The real mirror of online games

24, Luohua Liushui

Song Fei was thinking about what Aunt Wang said, but suddenly received a killing system prompt.

"System Tip: Congratulations on your understanding of 'breeding'."

After opening the skill panel, Song Fei found that he had three columns in his skill panel. The first is skills, the second is internal power, and the third is feeding. Opening the feeding column, Song Fei saw that there was only one skill in it: spiritual contact.

Psychic contact: After starting the skill, you can communicate with the animals around you through spiritual contact, consuming magic 200.

Looking at this skill, Song Fei's thoughts are very complicated. He doesn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed. I realized a skill, which should have been happy, but is this skill useless?

"Young man, I still have a letter here. Please help bring it to Yao Ting and tell him not to worry about me."

He took several children out of Aunt Wang's house, and Song Fei went to Zhang's blacksmith's house. His itinerary in the novice village was arranged in this way. First, he went to Aunt Wang's house to hand over Wang Yaoting's task, then went to Zhang's blacksmith and asked him to build two weapons, and then went to Li Xiaoer to tell him that he was willing to leave the novice village. On the way, he went to see Dr. Zhao, and then went to the branch to call the village head. After all, the novice village was unblocked. How can you not tell the village head about such a big thing? The purpose of Song Fei's arrangement is to hope that the unruly little princess will see that they really don't kill monsters in this mission, and then don't follow him.

"Master Zhang, I'm back!" As soon as he entered the door of Zhang's blacksmith's house, Song Fei shouted.

Song Fei originally wanted to shout before entering the door, so that everyone in line to buy equipment would know that he was here to do the task, so there would be no misunderstanding. But as soon as he entered the house, he found that no one had bought equipment in the blacksmith's shop, which made him depressed for a while.

"Master Zhang, why are you so deserted here?" Song Fei went into the inner room and said to Zhang Blacksmith.

"Alas! Now there are fewer adventurers, and few people have come to me to buy equipment. Zhang Blacksmith sighed.

Looking at Zhang's blacksmith sighing that no one bought equipment, Song Fei was puzzled for a while. At that time, this blacksmith was a popular figure in the Phantom Dynasty, and many storms were seen. Later, he disappeared for some personal reasons. Generally speaking, such a person should soon belong to the ranks of saints. How can he sigh about such a trivial matter? However, if you put yourself in his position, you will also have this feeling.

Song Fei suddenly felt that this blacksmith seemed to have completely forgotten his previous identity and really integrated into the role of a little person in this small village. Only such a small person can really worry about his livelihood, but only a small person who really worries about his livelihood can have real joys and sorrows, and can he show his inner thoughts without concealment. How many people say that they are detached and see through the world, but they really see through the world? What's the point of this life?

"Master Zhang, this is the wine your adopted son asked me to bring you." With that, Song Fei put two jars of wine in front of Zhang's blacksmith.

"Oh? Do you know him?

"Well, we are very good friends. He heard that I was going back to the novice village, so he asked me to bring you two jars of good wine."

Song Fei's nonsense has no technical content at all, but it can be believed that Zhang Blacksmith's eyes turned red as soon as he heard that it was Zhang Xudong's wine sent him.

"Rate! It's rare that this child still remembers me, an old man! Young man, bring him a message when he goes back and asks him to come back to see me more when he is free. I still point to him inherit my family business!"

"Okay!" Song Fei said and poured a bowl of wine for Zhang's blacksmith. Master Zhang, can I trouble you with one thing?"

"What's the matter? Say it!" Zhang Blacksmith said and picked up the wine bowl.

"Please help me build some equipment."

"What equipment?"

"Two level 35 blue daggers and a level 35 blue Tang knife."

"It's no problem to help you build weapons. I also have the materials here, but you still have to give the money!"

"Of course, how much is this?"

"35 gold coins!"


Of course, this cough was made by the unruly little princess. 35 gold coins are absolutely astronomical for them now. However, Song Fei knew very well that this little money was already very cheap, which was only a little cost for Zhang Blacksmith to take care of himself and Zhang Xudong's face. Now outside the novice village, a 35-level green weapon is already more expensive than these three. If these three weapons are auctioned, it will not be a problem to sell hundreds of gold.

After handing over the gold coins, Song Fei said to Zhang's blacksmith, "Master Zhang, I still have some silver ingots here. Could you please help me make some jewelry?"

