The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 34 Misleading

The blade is not far away! After all, he was already the end of the strong crossbow. In the end, the space movement only ran a distance of more than 200 meters. At such a distance, he could still feel the direction of the remnant blade!

After the spiritual imprint is generated, the caster can feel the direction of the target at any time with his spiritual power. This is like a tracker. As long as it is within the receiving range, the caster can locate the other party's position through the tracker. The spiritual power of the caster determines the size of the receiving range. The stronger the spiritual power, the farther the distance he can perceive. The distance of the residual blade is exactly the limit of the spiritual power of chasing the wind and whip for thousands of miles.

After feeling the opponent's position, Qianli chased the wind and whip began to calculate whether he wanted to chase and kill the past or continue to stay here!

The disabled blade was injured, and it must be the best opportunity to kill him at this time, but the strength he showed just now made Qianli chase the wind whip a little hesitant. With such strength, he felt that he did not have a big grasp. What's more, the broken blade also has a perverted reputation. If it miss, it will be doomed!

And there is no need to count on bloody trousers. He doesn't want to leave his defensive position at all now. As a technical house, he lacks the adventurous spirit and courage on the battlefield.

The personality of chasing the wind whip for thousands of miles is tolerant, not public, and likes to plan and move, so it lacks aggression. In the same situation, if it is a militant like AK or Lin Yuchen, it must be chased fiercely at this time, and will never give the opponent any chance to turn over, and will not stop killing the opponent to death! At this time, the remnant blade has already dried up. As long as you catch up with him, it is absolutely easy to kill him.

But the cautious Qianli chasing whip took the initiative to give up this opportunity. For him, it is obviously more important to keep here!

He is not even willing to shoot a magic tracking arrow to harass the blade!

Magic tracking arrow is a top skill of the magic archer. As long as there is a spiritual imprint, the archer does not need to see the target. As long bow has enough range and enough mana. After shooting the arrow casually, the arrow can automatically track the target and automatically attack the target!

The range of 'Eros Kiss' has reached 1,500 meters, and the distance of 200 meters is a piece of cake for it. In addition to consuming some magic, there is not much loss for thousands of miles of chasing the wind whip, but after thinking about it, he even gave up this idea.

Because he believes that such an approach must be useless in the end. With the strength of the remnant blade, the magic tracking arrow will not only not cause any damage to him, but also alarm the opponent!

So, the remnant blade escaped in this way! After a simple bandage, with strong perseverance and tenacity, he endured pain and fatigue, quickly moved away from the original position, and was out of the spiritual control of thousands of miles chasing the wind whip.

"He ran away, but it doesn't matter. My spiritual imprint can still be retained for a while. If he wants to shoot back, I will know as soon as he walks in." Thousands of miles chased the wind whip and said to the bloody trousers.

This cooperation, the cooperation between the two is not very tacit, but both of them feel the importance of each other. Although they were almost broken by the evil blade, the two basically achieved the purpose of mutual support and cooperation. After this battle, both of them felt that this was a good way to cooperate.

The bloody trousers are held in front, while the thousands of miles of chasing the wind whip are attacking on one side. One is bright and one is dark, and one is strange, and this trap is formed.

The trousers that have just walked on the edge of life and death are naturally very much in favor of cooperation. He knows his weaknesses, and his combat experience and ability are insufficient. Now it is naturally the best for someone to be willing to help, and he also needs someone to help him stand in front so that he can hide in the dark. Therefore, the alliance between the two finally entered a substantive stage.

Therefore, both of them gave up some vigilance and began their first face-to-face conversation!

"Damn, that's awesome! I almost died in this pervert's hand! Shit!" The bloody trousers scolded.

"This makes him escape. This pervert's strength is really not great. That space magic is really unpreventable! But it doesn't matter. As long as the two of us work together, he can't help us!" Thousands of miles chasing the wind and whip.

"I think he will come back tomorrow. Now that he is injured, he must heal his wounds. He will definitely come back tomorrow after his injury recovers. Because he needs supplies here!" The bloody trousers have a lingering heart. This time, it's not my own equipment. I was killed just now.

"That's right! Therefore, we should take precautions early! I suggest you move the position. This position is not the best defensive position, and I can't support you. If you change to that point of defense, first, the defense effect will be better, and second, I can support you faster!" Thousands of miles chasing the wind whip began to put forward their own suggestions.

I have to say that he is unwilling to kill the blade. In fact, there is also a reason. He wants to use the threat of the blade to control the bloody trousers!

Soon, the trousers with no scheming were moved by Qianli chasing the wind whip. He moved his position with his puppet and established a new defense circle in another place. Qianli chasing the wind whip also changed its position, and the two lurked again.

The night is still going on!

