The real mirror of online games

Twenty-three, the mystery of pets

"Let me introduce you. These are my classmates." The unruly little princess got rid of the entanglement between the two and finally had time to talk to Song Fei.

Through the introduction of the unruly little princess, Song Fei knew that the two boys who pursued the unruly little princess were called "Little Prince Charming" and the other was called "Nostalgia of Youth Weaving". Among the men and women behind, the boys are called "Liu Shui" and the girls are called "Luo Hua", and their grades are all level 2. After giving several people a business card, Song Fei wanted to leave, but as soon as he took two steps, he received an application to form a team from the unruly little princess. Looking at this familiar and strange way of teaming, Seinfeld really misses it. Since he left the novice village, he has never used this way of teaming.

After accepting the team, Song Fei saw that several other people in the team looked at the unruly little princess with a doubtful look and didn't know what she was going to do.

"Princess, do you really want to follow this uncle? They said that they didn't have time to take us to practice!" The little prince on the white horse said to the unruly little princess.

The unruly little princess didn't pay attention to the little prince charming at all. She turned to Song Fei and said, "Uncle, you always have to kill a few monsters when you do the task, right? Just take us with you. Our skills are good and won't cause you any trouble!"

"Oh? Are you good at technology? Then why did you hang up?" Song Fei looked at the unruly little princess with a disdainful face and asked.

"It's not these two idiots," the unruly little princess pointed to the little prince of white horse and the nostalgic youth, "I had to kill the level 3 rabbit, but I was bitten by the rabbit and ran around in pain. As a result, the rabbit was brought to me, and then I hung up!"

"Princess, it's not me, it's this fool who ran!" The nostalgia of youth pointed to the little prince of the white horse and said. If you can't beat it, you can hang it back by yourself, and lead the monster to run around, causing the princess to hang up!"

"That's not the case. At the beginning, you proposed to kill the level 3 rabbit, but what were you doing when the rabbit attacked the princess? If you have the kind of way, why don't you stand in front of the princess?

Song Fei's heart is sweating. Five people can't kill the level 3 rabbit, and he let others hang one. Is this still a master? However, watching the two children attack each other, Song Fei smiled happily. It's good to be young! Without care of the two boys' stumbling, Song Fei turned around and walked to Aunt Wang's house.

As soon as Song Fei left, the unruly little princess also followed. Seeing the unruly little princess following, the little prince of white horse and the nostalgia of youth also followed. Luo Hua and Liu Shui saw that several people followed, so they came along.

When they came to Aunt Wang's house, several children immediately went up and pushed the door, and Song Fei quickly stopped them. Before, Song Fei knew that he should be polite to NPC. Now he knows from the owner of Qinglong City that Aunt Wang is a strange person in the novice village, and he should be more polite. So after stopping several young people, Song Fei gently knocked on Aunt Wang's door.

"Who? Come in!" Aunt Wang's loving voice came from the room.

Sing Fei pushed the door in and said kindly, "Madam, I'm back!"

"Oh! Young man, you're back!" When Aunt Wang saw that it was Song Fei, she immediately stood up from the pit excitedly.

"Yes, aunt, it's really not easy to come back!" Song Fei sighed.

"Is there any news about Yaoting? Tell me about it!" Aunt Wang took Song Fei's hand and asked excitedly.

"Madam, don't worry. I've seen Brother Yaoting. Listen to me talk to you slowly."

"Oh! You have seen Yaoting! Come on, tell me!"

Song Fei told Aunt Wang about the process of meeting Wang Yaoting. After that, he gave Wang Yaoting's letter and the bag of gold coins to Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang's eyes were blurred when she heard Song Fei say that she met Wang Yaoting. When she saw the letters and gold coins he handed over, she was already crying.

Watching Seinfeld and this NPC performing this sensational scene here, several children couldn't help crying. Looking at the performance of several children, Song Fei sighed in his heart how good a 17- or 18-year-old child is. He can laugh when he is happy and cry when he is sad. At his age, he can't do this and can't show any ideas. It's really painful to lose the innocence and simplicity of childhood!

