The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 16 Bodyguard

After a few words, the crowd finally dispersed, and everyone went to their own dormitories to sleep. Lin Yuchen was finally able to go to bed!

As soon as I lay down, I heard a voice whispering, "Big Boss Yu, are you all right?"

The speaker is Lao Tan who is separated from the bed. There are four beds in the dormitory, two docking. Lin Yuchen and Lao Tan, Zhao Shiqiang and Xiao Fuzi, everyone sleep with their heads on top, which is convenient to talk!

"It's okay! Lao Tan, you are not scared today!" Lin Yuchen asked.

It was a very beautiful party, but I didn't expect such a result. For Lao Tan, a person who is not in a deep life, it can definitely be said to be an earth-shaking thing. Lin Yuchen has noticed for a long time that Lao Tan has never spoken and is no longer active as usual. Obviously, this matter has really stimulated him too much.

"Big Yu, I want to be as strong as you! Call me when you get up for morning exercise tomorrow, and I will get up with you every morning to practice martial arts!" Lao Tan said firmly.

What happened today was really shocking to him. When the two sides began to argue, he was really stunned at that time. The man's fierce face was definitely the most ferocious person he had seen in his life and the most unreasonable person he had ever seen. Obviously, he deliberately bumped into Brother Tong, but he opened his eyes. He told lies with his eyes, but accused Brother Tong of hitting him.

If it weren't for Lin Yuchen, he wouldn't know what to do!

"Big Yu, I really envy you! In that situation, there is no panic at all! To be honest, I was scared to pee! Really. Lost it!" The more old Tan said, the more excited he became. He was ashamed of his incompetence at that time! As a man, he did not show any masculinity in front of a group of girls. Instead, his legs trembled and panicked!

"Haha! Don't care too much! Everyone has the first time. When I first encountered such a thing, it was even worse than you! Lao Tan, there is no one in the world who knows everything, and there is no one who is very powerful at birth. Everyone can get to that point by accumulating experience in one thing. So, don't blame yourself too much!" Lin Yuchen can understand Lao Tan's mood, because he has also experienced such a thing.

Lao Tan sighed and said, "Mr. Yu, I only knew how useless I was at that time. What's the use of reading so many books? It's really useless. It's useless to be a scholar. So it is! Fuck you!"

"Lao Tan, do you like Miss Su!" Lin Yuchen suddenly asked. It is not difficult to guess the reason why Lao Tan has such a mood, because since he saw Su Wanyu, he has been very uncomfortable. Even Tang Xianxian can see that he is interested in Su Wanyu. And later, when he encountered such a thing, he was basically a man who wanted to show his heroic side in front of the girl he liked, but at that time, he was really scared that his legs trembled, his hands and feet were stiff, and he was extremely cowardly! Be seen the saddest and incompetent side of his favorite girl and teach him how to calm down!

"Hey!" Lao Tan didn't admit it, but sighed for a long time, and then said, "Big Yu, I think you and my sister-in-law are really a good match. You are the first master, and your sister-in-law is also a heroine. At that time, she pulled us all away and said nothing to let Brother Tong and Laohei help you. She ordered us to stand outside the girls and be a wall to protect girls. At that time, I found that she was really calmer than all of us at that time, and only she was worthy of you! No wonder I can fight a bloody battle with you on the long street!"

"Her father is a major! Originally, she is a general tiger girl. She naturally knows more about watching her father lead the army all day long. Lin Yuchen explained.

"Anyway, I must become stronger! Even if I can't be as strong as you, at least such a thing can't happen again! Boss Yu, please teach me! I will definitely learn it seriously. I know that martial arts has to work hard and suffer a lot, but I will never give up!" Lao Tan said firmly.

"Lao Tan, there are many ways to become stronger! As far as I know, learning martial arts is definitely the most shallow kind. In this world, you can see which one is practicing martial arts, those who control countless lives, and which one is practicing martial arts. Although we are famous for a while, in fact, many times, we can only be other people's chess pieces. Not to mention today, you should know about the Ba Siba incident. I fought on the long street with delicate blood. The two of them fought desperately. In fact, they are just a pawn. Who is the real winner!' In the only competition, more than a dozen people were killed, and who was the final winner? In Tianxu Forest, although I am one of the high-rise buildings and look extremely beautiful, who is in the hands of the whole Tianxu Alliance? Lao Tan, practicing martial arts can indeed make people stronger and stronger, but it can only make people brave for a while, which is by no means the only way to become stronger!" Lin Yuchen said seriously.

It's not that he doesn't want to take Lao Tan, but that Lao Tan's mentality is not right at this time. Once he practices martial arts, it's easy to go crazy. If it's not good, it's easy to hurt his body. It's okay to hurt himself. If he becomes very belligerent from then on and often fight with people, it will be even worse. Sooner or later People are killed or dragged to eat guns by the government!

Many martial arts practitioners in the world ended up like this, either because of something else, or because the mentality at the beginning was wrong. Lin Yuchen has practiced for more than ten years. No one in school knew that he had practiced martial arts before, and he never used martial arts with others. In junior high school, he was even bullied by some bad students! From beginning to end, he maintained the concept of practicing martial arts and strengthening himself. No matter what happened, he would not give up and persevere. If it hadn't been for the brave mainland for his ability to show and give him a stage, he would have been an unknown student in the real world who was not much different from ordinary people!

