The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 87 Statement

"It's going to be a big deal!" During the morning break, when everyone was following the music to the playground, the tofu suddenly shouted at the mobile phone.

"What's the matter!" Lin Yuchen said strangely.

"Look at it yourself!" Tofu stretched out his mobile phone in front of Lin Yuchen and said, Lin Yuchen took it over and took a closer look. He couldn't help scolding in his heart, "Damn it!"

What is displayed on the screen is a notice officially released by the game Brave Continent:

From now on, Braveland will officially cooperate with players to manage the portal. After research, it has been decided that all transmission fees of the portal are no longer charged separately by the official, but divided by the official and the players involved in the management. The preliminary plan is four or three, that is, the official accounts for 40%, and the players who manage the two portals of origin and destination account for 30% each, and everyone can participate in the management of the portal. The conditions are as follows:

1. Players or organizations who want to participate in management must announce the occupation in official public forums and world channels, explaining the detailed location and coordinates of the portal.

2. Within three days, if no player raises an objection, the official will recognize its occupation and obtain the management of the portal.

3. Players or organizations that have obtained management rights submit an account to the game official, and the official will transfer the benefits generated by the portal to the account.

4. The management of the portal can change the manager at any time, and everything speaks with strength.

5. In order to protect the interests of ordinary players, no player or organization shall be charged additional fees after obtaining the authority to manage the portal, and violators will be officially punished.

6. After the implementation of this plan, players will no longer be allowed to control the portal without permission, and anyone who controls or restricts the transmission of the portal for any reason will be severely punished by the official.

Attachment: The first officially recognized portal manager is the 'Warring States Mercenary Regiment'. Please submit the account account to us as soon as possible so that the official can share the benefits generated by the transmission.

"Wow! The Warring States Mercenary Corps has earned it now. Damn, I didn't expect the final result to be like this, damn it! Now as long as you occupy a portal, the money will roll in. The tofu said excitedly.

Probably no one expected that the official attitude would be like this in the end. Instead of punishing the 'Warring States Mercenary Corps' stuck in the portal, the game operator gave up most of its interests and made a concession to all players.

The official actually gave in!

It is almost unprecedented for game operators to compromise and make concessions to players. Lin Yuchen quickly turned over the forum with his tofu mobile phone and saw cheering on the Internet!

The spring of professional play is coming! Making money openly in this non-competitive game is no longer a dream. Many players believe that since this kind of thing is a precedent, there will definitely be more similar things in the future. Players getting rich in the game is no longer a dream of self-YY.

According to the official release of the game, there are at least hundreds of portals waiting for players to discover, which used to be or just a gate to unknown areas have now become highway toll stations.

On the land of Shenzhou, high-speed toll stations are definitely one of the most profitable businesses, which is as good as a money machine. It is said that even a small toll collector's annual bonus can make a cadre of Qingshui Yamen burst into tears.

In the face of such a tough interest, how can players not be crazy about it?

Lin Yuchen's first feeling is that the Warring States Mercenary Regiment has been sent! Previously, they just wanted to make some benefits in negotiations with the official, but they didn't expect to cut a piece of cake directly in the end. Moreover, as the first person to eat crabs, his dare to be the first to be the first in the world will certainly be popular with some players.

Now someone on the Internet has begun to write articles to praise them. It can be said that it is because of their bold behavior that everyone has such an opportunity.

"I think the most embarrassing thing now is the 'Anti-War League'. What do you think they should do now and how they share this interest? Tofu road.

After saying that tofu, Lin Yuchen suddenly woke up. This is indeed a problem.

After the days of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China and the joint anti-Japanese war, the next step is the time to take over. Such a huge benefit is in front of us, but the fewer people who share the money, the better. If so many people are stuck in the portal, if they are divided evenly, everyone will get a few cents.

Lin Yuchen suddenly felt that this might be another official conspiracy.

The Warring States has been officially recognized. Now whoever blockades the portal privately will only be punished by the authorities. Therefore, the League of Anti-Warring States will definitely disband immediately, but in reality, no one will easily give up this cake. Everyone wants to get control of this portal. People can share difficulties, not with wealth, in the giant In the face of great interests, everyone is facing a power struggle. In the virtual world of games, they can only speak with strength.

Although the Anti-Warring States Alliance has a large number of people, it is now not as united as the Warring States Mercenary Regiment. Needless to say, the players participating in the siege are facing a huge merger and integration movement. No matter what the final result is, countless players will fall into this battle.