"Well, put it there!"

When Song Fei put more than 1,000 taels of silver on his body in front of Zhang's blacksmith, Zhang's blacksmith was immediately depressed. This boy said he had so much money. Who would have thought he had so much money! He is going to exhaust me once!

"You have too much. I can only help you make 10 pieces of jewelry. 50 taels of silver is enough. You can put away the extra." Zhang Blacksmith looked at Song Fei and said helplessly.

Help him create a few pieces of jewelry, which can be said to be his own favor, but he can't use so much, can he? It is against the rules to help him produce jewelry cheaply and then ask him to sell it.

"Master Zhang, you can play it. Think of the extra silver ingots as your labor expenses. Anyway, it's useless for me to keep them."

As soon as he came out of the door of a blacksmith's house, Song Fei was immediately dragged by the unruly little princess.

"Uncle, I didn't expect you to be so rich! 35 gold! "When are we going to save it?"

"It's just dozens of fast money. What's the big deal?" Luo Hua said lightly.

"Your family is rich!" The unruly little princess said angrily, "We are all poor. How can we have so much money to play games!"

"Princess, I'll charge you!" The little prince of white horse immediately jumped over.

Hearing the little prince of the white horse saying that he wanted to charge money for the unruly little princess, his youth-woven nostalgic expression retreated to one side. From the performance of the two of them, it can be seen that their families should be much worse.

"Get out of here! It's great to have money!"

The unruly little princess immediately scolded the little prince charmingly. Originally, she wanted to please the person she liked, but it was boring. Originally, Song Fei thought that the nostalgia of youth weaving should be happy to hear the unruly little princess scolding the little prince charming horse, but he did not say anything and still had a lost expression.

The nostalgia of youth weaving is very clear in her heart that the unruly little princess just hates the little prince of the white horse to show off in front of her, but she doesn't hate rich, has no money, and talks about the future!

All the way to Dr. Zhao's pharmacy, I didn't know that Dr. Zhao really went on a trip, so Song Fei had to go to Li Xiaoer's teahouse first. When he arrived at Li Xiaoer's teahouse and explained the situation to Li Xiaoer, Song Fei went to the village head's house again. But what made Sefeld depressed was that his previous plan failed, and several children still followed him and did not feel that it was a waste of time to follow him around like this.

"Uncle, you are really powerful! I can't believe I know so many NPCs in the novice village!" Walking all the way to the village head's house, the unruly little princess said to Song Fei.

Song Fei did not put his mind on it at this time. Along the way, his mind was on Luo Hua and Liu Shui. Through this period of observation, Song Fei found that Luo Hua should be chasing Liu Shui, but Liu Shui was very indifferent to this matter, as if he had no interest in Luo Hua. As the old saying says: men chase women across mountains; women chase men across layers of yarn. However, this law is completely unapplicable to these two people.

No matter how bad Luohua is, it is impossible for a girl to take the initiative to chase a boy and make the boy completely indifferent, right? What's more, Luohua is not bad, and she seems to have some money at home. Such a girl is determined to chase a boy, but she can't impress the boy. What on earth has he experienced?

"Hey, uncle, don't think about Luo Hua. She won't talk to you!" Finding that Song Fei looked at Luo Hua, the unruly little princess thought that Song Fei looked at Luo Hua. Luo Hua is determined to Liu Shui. Although Liu Shui has never accepted her, she will not give up!"

Luo Hua was talking to Liu Shui. Hearing the words of the unruly little princess, the two also turned their attention to Song Fei to hear what he wanted to say.

When Song Fei saw the eyes of several people, he shook his head helplessly and sighed, "The falling flower intends to follow the flowing water, but the flowing water is endlessly in love with the falling flower!"

Hearing Song Fei's emotion, several children's eyelids jumped. Luo Hua and Liu Shui didn't expect that the person in front of them could see through the intention of their names, while the other three regarded this classic sentence as Song Fei's masterpiece.

"Uncle, I didn't expect that you still have this literary talent!"

Sing Feihan, why are young people so bad now? I have never heard of such a classic sentence! Without care of the surprise of several people, Song Fei went to the village head's house. When he arrived at the village head's house, he said hello to the village head, saying that he was here to unblock the novice village, and then went on a mission.