The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 80 Joint

Xiaohei, who had been in a free state, finally found something he could do from this attack. He included the 'underfire demon' trapped by the spider web into the Guardian Medal.

In his first consciousness, after putting the 'underfire demon' in the medal, he could use the 'nester black hole', which could help a little, but he soon found that every creature emerging here could not be dealt with by himself. If he still had mana, he could drive the ring of protection. 'If so, there are still battles in this battle, but the mage without magic power is basically equivalent to waste,

With his skills, such a bare-handed attack can not only play any role in this confrontation, but may even become a burden.

So, he subconsciously released the 'underfire demon'.

In the process of collecting and releasing it, he unconsciously found a 'bug' in the game.

The cobwebs on the 'underfire demon' that were originally entangled in the cobwebs are gone.

As soon as Xiaohei saw it, he was overjoyed and immediately commanded the fire demon to rush to Lin Yuchen, who was the most tense situation.

And Lin Yuchen was also exhausted at this time. When the zombie warrior came to his senses, he had not cut the vines wrapped around his feet. Under such circumstances, it was obviously more important to save his life, so he no longer had to worry about hiding his strength. He threw away the ghost blood order and released the reserve team he had always treasured.


A skeleton appeared in front of Lin Yuchen's eyes out of thin air, blocking the zombie warrior who rushed over.

In this game, the biggest use of skeletons is to be cannon fodder. Unless it is the skeleton king refined by the undead mage with special spells, and his bones become dark gold level and cannot be destroyed, most of the skeleton fighters have extremely low force value and are ready to sacrifice cannon fod at any time.

The zombie warrior shred the skeleton with only one knife.

But this time, Lin Yuchen released not one person, but a whole team of people.

One after another skeletons constantly appeared in front of Lin Yuchen, which not only blocked the zombies, but also completely surrounded them.

At this time, the little black fire demon also arrived.

The situation on the field has reversed again, and this time it is a complete reversal!

Although the 'fire demon' has not fully recovered, it is too easy to deal with the zombies surrounded by a team of skeletons.

This skeleton army that appeared out of thin air is actually not Lin Yuchen's, but Xiaohei's. With the magic weapon of the ghost blood order, lazy people like Xiaohei naturally don't want to wander around with a large number of people all day, so Lin Yuchen's tokens, Lin Yuchen released them all at once.

Array! Array!

Seeing his own people coming, Xiaohei's courage also became stronger and quickly issued various orders. With his orders, the skeleton army quickly protected the two people in the battle.


The last zombie warrior was cut off his head by the fire demon and fell to the ground.

With the fall of the zombie warriors, the battle on the field also ended completely.

After the giant lizard appeared in the skeleton army, it immediately shook its tail, threw away the flame golden lion, and retreated quickly. Then, the flying dragon in the air no longer pestered the archangel. It turned around and ran away. Before long, the strongest fire phoenix also disappeared with a wave of mana and disappeared.

The whole attack came and went quickly. After several rounds of fighting, the two sides returned to calm again. After careful calculation, it was the Yinren King who was slightly better.

However, the sudden appearance of the skeleton army is only one of the reasons for the rapid retreat of the dark blade, and the most important reason is the 'hidden blade'.

The hidden blade has been hiding in the jungle, looking for Lin Yuchen's phantom shooter, ready to give him a fatal blow.

He is good at being invisible, and he is even more like a fish in water in the jungle. After the phantom shooter killed the elf shooter, he also exposed his position, so he was immediately found by the hidden blade ready to go.

The assassination style of 'Night Blade' is that there will always be someone in reserve and be able to cope with all emergencies. Ready to launch the next wave of attacks at any time. With waves of attacks, the opponent will always completely collapse at some point. In the case of their assassination, only the first mercenary regiment of that year has surpassed three waves.

So when he found that the other party was on guard, the hidden blade received the order to kill the sniper hidden in the dark. He approached the phantom shooter very secretly, ready to kill the killer ambushed outside the field. In the Night Six Blade, his speed was the fastest, and his equipment was mainly acceleration except for stealth, so he quickly followed the sniper and locked his position.

It turned out to be a phantom shooter! The hidden blade said secretly.

"Object discovery! It's in your direction at ten o'clock. Ready to support!" The hidden blade sent a signal to the blade, which was also responsible for sniping, and then began to prepare for assassination.

This time they have also carefully studied the characteristics of the phantom shooter, which is as sensitive as a monkey, very alert, and very difficult to deal with on the tree. Therefore, they also took corresponding measures, but today's 'jungle lurker' did not bring his team. They thought today's action was easy, but they didn't expect to hide long ago. Although there is only one, this one has caused them huge losses.

