The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 6 Dragon

Yang Quanxing has been very busy recently!

Since he humiliated the legendary master in the stall, the famous Yinren King in the brave continent, he is even more energetic. He takes a group of people around all day long to hunt for fun. From time to time, he has to drive his Land Rover to the other end of the city and pick up several future actresses from the drama academy to play. Have fun!

His multi-million-dollar top-end Land Rover is also a good car in an international metropolis like Modu. At least a few girls who are not deeply involved in the world and dream of being able to meet all kinds of second-generation promotion are more than enough.

However, he has been busy with this recently. Recently, he has been busy looking for something. The value of this thing can basically compete with his Land Rover.


The top material on the brave road, the best innate wood. Although it is wood, its toughness is extremely high, even the top dark gold weapons are not comparable to it. In addition, it also has excellent wood spell compatibility. The weapon made with it also has the effect of a staff, which can greatly improve wood. It is the power and launch speed of the spell. Weapons made of dragon wood are basically at the level of artifacts.

But this is not the most important attribute of dragon wood. The most important effect of dragon wood is that it is the nemesis of the dragon clan!

Dragon-falling wood, as the name implies, this wood has the effect of dragon-falling! This kind of wood is one of the most feared things of the dragon clan. The dragon clan has an innate fear of it. The weapon made of it naturally has a strong production for the dragon clan. Therefore, dragon-killing wood has become the material that dragon-slayers dream of warriors on the brave continent! If you bring this kind of weapon, not only will you get twice the result with half the effort, but it is not too difficult to subdue the dragon as your own mount.

You know, it is much more difficult to subdue a giant dragon than to slaughter a dragon! To kill a dragon, you can rely on a lot of external forces and win more people, but if you want to subdue a dragon and make it your partner or mount, you can only rely on your own strength! Moreover, after the dragon slaughter, it is at most all kinds of materials on the dragon. If you subdue a dragon, it will be developed! Once the dragon becomes a mount or guardian spirit, the player's strength will immediately increase several times, and he will immediately become the first-class strongman on the brave continent and become the target of the first recruitment of major forces. Whether it is pulling up the flag to dominate or helping people fight the world, it is a lot of money, fame and wealth. It is absolutely played by every brave continent. The ultimate dream of home.

Now, on the brave road, the materials on a giant dragon can basically be sold at the price of a top-level Land Rover. If it is alive, it can definitely be easily sold to five times this price! And it's still priceless! Therefore, the value of dragon nemesis - dragon wood is also increasing, coupled with the principle that the higher the top materials, the rarer, so the price of dragon wood is also catching up with the land tiger!

Yang Quanxing has been lucky recently. After completing a task, he actually got information about Jianglongmu by chance. It is said that in the Yuelong Mountain in the eastern part of the Longhan Empire, a dragon tree has grown. As long as you can find its position and defeat its guardian beast, you can take this legendary divine tree as your own.

Thinking of the great value of dragon wood, Yang Quanxing decided to take his own Thunder team to find this legendary artifact material.

Therefore, Yang Quanxing has been preparing for action these days, buying various weapons and equipment, querying various relevant information, practicing new tactics, and soaking in the brave continent almost every day.

Finally, everything was ready. On Sunday, when the school was off, he took his own team to take action!

Yuelong Mountain is a mountain range with a radius of more than 100 square kilometers. The mountains are dense, the mountains are undulating, and the terrain is very complex. It is not easy to find something in such a place. However, Yang Quanxing has a map in his hand. This map clearly shows the location of the descending dragon wood. The descending dragon wood road is born in the depths of Yuelong Mountain, a rarely visited place, halfway up the mountain in the east of Yuelong Mountain.

Several of this team are masters of the climbing club in the police academy. Others also have experience in camping and jungle marching, and their skills are also extremely good. They often cooperate together at ordinary times. Therefore, Yang Quanxing is very confident in this mission!

They are all hot-blooded kids in their early 20s, all of whom are fearless. Walking in this quiet mountain forest and watching the real scene simulated by the powerful realistic system of the brave mainland, they all feel eye-opening and novel. They march while chatting, they have to play from time to time!

Gradually, the road became more and more difficult to walk. They had to break through the thorns and fight against the environment. Every step they had to spend more physical strength and energy than usual, and they had to guard against all kinds of creatures that came out from time to time.

Although they are all trained and physically stronger than ordinary people, such a march still makes these people tired! Before long, the excitement just now was gone, replaced by all kinds of gasps and sighs!

The easiest thing to walk in the whole team is Yang Quanxing. He doesn't need to open the road or be vigilant. He is completely protected in the middle of the team and doesn't need to do anything. At this time, what he thinks of is a jungle lurker! The legendary Yin King!

"Fuck! A fool! A coward who doesn't even dare to admit his identity! I really don't know how he survived in this environment! The legend must be processed, all of which are fake! After exaggeration, that boy is not so powerful. At most, he is a little better than those nerds!" Yang Quanxing thought as he walked.

