The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 28 Ambush

There are seven empires in Atlanta. In the east of the mainland is the Longhan Empire and the southwest is the August Empire. The two empires are separated by the Tawavo River, a large river originating from the Alos Mountains.

The Alos Mountains are the longest and most majestic mountain range on Atlanta Road. From south to north, he mesle thousands of kilometers, almost separating the whole continent in half. To the east is the Longhan Empire, which worships the god of nature, and to the west is the Partis Empire, which is based on the Light God Religion. His northernmost point is the Yunmeng Empire, which produces the most elite cavalry on the continent, and the southernmost point is the Mont Blanc Sea, the Mediterranean Sea of Atlanta. And now the Tianxu Forest, which has become the focus of players in the game, is at the northeast end of the Alos Mountains, in the territory of the Longhan Empire.

There are also two empires on the continent, namely, the Podni Empire, the desert empire north of the Partis Empire; it is located at the northernmost part of the continent, and the Aberos Empire is winter for ten months every year.

The remaining empire is the Merrant Empire, which is located southwest of Atlanta and separated from the mainland by a Merrant Strait.

The seven empires represent seven political forces, each of which has its own capital, which is the main city of players.

In addition, there are some religious forces, such as the Temple of Light served by the fat man belonging to the god of Light, the Vna God religion that worships the god of fire in the desert empire, the ice and snow god religion on the top of the snow mountain in the ice and snow empire, the holy place in the hearts of the mercenaries - the temple of war in the western part of the August Empire and the beast temple in the center of the grassland empire.

These religious forces have their own territories, believers and armies. Although their territories are not large and are in the territory of the seven empires, they are all forces that cannot be underestimated.

Among these religious forces, the Temple of Light, located in the heart of the Partis Empire, has spread the doctrine of light to all corners of the continent due to the efforts of successive popes. Therefore, the Temple of Light has become one of the most powerful religious forces on the road. The whole temple, like a country of China, has an unshakable position on the mainland.

Maybe he has been in the system for a long time, and the fat man inevitably has an illusion that no matter in the real world or the virtual world, because of the forces behind him, generally no one dares to provoke him easily. Therefore, he didn't even have much preparation when he passed the portal.

But this time he was obviously wrong. If his guardian Yuanling hadn't rushed out to block the knife for him at the critical moment, he might have become a hedgehog on the spot.

The guardian spirit of the fat man is a ground dragon.

In this game, the earth dragon is said to be a sub-dragon beast with dragon blood. It is a species hybridized by the dragon clan and other creatures on the ground, and is a rare creature on the mainland.

Compared with the real dragon clan, although they have no wings and can't fly to the sky, most of them inherit the strong body and huge power of the dragon clan.

This ground dragon was accidentally found by the fat man in the jungle in the western part of the Partis Empire. At that time, he was carrying out an exploration mission assigned by the Temple of Light. The ground dragon suddenly appeared and inserted a foot in it, throwing the fat man's troops to death, almost completely destroyed the whole army, and the mission failed.

But this failure not only did not make the fat man unhappy, but also made him feel like a treasure.

After careful preparation, he dispatched all his private army to encircle and suppress it in the jungle for two days. After sacrificing 23 cross shield swordsmen and nearly 100 other arms, he finally captured and subdued the huge thing.

This earth dragon is not only his guardian spirit, but also his mount, and it is also his greatest support and strongest combat strength on this trip.

It is also with this dragon that the fat man has an absolute grasp of this task. This earth dragon is simply the king of the jungle. In the jungle, ordinary creatures will run away when they see this huge creature with the blood of the dragon clan. Marching and fighting in the jungle will save a lot of trouble with its assistance.

But I didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as I went out. The fat man's strongest combat power actually played the role of a meat shield.

The full name of the fat man's ground dragon is the back armor ground dragon, which belongs to the earth system. Its appearance is a bit like the armored dragon in the dinosaur world. It is earthy yellow, 11 meters long, two meters high and five meters high, and its limbs are on the ground. Its scales are as hard as iron, with ultra-high defense. Ordinary feathers and arrows can't help him at all.

