The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 7 String Kill

Yang Quanxing's angry scolding stunned all these people, and several of them even showed dissatisfaction!

There will not be many people like him who can follow him. After all, everyone is a college student who has studied, and he still has basic independent thinking ability. If it weren't for this person's *hardness and deepness, he could pave the way for his future work, not many people would like to hang out with him!

But at this time, what can they do, so they have to put up with it!

Thinking of this, the head of the cell had to suppress his emotions and began to think seriously about the current situation.

In fact, what he just asked was whether to continue the task, because in the current situation, it is likely that they have stepped into other people's territory.

Although Yuelong Mountain does not have a strategic position, players will definitely occupy such a big mountain. After all, a mountain will have some resources. As long as it occupies it, it can basically rely on mountains to eat mountains. Even if it does not make much money, there is no problem to feed a group of people.

Therefore, their attitude towards the invaders is very resolute. This is their territory and the place where they live. Whoever dares to take a step will definitely fight with you to the end!

A dil like Yang Quanxing naturally won't think of these things. He is used to being king, so for him, as long as he has power and *, everyone can deal with it!

Should we advance or retreat? The head of the cell thought nervously.

They also collected information from this area when they came. Because it is located in a remote area, there is no big force. Judging from the current situation, it seems to be more like a single individual player.

This is located in a remote place, because it is far away from the central city, and it is very inconvenient to buy various resources, supplies, equipment, and make money, so players generally don't like to stay here. This is the same as the real world. The more remote places are, the fewer opportunities to make money, the more dangerous the environment is, and the more difficult it is to survive. Players need a strong personal ability to stay here to survive!

But that's exactly what happens. People who survive in this environment must also be top masters! For example, the famous 'jungle lurker'! He once annihilated a legion that invaded his territory with his own strength!

Of course, it may also be people with the same purpose as them!

After a simple communication with the backbone of several teams, they all decided to continue! They are the top team of the police academy, and they are also famous in the university town. If they turn around and retreat because they were shot with an arrow, they ran away without even seeing the shadow of their opponents. If this spreads, they won't fool around!

You have to spell everything you say! Besides, there don't seem to be many opponents. If there are many people, they can attack when they are chaotic and defeat them in one fell swoop!

The other party did not take such an action, so if the other party is not a few people, the commander can't do it! And maybe there is only one person!

With these judgments, they decided to go on!

"The people in front release the guardian Yuanling to open the way, and the back is the same. Behind the guardian Yuanling Hall, everyone takes out their shields, maintains the protective formation, and is ready to fight at any time!" I have made up my mind and gave an order!

Several people took out their shields and protected themselves! They often use shields, because they have learned explosion-proof courses and will use explosion-proof shields!

The front and back of the team have also been replaced by the guardian spirit. The road is a sword warrior, and the shield axe hand is broken, but they are not high-level arms, all of which are used as cannon fodder.

People in the police academy have received all kinds of training, so they all respect their personal ability very much. In the school's team competition, they are not allowed to use guardians, so they don't care about the setting of guarding Yuanling. But this time, they are on a mission. In order to add a life to themselves, they have one more protective layer, so they all brought a guard, but the strength of this temporary guardian spirit is naturally not strong. For them, this is just a knife for the key moment.

With concerns, the team's progress is slower! They had to keep their attention at all times and alert to the situation around them. With a little wind and grass, they could immediately stop the team. In this way, the physical consumption would be greater. Not long after they left, they had to stop and rest!

"Sheep's head, how far is it!" A team member asked. The sheep's head is naturally Yang Quanxing!

"There should be a long way to go! We must speed up and get there before dark. Otherwise, today's task will not be completed. Yang Quanxing said anxiously.

"There is no way to go fast like this!" The head of the cell is also very anxious. In this way, you can't reach your destination tomorrow.

"What should I do!" I X his 18th generation of ancestors! What the hell, it's playing with yin!" I hate this kind of play the most. There is a kind of open and upright! What a hero is hiding in the dark! Shit, if I let you pull you out, I will definitely smash you into ten thousand pieces! Grass!" Several people began to scold.

In the jungle, what I fear most is to encounter such a battle. This is not only a sinister ambush, but also a psychological war. The attacked person is in a state of mental tension at any time. If the ability to resist pressure is slightly worse, they will collapse without the opponent!

At this time, this team has already experienced emotional fluctuations! This moment is the time to test the command ability of a team commander.

"Okay! Don't say strange things! Get time to rest!" The prison head shouted angrily and suppressed all the voices! If these people are allowed to go on, the team will be in chaos sooner or later!

Finally, his usual prestige was high. After a word, everyone suddenly lost their voice and began to rest!

