The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 86 Basketball

It's another Monday. When a new day begins, there will always be a lot of new things in front of people.

The results of the midterm examination have been counted, and Lin Yuchen's results are still in the middle, both in the class and in the year. This is also in line with his expectations. A person who does not put college entrance examination first. If he is still the first and second in the class in each exam, he is either a once-in-a-a-millennia or the protagonist of YY novels.

Now, what is more important for him is that a new group of phantom shooters have added to his troops today, and Fire Dance Rose also promised to help him see if there are any loopholes and traps in the agreement.

After yesterday's World War I, his attributes have been completely improved: physical strength 423, strength 349, mental strength 370, control 280, true qi 168, mana 0, and even his vitality has been increased to 150 points after one death.

The strength in hand has also begun to recover. Eighteen elite shield axes, seven shield axe guards, two elite sword warriors, 23 Nether knights, and infantry have begun to form.

In terms of archers, some of the remaining veterans from the last battle were promoted and added to the Guards. Four teams of 40 members of the Guards, and the rest were all dispersed and reorganized into three new squadrons in an old and new way, with 36 people in each team, with a squadron captain, three captains, and ten captains of each team. Five people. The total number reached 148.

The most surprising harvest this time was the elf shooter suit, a total of ten sets.

are: helmet, shoulder armor, vest armor, belt, leg protection, boots, finger wrenches, arm guard, elf bow, arrow pot,

Each can add attributes, some add mental strength, some add strength, and some add physical or control. The most amazing thing is that there are excellent attributes after the whole set of equipment: increase the accuracy of shooting, range, and lethality, and this set of equipment is still open, which is simply what every archer dreams of. Top equipment. I don't know how the 'Night Blade' used to collect this set of equipment.

The only thing that is unsatisfactory is that the defense of this set of equipment is extremely low, and there is basically no defense. There is nothing perfect in the world.

Although Lin Yuchen likes this exquisite equipment very much, he doesn't need it now. If he wants to equip this elf suit, he must give up some of the equipment he is used to now, such as two arms, so he is only equipped with shoulder armor, leg protection and finger wrenches.

Shoulder armor plus 20 points of strength, leg protection plus 20 points of marching speed, and finger wrench plus 10 points of control.

The elf bow has a range of 800 meters and has a lethality of 90-235. The additional skill is 'penetration', which is a veritable sniper bow. Lin Yuchen equipped this bow and arrow pot with one of his guardian spirits. Now his two guardian spirits, one with an elf bow and the other roar with flame, are all Excellent top archer bow.

The four white samurai suits removed from the zombie warrior also chose two sets of equipment for two sword warriors. The Night Blade must have made a lot before, and all of them are suits. The most powerful thing about this suit is that it has good hidden attributes. Two sets, one is double kill and the other is the opponent. 50% of the lethality rebounds when equipped.

Lin Yuchen has now arranged two sword warriors by his side. Although the sword warrior's defense is not as good as the shield and axe warrior, his victory is more flexible, faster, and more suitable for Lin Yuchen's tactics. Therefore, as long as he does not fight hand-to-hand, Lin Yuchen is more happy. Take such arms.

Lin Yuchen sat in his seat. Feishui, the director of the podium, was summarizing the gains and losses of this midterm exam, and he was also summarizing his gains and losses.

Although this experience made him gain a lot, it also told him that spiritual exploration was not omnipotent. In that battle, he did not detect all the ambush of the 'Night Blade'. The only place that worked was when the other party pretended to be Mr. Wei with illusion, he used this skill to detect it. Only one person on the other side was real, and then successfully killed the killer.

Of course, in fact, the whole operation is not successful, and it can be said that both sides are defeated. For this reason, he was ridiculed by Xiaohei for a while. At that time, he was really confident and bold that even he felt incredible later. If it hadn't been for a life-saving trick, he would have been really nothing to play.

Xiaohei collected a magic crystal from the hidden spider. This time, the boy picked up the treasure again. After the magic crystal was equipped, there were actually two wonderful skills, one was hidden and the other was casting a net. It can be said that this boy is now a latent spider that can shoot a cobweb and sneak underground. Everything depends on his mana.

After the magic crystal, the boy has been happy all day and night. If it hadn't been for the fact that there was no one in the gogdi village now, I really didn't know how he would show off.

The two sets of assassin equipment are also superior. The assassin who killed Lin Yuchen has a *. After identification, it is called the violent crossbow, with the best range of 75 meters, with penetrating damage and bursting effects. If the enemy is not killed on the spot, it will accelerate the bleeding effect by 15%, even if it is Lin Yu Chen's blood volume of 150 points now can't last more than ten seconds, which is basically a must-kill crossbow.

Although Lin Yuchen disdains to use this assassination weapon, he was also moved by the guy who once killed himself. At least, he finally got this weapon with both soft and hard.

As a king of Yin people, you should be equipped with this kind of Yin people weapon. After this assassination, Lin Yuchen also figured out that the dignity of any samurai is relatively. Only for people like Zhu Hai can they speak martial arts and martial arts. For those who do anything, these are equivalent to suicide.

