The real mirror of online games

Nine, the immortal skeleton general

"What is this? No magic, pure physical? Then why do you still have skills?" Asked gloomily.

"I don't know, but it's better to fight monsters without magic. I can still resist this attack power!" Silently and excitedly.

Since you don't know what's going on, the best way is to go up and fight directly. Anyway, just kill him. You don't have to figure out what's going on with the skeleton general, so he silently raised the sword in his hand and rushed to the skeleton general. Just as the silence rushed five or six meters away from General Skeleton, General Skeleton suddenly turned around and faced him, but the spine in his hand stretched straight to the right. Silence did not care what General Skull's action meant. He rushed to General Skull and hit General Skull's head with a heavy blow, and then everyone heard a "dang".

"Idiot, dizziness is useless for skeletons!" Chocolate suddenly shouted,

Hearing the chocolate shout, Song Fei and the first sight instinctively felt bad and accelerated to rush to General Skull. Sure enough, when the silent sword had just hit the helmet, and before the damage number floated out, General Skull suddenly moved.

General Skeleton's outstretched right hand in front of him, and the white spine and fast speed hit the silent wrist, and then a red number of "-200" floated on the top of General Skeleton and the silent head at the same time. Looking at my injury numbers, I couldn't help laughing in silence. What can I do with such a little injury? My total blood volume has now reached more than 4,000!

But before the silent laughter came out, General Skull's hand suddenly pulled back, and then everyone heard three voices of "kaka", "dang" and "ah" in a row. When everyone raised their heads to find the source of these three sounds, they found that their silent arms were still stretched out in front of General Skull, but the sword in their hands had fallen to the ground, and they were still holding a hand on the shaking hilt of the sword! At this time, everyone found that there were no hands on the arm held by Silence. At the same time, a damage number of up to 1500 floated out of his head!

The silence that recovered from the shock due to the severe pain of the broken hand quickly retreated and left the attack range of General Skull. After retreating, the continuous damage of-100 continued to float out of his head. At the same time, Song Fei and Chujian also rushed to block him.

Wang Lin saw that his silent hand was cut off by General Skull. Instead of being nervous, he laughed happily. Laozi's "zhi regeneration" is finally useful! The staff was a little on the ground and entered the singing time. After three seconds, Wang Lin raised the staff with his right hand and waved it, and a white light fell on the silent head. Silence was treated, and another novice immediately grew on the broken wrist, and the blood had returned to about 3,500.

Song Fei and Chujian stood in front of General Skull, but the two of them did not take action, just looked at General Skull. General Skull did not dare to take action when he saw that the two people did not move. At the same time, there are two people on the opposite side. If he rushes to deal with one person, the other person will definitely take this opportunity to attack himself and be passive at that time.

General Skull and Song Fei looked at each other like this, watching the silent broken hand grow out again, but there was nothing they could do. Just as General Skull was thinking about how to deal with the two opposite him, an arrow suddenly flew from behind Song Fei and shot straight at its door. How could General Skull pay attention to this kind of positive attack? As soon as it raised its hand, it caught the arrow that shot at itself. But while it grabbed the arrow with its left hand, a dagger suddenly crossed the back of its neck and took away its 1500 life.

General Skeleton felt the attack behind him, and the bone sword of his right hand swept behind him. But the moment its right bone sword swept behind him, Song Fei and the first sight took action at the same time. At first sight, a "shenglong fist" hit the skeleton general into the air, and Song Fei then stabbed the skeleton general with a "pierce". But what made Song Fei depressed was that the skeleton general had no meat at all, all of which were bones. His sword stabbed out and did not pierce other people's body at all, and passed directly through the cracks of the two bones.

Seeing that the skeleton general was hit in the air at first sight, how could anyone else keep their hands? The flower's Taoist charm flew first and directly posted on it, and a red number of "-5000" immediately floated on General Skull's head. After that, Zhang Xudong's ice arrow, the gloomy lightning ball, and the magic light ball of the letters fell on General Skelton together. One of Tian's arrows also passed through the cracks in other people's bones like Song Fei, which had no effect.

After a round of attacks took away more than 10,000 HP of General Skull, General Skull's body finally fell from the air. Just as soon as the skeleton general landed, a shield suddenly appeared and knocked it out five or six meters. Then a large ice suddenly appeared and directly frozen the skeleton general.

Seeing that General Skeleton was sealed by Zhang Xudong's "ice sealing", the silence immediately picked up his sword, pulled down the hand that was still holding the sword, and threw it behind him without looking at it.

Ruier was standing behind and watching the battle of the person in front of her. Suddenly, she saw something flying towards her. She instinctively dodged and looked at the ground, and found that it was the hand before the silence. Thinking that she was almost hit by that thing just now, Ruier almost didn't spit it out.

