The real mirror of online games

ten, rotting corpse

"Why are you in such a hurry? We haven't seen enough yet!" He complained loudly.

"Fortunately, I moved fast, or I would have been killed by you again!" Hua said angrily.

"What's wrong with me?" Hearing the roar of the flowers, I was even more puzzled.

"You were too close to my soul bondage array just now!" Chocolate ran over and said.

"What's wrong with that?" I still don't understand.

"Let me say it." Ruier said, "You broke up General Skull three times just now, but the General Skull stood up again. In this process, I felt at the same time as chocolate that what you hit was its skeleton body, which did no harm its soul, so it could come back to life again and again. So we discussed that chocolate trapped the skeleton general with 'soul bondage' first, and then the dewdrop separated his soul from the skeleton body with 'soul body', and then knocked the skeleton away. In this way, the soul of the skeleton general was exposed to our eyes, and then killed the soul and solved it.

"However, there is a shortcoming in my soul bondage," the chocolate interface said. "That thing is not the enemy of me. As long as something with a soul enters the phalanx, it will be bound, so we use Tiantian's wooden armored beast to knock the skeleton away. You were too close to the magic circle just now. If you accidentally go inside, you will also be bound inside. If the soul of General Skull takes this opportunity to enter your body, it will be depressing!"

"Hua, did you just kill that soul? Why don't I feel long experience?" Enran found that he almost made trouble and quickly changed the topic.

"No, take it, this kind of boss soul is very useful, and this soul seems to be more special! As long as this soul is not completely exposed, it does not seem to be hurt, so I will take it back to study it. Anyway, a low-level boss doesn't have much experience, but his special ability is worth studying. Hua said.

Everyone was discussing the battle just now, ran to check the body of General Skeleton, came back silently, raised their hands and threw the spine bone in General Skeleton's hand to Song Fei.

Bone Sword: One-handed sword (green), increased attack power 120-126, equipment level 15, durability 120. Equipment with skills: soul attack.

Soul Strike: Passive skill, when launching an attack on the enemy, there is a small chance of causing a small blow to the enemy's soul.

The unprecedented Song Fei's sword was cut by the bodyguard Zhang Yi. He has been using a spare sword from silence for the past few hours, but the sword is only a 15-level white one-handed sword, and its attack power is much lower than his previous 20-level green one-handed sword. Now with this bone sword, his attack power is a little higher than just now, and the bone sword also has its own skill. Once there is a soul attack, it should be able to improve some attack power.

The shape of the bone sword is not like a sword at all, but more like a whip. Of course, it is not a whip, but a weapon similar to a stick. However, the stick is relatively long and holds the middle part, while the length of the whip is similar to that of a sword, like a sword, holding one end. The tip of the bone sword is a sharp bone, just like a human tail vertebrae. There is no blade on the sword, but there are four 5cm-long spikes on each spine. Previously, General Skeleton used these spikes to saw down his silent hand.

Looking at the cool shape of the bone sword, several knights are envious and jealous, but they all have weapons, only Song Fei does not have it, and this bone sword is only a 15-level weapon, which can only be distributed in this way.

"It's another stingy guy with such a sword and a key to open the door. Why didn't you burst out the helmet? It's depressing!" Silently threw the sword to Song Fei and said depressedly.

"Just save some for others. If you storm the helmet again, they won't be all together!" Wang Lin said with a smile.

"The soul has been hooked away by the flower. Why do you still need a helmet!" He complained in silence and in a low voice.

"Get out of here, open the door!" Hua cursed.

"Would you like something to eat? I'm a little hungry." Luo Ying whispered.

When Luo Ying said this, everyone noticed that they had been fighting for five or six hours in a row, and it was still such a high-intensity battle. Although players don't have to eat, Luo Ying can't avoid eating, and their pets also need to eat something. So everyone was in this hall, guarding piles of bones and began to cook.

Luo Ying had a meal, and no one else could watch it, so she ate some. After dinner, Song Fei and the others fed their pets again, and then walked to the front gate.

When it comes to pets, Song Fei has always felt very depressed and doesn't know what to do. Since Xiong Ba followed him, his loyalty has hardly improved and has remained between 65-70. Although this loyal pet is still relatively obedient, as long as he makes a gesture, Xiong Ba will immediately rush to fight against monsters, but Seinfeld feels that he has never abused his pet, and food is also Xiong's favorite food, but why Xiong Ba's loyalty always rises and falls between 65-70? Not more than 70?

After the gate was opened, people saw a long staircase, which seemed to lead to the second floor. Along the stairs, there was another gate, but there was no keyhole on this door. Song Fei gently pushed forward and the door opened. The moment the door opened, a disgusting smell floated out of the door, and everyone frowned at the same time.

The smell is a kind of evil, but it is not all annoying.

The more stinky tofu is, the more exciting it is.

