The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 96 qi

Whether in the real or virtual world, there will never be a lack of high-willed people. In the virtual world, because there is no fear of life and death, everyone is more open-sided, so more people are willing to do things. The purpose of these people playing games is very simple, that is, to ask for a frankness and do whatever they want. Whether it is right or wrong, it has nothing to do with power and interests. I play a cool word. I can beat whoever is unhappy and help whoever is happy.

The ruffian mercenary regiment is such a team, and their slogan is also very loud: Don't talk about the three views with me. I'm afraid I'm a ruffian. I'll do whoever you are unhappy with!

So they joined Lin Yuchen's camp almost without hesitation, because they felt that it was very unpleasant for so many people to beat them, and one of them was a girl. Therefore, they decided that they should help the poor.

It happened that the Quinn family was also releasing such a task, so they took over the task almost immediately. Before that, no one dared to take on such a task.

Although the Quinn family's price is very high this time, such a task still makes many people hesitant, because the risk of fighting in this environment is too great. On the one hand, players can't lead the troops, they can only fight with the guardian spirit. On the other hand, there are too many restrictions in the capital, and the guards have too many advantages. As long as they close the gate, no one can escape. Therefore, even if the remuneration is high, most people are still unwilling to take such risks.

But the ruffian mercenary corps took over without hesitation. What is the purpose of playing games? Isn't it just a cool word? In the real world, I have lived enough to live aggrievedly. If you play a game and then calculate this and that, I'm afraid that will also be scrupulous, which will not let people live.

If you want to do it, kill it if you want, kill it if you want it. If you die, you can live. Don't seek any purpose, just want a happy heart! The ruffian mercenary regiment is such a group of people.

In this way, they came together with Lin Yuchen, regardless of whether the task was completed or not, whether Lin Yuchen was willing or not, the two sides came together and rushed to the city gate together.

In the face of such a situation, Lin Yuchen has nothing to say. It's too vulgar to say that Xie is too vulgar and that you don't need your help. Moreover, these shouting people have surrounded them and protected them in the middle, so that they rushed together, and there is no room for negotiation at all. As a last resort, Lin Yuchen had to acquiesced in such behavior and added these people to his own communication list.

There are more than 50 people in this mercenary regiment. The eldest is called 'ruffian overlord'. He is a handsome young man. The IDs of these people also start with the word 'ruffian', which is very personal, and there are even a person called ruffian sheep.

What is more personalized is that most of these people are mainly warriors, and their weapons are also various. They have all kinds of knives, guns, swords, axes, hooks and forks. Lin Yuchen even saw a buddy holding a brick in his hand, which was extremely windy and coquettish bag, which made Lin Yuchen suddenly found that he still knew too little about the world.

In today's brave continent is still dominated by magic, and such a team can definitely be regarded as a strange type. However, in such street battles, this team that is good at close combat is still very useful. Because in this terrain, many times they still need to rely on force and body to solve problems. Although the mage is strong, the crowded streets also limit their performance. The two sides often hang together and accidentally injure their teammates. And it is precisely because the mage is rampant that everyone's equipment will increase magic resistance. In this case, you will also brush yourself with a lot of gains and shields, so that the mage's attack sometimes seems very weak.

The arrival of the ruffian mercenary regiment has indeed relieved a lot of pressure on Lin Yuchen. Although these ruffians don't have many rules to fight, their skills are very good. They seem to be good at fighting, but they often rush up, and there is no organization and discipline at all. Law. It is certainly not so easy for such a frank team to make them abide by discipline, but Fortunately, these people are not afraid of death and are very tough. When they see their opponents, they rush up without saying a weapon, and no one has ever retreated. On the contrary, such momentum scared the opponents who blocked them, and some of them were even stunned. When they reacted, they would have been chopped into meat sauce by the ruffians.

"Brothers, go! Damn these city management!"


A group of people rushed up vigorously like this without hesitation!

In the brave continent, the praetorians responsible for managing the main city are basically called urban management by players. Obviously, they have no good impression of them before they give such nicknames. Like the real world, the two sides are always hostile. They are not happy to look at each other. They are usually at peace, but they are always unconvinced.

In the eyes of players, these civil servants can still get wages without money when playing games, and sometimes they are domighty. They usually have to succumb to their ** power. Now anyway, it has been reversed, so they simply take the opportunity to take this breath.

In this incident, Lin Yuchen is like a fuse! All of a sudden, it triggered a lot of accumulated grievances!

Because of the round-up of Lin Yuchen, a large number of praetorian guards were transferred, so many people began to take the opportunity to do things that they dare not do, such as destroying some public measures, creating some chaos, and even sneaking on the praetorian guards that they usually can't get used to. Under the guidance of a small group of people with ulterior motives, the situation finally moved towards Total chaos. Countless shops were smashed and robbed, and many people were beaten for no reason. In the case of the guards, the merchants had to organize their own forces to protect themselves, so the battle began to expand.

In the past two years, the people who entered the brave continent in advance have basically taken root here and even formed their own forces. These forces have their own businesses, ways to make money, and their own sphere of influence in the main city. It can be said that there are large and small forces in each main city, and There are all kinds of grievances. Usually, everyone can still go step by step and make their own fortune, and the river will not violate the well water, but in this case, who can sit still and fight immediately.