Looking at the frozen skeleton general and thinking about his right hand that had just been cut off, the silence immediately became angry and scolded "TMD" and rushed to the frozen skeleton general. Cut off the ice on General Skelus, silently did not rush forward, directly put a "blade dance", and then a "shield strike" knocked the skeleton general away and threw the shield out. A "rotation" hit the skeleton general, and the silence of the shield that flew back immediately retreated, avoiding the blow of the skeleton general.

General Skull failed to hit, but exposed himself. Song Fei and Chujian immediately rushed up and launched an inhuman attack on General Skull. At the same time, several mages behind also ruthlessly put their skills and hit the skeleton general one by one.

General Skull's level is not high. He was besieged by such a group of people and could not last long. Ten minutes later, his blood had dropped to 10%. Seeing that General Skull entered a state of injury, everyone was nervous. After retreating, they stared at General Skull nervously. Ordinary monsters will start to release their unique moves when they enter this state. I don't know what this skeleton general's unique moves are?

General Skull's blood volume immediately changed at 10%. The general skeleton's body flashed white, and his hands were raised high and trembled all over. After shaking for a while, General Skull suddenly scattered into a pile of broken bones, making Song Fei and more than a dozen people puzzled.

stared nervously for several minutes, and everyone didn't find any change in the pile of bones on the ground, so they silently went to look through the pile of bones, but they couldn't find anything valuable, so everyone began to discuss how to open the door to the next floor. But just as Song Fei and the others discussed how to go to the next floor, the pile of bones on the ground actually stood up again, just like General Skull just now, wearing helmets and holding spines. After letting go of his "golden eyes", Song Fei was depressed and found that this was the skeleton general just now. Not only the name was the same, but also the state was the same, but it also returned to a full blood state.

In desperation, everyone could only fight with General Skull again. When the skeleton general's blood reached 10% again, the same thing happened again, and the skeleton general dispersed into a pile of bones. Everyone stared at the pile of bones carefully. After about 10 minutes, General Skull got up again and stood in front of everyone for the third time intact. After beating the skeleton general to a state of injury, the skeleton general scattered into a pile of bones again and got up again after a while.

General Skull was scattered three times and got up three times, which made Song Fei and others feel very depressed. They finally understood what the "immortal" written in General Skull's message was. Seeing General Skull get up again, Rui'er looked at the chocolate, nodded to the other party, and shouted to the crowd, "You stand up first, and the flowers come with me." With that, Ruier went to the back with flowers and chocolate. Seeing this, Luzhu consciously followed him. Not long after, Tian Tian was also called over.

Everyone had no choice but to continue to fight, but knowing that they could not kill the other party, they would not work so hard. They just tried their best to fight with the skeleton general and drag it, waiting for Ruier and others to find a way to kill the immortal skeleton general.

Although several people did not work hard, the blood of General Skull dropped to about 10% after more than ten minutes. At this moment, Song Fei heard a sudden chocolate behind him: "Soul bondage!" Then I saw a black six-pointed star flying quickly to the skeleton general.

General Skull seemed very scared when he saw the black six-pointed star, and a lavender flame suddenly flashed in his two empty eye holes. The two purple flames trembled violently as soon as they appeared, and General Skull suddenly turned around, as if he wanted to escape. But the skeleton general only ran two steps, and the black six-pointed star had already flown over its head, quickly got bigger and put it in the middle. The trapped skeleton general was very afraid, and the purple flame in his eyes trembled more fiercely. He struggled to escape but could not run.

As soon as General Skull was trapped, Song Fei heard the dewdrop shouting again: "Soul separation!" After a white light fell, General Skull opened his fleshless jaw and shouted loudly. Before long, the scream of General Skull stopped, the two flashing purple flames in his eyes gradually extinguished, and his struggling body stopped twisting.

Just as General Skull stopped struggling, a strange-looking wooden armored beast suddenly rushed out and hit it. General Skull was hit by a wooden armored beast, and his body flew straight out and fell to the ground into bones. Song Fei, the wooden armored beast, has seen it before. This is the organ puppet that Tian Tian got back from Tianjimen.

Although General Skull was knocked out, a faint figure appeared in the black six-pointed star. Song Fei has seen this shape of virtual shadow before. This shape of the soul is very similar to the soul he has seen Master Liu in the novice village before. However, except for Dewdrop, Chocolate and Sefeld, no one else had seen the soul and felt surprised for a moment, so they all looked around the soul.

However, before everyone could see enough of this soul, the flowers behind shouted: "Ky the evil!" A yellow rune flew over, wrapped the soul in, and then flew back to the flower's hand.

"Why are you in such a hurry? We haven't seen enough yet!" He immediately complained.

"Fortunately, I moved fast, or I would have been killed by you!"