But as soon as it calmed down, I heard a fluttering sound, and the sword warrior who used to open the way turned over on his back.

Everyone clearly saw that there was a feather arrow in his neck!

"Enemy attack! Alert!" With a roar from the prison, these people who had just stopped had to turn over and put on alert.

"Eleven o'clock direction, have you seen it!" No, I can't see anything! Grass!" I can't see it either!"

This time they recognized the direction of the arrows, but at a glance, they were full of trees and could not see anything.

The other party wants to consume their physical strength! His prison leader suddenly woke up! The opponent is to maintain this oppression and not let them rest until they are all exhausted!

"Fug, it's too sinister!" The prison head scolded!

However, such tactics also reveal one thing, that is, there are not many people on the other side! There may even be only one!

One is simple! The prison leader's decisive command:

"Xiaowu, whip leg, Shura, you three go out to search for that, and the others remain vigilant! Keep in touch! Damn, you must bring this guy out!"

"Go!" The three shouted and ran in that direction without hesitation!

Whip legs are the king of Sanda in the second grade of the police academy. Because the whip legs are extremely beautiful, there is such a nickname. Shura is a master of Muay Thai, black and strong, and very fierce to fight. Therefore, Xiaowu is a good person in all aspects and belongs to balanced talents. Therefore, the prison leader is sent The sudden search team can be said to be the fastest response and the strongest melee in their team. No matter what the situation is, they will definitely be able to cope with it.

The weapons of the three people are also well equipped, with a handful of whip legs and one in Shura's hand, while Xiaowu's hand is a crossbow.

For this operation, Yang Quanxing equipped everyone with one*, and the whole team was also equipped with two ten arrows. In terms of firepower, this configuration is enough to deal with many problems.

Whip legs and Shura have been waiting impatiently for a long time. They are both good at attacking people. When they are led by the nose like this, they are almost suffocated. So as soon as I heard the order, I immediately answered!

However, after three people searched forward for more than 20 meters with *, they saw nothing!

"Did you find anything!" No!" I didn't see anything!"

"Damn, where the hell is this bastard hiding!" The whip leg said a little impatiently.

At this moment, the corner of his eyes seemed to feel a shadow flash. He quickly turned his head, and his eyes were very keen to catch a shadow hidden in the jungle at the last moment.

"There!" The whip leg immediately pulled out and rushed in that direction!

"Keep the formation and don't leave the team!" Xiaowu shouted anxiously! Unfortunately, the whip didn't listen to him at all and ran away at once!

"Damn!" Shura also followed closely.

"Don't go!" Xiaowu shouted helplessly.

Faced with this situation, Xiaowu has nothing to do! Originally, the reason why the prison leader sent him was that he was more stable and careful. Unlike the two, they didn't care about anything and could neutralize the momentum of the two people, but the reality was that he couldn't restrain these two people at all! Whip legs and Shura are usually very conceited and don't pay attention to anyone at all. Usually, the prison head can still restrain them, but under such circumstances, how can Xiaowu restrain them!

He sighed and had to catch up with him.

But the two were so fast that they suddenly disappeared into the dense jungle, and Xiaowu was suddenly separated from them!

"Head of the cell, I lost the position of both of them, damn it! Get them back quickly!" He had to contact the prisoner!

"Damn! You two come back quickly, don't be left alone, and don't mess up the formation! Grass!" The prison leader was also anxious when he heard it and shouted in the channel!

But the two people did not move at all. Xiaowu was anxious. His experience in the jungle was not rich. At this time, he was so anxious that he could not even distinguish between east, west, north and south.

At this time, he suddenly felt a sound on his head. He subconsciously looked up and saw a dark shadow falling from the sky, pressing on him like the top of Mount Tai!

"Ah! ~”

This situation was very sudden. He was not prepared at all and was shocked to make a scream!

Before he could react, something had been put on his head.


It was actually a bow that put on his head. Just as he was about to struggle to get rid of it, the bow was tightened.

The bow string of the long bow strangled his neck!


Then, he suffered a heavy blow to his waist!

These two forces were in exactly the opposite direction. Xiaowu was hit forward by a blow in the waist, and then he felt a pain in his neck, and a stream of blood came out of his neck!

He almost subconsciously pressed his hand on his neck to stop the shooting blood!

But it's all useless! Blood spewed out unscrupulously like a fountain, and his hand could not stop such a shot at all!

The bowstring fell deeply into his neck, cut off his throat and blood vessels, and cut off his life!

Xiaowu felt that his body was cold. At that moment, he could not breathe or shout. He only felt that his life was leaving his body!

When he came to the real world, there was only one feeling in his heart: I was dead!

killed with a bow!

He can also kill people with a bow. As a future criminal policeman, it is the first time he has heard of such a way of killing!