That's why the fat man can be unharmed.

"What's going on?" The fat man hiding behind the dragon couldn't figure out what had happened for a moment.

In front of him, there was a terrible scene.

The corpses are everywhere!

These are his subordinates who have just been transmitted from the portal over there. The archers' troops have been completely finished. Only a few cross sword and shield warriors in front of them are holding shields for final resistance, and the rest have also fallen into a pool of blood.


The fat man let out a howling that he didn't know whether it was angry or sad, and the sudden blow suddenly blanked his mind.

Then, I felt a pain in my back, and the blood flashed in front of me.


The fat man can get to the captain in the Temple of Light. He is also a high-end player who has been tested for hundreds of battles. The pain in his back immediately woke him up from his mind and added a magic to himself almost like a reflex.


In the past year, after countless training and battles, the fat man's 'recovery technique' has been practiced extremely well, almost opening his mouth. This is a means to save his life at a critical moment. You can't be unfamiliar with it!

At the same time, the fat man pinched the ring on his index finger and activated another spell saved in it.

Bright bloom!

A dazzling white light was exposed on the fat man like a lotus flower!

In the spell system of the Temple of Light, this spell is not an advanced spell. The most basic use of this spell is used for lighting, but more often, it is used by sacrifices to show the glorious image of the light god in front of believers.

However, after research, the fat man found that this spell is still useful in battle. The instantaneous strong light can make unprepared opponents nearby briefly blind, just like a flash bomb in a gunfight game. Moreover, this spell is simple, easy to learn, with short starting time and less mana consumption, so he stores such a spell in his magic ring every time.

This really saved his life. His opponent's sneak attack was flashed by the sudden light, and the next action was immediately interrupted.

Why don't the forum say that there are no useless spells, only incompetent mages?

After the spell was activated, the fat man rolled flexibly. When he stood up again, he was already in a combat state with a shield in one hand and a scepter in the other.

Players who join the official forces must be trained according to the regulations every day, and each tactical action must complete a certain number to pass. These things are very boring and boring in the eyes of ordinary players, but only those who have experienced it know that these things are very useful in actual combat. , it can even save lives at critical moments.

At the critical moment of the battle, proficient tactical avoidance actions can make you suffer a lot less.

Although the fat man was responsive and well trained, his opponent was prepared and did not give him any chance to breathe at all. Just as the fat man stood up, the second round of blow began.

Fireballs, ice bombs, bone spears, wind blades, magic arrows, and sharp bows and arrows were smashed to the fat man's standing place during the period.

Although they are all initial spells, the victory lies in the speed of many people. If it hadn't been for the fat man's white temple standard equipment with good protection and a certain magic resistance. In addition, the fat man's guardian spirit helped to block a lot, he might have been knocked down by these spells at the first time.

Holy blessing!

The fat man waved the scepter and released the magic that existed on the scepter.

As an officer of the Knights Templar, the fat man took the route of a powerful warrior with high defense and thick blood. His mana was extremely weak, but this did not make him lose interest in magic. He spared no effort to collect all kinds of materials and treasures and created a magic equipment for himself. These days, the mage has fought with people in close combat, and the warrior's instant magic has become a trend. Naturally, the fat man is not immune to vulgarity, but I have to say that this set of equipment saved his life at this moment.

'Holy Blessing' is one of the advanced spells in the Temple of Light. This spell allows players to get the blessing of the God of Light in a short time and ignore all attacks. It is a very powerful spell. However, the disadvantage is that the launch condition is relatively high, requiring 80 points of mana, and the maintenance time is not long, only 30 seconds.

Another burst of light and shadow flashed in the portal, and several figures gradually appeared in the light and shadow, and a new row of warriors was transmitted.

"Don't come here! ~Fuck! ~Defense! ~Defense!"

The fat man roared anxiously. He finally saw the situation and entered a well-designed ambush circle.