In the end, the whole empire was in chaos. Battles can be seen everywhere. For a moment, the imperial guard of the whole imperial capital was messed up, and they almost fell into a state of chaos.

That's why Lin Yuchen and others got into the loophole. After repelling the troops of the Temple of Light, the pressure suddenly decreased.

The usually majestic praetorian guards were beaten by these ruffians. These people are probably used to fighting. Although they have no discipline, they have rich combat experience and know how to prepare. As soon as they come up, they add defense and gain to themselves, and then quickly approach. All kinds of weapons will cover their faces, and soon The opponent is over.

"Haha, these strawbags have run away again!" We are the city management nemesis! Hahaha!"

"Do it! I'm dead again! Who TMD sneaked on me! Shit! Brothers, remember to avenge me! I'll take a break first!"

"You boy has always been impatient. Every time you hang up first!"

"I was attacked, okay? It seems that someone has fired a secret arrow! Fuck! Brothers, be careful of the dark arrows!"

"Where is it? I beat him to death with a brick!"

"Look at him with wide eyes. There is a sniper. Find him out!"

Since adding these people into the voice channel, Lin Yuchen has almost been quarreled to death. This group of people basically has no battlefield discipline. As soon as they start fighting, they are noisy. No command can be heard in the whole voice channel, and they are all shouting and fighting nonsense. If it hadn't been for this complicated environment, their opponents would have ignored the end. Helping people has been destroyed for a long time.

However, he noticed the sniper. Along the way, his most defensive thing is the sniper, and the power angel in the sky is specially used to deal with these people. The current shooting skills of the power angel is basically comparable to a sniper. As long as someone wants to play sniper or magic sneak attack, he will soon be caught by him. Either fly down and kill him with a sword, or kill him directly from the air.

It is precisely in this way that Lin Yuchen can break through all the way here.

However, after this series of battles, the force angel also needs to rest. Sniper consumes a lot of physical and mental strength. No matter how strong the angel is, this intensity of battle still consumes a lot of his physical strength. However, Lin Yuchen did not dare to put him away, because he was in the sky. Many people were afraid of being found and dared not take action. Although he was only a scarecrow, it could still play a deterrent role.

After hearing that there was a sniper, Lin Yuchen immediately put away his knife, changed into a bow and arrow, and began to look for this cold arrow guy.

However, he soon found that he was doing useless work, because the scene at this time was so chaotic that he could not calm down and work at all.

In the past, Tang Xianxian listened to him, and Tang Xianxian listened to him completely, and the other troops were also used to veterans. They were all like arm fingers. After an order went down, they were immediately executed in place. Now that there are suddenly so many people, the scene is out of his control. Even if these people don't listen to his command, even their boss's words are ignored, and they are all single-willed.

In the end, he simply gave up his search and walked with Tang Xianxian, who had also collected Naga and the earth elements. With these people around, these creatures were obviously superfluous. The two walked side by side in the team. Lin Yuchen was on guard while enjoying walking with his beloved girl. Sweet.


"I didn't expect that the personal charm of this jungle lurker was really good. Under such circumstances, some people took the initiative to come out to help him!"

"Hmm! This is normal. His current fan group has at least six digits, and there are special discussion posts and columns on the Internet. If it hadn't been for this person who is very low-key, rarely plays forums and doesn't communicate with people, maybe he is a god now! If nothing happens, more and more people will come out to help him. Xie Wuyi said.

"Yes! Now his fan group has been very noisy, and they are all organizing to come to help! Haha, but we have controlled the portal and all the access to the imperial capital. These people can't help even if they want to.

"We have calculated these, and now we are afraid that some incalculated variables will appear. This ruffian mercenary regiment should be one of the variables. Xie Wuyi said, "However, these ruffians are unorganized and disciplined, and there is no need to worry about it. I'm afraid that this jungle lurker will be made a big head by them."

"Now that they are close to the gate, should we do it!"

"Hmm! The strangest thing now is why he keeps breaking into the gate, and never changes his direction even if there is another way out. His route has long been guessed by everyone, and the gate has long been sealed. Why doesn't he change the route!"

"Hasn't he already guessed that we were waiting for him! Will he really be a prophet, or is there a traitor among us!"

"It is also possible to be a traitor, but after studying all the battles of this person, I found that he never follows the rules and never follows the rhythm and pace of his opponent. Anyway, he has always taken the initiative, just like now, although he has been surrounded, he still has Many take the initiative. He doesn't change the route, but makes many of our originally arranged plans useless. I wonder if there is his response at the gate!"

"He must have a trick! It's just that we can't figure it out yet! Just like we underestimated his woman before, but we didn't expect this girl to be a master of magic!"

"Do you have any information about her?"

"No, this girl is usually studying and is more low-key here. She used to be responsible for logistics in the iron-blooded camp."

"I have another hunch that this time I'm afraid the biggest card of this jungle lurker is this girl!"

"Oh! Then we can't be softer!"