I have to say that the official action also made Lin Yuchen feel a little unprepared. Originally, I thought that this matter would be delayed for a period of time, so the cooperation and alliance were delayed, but this sudden action of the official suddenly made them a little confused. The Warring States Mercenary Regiment must have been busy dispatching troops and re-establishing the defense line. Similarly, Lin Yuchen and others had to cooperate as soon as possible. The matter of the alliance has been finalized.

A group of game-loving students gathered on the playground, fiddling with the rhythm of the radio exercise and discussing the sudden statement enthusiastically.

"I saw a post before, saying that the official can earn hundreds of thousands of yuan just by the income of Portal alone. Recently, it has been done like this by the Warring States. Well, there is no money left. In just one week, game operators have made millions less. I thought that the operator would definitely clean up the Warring States Mercenary Corps fiercely, but I didn't expect it to be like this in the end! Not only did he not beat it, but he also gave me a piece of candy!"

"I think this Warring States Mercenary Corps may have *."

"I also heard that there are several rich second generations, all of whom are rich, and their equipment is top-class!"

"Hmm! Maybe all this is a gimmick made by the operator itself!"

"Farm! Why do operators do so many things by themselves? Do they want to share 60% of the profits with players? If there are hundreds of thousands a day according to what you said, how much is 60%, at least 200,000, and give the player 200,000 benefits every day. Fuck, his head will be burned!"

"I think the operator just wants all the players to have a big purge. Everyone has a battle for their interests. This game can't be resurrected immediately. No matter how fast it is, it will take a day, and the equipment and so on have to be restarted. When everything is done and three days have passed, they will have already obtained it. It's in control."

"I think a lot of people will hang up this time. Maybe the operators will make all the money back just by making resurrection."

"Ha! I understand. This is a series of plans. Think about it. The official statement says that everything is based on strength. That is to say, no matter who you have enough strength, you can get control. Today, I will get control. Tomorrow I will destroy you. The control is mine. The day after tomorrow, there will be another round after round of fighting. If you go down, it will never end, and the operator will make the final profit. Although he gave up 60% of the benefits, everyone died for money. Everyone wanted to make this money, and the result was that everyone fell into this trap! If you want to maintain your control, you have to spend more money to recruit, train soldiers, and buy equipment to strengthen yourself. As a result, operators still make money.

"Yes! That makes sense! It's really insidious."

"It's too insidious!"


Lin Yuchen has been listening carefully and did not participate in the discussion. He likes this kind of discussion very much and can give him a lot of inspiration.

It's too insidious! Lin Yuchen also sighed: Nowadays, players are so smart that there are certainly not a few people who can figure this truth out, but people are like this. Knowing that it is a trap, some people are willing to jump in. In this game, there is only an organization with some strength. Who doesn't want to get a permanent way to make money and make a little money steadily every day? Why not?

If it hadn't been for Lin Yuchen's recent profit and making a little fortune, he might have joined in this fun.

Now the problem he has to face is that the portal has opened, the Warring States Mercenary Corps can't cover it, and his good days are over. New opponents and new threats will certainly follow, and it seems that it will be difficult for me to live in the next few days.

The alliance with the Warring States must be finalized quickly. According to the previous strategy of the Warring States, they will retreat to the jungle, hold some key points, fight with operators again, restrict access to these areas, and then join hands with them to make a fortune, just like fighting monsters in previous games. According to this idea, if it can be implemented, you should have a certain guarantee.

I don't know how the agreement of Fire Dancing Rose looks.

Since the defeat to Lin Yuchen, the 'Fire Dancing Rose' has been discouraged and even disbanded. Yesterday, Lin Yuchen said at least, sending equipment and promising various benefits. Finally, he asked the beautiful royal sister to nod and promise to read the agreement for them and be their consultant.

For a top 500 HR, this kind of agreement is basically not difficult for her. Of course, this consultant is not in vain. Lin Yuchen must pay a monthly salary of 500 gold coins every month. This consultant is basically a job of taking money and not fighting. Except for giving some advice, there is no one. Danger. Lin Yuchen felt that he was giving compensation to the other party. After all, this incident had nothing to do with 'Fire Dancing Rose', and he had earned at least 100,000 yuan from their mercenary regiment. If he didn't spit it out a little, this hatred would really be big!

At this moment, the tofu that had been looking at his mobile phone suddenly patted Lin Yuchen on the shoulder and said, "You're done!"