The illusion assassin's fatal blow to himself was a poisonous snake named 'Mandoin', a four-level warcraft. In addition to the indestructible dark gold quality, the deadly poisonous teeth also have a strong poison. After being bitten, the blood volume drops at a speed of 15 points per second. Unless there is an antidote, it is basically waiting to die. .

Another feature of this warcraft is that its scale armor is also extremely tough, which also reaches the level of dark gold, and there are no weapons to destroy. The total length of this snake is only about 1.5 meters. After collecting this monster, Lin Yuchen got a poisonous tooth and an extremely tough snake skin. He gave these materials to the dwarf master. As a result, he said that he could make a leather whip for him. Xiaohei rushed over and asked if he wanted a candle!


Why didn't he pick the magic crystal from the poisonous snake? This boy is so lucky! Lin Yuchen complained.

Thinking about it, the class was over unconsciously. After the fat water bag went away, the monitor ran up and stood on the podium and announced one thing:

"Now it is announced that the basketball game of this semester is about to start. The game will start next Monday. The competition system is a round robin, and the first place will be held in the finals. The sports committee will be responsible for the specific matters. The people who will play basketball in the class will concentrate on themselves and sign up with the sports committee. When they are free, Wait for the training and try to get a good score for our class. The monitor is worthy of being a right-hand man loved by teachers. He studies hard, loves his classmates, and respects teachers. He also speaks with the demeanor of a politician.

His nickname in the class is 'Less Buttocks', because the man's buttocks are very muscular, and he actually has the action of twisting his buttocks when walking, which is quite **, and there is also a word 'Less' in his name, so he got this extremely elegant nickname. The buttocks are usually good, and the relationship between the upper and lower levels is also very harmonious. The only reason why he is not popular with boys in the class is that there are almost no sports cells on his body. Every time there is a collective activity in the class, if the team in the class plays football, he can still go up the number of people and barely be a goalkeeper in the class. Countless stinky-footed human targets. If it's basketball, basically don't count on it, but he often uses his power for personal gain,fengs himself as a cheerleader, and organizes female students to come to the sidelines to cheer up. This job is a beautiful job that makes countless boys envy and hate, and makes the boys in the class more angry with him more. fen.

In Minghao, basketball is the most important event to stimulate male hormones among male students. The key reason is that it is the only sport that can attract the attention of most girls.

Women don't like to watch football. More than 20 boys ran around on the field and didn't kick in any of them for a long time. There were a lot of so-called tactics, standing positions, not to mention girls. Many boys don't have the essentials, so it is naturally difficult to attract the attention of most girls.

But basketball is different. The basketball court is small, has a large number of goals, the confrontation is fierce, and it is easy to understand. Every goal can attract countless screams and cheers. Therefore, the annual basketball game has become a good opportunity for male heroes from all walks of life to show their magical powers. Everyone exudes their charm like male animals ** to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Lin Yuchen's intuition has nothing to do with him. He can play some football, and he can barely play basketball. After all, more than ten years of basic skills are there. As long as you are familiar with any sports, you can play them, but you can't play them well. No matter what sport, no matter how talented or the foundation is, it requires a lot of training and actual combat, otherwise it can't be played at all. Lin Yuchen's current basketball level, even if there is no one to defend, ten balls may not be able to throw three, let alone dribbles and shoot in high-speed sports and confrontations. At this level, it's basically uncomfortable to play. It doesn't matter if so many girls are not good at it. If the technology is not good, it's boring to make a fool of themselves. Therefore, Lin Yuchen doesn't want to sign up.

But the truth is contrary to his imagination!

"Taro, you are the only one in the basketball game. Let's train together after class in the afternoon." The sports committee member 'black' found him.

The reason why the sports committee member got this nickname is that his skin is dark enough. Although it is not as good as a real black African, his skin color can definitely be classified among the aliens in China. It is said that he lived by the seaside when he was a child, exposed to the sun every day, and finally burnt. However, his sports talent is also far higher than that of ordinary people, and his explosive power is amazing. He is a good player in sprinting and long-distance running, and he can also play football and basketball. Minghao, who is in groups of nerds, is quite eye-catching, and it is natural to become a sports committee member.

"Ah! ...Me!" Lin Yuchen couldn't react.

Yes! It's you! There are not enough basketball players, and you are of good height, so it's you. The black man said seriously.

" boss, I'll play football, but forget about basketball. I really don't know this thing." Lin Yuchen honestly admitted it.

"There's nothing we can do. We have to make up eight people in each class to sign up. If we count physical energy consumption, injuries and fouls, it will take at least ten people to play. All the players in our class will play are only six. The rest can only be found to be tall and have good physical. I think you are quite flexible and have good physical fitness when you play football. It's also tall enough, so I counted you.

Lin Yuchen has just finished his development and is now 1.78 meters. He is also middle-to-level and strong in the class, so he is immediately locked.

" boss, you are hurting me! You want me to go up and make people laugh to death, don't you?" Lin Yuchen laughed.

"Damn! I don't care. You have to come. If you don't come, you have to come. If you don't want to make people laugh, just practice for me! The afternoon training will arrive on time, or I will waste you!" The black man made a threatening move and then left.

"Damn it! Who is afraid of whom!" Lin Yuchen also waved his fist at him!