The real mirror of online games

2, inertial thinking kills people

The fourth level is fire, fire restrains gold, so it is depressing. As soon as I was depressed, everyone became depressed. The two strongest outputs in the team, one is gloomy and the other is Zhang Xudong. The fourth level is fire, and the fifth level is earth. The monsters in the last two levels are the highest level, but the two strongest combat forces in the team have been weakened by attribute problems. How can they not be depressed? Although the attributes have been weakened, it does not mean that the two of them are useless, because the two high-level skills in their hands are too powerful, so the two of them are still the highest output in this level.

The monster at the fourth level is a level 34 zombie. Although the level of monsters will be difficult to deal with, higher levels means more experience, so when Song Fei and others killed tens of thousands of zombies at this level, they have all been upgraded to level 37.

The zombie general is very face-to-face, and this time he has released two pieces of special zombie equipment, a pair of shoes and a pair of wrist guards, all of which are level 30 green equipment. Although it is not blue equipment, it is much better than the two 20-level equipment that broke out in Beichen Tower, so Song Fei estimated that he could sell 40 to 50 gold coins sold to Lafeng.

The fifth level is earth, and there are two level 35 zombies guarding the door. After opening the door, it is the same as the seventh floor of Beichen Tower, and only one skeleton mage is maintaining the seal boundary.

This skeleton mage is no different from the skeleton mage in Beichen Tower. At least Song Fei and others can't see any difference, because there is no meat on his face at all. He still holds a crystal in his left hand to maintain the seal boundary, but he holds a staff in his right hand. This staff is very similar to the bone sword used by Song Fei. The body of the staff is a spine, but the top is a skull smaller than a normal human head, like a baby's head.

After some testing, everyone found that the necromancer was still a passively beaten man, but his life had grown from two million to three million, but the magic was still 100,000. However, when they thought that this greedy and afraid of death would beg for mercy as soon as it was injured, Song Fei and others dared to attack. But this time they have a good heart. When he begs for mercy, he must be taught two skills, otherwise they won't let him go!

People who often think about problems with inertial thinking often suffer losses. Serious people may ruin a person's reputation, and more serious people may kill people. Song Fei and others have suffered many losses of inertial thinking before, but when huge interests are in front of them or have contempt for their enemies, how many people can resist that ** and think calmly? Just like the first time I saw two rabbits at the beginning, just like when Song Fei picked medicine, it was like the first battle between the pretentious three and Song Fei, like the first time that Hua used "offering" against two zombies, and so on. So Song Fei and the others got a cup again this time.

When everyone beat the skeleton mage's blood to 10% with joy, the skeleton mage did not stop to negotiate with them. In fact, the skeleton mage stopped, but did not negotiate with them.

The skeleton mage, who was unable to fight because he tried his best to maintain the seal boundary, stopped his action of maintaining the seal boundary as soon as his blood volume entered 10%. He grabbed the crystal that maintained the seal boundary with his left hand, waved his right wand and shouted, "Soul prison!" Then a circular light mask centered on the skeleton mage covered him, Seinfeld and others.

Song Fei and Chu Jian are the main attackers in the melee, and they can see the strange movements of the necromanceres the most clearly. When they saw that the undead mage began to move, they instinctively thought that they could start negotiating, so the two looked at each other and retreated. However, as soon as they stepped back two steps, they heard the shout of the undead mage. The two were shocked at the same time. Why didn't this bastard play cards according to the routine!

Everyone was shocked to hear the undead mage shout out the name of a skill. The name of this skill is so similar to the "soul bondage" of chocolate, so the first move of the later mages is to run. But as soon as they took a step, the circular mask had already appeared, and several people hit the mask together and were bounced back.

After the undead mage released the first skill, he waved the staff in his right hand and released the second skill - soul burning.

As the necromancer shouted the four words "soul burning", a black flame immediately ignited on the ground in the light mask. This black flame Song Fei and they had seen before, that is, the fire of the soul in the Liuhe Palace.

After the flame appeared, people did not feel the burning pain, but their blood was rapidly decreasing. Seeing this scene, Wang Lin and Luzhu's group treatment came out one after another, and the two of them maintained it with all their strength, which could pull everyone's blood.

After discovering that their lives would not be in danger, Song Fei and Chujian immediately rushed to punch the undead mage. Since they could not negotiate, they had to kill them. However, when the fist and Song Fei's dagger fell on the necromancer at the same time, the two sadly found that two words "invalid" floated on the head of the necromancer. After that, the skills of several mages also fell on the bodies of the undead mages one after another, but they were still ineffective!

"Damn, how to fight this? The physical attack is ineffective!" Silence and loud resentment.

It was found that the attack was invalid, and all the attackers stopped their movements and began to think about countermeasures. However, after they stopped, they found that the undead mage also stood still after releasing the two skills and did not continue to release other skills. But at the same time, they also found that the fire of the soul on the ground does not weaken at all. It seems that this is a continuous skill!

The so-called "continuous skill" means that after the skill is released, it does not have a one-time effect on the target, but continues like running water and has always had the same effect on the target for a period of time. Just like the player's blood return attribute, if a player's blood return speed is 5 points per second, as long as his blood is not full of blood, he will always restore his life at the speed of 5 points of blood per second.

At this time, the "soul burning" used by the undead mage was such a skill. After the local soul fire ignited, Song Fei found that his life was decreasing sharply at 300 points per second.

After finding that the attack was invalid, everyone gave up their attack action. Song Fei immediately put on a golden eye to see what state the undead mage is in now, and why the physical attack and magic attack are invalid. Fire eyes did not find the special state of the necromancer, but Song Fei saw that the magic value of the necromancer was rapidly decreasing. It turned out that this continuous skill had to consume his magic.

In addition to the decrease in the magic of the necromancer, Seinfeld also found that his life continues to decrease.

"This is his fish net-breaking skill. It seems that we can only consume with him like this. Let's see who will be consumed first!" Sefeld explained it to everyone.

"No, the fire of the soul is constantly strengthening, and the two of us can't stand it!" Dewdrop suddenly shouted.

Hearing the shout of dewdrops, everyone frowned. I don't know how long the soul fire of the undead mage will burn. Now there are only two doctors in the team. If the two of them can't stand it and the blue of the undead mage is not exhausted, it means that they will hang here collectively!

Seeing that the flame of the soul fire is gradually strengthening, Wang Lin and Dew Pearl are already sweating. Although they are struggling to support it, they can't stand it.