Seeing that Aunt Wang finished crying, Song Fei recruited the rhubarb again and said, "Madam, Luhua is no longer there? This is rhubarb, which was what Brother Yaoting asked me to bring to you!"

"Yaoting, this child, woo..." Aunt Wang didn't finish a word and cried again.

After crying, Aunt Wang waved to Dahuang, and Dahuang immediately ran to Aunt Wang's side, looking at Song Fei very depressed. The old lady Mao waved to the rhubarb and passed away. After spending so long with it, the dog is not familiar with it?

"Madam, I want to ask, when I first saw rhubarb, it almost bit me, but why can it be so intimate with you the first time I see you?" After lifting the pet contract with Rhubarb, Song Fei asked his own questions.

Aunt Wang laughed at Song Fei's words and said, "Did you have any unspeakable intentions against rhubarb?"

Song Fei smiled awkwardly and did not answer. However, when she saw Song Fei's expression, Aunt Wang already knew the answer.

"Young man, animals are different from humans. They don't have as complicated minds as humans, and they don't have as many emotions as humans. They only have two instincts and two emotions." Aunt Wang explained. First of all, let's talk about two instincts, one is eating, and the other is the ability to perceive danger. A normal animal will not attack other animals for no reason. If they take the initiative to attack other animals, there are only two possibilities: one is that it is hungry, and the other is that it can sense that the animal around it will cause harm to itself.

After listening to Aunt Wang's explanation, Song Fei suddenly understood why those leopards could see through his invisible state when killing leopards in the valley of Longxing. It turned out that they sensed danger. When Song Fei was invisible, although they sensed the danger, they could not see him and could not find the source of danger, so they ran away; and when Song Fei was not invisible, they could find the source of danger, so they would take the initiative to attack Song Fei.

"Madam, how do they sense this danger?"

"Everyone's inner thoughts will drive their own emotional changes, and emotional changes will change the aura around a person, and animals have the ability to sense this aura. Human beings also have this ability, but people have experienced too many things in society, are impregnated by worldly wisdom, blinded by various emotions, and lose this ability over time.

"Oh! That is to say, rhubarb sensed my unfavorable thoughts about it at the beginning, so he looked at me angrily!"

"That's right! Besides those two emotions, the first is gratitude, and the second is revenge. If you have hurt an animal, it will hate you for a long time, but if you are good to an animal, it will also treat you well. Of course, this kind of good is not only materially good, but more importantly, spiritually good. Because they can sense your inner thoughts, so if you just feed it delicious food and still think about how to harm it, it won't be good for you either!"

Hearing Aunt Wang's words, Song Fei also understood why Xiong Ba's loyalty has not been up for so long. Although what he gave Xiong Ba is his favorite food, he has always treated Xiong Ba as an anti-monster meat shield in his heart. Every time he encounters a difficult monster, he sends it to fight against monsters. Although he didn't let it hang up, he has never really cared about Xiong Ba. He only cares about Xiong Ba's loyalty, but Luo Ying is closer to Xiong Ba.

"Thank you for your advice!" Song Fei said and bowed deeply to Aunt Wang.

Now he finally knows why Aunt Wang can be one of the four strange people in the novice village. When the owner of Qinglong City told him, he didn't quite understand. He can understand that the other three people are strange people, but what's so strange about Aunt Wang? It turns out that she is good at raising! In this way, it makes a statement that the ordinary chicken of Luhua can make her grow like that.

Thinking of Luhua, Song Fei thought of the chicken feather duster again. Since Aunt Wang has such a mastery in feeding, it makes a point that the chicken feather duster she made is loved by pets. Previously, Song Fei really thought that this feather duster was a weapon and had always been used as a weapon. But now it seems that this feather duster can not only be used to trigger Wang Yaoting's mission, but also be used to cultivate feelings with pets.

"Young man, remember that both humans and animals should get along with each other and treat them sincerely!"

Hearing Aunt Wang say "get along with each other with heart", Song Fei nodded in a daze and began to think about the problem of getting along with others with heart. Thinking about it, he suddenly received another system prompt.