"Big Yu, the more I associate with you, the more I find that you really know a lot, and the more I feel that I really don't understand anything! Originally, I was the top student in the college entrance examination, and my family regarded me as a treasure. I thought that no one in the world was better than me. When I came here, I found that the world was so big and there were so many talents. I'm just a frog in the well!" Lao Tan is really full of emotion today! The small college society has taught him an extremely important lesson!

"Lao Tan, if you really want to practice martial arts, recite the Analects of Confucius first!" Lin Yuchen suddenly said.

"The Analects of Confucius! Boss Yu, what does this have to do with martial arts?" Lao Tan said strangely.

"Yes! You will know when you memorize it. I'll teach you when you recite it!" Lin Yuchen said.

"Big Yu, do you teach me too!" Zhao Laohei on one side suddenly said. He has been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two.

"Yes! But only for the two of you, don't let anyone else know!" Lin Yuchen set a circle, otherwise, I don't know how many people will come to learn from him after this matter!

This night has passed!

A new day is destined to be an extraordinary day!

Lin Yuchen got up at 5:30 as usual according to his habits. Although he tossed around all night yesterday, his biological clock had been fixed, and he woke up naturally at this time. After standing on the pile for 45 minutes, he went out to call the name according to the school regulations at 6:30, and then found a remote place to practice martial arts again. At 7:30, he came to the canteen. At this time, Tang Xianxian had already made breakfast and was waiting for him!

This is their habit of coming here, having breakfast together and then going to class together. Although the classrooms may be different, enjoying breakfast together is one of the essential programs for both of them every day.

As soon as Lin Yuchen walked into the canteen, he immediately became the focus of everyone's attention. Obviously, many people have received the news and seen the video!

In the face of all kinds of eyes, Lin Yuchen had to calm down, calmly, and walked straight to Tang Xianxian!

Tang Xianxian saw him coming and pushed the breakfast in front of him as usual.

Lin Yuchen was also rude. He sat down and began to eat! However, he ate very slowly, chewed every bite slowly, and did not look like an athlete at all!

"Taro, they... didn't embarrass you yesterday!" Tang Xianxian waited for him to take a few bites before asking gently.

"Worried! I didn't sleep well yesterday!" Lin Yuchen said with a narrow smile.

"No way. I don't know how well I sleep! Humph! People like you who cause trouble all day long should lock you up directly, then I'm really worry-free!" Tang Xianxian said annoy!

"Oh! Really? Then I'll check in again today! I may not be able to get out this time!" Lin Yuchen said lightly.

"Ah! You still have to go!" When Tang Xianxian heard that she still wanted to go, she was immediately anxious!

"Haha! Hurry! He said he was not worried! Haha, come here and let me kiss you!" Lin Yuchen began to recover his nature again!

"Fuck you!" Tang Xianxian twisted the back of Lin Yuchen's hand fiercely and asked, "Do you still want to go!"

"No! Their director reviewed me for a long time and didn't ask anything. Finally, I had to come back and wait for the notice! It should be all right now!" Lin Yuchen said.

Tang Xianxian finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she immediately put on a vicious look and taught Lin Yuchen a lesson. Now I find that you will have an accident as soon as you drink. You are not allowed to drink again or go to the night market for supper in the future. From now on, you can only eat in the canteen for me every day!"

"Yes, yes! Obey the edict of leadership! In the future, I dare not go out even if I beat him to death!" Lin Yuchen nodded and bowed his head.

Seeing Lin Yuchen's attitude, Tang Xianxian couldn't help smiling, but she quickly frowned again and said quietly, "taro! Now I really find that you are getting more and more fierce! Yesterday, somehow, there was always a feeling of shock when you took action!"

"I'm scared even you!" Lin Yuchen asked!

Tang Xianxian nodded. Yesterday, she was not scared by that scene. On the contrary, the way Lin Yuchen took action made her quite uncomfortable!

"It's not only me, but even the people in our dormitory were scared by you yesterday! It is said that you usually look quite sven, but I didn't expect you to be so fierce, either breaking your hand or your foot! It's horrible!" Girls often pay more attention to the comments of the sisters around her. If it were Tang Xianxian herself, she might not have such a view. Of course, many beautiful loves are also destroyed by these sisters.

Lin Yuchen thought quietly after listening to it, and then said, "I don't know either! At that time, it was a completely instinctive reaction. Xianxian, you know that on the brave continent, what I face is a life-and-death battle. When I meet the enemy, either you die or I live, so when I take action, it is all aimed at the key points of the opponent. Naturally, it is also the same here. Yesterday, I still kept my hand and didn't do my best. I thought it would be fine, but now it's a little too much to hear what you said. I will pay attention to it in the future!"

Lin Yuchen's biggest advantage is that he can listen to other people's opinions anytime and anywhere, and then reflect on himself! This is also one of Tang Xianxian's favorite places!

Tang Xianxian was in a much better mood after hearing this. She smiled and said, "Okay! Hurry up and eat! Otherwise, I will be late!"

"To be honest, did your sisters persuade you to break up with me!" Lin Yuchen asked again with a smile.

"Yes! They all said that if it goes on like this, you will become a murderer sooner or later. Advise me to break up with you as soon as possible!" Tang Xianxian also said with a smile.

"Wow! Girls are so realistic nowadays! What do you think, leader?"

"Ye! Me! Observe it again! At least it's good to have a bodyguard now! Hee!" Tang Xianxian said with a smile.

"Haha! Thank you for your support! Three lifetimes of my subordinates are lucky! Thank you very much!"

After laughing for a while, Lin Yuchen suddenly said, "Sili, you didn't call your uncle yesterday, did you?"