The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 35 Match Points

While AK was busy looking for his opponent, Xuan Chibing was sitting quietly cross-legged on the branch of a big tree. His eyes were slightly closed, like an old monk, looking like a leisurely and unconcerable master. Let his fans scream for him again.

After helping Fire Phoenix repel the old soy sauce, Xuan Chibing rushed to this supply point as soon as possible, took away the supplies here very smoothly, and then spent a lot of time setting up a trap for confusing tracking! At that time, people didn't know what the man was doing walking around in the jungle. Now they know that he was deliberately leaving traces to mislead his opponent.

It can be said that Xuan Chibing's performance this time is really impressive! He doesn't need any guardian spirit or weapons, and his equipment seems to be extremely ordinary, but this man's force has reached an unimaginable level. Even the role as strong as the thousand-year-old zombie lord has been beaten to death by him, and he has no power to fight back, let alone when ordinary people meet him.

Not only is martial arts strong, but also very skillful, not at all like a martial arts idiot who only knows how to practice martial arts! Originally, everyone thought that he could only play in the ring. In this special environment of the jungle, he would definitely be killed alive, but he didn't expect that he was also proficient in the jungle world. Not only was he not troubled by the environment at all, but even AK, the first master of jungle warfare, was put by him.

And none of the points circled by AK is correct. The place where Xuan Chibing hid was the place where he thought it was most unlikely to hide. In terms of planning and layout, Xuan Chibing is undoubtedly superior to AK.

So, AK was doing useless work all night. He searched everywhere he thought was possible, and finally returned to nothing.

In the face of such a situation, AK was finally angry! I was fooled, which is simply Chi Guoguo's provocation. For a while, the fierce force in the army that was unyielding, uncompromising and vowed to fight to the end with you came up again. This night, he did not rest, constantly groping in the mountains and forests, searching, and turning everywhere.

In the end, he actually touched the defense area of the roaring death!

It's worthy of being a person with practical experience and jungle experience. He was not killed at once like the old soy sauce. Even in the dark, he still accurately found the string of the trap!

Soon, he found more silk threads and traps. These traps, one after another, pull one ring and move the whole body, which makes even people like him who have experienced many battles scared.

As long as you accidentally enter such a trap array, you will never want to get up again. At that moment, he suddenly remembered the traps and mines everywhere in the southwest war zone.

At this time, he finally put away all his contempt. There are indeed many people in this virtual world who have not experienced actual combat and have no combat quality, but it does not prevent the masters here. These people also find a way to fight that suits them. They are here to give full play to their creativity. And talent, equally worthy of respect and serious treatment!

When you encounter two nails in a row, AK's luck is not ordinary! He couldn't understand the formation of the fire phoenix, and he couldn't break into the trap array of the roaring death. He was busy all night and finally got nothing.

Unconsciously, it was dawn again and the game entered the second day.

Because of the setting of supplies, the second day of the competition has also become a competition point of this competition. On this day, the initial supplies of all participants will be exhausted. If new supplies cannot be obtained on this day, the next competition will be even more difficult. Without supplies, physical strength and spiritual strength Half of the attribute value of the control force will be lost, which is basically equivalent to being eliminated in such an environment.

But the people who have been replenished are different. At this time, the most reasonable strategy is to try not to fight with their opponents, because at this time, it is the time for those who have no supplies to kill themselves. If they meet one, it is not worth losing, and even if they win, it will be a tragic victory. The best strategy is to avoid this day. After that, the other party will begin to be weak. At that time, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, this day is destined to be a game of hide-and-seek. Some people catch, some people hide, some people attack, and some people defend!

There are four people who have not been replenished today: AK, the broken blade, bloody trousers and thousands of miles chasing the wind whip.

But thousands of miles of chasing whips and bloody trousers are now guarding a supply point. As long as this point is not lost, they don't have to worry about supply. Although there are only five days of supplies here, and only one day's share can be taken, it's better than nothing.

The more difficult thing is AK and the broken blade. Although they have found opponents, the opponents they face are not easy to mess with. AK is better, and the remnant blade has been injured, and has not fully recovered at this time.

AK dares not easily crack traps. Although he is fully capable of solving one trap after another in front of him, he knows that as long as he touches these traps, it is equivalent to those bugs that touch the spider web, and he will lead the spider over at the first time.

In this competition, AK's biggest advantage is the secret attack. His equipment is average and there is no protection. He is completely relying on his own skills and strength to fight. Therefore, he must make every action suddenly hidden and must not be found by anyone. The hard battle does not have much advantage for him.

Once he touched the trap, his advantage was gone, and he changed from a hunter to a prey. Anyway, it doesn't match his tactical style.

However, he was not in a hurry. He walked very secretly along the edge of the trap array, roughly figured out the range of the opponent's defense zone, estimated the approximate position of the opponent, and then quietly hid it.

As an excellent jungle war expert, patience is a must. AK is very patient. He firmly believes that the other party will not always hide in it and will come out sooner or later.

At this time, he had regarded the roaring death as the person who had hurt himself in the middle of the night. After being teased, the cattle in the army had a temper. How could he let him go so easily? How could he give up if he did not beat the other party to the end?

