the portal, paid the corresponding fees, and let his queue enter the portal.

After the five archers in the first row entered the portal, they saw a flash of light and shadow, and the five people immediately disappeared.

The speed of this portal is really slow! When will these two hundred people be sent? The fat man thought: And it's too expensive.

The portal is billed according to the distance, and the farther the distance, the higher the cost. The Temple of Light and Tianxu Forest are transnational transmission, so the cost is also a little more expensive.

One person wants 20 silver coins, and 200 people want 4,000 silver coins, which is equivalent to 40 gold coins, which is equivalent to 40 yuan, which is equivalent to my lunch. My money! Forty yuan, how much is enough for lunch? I want double braised meat, chicken wings, sparerib soup, and...

The fat man looked at the flashing portal and swallowed the saliva that was about to flow out.

Soon, the archers' troops at the head were over. Next, it is the main force this time - the cross sword and shield warrior.

In the Temple of Light, the cross sword shield warrior is a five-level arms. Each cross sword shield warrior is a power warrior with superb swordsmanship. Each of them is equipped with a long shield of 1.6 meters and 60 centimeters wide and a cross sword, which is both offensive and defensive, and has excellent combat effectiveness. Not only that, they also have a firm belief, so they are favored by the God of Light and have a skill like a mad warrior - concentration. Once this skill is activated, the ability of each cross sword shield warrior will be doubled in an instant.

The effect of

skills is determined by experience points. The higher the experience points, the higher the combat effectiveness of cross sword shield warriors may even reach seven levels of arms, that is to say, they can directly fight against angels.

This is the army he has managed to save. The fat man has every reason to believe that there are not many people who can beat his army at this stage.

The fat man's favorite is their defense ability. Once this unit enters a defensive state and builds a defense line, unless it is a heavy cavalry or orc, no one can break through their defense line. Archers can hide behind them and shoot arrows calmly. Fatty's tactics are basically like this.

As for these 60 Golden Knights warriors, the fat man only takes them as a reserve team and will not enter the battle unless he has to. As a 'civil servant' of the Temple of Light, although he can bring some troops out to do some private work, if the troops under his jurisdiction lose too much, they will also be punished accordingly. Therefore, the fat man left the soldiers of the Golden Knights brought with him and will never use them unless he has to.

In his heart, this team of cross swords and shields is enough.

Five-seven cross sword and shield warriors soon passed halfway. The fat man suddenly felt that he should follow him to have a look. After playing this game for so long, it was the first time he had experienced such a thing as portal.

So, he temporarily changed his position with a soldier and stood in the portal.

The bright light when the portal started made his eyes a little uncomfortable, and he couldn't help closing his eyes.

When he felt the light in front of him disappear and opened his eyes again, the scene he saw was completely unexpected.

In front of him, there are corpses all over the ground, and arrows all over the sky are shooting at him!