Originally, he was going to continue to trouble Lin Yuchen these days, but he didn't expect that the boy was very low-key. Since that day, he has never gone to the food street for supper. He shrinks in the school every day and has hardly gone out of school, so that he has never been able to find a chance to start. No matter how hard he is, no matter how arrogant he is, he dares not go to Hongji to find a student's trouble. If this matter is made, it will not be an ordinary matter. No matter what Hongji is, he is a first-class university in China, with high level, great face and alumni in all fields. No one can bully him.

However, he also found new fun. This time, he succeeded, and his position on the brave continent would not be much worse than that of the jungle lurker.

Dragon Knight! Yang Quanxing thought proudly! In the game world, this is much more popular than driving a top-level Land Rover. Maybe I will become the protagonist of the best video of the brave mainland on that day, become the target of major forces, and become a hot topic on the forum. From then on, it may become famous all over the world!

Simply, I pulled up a group of people by myself, became the king, and trampled the Tianxu Alliance fiercely! At that time, let's see what face you have to do here! Haha!

The more Yang Quanxing thinks about it, the more proud he becomes! With this thought, his fatigue seemed to have eased a lot, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace again!

At this moment, a crashing sound was heard from afar.

Whistle! ~! Boom!

A series of sounds followed! The last explosion stunned everyone!

When everyone comes to their senses, they will see an incredible scene!

Walking on the last team member, he was already lying on the ground, and his whole head disappeared. There were traces of burning and explosion at the fracture of his neck, which looked very horrible!

Although he is an elite of the police academy, when he saw his teammates 'dead' so miserable, everyone was speechless for a moment!

"Damn! I actually hanged up. There are enemies and enemies. What about you?" When the shout of the teammate came from the headphones, these people woke up.

"All hidden, hide quickly!" Hide, hide quickly!" Monkey, the enemy is in that direction!" ......

Everyone shouted in a panic!

Although this is not the first time they have experienced such a battle, this raid was so sudden that they were all caught off guard! Killing himself as a general in a second, he hung up without even screaming. The strength of this opponent has exceeded their imagination!

"beard me! I don't have time to react at all, as if it were a bow and arrow! Shit! This time it's really bad! Hang up as soon as you come out! I will never go to the last one again!" The unlucky man named Monkey roared angrily on the channel.

"Stop shouting! Pay attention to concealment, observe carefully, and report immediately when you see the target!" Finally, a voice roared in the channel and suppressed all the noise.

Head of the prison! The actual captain of this operation finally played his role at this time.

This team looks like Yang Quanxing's, but in fact, the main command and operations are commanded by the prison. The reason why he was called the head of the prison is that his goal after graduation is to go to prison and study related majors, so everyone calls him that!

The prison leader is already a senior this year. No matter his age, qualifications, ability or experience, he is second to none in this team. Therefore, he is also the first person to stabilize. When he shouted like this, he suddenly stabilized his military heart. Everyone woke up from the panic and began to seriously face the current predicament seriously!

"Close formation, don't pay attention to only one direction, be careful of the attack in other directions!" The prisoner gave a new order.

Several people listened to the rapid adjustment of position and quickly formed a new formation, began to search for the situation around them in an all-round way, ready to fight at any time.

But the jungle on all sides is quiet, and there is no wind and grass at all. They can't see anything around them except dense layers of trees and dense weeds!

In the face of such a scene, Yang Quanxing, who was protected in the center of the formation, suddenly had an inexplicable fear in his heart, and a word jumped out of his mind again: jungle lurker!

Is it him! Impossible, this boy doesn't have the courage! How dare he attack me? He doesn't want to live! I killed him! Yang Quanxing thought angrily.

But he soon remembered Lin Yuchen's previous achievements, and for a moment, his heart wavered again!

Impossible! It can never be him! This operation is so confidential that even the people in our school don't know how he knows that he is coming here!

Because the matter is important, Yang Quanxing's operation is extremely confidential! After all, people who studied in the police academy know some confidentiality measures. All eight people who participated in the operation this time were asked by him to keep secrets and not to reveal the purpose and time of the operation. Among these people, only Yang Quanxing had the map and specific information, others, etc., even the commander of the operation. And the two people who follow Yang Quanxing don't know the specific location of the target.

With such confidentiality measures, how can the shrinking turtles like jungle lurkers find them?

Besides, jungle lurkers don't seem to use bows. His weapon is a knife, and he doesn't seem to know how to use a bow!

Soon, he thought of another person: Yang Youji! The arrow god on the brave continent! It seems that only he has such a powerful archery.

Is it the jungle lurker who asked him to take revenge on himself? With the relationship between jungle lurkers, this does not seem impossible! Thinking of this, Yang Quanxing's heart suddenly burst into anger. I X his 18th generation of ancestors! But after the scolding, there was a burst of fear! Yang Youji is here, can their group still live?

"Goat, what should I do now!" The prison head beside him suddenly pushed him and asked.

"Damn! How do I know what to do! You still come to ask me about this matter. It's up to you every time! Shit! I X his 18th generation of ancestors!" Yang Quanxing, who was thinking nervously in his heart, was interrupted, and an almost neurotic scolding almost rushed out.