In this night, some people are leisurely, some people are tired, some people leisurely hide in hiding places to sleep, and some people live and die. It can be said that in addition to the remnant blade, the busiest person in this night was also busy all night!

This person is AK!

AK's established strategy is night battle! Take advantage of your experience in jungle combat, rest during the day and raid your opponents in the dark at night.

Although the whole plan was somewhat biased and disturbed by the fat man under the starry sky, there was still no big problem in general. The Scorpion King and the fat man both hung up. The fire phoenix did not find his existence and still hid in his magic array waiting for the phoenix nirvana. He also waited very smoothly until the dark moment.

But he did not dare to attack the saint, because after most of the observation, he did not understand what was going on with the other party's formation, so he did not dare to act rashly. But he couldn't just sit and wait, so he decided to find other opponents. Anyway, the saint couldn't run away for a while, and he could get rid of one or two first.

So he began to act.

The first target of his action is a supply point on the map, which is closest to him. Although he is not known whether he has been taken away, it is a target after all.

Soon, he arrived at his destination, but he was empty. The supply of this supply point is gone. In the face of such a situation, AK did not change his mood. He carefully searched around and soon found some clues, and then followed these traces.

Tracking is also an important skill in jungle warfare. The jungle is the best place to hide traces, and it is difficult to find it. Therefore, tracking is particularly important in jungle confrontation.

AK is still confident in his tracking ability. He once hunted down drug dealers, cross-border mercenaries, and all kinds of people in the jungle in the southwest, trying to destroy the peace and stability of China. In the end, he successfully completed the task. For him, it is not difficult for a virtual world like the Brave Continent.

It was already night, and the difficulty of tracking was much higher than during the day, but this did not seem to be a problem for AK. A broken leaf, a stepped branch, and a trace of friction did not escape his eyes. He carefully examined every trace and kept moving forward in the jungle.

This kind of tracking is very tiring, but for the strictly trained AK, he doesn't feel much uncomfortable at all! He could even persist like this day and night, in which he and his comrades-in-arms brought the enemy out of the jungle one after another. For him, no enemy can escape his pursuit!

AK can't help but think of the years of battle. The jungle at night made him seem to return to the era of blood and fire. He fought with the enemies side by side with his comrades-in-arms in the jungle. The enemies shouted, shouted, and attacked them desperately. The comrades around him fell one after another, and their young lives were in the jungle. At the end, they turned into a pip of loess. They were heroes, but they were not known. They exchanged their lives for the dignity of a country, but in the end they got nothing!

At that moment, AK's heart was suddenly full of grief and indignation. Why is the reality so unfair? Most of the time, they don't get the respect and harvest they deserve. The social status is not even as good as that of a professional game player. On this virtual brave continent, many people have become millions of millionaires and are sought after and loved by countless people. What contributions they have made to the country, why can they get so much? And what did their sacrificed and disabled comrades-in-arms finally get? They don't even get the pension. Like a fraction of these people.

Even I finally had to leave the army and make a living in this virtual world, using the skills I learned in the army and the experience I learned from actual combat in exchange for money and honor.

AK thought as he walked. I don't know how long it took, he suddenly found a problem, that is, he seemed to be circling around.

He followed various traces for most of the night, and finally came to the conclusion that this was an ecstasy array set by his opponent. I was fooled by my opponent!

I was busy in the middle of the night, and I was actually circling around!

Damn it!

AK scolded! However, he immediately showed good psychological quality and combat literacy. In the face of such a situation, he was not affected by anger, but suppressed all kinds of emotions in his heart. First, he found a place to lurk and began to think carefully about countermeasures!

At this time, he couldn't help but put away his contempt! He has always believed that the players in this virtual world lack actual combat experience, let alone military quality, but the opponent in front of him taught him a lesson, and he was actually fooled by him!

People who can do this kind of game are definitely a strong enemy!

AK opened the map and began to carefully study the terrain and landform in the map, carefully calculating and thinking about it. This kind of map operation is also an important part of military literacy. An experienced soldier must understand the map, infer the opponent's possible route of operation from the map, hide the place, and then calculate the opponent's strategy and tactics, and even the time and place of attack.

He points andhua on the map, calculates various possibilities from the ecstasy array set by his opponent, and constantly thinks differently. If he does it himself, what will he do?

In terms of time, after setting up the ecstasy array, the opponent should not run far, because this ecstasy array also takes a lot of time and mind and must consume a lot of physical strength. Therefore, he must not go too far, but should hide somewhere nearby, rest and wait, and may even wait for himself to fall into it. After that, give yourself a fatal blow when you are unprepared!

Such an opponent must not be taken lightly. After careful calculation, he circled several points that his opponent was most likely to hide from the map. After making a little preparation, he began a new action.

Only the players watching the battle know that the person who took away the supply of this supply point and set this trap is the big dark horse of this game - Xuan Chibing.