Some people like to open their feet, pinch a mixture of foot sweat, dirt and foot skin, and put them in front of their noses to smell them. It is said that it is a kind of enjoyment.

Some people like to eat stinky eggs, stinky fish, and pickles.

Even when someone farts, he will grab a handful and smell it in front of his nose, and he will be happy.

Dogs like to eat shit.

There are many stinkers in the world. It's not surprising that it's not surprising.

But no one will like to smell the rotten smell of corpses. At this time, what floated out of the room was the rotten smell of the body when it decayed.

Through the open door, Song Fei saw that there was a buffer room for players like the door on the first floor, and there was a metal door opposite. There were two monsters guarding the gate, but these two monsters looked a little scary.

There are still two bodies guarding the door, but not two zombies, but two rotting bodies. The faces of the two rotting corpses are rotten and can't be seen. There are still several maggots squirming in one of them. The clothes on their bodies are also ragged, and only some special parts are covered tightly. Through the rags, Song Fei saw several knife-cut wounds on a rotten body, and the skin was turning out, flowing green** along the wound.

Seeing these two highly decomposed corpses, everyone can conclude that the rotten smell of the corpses in the room emanates from them. In an instant, everyone had an impulse to vomit, and Luo Ying had bent down and began to vomit. Looking at Luo Ying, who almost spit out everything she had just eaten, a big drop of sweat appeared behind everyone's head at the same time. Fortunately, she didn't eat much just now!

Song Fei released a "golden eye" and the information of the two rotten corpses appeared in front of the crowd.

Captain of the Rotten Corpse (Elite)

Level: 19

Life: 10000

Magic: 2000

Attack: 120-135

Defense: 250-300

skill: venom injection

Judging from the data, the rotten corpse captain is not high in terms of attack, defense or life, but the skill of "venom spray" needs to be paid attention to. But looking at such a strange thing that seems to be easy to deal with, everyone, look at me, I see you, no one wants to rush up, the reason is actually very simple, this thing is too disgusting!

Finally, seeing that everyone didn't want to rush up, Song Fei could only take the lead to rush up. Seeing that Song Fei rushed up, the first sight, silence and letters also rushed up. Hongyan turned her head to look at Luo Ying, who was still vomiting, shook her head, and rationally chose to stay behind. Someone rushed to fight against the monster, and the mage behind him no longer hesitated. The powerful skills were released one by one. Under the joint attack of a group of people, the two rotten bodies fell to the ground soon.

When I came to the gate guarded by the rotten corpse, I saw that this gate was the same as the one on the first floor, only the words on the plaque were different. This floor was "Tianshu Palace". Looking at the two highly decomposed corpses lying on the ground, this time, the beauty refused to stand in front of her to fight against the monster. In the end, she could only replace the position of the beauty for the first time. Originally, Song Fei wanted Xiong Ba to go, but when he thought of Xiong Ba's loyalty, if it withdraws at the critical moment, he would be depressed, so he had to leave it behind.

After the letter, silence, Song Fei and the first four people blocked the door, the beauty opened the door with the key of the rotten corpse. Anyway, now she has nothing to do and has to open the door. As soon as the door opened, before the rotten body inside could turn around, he immediately put a dirt wall to block the door. After that, Zhang Xudong immediately came forward and put a "frost and ice" to clean up a large area of monster. However, this time before the door was opened, chocolate had added "blood-eating" and "magic" to everyone, which saved Zhang Xudong a lot of blue medicine.

still uses the previous cooperation method, the two mages alternately release powerful skills, and have been putting earth walls to block the door. It was easy to kill the rotting corpse, but the smell on the rotten corpse made the soldiers standing in front of them a little unbearable, and they almost vomited several times. Suddenly, several soldiers standing in front felt a warm wind blowing behind them, and they immediately felt much more comfortable.

Of course, this warm wind is Ruier's "spring breeze blowing on the face", but her skill did not relieve them of any disadvantages, but blew back the rotten smell floating in the door.

Since she killed a skeleton, Rui'er has been very depressed. The warrior can fight against monsters in front, the mage can release group attack skills, and the doctor can release healing skills. Even the black wizard chocolate has something to do, but she stands behind and has nothing to do. How can she not be depressed? But now that she is fine, she finally has something to do.

Tian Tian is also a special role. She is the only remote physical attack profession in the team. When she killed the skeleton just now, she was also very depressed. Although she couldn't do anything like Ruier, the arrows she put always leaked through the bones of the skeleton. Although the missing arrows can hit other skeletons because of the large number of skeletons, she still feels very depressed.

Now Tian Tian is standing behind, with arrows one by one. Although each of them can cause a little damage to the rotten corpse, her arrows are a drop in front of the whole army of rotten corpses and have no effect at all! So Tian began to give up using her skills and put several arrows on the bow at a time to attack ordinary attacks, which was more efficient.

After playing like this for more than ten minutes, and I don't know how many arrows were released, Tian Tian suddenly received a system prompt.