The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 17 Public Opinion

Yang Quanxing didn't expect things to develop like this!

This time, he found five people from Subei. After careful planning, he wanted to teach Lin Yuchen a lesson, stab him a few times, let him release a little blood, and abolish his martial arts. From then on, he could only put away his tail and be a man. Unexpectedly, all five people went up and were seriously injured, and none of them ran away!

Although Yang Quanxing is hard on the mountain, after all, the devil is not his territory. This time, he deliberately found someone from Subei because he wanted to make things secret and leave no trace, but he didn't expect to be caught by others!

"What a fucking bunch of idiots!" Yang Quanxing scolded the five people and the old cow in his heart.

Fortunately, he had planned before. Instead of taking action on Lin Yuchen as soon as he came up, he deliberately found Lin Yuchen's classmates to have conflicts, because he didn't want people to see their real purpose.

Yang Quanxing is worthy of being from a police family and knows how to hide his real motives. The whole incident is like a general friction fight. According to his original plan, one person stabbed, the others were responsible for supporting, disrupting and receiving cover, and then escaping, which should be foolproof. But I didn't expect that Lin Yuchen killed the person who stabbed the knife in one move. The others rushed up and were all hanged by him. This is simply not an assassination, but a moth to fight the fire!

Now all five people are controlled by the police, and once the interrogation continues, it is difficult to say what will happen.

Although these five people do not know his identity and have never seen him. Everything is remotely controlled through the Internet and mobile phones, basically leaving little trace, as a member of a police family, he is well aware of the interrogation methods of the Shenzhou public security. Just a stone goes in, and finally you have to spit out a few drops of oil. If these people go in, they may even spit out the matter of peeking at the neighbor's aunt taking a bath when they were young. At that time, the old cow will soon be pulled out, then him, then his father, and then the whole family!

In the officialdom of Shenzhou, such a thing is by no means special! There are so many things that a force has completely disappeared because of a small thing. The more Yang Quanxing thinks about it, the more afraid he is!

If it is in Subei, he has nothing to worry about, because it is not surprising that this matter will be suppressed. These people will be locked up for a period of time. When the wind passes, they will be released, and Lin Yuchen may be sent in for a hard repair because of hurting people. In Subei, it is not difficult for Yang Quanxing to turn black and white upside down. He once put the boyfriend of a woman he liked in the detention center for three months. When he came out, he was already half crazy. There were not many people there that he couldn't fix, but in the magic capital, it was not his final say!

Fortunately, there were some stupid × police school students who messed up the situation. Those stupid × bravely found the wrong person for their justice. As a result, they were severely beaten and now they are all lying in the hospital, but they have played a role in disturbing the situation. Schools and police stations may suppress this matter in order to eliminate the negative impact, such as If this is the case, it is naturally the best.

But if that's not the case!

When Yang Quanxing came to the Magic City, in order to let him graduate smoothly, his father also helped him introduce some relationships here. In the school and university town, even in the police station, he would not have been arrogant in this area for so long, but he could not take the initiative to find help in this matter, because At this time, as long as he moves, others can guess that he has something to do with this matter. If he drags out a 'revenge' motive in the university town, I'm afraid he can't give up this matter.

At that time, he will face not Lin Yuchen, but the whole Hongji University.

Hongji University is a century-old university in Shenzhou. It ranks very high in Shenzhou University. It is also famous in the academic world, alumni all over the world, and many of them are already outstanding people in all walks of life. Their students have been hunted for revenge and assassinated, which is absolutely necessary to be investigated to the end! Otherwise, the school's century-old reputation will be ruined!

If things develop like this, no matter how big Yang Quanxing's backer is and how powerful he is, I'm afraid he can't cover him.

Waiting is the most worrying, but Yang Quanxing can do nothing but wait at this time.

I have to say that as a second generation of officials, his analysis of the situation is very correct, but he still ignores one place, the Internet! In the Internet era, no one can ignore the power of the Internet!

The day after the accident, the whole network exploded!

"The King of Yin was assassinated! Blood-stained long street!"

"The jungle lurker has injured more than a dozen people in the university town, which is now under the control of the police!"

"Blood night market! Lin Yuchen staged a live-action version of the Ba Siba incident!"


One eye-catching title after another suddenly appeared on major forums, with pictures, truth, and videos! Lin Yuchen stood on the top of the storm again.

Because Lin Yuchen is a celebrity, his business will naturally not be limited to the university town, which has spread almost quickly to the whole network at the speed of light! Soon, all kinds of peeling, technical analysis and in-depth reasoning also unfolded!

Under the layers of skin, Lin Yuchen's life in Hongji was soon exposed. Of course, his feud with Yang Quanxing was also quickly exposed.

