The real mirror of online games

Eleven, Ghost Posmation

"System Tip: Congratulations on your understanding of the skill 'arrow rain'."

The system prompt made Tian Tian excited for a while. She opened the skill and found that there was nothing special about this skill. It was just a physical skill of group attack, which can shoot 40 arrows at a time. But of course, with the skill, it is different from shooting arrows. As long as the skill of "arrow array" is launched, as long as the player sets an arrow on the bow and releases 40 arrows. However, although only one arrow is put on the bow, 40 arrows still need to be consumed when launching the skill.

Archer's arrows are not calculated by expenditure, but by bag. Each bag of arrows is 1,000, and in the player's backpack, 20 arrows can overlap in each item column. If it hadn't been for this setting, Tian Tian would have become a burden!

Although the level of the rotten corpse is two levels higher than that of the skeleton, it still can't stand Zhang Xudong's "frost to the ice" and the gloomy "thunderstorm", so more than three hours later, tens of thousands of rotten corpses were cleaned up by Song Fei and others. When the last rotten soldier who rushed to the gate fell to the ground, Song Fei and several soldiers standing in front of him directly scratched the ground and began to vomit. It's just that they didn't eat much before, and after more than three hours of fighting, even if they tried to vomit, they couldn't spit anything.

After resting on the ground for a while, Song Fei and others walked into the Tianshu Palace Hall, which was full of rotten corpses before. Although the bodies of the rotten soldiers had been gathered at the door, the rotten smell of the whole hall still greatly affected everyone's combat effectiveness. When they came to the boss rotten general, Song Fei and others really didn't have the courage to fight against the monsters again. They could only let Xiong Ba, White Tiger and Tian Tian's machine beasts take turns to fight against this boss.

When Song Fei made a gesture and Xiong Ba rushed up first, he found another very sad thing. The reason why this rotten general can become a boss is not only because his attributes are much higher than those of rotten soldiers, but also because he also has a special ability - the green ** flowing out of his body is poisonous! Every time Xiong Ba attacks, as long as he sticks to the green ** on his body, he will immediately enter a state of poisoning.

White Tiger's grade is originally lower than Xiong Ba, and its resistance to attack and defense, blood volume, and resistance to various negative states is not as good as Xiong Ba, so it can only insist on coming down for a short time every time. This situation made Zhang Xudong and others sigh for a while. The gap between first-class pets and second-class pets is too big, and at the same time, they are more sure that Song Fei is really an animal!

Tian Tian's machine beast is not afraid of poison and will not have various negative states, but the machine beast itself has no intelligence and has to be controlled by players, so its flexibility will be greatly reduced. In addition, the machine beast also has a fatal shortcoming - the attack power is too low! Although the defense of the machine beast is very high and the blood is thick, its attack power is too low to cause it to hold back the hatred at all. It is okay to fight ordinary monsters, but it does not play much role in dealing with BOSS, so the main force against monsters is still Xiong Ba.

The most important weapon of the rotten general is nausea. In addition, it is venom, but it does not have the immortality of the skeleton general, so it took people less than half an hour to solve the rotten corpse general. However, what made Song Fei very depressed was that after killing the corrupt general, Xiong Ba's loyalty also dropped from 68 to 61.

The rotten general is not as stingy as General Skull. In addition to the key to opening the door, he also burst out a green armor and a book of poison refining. Poisoning was given to Wang Lin after the lot. It was the equipment. Several soldiers thought that the thing was just worn on the body of the rotten general, and no one wanted it. Finally, they had to put it in their backpacks and take it for auction.

Out of the Tianshu Palace, everyone breathed a long breath and finally left the disgusting place! In this place full of the rotten smell of corpses, she will not be in the mood to do anything, so Luo Ying did not ask to eat this time.

Come to the buffer cabin on the third floor, and there are two level 21 elite ghosts guarding at the gate. Seeing two virtual shadows floating in mid-air, the beauty immediately rushed up. The rotten corpse is so disgusting that she doesn't want to fight, but the ghost is not disgusting at all. On the second floor, she saw others kill monsters. She could only watch it behind her. Now she finally has a chance to rush up!

rushed to a ghost, and the beauty raised her hand with a double click. Previously, through the silent lesson and chocolate explanation, she already knew that dizziness was ineffective for undead creatures. Looking at the state of ghosts, the bleeding effect of puncture should also be ineffective, so she used a double-click skill as soon as she rushed over. However, this time, the beauty was in a cup again. Before she could cut the second time, she felt something was wrong. Although the sword was cut to the ghost, the feeling from her hand clearly told her that the sword had not been cut anything!

Before, the beauty was a little excited when she saw the ghost. She rushed too fast. Before Song Fei's "golden eyes" could be used, she had rushed to the monster. When the beauty was smashed by a small magic ball by each of the two ghosts, the ghost attributes that Song Fei saw through the "fire eyes" were displayed in front of everyone. Seeing the attributes of the ghost, the beauty was speechless again. This thing is actually immune to physical attack!

However, although ghosts are immune to physical attacks, they cannot penetrate obstacles, so when several warriors and knights rush to surround the two ghosts, they can only attack the warriors surrounding them, instead of jumping over the warriors and directly attacking the mages behind them.

