The real mirror of online games

One, Five Altar

The ancient Dunhuang City was not a city, but a city, which was one of the important pass for the ancients to defend against foreign enemies in the west. The ancient city of Dunhuang is built on a vast Gobi. In the yellow sand and gravel land, no crops can be grown at all. Therefore, there are only two types of people living in Dunhuang City - merchants and soldiers.

The geographical location of Dunhuang Town is far from the real ancient city of Dunhuang, but the surrounding environment is almost the same. At a glance, the vast Gobi, the wind and sand all over the sky, and the hot and dry climate make it impossible for the people here to rely on farming to support themselves. The wall made of rammed earth is very different from the bluestone wall in the interior, but it is also indestructible, which makes people have to be surprised by the magic skills of the ancients.

When they came to the desert in the Western Regions for the first time, Song Fei and others felt very novel. The sky here is bluer and the water is clearer. Although the temperature is a little higher, it is not as sultry in the mainland. The high temperature exposure and strong wind and yellow sand make the faces of the soldiers and civilians here show a soft bronze color, but the tough body and strong body combined with this bronze skin color give people an exotic special beauty.

Dunhuang Town was originally under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou City, but the owner of Huanglin City sent someone to inform them in advance, so Song Fei and others did not have to be polite to the city owner of Liangzhou City. They directly rented a few horses at the post station of Liangzhou City and went to Dunhuang Town. In order to save money, they didn't rent all the horses at the post station, but a few people without mounts rented a horse, and other people with mounts rode their own mounts to run behind. Anyway, as long as a horse leads the way, and the player's mount runs faster than the horse at the post station, and it is comfortable to sit.

The ancient city of Dunhuang is an important town of soldiers in history. Although the military role here has been banned under the current unified national conditions, the unique earthen wall has not been demolished. On the contrary, it has been given another purpose in the game - the military training base!

When he came to the mayor's house in Dunhuang Town, the mayor did not be rude to Song Fei and others, and took people straight to the Five elements altar.

Not far north from Dunhuang Town, the Five-e elements altar appeared in front of you. The Five elements altar is like a small hill, standing alone on the vast Gobi, unusually conspicuous. However, the traces of artificial carving here are very obvious. The steep mountain wall is almost vertical, and the surface of the mountain wall is unusually smooth. There is a pentagonal platform on the top of the mountain 30 to 40 meters high, and there is only a steep ladder leading to the altar.

When he came to the Five-emun altar, Song Fei found that it was not like Beichen Tower and Liuhe Palace. There were no two zombies guarding outside the gate. A one-meter thick pillar stands on each of the five pentagonal corners of the top of the altar. The colors of the columns are white, blue, black, red and yellow, and the words gold, wood, water, fire and earth are engraved on them. In front of each of the five pillars is a magic array with the same color as the pillars.

"Which one is advanced?" Everyone hesitated for a moment and looked at the five transmission arrays. They didn't know which one to advance.

"This is really hard to say! Choose any one!" Song Fei thought for a moment and wanted to say something.

"Then gold!" With silence, he was the first to walk into the transmission array.

After entering the golden array, everyone found themselves entering a small white room with a gate in front of them. There were two monsters guarding the door, a white skeleton and a blood skeleton, all of which were level 31. After solving the two gatekeepers, chocolate immediately took action and added his most proud "blood-eating" and "magic" to everyone, and then Ruier's gain state.

After rising to level 30, Ruier finally learned the gain state skill. At present, she has only learned three skills, one is called "Wind and lightning", which has the effect of improving the attack speed and movement speed of teammates; the other is called "Qingfeng Xulai", which improves the recovery speed of teammates' life and magic; the other is called "Wind and Rain in the same boat", which has the effect of consuming Ruier's magic to offset part of the damage received by teammates. .

After the three states were added, everyone was stunned at the same time.

"Rui'er, how did your skill effect get worse?" Ask with gloomy concern.

"How do I know!"

Rui'er was originally a cold look, and she chased her knowing that she liked to see her for the first time, which increased her disgust with him. Therefore, Rui'er has not given any good look for so long, and everyone has been surprised about this matter.

"This is the golden array. Ruier's talent attribute is wood, and her skills are also wind-based. Jin Kemu should be suppressed!" Wang Lin explained.

"It makes sense!" Zhang Xudong said thoughtfully. However, Jin Shengshui, isn't that brother's frost and ice stronger? Ah ha ha..."

"Don't be happy too early. When it's time for you to be depressed!" He said indignantly.

When the door opened, a mixed army of red and white bone marrow and blood skeleton rushed out of the door. There was still no difficulty in killing the 31-level monster, but the boss at this level was a 31-level blood skeleton boss. General Blood Skull does not have the immortal attribute of General Skull, but he has a talent skill of "blood sucking", which Sein Fei and others have learned in the Liuhe Palace.

The blood-sucking skill of blood skeleton is different from the "blood-eating" of chocolate and the blood-sucking skill of zombies. His blood-sucking skill should be understood as "absorbing blood". If the combat personnel are injured, they will bleed. As long as the blood sticks to the body of the blood skeleton, it will be absorbed immediately and then replenish the health of the blood skeleton.

Close combat personnel can't avoid physical injury in the battle. As long as the body is injured, they will bleed, and the blood flowing out is the source of blood skeleton life. Therefore, although the blood skeleton general will not be reborn, it is also difficult to deal with. However, a 31-level boss was killed without any doubt against Song Fei and his group.

After the death of the blood skeleton general, a black transmission array appeared in the room. After stepping on the transmission array, the light flashed and everyone came to a black room again. As Song Fei expected, the monsters guarding the door in this room were two elite rotten corpses. Seeing these two elite rotten bodies, everyone frowned, but killed the two rotten bodies without saying anything.

After killing two rotten bodies, Ruier and chocolate added state to everyone again. As soon as the state was added, everyone immediately felt that the effect of Rui's skills had improved, so the public guessed that this level was a water array. Water overcomes fire, but there is no fire mage in Song Fei's team, so there is no need to be afraid of whose strength will be weakened.

Although the rotten corpse is disgusting, it is just disgusting, and the rest is nothing, so it didn't take long for tens of thousands of corpses to be wiped out by them. However, the rotting corpse is already a level 32 monster, and Sein Fei's current level is 36. The monster level is less than the player's level 5 and experienced. Although it is a little less, it has finally seen experience.

Through the transmission array of the second level, Song Fei and others came to a green room again. Seeing the color of this room, everyone understood that this level was a wooden array. Mu Ketu, so I'm pretentious and depressed.

At the third level is a mixed army of ghosts and fierce ghosts at level 33, and BOSS is still a ghost general. When killing this ghost, everyone was full of joyously looking forward to this ghost general to give people two more skill books. Only chocolate and Ruier felt a little regretful. If they knew that they would kill the ghost general later, they would not accept the instruction of dew beads. But to everyone's disappointment, nothing broke out after the death of the ghost general. Except for that poor experience that made people feel a little comforting, the rest was only depressed.