There is never a shortage of smart people on the Internet. Soon, some people inferred from various plots in the video and connected these two things! There will never suddenly appear a group of hoodlums of unknown origin in the university town. These people are all carrying sharp weapons. This must be to seek revenge, and their target is likely to be Lin Yuchen! In this university town, the biggest suspicion is naturally Yang Quanxing, who had a quarrel with Lin Yuchen not long ago. And the students of the police academy involved in this incident aggravated this suspicion!

After this matter was exposed, the incident quickly became out of control, and Yang Quanxing's second generation of officials* was also quickly dug out.

It may be because Yang Quanxing's arrogant behavior in school has offended many people. His usual bad deeds were soon put on the Internet, and some people who saw him unhappy even fell into the pit and criticized him!

A second-generation official with a top-level Land Rover is already enough to attract people's attention. Coupled with the suspicion of hiring murderers, it suddenly became a carnival on the Internet.

The story continues to upgrade. The people around Yang Quanxing, the forces behind him, and in the end, even the problems of some factions and corruption within the police academy, those who may become Yang Quanxing* have been found out one by one with the support of people with ulterior motives.

It's a big deal! Public opinion on the Internet began to form pressure, and some smell-sensitive reporters and the media began to come and began to follow up on this matter! Public opinion has begun to force law enforcement officers to find out the truth!

In the face of such a situation, Wu Zhenggang wants to deal with this matter in a low profile!

If it's just network discussion and media attention, Wu Zhenggang can still withstand the pressure. After so many years of online public opinion war, the rulers have actually found a set of ways to deal with online public opinion. They also know the method of crisis public relations, and the method is also very simple, just one word: procrastination.

In such an environment, if you rush to suppress things, it can only cause greater speculation. This is obviously not the best way, because even if it is suppressed for a while, I don't know when it will break out again. Therefore, the best way is to delay! First of all, he vowed to investigate strictly and thoroughly, then set up a decent so-called task force to perform in front of the media, and then began to procrastinate. After the heat of the matter passed, and then got a seemingly decent result, the matter was over.

In the Internet era of information explosion, people are always easily distracted. As long as they drag on, things will always pass.

But at this time, Wu Zhenggang was obviously facing not only public opinion and the media, but also Hongji University, and some forces he couldn't think of! On this day, he has received several phone calls with different contents, but none of the people on the other end of the phone can be casually refused.

In the final analysis, the politics of China is a factional issue. Whether it is on a temple or in a university, there will definitely be two or more factions! They fight secretly and want to seize more voice and control, so they will not miss any opportunity to attack their opponents.

This matter was exposed, obviously because some forces were behind the scenes, otherwise, things would be suppressed at the beginning! And Wu Zhenggang was also very unlucky to spread such a thing. At this time, he was in this whirlpool with a big head!

He can feel that if he can't handle this matter well, it is likely that his political career will come to an end!

Yang Quanxing's head is bigger, and this result is obviously what he didn't expect. He began to consider whether to ask his father to help solve this problem!

The so-called son Mo Ruo's father, but his father called first. As soon as the phone was called, he scolded him without saying a word. With the eyes of the old man who had been working with the police for decades, he guessed that he did it, but he scolded him. After all, his son was still his own. He explained it carefully, and then If Yang Quanxing is asked to stay honest, he will find someone to deal with this matter.

His family's power is in northern Jiangsu, which can be said to be out of reach and very inconvenient to operate. However, for these people who are familiar with the police operation system, there is no way to do this. At least it is easy to find a few scapegoats!

The secret competition between the two sides has begun!

The people involved in the case began to be interviewed one after another, and Lin Yuchen and several of his bad friends were also frequently summoned!

In the next few days, they basically stayed in the police station to cooperate with the investigation and were repeatedly questioned. Repeatedly describing the process at that time, and if there is a slight in or out of it, it will immediately be caught and taught a fierce lesson. It can be said that their victims are also very miserable. If it hadn't been for the protection of the school and the pressure of online public opinion, they might have to accept more guilt!

In the face of these interrogations, Lin Yuchen still maintained an unsurprising attitude. At this time, what he thought most about was not the interrogation in front of him, but who called Wu Zhenggang that day!

Lin Yuchen asked Tang Xianxian the other day if he had called home to find someone to help, and the answer was no. Although Tang regimental is far away in Quanyuan City, he is the leader of the Eastern Theater of Shenzhou. The headquarters of the Eastern Theater is near the Magic City. Many people in the military around the Magic City are his comrades-in-arms. Basically, they can basically release him out with just one sentence! But Tang Xianxian is not the kind of person who looks for his father in everything, so this person is obviously not the head of Tang!

For a long time, Lin Yuchen has had a suspicion that he can enter Hongji, and there is really someone to help him. If this is the case, then the two things are likely to be the same person.

Then why does this person help himself? I am just a civilian. I have no * no backer. I basically have nothing but some martial arts skills. Why should he help himself?

There is no free lunch in the world! There will be no one who helps himself so much for no reason. What's the purpose of him doing this!

This is what Lin Yuchen is most worried about now!