The real mirror of online games

25, unblock the novice village

Out of the novice village, Song Fei went all the way to the southwest. Walking outside, Song Fei found that there were indeed fewer novice players now. He didn't meet many players along the way. Along the way, he encountered many strange things. Song Fei solved it with one punch. He didn't have to wear equipment or take weapons. He could solve it directly with his hands.

The unruly little princesses are happy now. They have been walking behind Song Fei's buttocks for so long. Don't they just hope that he can take them to upgrade? Now that it's so easy for Song Fei to fight monsters, they don't have to take action. They just share their experience and pick up equipment.

It's not easy for Song Fei to see these children follow him for so long. He can't be too disappointed. Another reason is that he can't hide any more when he meets a monster, can he?

Now Song Fei is no longer interested in all the strange things in the novice village, so those equipment were put away by the unruly little princesses, which made several children happy for a while. At the same time, the little prince of white horse and the nostalgia for youth have changed their attitude towards him a lot, and they all began to be unruly. Like the princess, she called him "uncle" kindly.

After more than a day of playing games, Song Fei finally came to the last "birth door" when he took several children to kill monsters by the roadside. Speaking of which, Song Fei felt a little depressed. If it were not for these children, he could ride Xiong Ba, but he couldn't do it with these children. Since you want to take others, you can't let others run desperately behind your buttocks, but you can't carry so many people. In the end, Song Fei can only leave with a few children.

When he came to the Shengmen, Song Fei frowned. At this time, a large number of monsters gathered in the area where Shengmen was located. The density of monsters here was obviously much higher than other areas. Basically, they were strange and there were no gaps of few steps. This made Song Fei not expect. What happened?

Song Fei frowned, thought for a while, and then figured out the situation here. The gate of death naturally represents death, and the gate of life naturally represents life, and animals have an instinctive sense of danger, so there are no animals on the side of the gate of death gate, and there are many animals on this side of life. The problem is that you have figured it out, but there is only one way to open the door from the monster pile, which is to find a way!

Seeing that there were no other players around, Seinfeld immediately put on his 35-level blue equipment, and he chose the seven-star bone sword. Although Song Fei returned the anatomical knife to him as soon as he came back, he did not use the combination of dagger and anatomical knife this time, because there were too many strange things, and the level was too low, and the dagger-like weapons could not play any effect, so he chose the seven-star bone sword. At the same time, it also accumulates a little essence for the seven-star bone sword here, so that it can upgrade quickly.

When the unruly little princess looked at Song Fei's windy equipment and seven-star bone sword, they immediately opened their mouths in surprise and didn't know what to say. But before they recovered from their surprise, they saw that Song Fei recruited a two-meter-long golden war bear, and one by one rushed into the monster group and launched a ruthless slaughter. When they recovered from the surprise of seeing advanced equipment and pets, they saw that their experience was growing rapidly, and several people immediately felt dizzy again and then stayed on the spot.

When Song Fei killed a bloody road among the monsters and rushed to the door to open the door, the system prompt immediately rang.

"System Tip: Congratulations on completing the plot task of 'unblocking the novice village' in Qinglong City, rewarding the world reputation of 10 points, the national reputation of 50 points, and the reputation of Qinglong City of 200 points."

"National notice: Some players have completed the plot task of 'unblocking the novice village' in Qinglong City, and the system will be shut down for maintenance after 10 minutes. I hope that the majority of players are ready to go offline in advance."

"Children, don't be daze. Go and pick up the equipment and go back to the village!" Song Fei came to several children and woke up the little prince Charming, who was still in a daze.

"Damn it! I'm level 10!"

"Me too!"

Several children immediately shouted happily. They never thought that they could rise to level 10 so quickly. Excitedly, he ran up and cleaned the booty into his backpack, and several children ran back with Song Fei. Although they were surprised by Seinfeld's advanced equipment and pets, they were not fools. They just heard the notice of the system and stopped maintenance after 10 minutes. They didn't want to appear in the monster pile as soon as they went online.

"Uncle, are you here to do the task of unblocking the novice village?" As she walked back, the unruly little princess asked Song Fei.

Sofeld nodded.

"What will happen after the novice village is unblocked?" The little prince White Horse asked.

"How do I know!" Song Fei glanced at the little prince of the white horse.

"Brother, can we run back to the novice village at our current speed?" Liu Shui, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth.

"The novice village will definitely not go back, but we can avoid Songjiazhuang in front of us. As long as we are not in the wild, we don't have to go back to the novice village."

"Liu Shui, you call him big brother, and I call him uncle. You take advantage of me!" The unruly little princess suddenly shouted at Liu Shui, which made everyone laugh.

After running to Songjiazhuang quickly, Song Fei didn't care about others and immediately went offline. After exiting the game, he logged in to the forum and went to his room. Others were already in the room.

"Is there any new news?" Song Fei asked everyone as soon as he entered the room.

"This is the announcement of this update, and nothing else." Zhang Xudong handed Song Fei a document with that.

After receiving the document handed over by Zhang Xudong, Song Fei looked at it carefully, which was about the update of this game.

First, the novice village is unblocked and integrated into the big map. After the novice village was unblocked, it was integrated into the big map. The scope of the original novice village was upgraded to Tai'an Town, but the function is still the function of the novice village. At the same time, the former novice village head was promoted to the mayor of Tai'an Town. After being integrated into the big map, it was under the direct jurisdiction of Qinglong City. Originally, there were no villages and towns directly under the main city, but the novice village was relatively special, so it was directly under the jurisdiction of Qinglong City.

Second, an identity certificate office will be added in the novice village. Players who enter the game will have to apply for identification as soon as they enter the game and directly enter the new game mode. The previous game mode will be completely replaced. Players who have entered the game before the unblocking of the novice village but have not been promoted to level 10 still have to take the letter of introduction from the novice village head, the current mayor of Tai'an Town, to the main city to apply for identity certificates. If there are players whose identity certificates need to be changed, they will also go to the main city to apply for them, so the identity certificate office of the five major cities and It has not been removed.

Third, the "exploration" of players in the novice village will also be canceled in the future, and players in the novice village will not have this advantage from now on.

Fourth, the transmission point from the novice village to the main city is still open. In order for novice players who have reached level 10 to reach the main city quickly, the transmission point from the novice village to the main city is not closed, but only players within level 10 can use it, and players above level 10 cannot use it. Moreover, this transmission point is one-way and can only be transmitted from the novice village to the main city, and cannot be transmitted back to the novice village from other places.

Seeing that there was no new news, everyone chatted for a while and went offline to rest. The next day after work, Song Fei immediately entered the game.