The real mirror of online games

22, go back to the novice village

"Gamical level? Shrimp stuff?" The unruly little princess flashed her big eyes and looked at Song Fei doubtfully.

"Cough..." Seinfeld coughed again. I thought I met a master, but it turned out that I really met a rookie this time!

The setting of sensory level was explored by the first group of players who entered the game. At that time, a post was posted on the official website for a long discussion. Later, after the players learned about this setting, the post sank. After that, the players who entered the game were called by their friends, and their friends naturally explained it to them. Therefore, Song Fei took it for granted that players who enter the game now should know this setting, so when he first saw the unruly little princess, he thought he was a master. Unexpectedly, he really met a rookie this time!

Now the two of them are walking on this road, and I don't know how long it will take to walk. Anyway, it's okay to be idle, so Song Fei explained the matter of the sentimental level to the unruly little princess.

"Oh! There is such a setting! Be sure to lower the sensory level after going out. It really hurts to bite the rabbit!" The unruly little princess said with emotion.

"Take this." Seinfeld handed his business card to the unruly little princess.

"What is this? Shit! ID card! Why is there such a thing in the game? The unruly little princess looked at Song Fei's business card in surprise and asked.

"When the novice village comes out, it will all be replaced by this." Song Fei explained the ID card to the unruly little princess again.

The two walked while chatting, walked for more than two hours, and finally came to a light curtain. Looking at those unconscious souls all walking into the light curtain, Song Fei and the unruly little princess also understood that this light curtain was the exit.

"Goodbye, girl. Contact me when you leave the novice village." Song Fei said and walked into the light curtain.

As soon as he came out of the light curtain, Song Fei saw the long-lost novice village, the familiar houses, the mountains in the distance, the colorful colors and the active crowd around him all gave him a feeling of going home.

"Novice village, I'm back!" Song Fei couldn't help shouting.

After shouting, Song Fei turned around and wanted to walk down the resurrection altar of the novice village to do his own task. But as soon as he turned around, Song Fei was suddenly stunned, because he saw the unruly little princess looking at him jokingly in front of him.

"Why is it you again! Shit! A thousand novice villages can meet you, and my character is really good!" Song Fei said depressedly.

"What are you doing, uncle? You seem to be very unhappy? Didn't you just say you wanted to see me again? Do you hate others in such a short time? A mouthful guy!" The unruly little princess said hatefully. Oh, that's not right! Haven't you left the novice village? How can you come back here?" The unruly little princess suddenly noticed that it should be impossible for Seinfeld to appear here.

"Come back and do a task." Song Fei said and walked down from the altar.

"Wait, wait for me! Can you make it clear to me that you can come back after leaving the novice village? The unruly little princess chased Song Fei and asked.

"You will understand later." Song Fei is not in the mood to explain to her how to return to the novice village. Anyway, when he lifts the seal of the novice village, anyone who wants to return to the novice village can come back at any time.

Sung Fei ignored the entanglement of the unruly little princess and walked directly down the resurrection altar, but as soon as he stepped down from the altar, he was immediately stopped by two sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys.

"Hight! Who are you?"

"Say, why are you with the princess?"

"Yes, say it!"

"Princess, who is this person?"

"Princess, you have never accepted both of us, is it because of this person?"



Listening to the two boys' questions, and then turning his head to look at the angry expression of the unruly little princess, Song Fei immediately figured out why they stopped him. It turned out that they regarded themselves as rivals!

"Shut up, you two! Even without him, I won't accept you two!"

Sing Feihan, the words of this girl are ambiguous, which is easy to be misunderstood! Sure enough, before Song Fei could speak, the two boys were not happy.

"Princess, how old is this man! Why do you like this kind of uncle-level person? There is too much age difference!"

"That's right, princess! You are not suitable for him!"

"I want to challenge you!"

"You two, get out of here! What kind of people do I like have anything to do with you? And age is not a problem, as long as two people really love each other..."

Listening to the unruly little princess getting darker and darker there, Song Fei's cold sweat was about to come down. If she continued to play so freely, she couldn't wash herself even if she jumped into the Yellow River, so she quickly opened her mouth and explained, "Don't misunderstand. I just met the naughty little princess. I just entered the game a few days earlier than you and knew more, so she chased me to ask something about the game.

After listening to Song Fei's words, the two boys finally calmed down, but they still didn't look good.

"Princess, don't scare us so much in the future!"

"That's right, my young heart is very fragile!"

"You two deserve it. Who let you be so unfriendly to them as soon as you come up! And who I like is really none of your business!"

As soon as the misunderstanding was solved, Song Fei turned around and left, but as soon as he took two steps, he was dragged by the unruly little princess.

"Uncle, wait, take us to upgrade!" The unruly little princess smiled.

Sing Fei opened the hand of the unruly little princess and said, "First, I'm not free, I'm going to do a task; second, even if I'm free, I can't. My current level is too high, and I'm inexperienced in killing monsters here!"

"You have no experience, but we have it!" The unruly little princess still dragged Song Fei.

"Do you have it? What do you mean? Song Fei asked puzzledly.

"You don't know this, or a master! Because you have no experience, all your experience of killing monsters will be divided on us!" The unruly little princess looked at Song Fei like an idiot and said.

"Please, young lady, I haven't brought anyone or been brought by anyone since I entered the game. How can I know this setting!" Song Fei said depressedly.

"Princess, can this guy who doesn't even have any equipment take us?"

"That's right, what kind of master can he be when he has been running naked in the game for so long?"

Seinfeld is a black line again. The word "naked run" is too sharp. Although he is not wearing any equipment on his body now, isn't there a novice robe? How can it be called naked running?

"Don't humiliate me here, you two idiots! He has been a master of the novice village. This time, he came back to the novice village to do the task!"

"Can you come back from the novice village? It's a lie, right?

"That's right, now this kind of pervert uncle who deceives little girls is everywhere. Don't be fooled!"

"Is it so easy for me to be fooled? Look at this, haven't you seen it? This is only available out of the novice village!" The unruly little princess said that she took out Seinfeld's business card and shook it in front of the two people. They haven't left the novice village yet. They don't have ID cards or notebooks, so they can only put Song Fei's business card in their backpack first.

"What is this?"

"That's right, I haven't seen it, I haven't heard of it, it must be a lie!"

Seinfeld was a little angry when he watched the two little boys keep slandering him, but when he thought of the character of the children of that age and the reason why the two boys slandered him so much, he was actually jealous and didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he was born to the two children standing behind the two boys. A little interest.

The two children are a man and a woman, both about 167 years old. In fact, Song Fei guessed that their age was about 167 years old. The girl is better, but the boy is a little older and looks like he is in his twenties. From the moment they got off the altar and saw them, the two people have not talked to him, but from the fact that they could appear here together, Seinfeld concluded that they were together.

Although the two people did not talk to him, Song Fei saw that the girl had been whispering something to the boy, and the expression on his face was also happy and sad for a while, but the boy had never answered her or looked at her, but kept staring at the distance.