Killing the two ghosts guarding the door, everyone once again sadly found that this ghost was more stingy than the skeleton. When the skeleton died, there was still a pile of bones left, but this ghost, there was nothing left but experience. It was really soulless.

Picking up the key from the ghost, Luo Ying was about to open the door, but at this time, Song Fei suddenly shouted, "Wait!" Seeing that everyone looked at him inquiringly, he continued to say, "Look at your endurance. It's time for us to go offline and rest!"

Hearing Song Fei's reminder, everyone noticed that they have been in the game for more than ten hours since they went online in the morning. Coupled with the eight hours of high-intensity battle just now, their endurance is only a few points left. If you don't go out to eat and rest for a while, it is estimated that they will be forcibly kicked out of the game by the system in the battle, and the only thing waiting for them is the fate of being destroyed.

After the player normally exits the game, the body in the game will disappear and the player will not lose anything. However, if the player is forcibly kicked out of the game by the system or forcibly exits the game in battle, the body in the game will stay on the scene and be slaughtered by the enemy.

Understanding the situation, Seinfeld and several other people with pets set up their tents, gave the pets to Luo Ying to take care of, and then went offline for dinner. However, the war with the rotting corpse just now still made people unable to swallow food, especially meat.

After eating something in a hurry and resting for a while, everyone returned to the game again. After coming back, they found that Luo Ying's disgust with the rotten corpse was much smaller, and she had resisted the impulse of vomiting and ate something. Several pets don't matter. Anyway, they don't have a strong aversion to rotten corpses. They just hate the poison of the rotten general.

Opening the door of Tianji Palace, he still used the previous tactics and the pretentious earth wall to block the door. Zhang Xudong and Anran were the main attack output personnel. However, several physical attacks were depressed. Because of the ghost's immunity to physical attacks, several warrior knights became complete meat shields. They could only stand at the door to block the way out of the ghosts, and could not attack at all.

The level of ghost has reached level 21, and everyone's level is only level 22. Of course, even if it is a level 25 monster, it can't resist Zhang Xudong's "frost ice" and the gloomy "thunder cloud storm", but the effect of "storm" and "thunder nine days" is a little worse, and other small spell effects It's even worse, so killing ghosts is slower than the skeletons and carrion in front of them. When Song Fei and others killed all the ghosts in the room, it was more than four hours later.

Although this ghost is immune to physical attacks, it does not smell like rotting corpses, so Song Fei and others stood in front of them to block the strange. Although they were depressed, they did not feel disgusting. And these non- violent monsters naturally have much higher experience. When the ghost monsters are cleaned up, their group has risen to level 23 and almost reached level 24.

Entering the hall of Tianji Palace, there is only one ghost general left in the hall. Knowing that the characteristics of the ghost are physical attack immunity, they didn't wait for Song Fei to release their "golden eyes" at all, and several knights rushed up to surround the ghost general. Song Fei saw that everyone had gone up to surround the ghost general, and hurriedly looked at the ghost general's blood volume and attack and defense.

The ghost general was surrounded, and he could not rush out of the encirclement formed by these warrior knights. Finally, he had no choice but to stand in the circle, attacking someone surrounding him while under the powerful attack of several mages behind him, and his blood volume was constantly decreasing.

More than half an hour later, the blood of the ghost boss was close to 10%, but none of the people in the battle had time to fight monsters while playing "exploration", and there was nothing special about the ghost monster before, so they didn't pay attention to the ghost boss. As soon as the ghost general's blood volume was 10%, he immediately stood still, neither attacking the people around him nor avoiding the attack of the mage behind him. As soon as they saw the ghost general put on this posture, everyone immediately realized that the boss was going to make a big move. It was obviously too late to check its skills again, so everyone immediately retreated. However, it seems a little late to retreat at this time.

As soon as everyone took a step back, the stunned ghost general suddenly moved. As soon as the ghost general moved, he rushed straight to silence many times faster than before. The ghost general who rushed to the silence suddenly jumped on the silence, but the expected blow did not appear, and the ghost general who jumped on the silence suddenly disappeared.

The ghost general disappeared beside the silence, and the retreating people were dumbfounded. They unconsciously stopped and stared at the silence that fell to the ground. Suddenly, silence jumped up from the ground, shouting "ah" and rushing to the gly.

Seeing the silence, everyone immediately felt something was wrong. He was obviously going to kill, so the beauty ran to stand in front of the silence without hesitation. Finding that the silence was wrong, everyone rushed together to surround the silence. Song Fei immediately checked his status with "golden eyes". At a glance, Song Fei found that the silence was now in a state of ghost possession, so he quickly told everyone the situation.

Seeing the state of silence, everyone immediately understood why the ghost general had almost no skills in the previous battle. This skill was enough to make it join the ranks of the boss!

Through the previous battle, General Ghost should have found that silence is the highest defense among the group of people surrounding it. Maybe that's why it takes silence as its preferred possession target.

But now the problem is that the ghost general occupies the silent body. If they attack, they will hit the silent body, but if they don't attack, the ghost general will not leave his hand. It is not going to play on the silent body!