The hidden blade slowly pulls out a handful*, lies on the ground, adjusts its breathing, calculates the angle, and prepares to give the opponent a fatal blow.

But just as he was about to pull the trigger, suddenly there was a red light in front of him, and the vest was painful. By the time he realized, he had quit the game.

"What's going on!" For a moment, the hidden blade thought that there was something wrong with his system, so he grabbed the mouse and looked at his computer screen as soon as possible.

He immediately found that there was no problem with the system, and a line of words was clearly displayed on the screen: "You have lost your life. If you want to continue the game, please go to the resurrection point for genetic reconstruction!"

"I'm going to hang up!" Hidden Blade couldn't accept this fact at all for a moment. For a long time, he was the only one who hung up with others. Many people don't know who they are hanging on, but now this kind of thing actually happened to him. Who can do such a secret, quick and decisive method?

Is it a 'jungle lurker'!? Is there a phantom shooter nearby!? Unexpectedly, I missed it!"

At this time, he suddenly remembered that at the moment he left the game, he seemed to see a knife tip piercing out of his chest, and then a red light flashed before he was sent out of the game.

Kill with one blow! It's an assassin!

"I was shady. It's an assassin. Everyone, back off. This is a game!" The hidden blade shouted at the channel in a hurry. For a moment, it was a little incoherent.

"What!" The boss's evil blade was already arranging a new strategy, but the hidden blade shouted like this, and suddenly he was stunned.

"It's a game!"


"Action canceled! The action is cancelled! Everyone hides immediately! Don't move!" The boss's evil blade roared.

This is also thanks to the current developed communication. When playing this game, there are several communication methods, such as text chat, voice chat, private chat, face-to-face chat, behind-the-scenes chat, secretly chat, public chat, and even some players chat on their mobile phones. If it were placed in the real environment, others would not know the death of the hidden blade at all, and the evil blade would have already exposed its position by shouting so loudly. The 'Night Six Blades' can't fall today.

The 'Night Blade' withdraws instantly under the developed means of communication, moving quickly and without hesitation, which is very in line with the assassin's rule of 'not hit and immediately escape'.

"Big boss, Mr. Wei is coming and is nearby. He will contact the target in about 20 minutes." At this moment, the evil blade received another message.

This news came from a member on the periphery. Although there are only six people in the core of the 'Night Blade', there are not only six people in the whole night. After all, the six people are still too thin. Assassination requires a lot of chores, so they also absorb some peripheral members who can't enter the core action team for various reasons, but they can slowly improve their abilities as a reserve team and do some peripheral protection work in continuous training. When you are qualified, you can carry out assassination operations.

This time, five people were responsible for the peripheral protection and response this time, and one of them was the first to find the trace of Mr. Wei.

This news confirms the inference of the hidden blade from the side, which is a bureau. Normally, Mr. Wei should be on the other side of the portal now, but now he suddenly appears nearby, and there must be something wrong with it.

"Damn! It's shady!" The evil blade is angry. These two people actually united with the Warring States to yin themselves. How did they know their existence?

" boss, what should I do now!" The magic blade asked on the channel. In order to control the Fire Phoenix summoning token, he has used a lot of magic, and now he is basically powerless to fight again.

Let me think about it. Everyone hides and observes the surrounding environment. Now we haven't completely lost!" The evil blade is not a person who easily admits defeat. People who can get to such a situation are very tough in spirit and nerves and will never be defeated easily.

While the blade of the night was thinking about countermeasures, Xiaohei and Lin Yuchen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Hundreds of skeleton warriors formed a formation and surrounded them tightly in the middle. Two fire demons and an archangel were monitoring in the air, and nothing could threaten them anymore.

"Big boss, are you going to play so dangerously? It won't be long before you let people out. Shit! It's so thrilling that my heart is about to pop out. Xiaohei said dissatisfiedly.

The battle just now was indeed heavy, and the waves rose again, which made his heart beat faster and his blood pressure suddenly rose.

"It was indeed a little careless at the beginning. Damn it! I didn't expect it to be so awesome! So much that I almost couldn't free my hand. Lin Yuchen was also shocked. Now he has untied the vines on his feet. Although he had made various preparations before, he still didn't expect the other party's traps to be so powerful, one after another, which was defenseless.

"The information of Mr. Wei is really accurate, fuck! If it hadn't been for their information, we would have really hung up here this time. Little gangster.

"Is Mr. Wei here?"

"Here, he said he would be there soon."

"Hmm! I have seen him." Lin Yuchen pointed to several people who suddenly emerged from the jungle.