So, this side confronted each other again.

The whole day's game was extremely dull, confrontation, hidden concealment, meditation, latent incubation, healing and healing. None of them moved, and the players watching the game were sleepy. There were even more scolding on the public forum. Words such as not wanting to make progress, preferring to kneel to live, rather than stand and die filled the whole network, and almost exploded the forum.

Lin Yuchen enjoys such a day very much. Now he has food in his hand and is not panicked. Therefore, he doesn't care what's going on outside, as long as he hides by himself.

Although I didn't sleep soundly on the first night of the game, I finally had a calm life.

For him, he has long been used to the night in the jungle. When he first entered the game, he stayed in the jungle all day, facing darkness and various dangers. From the initial fear, to the gradual familiarity later, to the later ease, that painful stage became the weight of his growth in his life. At this stage, although these are not real, all these memories are unforgettable. It can be said that he has not faced such darkness alone for a long time. When he faced such a scene again, he suddenly felt a lot in his heart.

When he woke up early this morning, he stood on the pile as usual, did some loose movements, and then continued to lurk. Today is the saddest day. I hope I don't run into those opponents who are looking for supplies everywhere!

According to the contract, Lin Yuchen will now have an income if he stays one more day. Now he is a live advertisement. He will advertise for Xiangyu Group for one day, and Xiangyu will give him 100,000 more yuan a day. Therefore, if he can really stay here for six days, then his income will reach Millions. Why not do it!

This time, the three official supply points, one is in the east of the island and the other in the west. These two points have only been replenished for two days, which have been taken away by Lin Yuchen and Xuan Chibing respectively. The largest supply point is in the middle of the island and is guarded by Qianli and trousers.

The remaining eight people, the remnant blade is the closest to them. The three of them are in the middle of the island, while the fire phoenix is in the south of the island, Xuan Chibing is in the east, and the direction of AK and the roaring death are in the north, but Lin Yuchen's position is the most empty. There is no enemy around him!

Lin Yuchen was very alert at the beginning, but after he had never met his opponent, he couldn't help but be a little distracted again.

He unconsciously remembered Tang Xianxian again!

Lin Yuchen found that since he fell in love with Tang Xianxian, he often unconsciously distracted. In the past, when I was in unrequited love, I could still do things with one mind when playing games. Anyway, there is no hope. Playing games has become an important way for me to forget the pain of unrequited love. However, since I fell in love with Tang Xianxian, I often think of her. It seems that she occupies a large part of my heart, as long as my heart moves. , you can see her shadow immediately.

It's really sad! How many capable people in ancient and modern times can't break the relationship in the end. As a teenager, he is just vigorous, and how can he say it?

Therefore, Lin Yuchen did not deliberately suppress this idea in his heart. He thought whatever he wanted. Anyway, when he thought of Tang Xianxian, he was in a good mood and in a good state. He could relieve stress and relax his body and mind. In addition to distraction, there seems to be no harm.

Besides, among the remaining opponents, it seems that there is no spiritual controller like Yi Shui Tianwu, and you no longer have to be afraid of falling into the other party's fantasy. Therefore, he let go of his mind.

I don't know what she is doing now, looking at herself in front of the screen, reading comments on the Internet, or talking about girls' worries with people...

For a while, Lin Yuchen thought about it.

Because the game was deadlocked, bored people also began to gossip about the fate of those players who were eliminated on the first day.

This time, the official gave every contestant the right to be resurrected the next day. After being hung up in the competition, he could be resurrected the next day. You don't have to wait for three days like before, and it's all free. Therefore, those who were eliminated at this time were basically resurrected.

The first person to be discovered was the fat man under the starry sky, and he was expelled from the Temple of Light!

It is said that in this competition, he did not fulfill the 'heroic and fearless' principle that a paladin should have. He was deprived of the title of knight by the Golden Knights. From then on, he lost all honors. Even the Temple of Light felt that he was not pious enough to be the guardian of the God of Light. From then on, he was kicked out of the temple and became a commoner. . All his equipment and property were confiscated, and even his private army was confiscated and confiscated. The fat man participated in the game with hope and finally became nothing, except for a guardian spirit.

This is the worst thing. Not long after he left the temple, he was besieged.

The fat man can get to the position of colonel in the Golden Knights, which naturally offends many people. After all, it is a circle full of interests, and deception is absolutely indispensable. In the past, he was powerful and powerful, and others did not dare to touch him. Now that he is in trouble, he immediately has revenge and complains. The revenge he was stared at in those years is remembered, so a group of people chased and killed him.

The fat man was first surrounded and mocked for a while, and then after repeated provocation, it was a group fight!

The sad and indignant fat man under the starry sky released his guardian spirit to the death!

This time he fought very bravely, but unfortunately, his fists were difficult to beat the four hands. This time, the other party beat the water dog. Everyone wanted to wave twice, so the fat man died in waves of attacks and died again! Even the guardian spirit he desperately protected in the game was killed alive in this battle!

It can be said that at least for a year, the fat man will never turn over!

This event became the biggest highlight of the boring game of the day, and the click rate of the whole video far exceeded the official game video! Become the hottest topic of the day!