Surrounded by infantry, there are skeletons, ordinary long gunmen, swords and shields and all kinds of warriors. They guard every key point and channel and do not give him any chance to break through.

Behind the infantry is the archer. They set up bows and arrows, and the arrows pointed to the direction of the portal. When the fat man first came out of the portal, he was beaten by them to blow out the guardian spirit.

There are also mages and archers sandwiched between the infantry. At this time, they were desperately throwing various spells and archery at the fat man. The rain-like attack hit the fat man, glowing white, like a lake full of holes under the rainstorm.

As soon as the five cross sword and shield warriors in this row appeared, the opponent's archers also took action. Although the fat man had ordered his guardian spirit to cross over and block in front of the portal, he still slowed down. Dozens of arrows shot three of them into hedgehogs at once. The other two were better. The fat man's divine protection and guardian spirit desperately blocked many arrows for them, so that they finally had time to hold up their shields. , leaving a small life.

Under a series of blows, there is only one idea in the fat man's heart at this time - withdraw!

Damn, get out of here quickly!

The divine blessing is only 30 seconds, and it will be finished sooner or later.

The fat man almost rolled into the portal and quickly operated on the control panel of the portal while the ground dragon was already in front of the portal and blocked most of the space.

Fear! ~~

At this moment, his ground dragon let out a scream! I don't know what kind of blow it has been.

Although the defense of the earth dragon is high, it is not an absolute defense. In this game, there is never absolute. If the opponent is equipped with a strong enough armor-piercing arrow or magic arrow, he can still break through its defense. The other party made such a careful ambush that it is hard to guarantee that such a weapon will not be prepared.

The fat man was panicked and put away the guardian spirit who didn't know how many blows he had blocked for himself. At this time, he can't afford to hurt any more. If this ground dragon is lost, he will lose a lot this time.

When the dragon was put away, the fat man immediately lost their cover and was completely exposed to the attack of their opponents.

Another round of spell strikes covered the three of them.

The cross sword shield warrior launched his own skills and improved his strength instantly, but at this time, the only thing the three people could do was to hold up the shield, shrink their bodies behind the shield, and support them.

Canceled the transmission ~ input return coordinates ~ The fat man was in a hurry to operate. At this time, he only hoped that the portal would be faster, and his 'holy blessing' cooling time was coming.

At this moment, a fire snake formed in the opponent's position and rushed to the portal fiercely with a strong wind.


The two cross sword shield warriors were instantly swallowed by the fire snake, and there was only one fat man left in the portal.

His lonely figure shrank in the wide portal, like a piece of meat on the cutting board, and his frightened eyes were like a girl facing a group of perverts.

A new round of blows covered him again, and the fat man closed his eyes. At that moment, he inexplicably remembered a sentence in his mind: Life is like being **. Since you can't resist, enjoy it.

Fortunately, this damn portal finally started.

Just as the light and shadow of the portal was about to swallow the fat man, a man suddenly appeared next to the portal, and a long halberd hit the fat man who was about to be transported away.

The fat man subconsciously raised the scepter block in his hand.


The fat man only felt a huge force coming, shaking his arm, and the scepter could no longer hold it and fell to the ground.

When the other party wanted to make up for the blow, the light and shadow flashed and the fat man disappeared into the portal.

The fat man who appeared at the other end looked at his empty right hand as if it had been petrified.

The scepter is a treasure he spent a lot of money to build. It uses a lot of good materials collected by fat people over the past year, as well as a topaz crystal that can store 100 mana and a very rare holy light stone in the game.

The Holy Light Stone is one of the advanced gems in this game. Its biggest function is to engrave the advanced spells of the Light system. Once players have such gems, they can instantly engrave advanced spells in it. That's how the 'Holy Blessing' was released.

In this game, gems have different attributes and levels. Each gem can only be useful if they encounter spells with the same attributes. The higher the level of gems, the higher the level of storage spells. Of course, it is more rare.

These two alone are worth thousands of gold coins.

In the magnificent portal, the fat man under the starry sky burst into tears!