The real mirror of online games

18, air strike

The sixth wave of monsters are level 35. The undead sent a ghost, the human race sent a mad tiger, and the demon sent a monster called "shadow demon".

The ghost is like a soul, not a virtual shadow floating in the air, inheriting the physical immunity of the soul. Shadow demons and ghosts are very similar, and they are also a shadow floating in the air, but this shadow is black, like a black fog, which is also a physical attack immunity. Among the monsters of the three races, only the mad tiger is not immune to physical attack.

"Another difficult battle!" Daming stood on the wall and looked at the siege below and said with emotion.

"Maybe this round will be unusually easy." The dragon soul said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Daming asked puzzledly.

"Physical immunity is a good thing for the soldiers in the front row, because they don't have to attack, as long as they defend with all their strength. In this way, they will have more time to take medicine to ensure their lives. As long as they are safe, the mage in the back row is safe!"

Daming nodded and turned his attention back to the battlefield.

"Do we still have enough staff?" Daming looked at the battlefield and asked.

"Except for the 3,000 people in charge of logistics in the city, there are still 25,000 people in the blood-stained Canyang gang. Among them, 7,000 mages, 3,000 Taoists, 10,000 warrior knight assassins, 2,000 doctors, 2,000 archers and 1,000 wizards. These are all players above level 30, and 8,000 of them are advanced players above level 40. In addition, we still have a 50-level NPC that did not appear.

"The highest level of the siege monster is estimated to be about 45, that is to say, there are still two waves after this wave. Judging from the current reduction in the number of monsters, there may be only 10,000 per race when level 45 monsters appear. According to this estimate, the battle will be very difficult, but if nothing unexpected happens, we should win, because our secret weapons have not yet appeared.

"It seems that more than 10,000 senior players brought by major gangs have not yet played!" Daming suddenly remembered more than 10,000 players brought by major gangs.

The people they bring are all advanced players. There are only dozens of people below level 35 with special skills, about 5,000 at level 35 to 40, and the remaining 8,000 are advanced players above level 40.

"Those people can't count on it." The dragon soul said lightly. If we have the upper hand on the battlefield, they are here to help; if we have the upper hand, they are here to observe, don't you understand?

Daming nodded again, "So, you gave me this first resident token. In addition to trying the depth of the monster, you also want to try the attitude of the major gangs?"

"It's tacit!"

When the Dragon Soul chatted with Daming, the battle on the battlefield had begun. At the beginning of the battle, the warriors and knights in the front row showed a trace of panic, and the physical immune attributes of ghosts and shadow demons made them overwhelmed for a moment. Daming and others knew that the ghost had the attribute of physical attack immunity, and they got the information from pulling wind. The object immunity of the shadow demon was their own guess, but these senior personnel did not tell their subordinates about this situation. In fact, these players in the battle didn't even know that the siege monster was a mixed army of the three races, and did not tell them that they were afraid that they would panic before the battle began and affect their combat effectiveness.

Players calmed down after a few minutes of panic. As a player shouted, "If you can't attack, defend with all your strength!" The war situation in this area gradually stabilized, and then the whole battlefield stabilized.

Daming, as the leader of a gang, is definitely not a general person. Before the battle began, he knew the attributes of ghosts and shadow demons, but he did not pass on the news to make his people more vigilant, in order to see his reaction to help others. Level 35 monsters do not pose much of a threat to them. He wants to see how the on-site reaction ability of these gangs is and see if they can find out a few battlefield command talents in this battle.

When the player shouted the sentence "If you can't attack, defend with all your strength", Daming immediately noticed him. But he doesn't know this person. This person usually belongs to the kind of person who doesn't show mountains or dew in the gang, and has almost no specialty, so Daming did not deliberately remember his name. But what he just said immediately attracted the attention of Daming.

With the stability of the battle, the situation on the battlefield is indeed as expected by the Dragon Soul. The soldiers in the front row did not attack, but defended with all their strength. With more time to take medicine, coupled with the treatment of the doctors behind, the death toll in this round of battle was actually less than in the last round!

The appearance of the seventh wave of monsters once again puzzled Daming, because this time there were only two races of monsters. The undead sent a fierce ghost similar to the ghost, and the human sent a valley viper.

The biggest characteristic of this valley snake is that it is highly poisonous. Often poisonous monsters are very small, and the smaller they are, the more toxic they are. Therefore, this valley viper looks similar to the real snake, only one meter long and as thick as a thumb. However, in such a large-scale battlefield, the smaller the monster, the more difficult it is to deal with.

After the monsters of the two races appeared, they did not confront the players defending the city like the fourth wave of monsters, but began to fight as soon as they appeared, which made the dragon soul also have a trace of doubt.

"What are they doing? Is it 'Mingxiu's plank road, secretly crossing Chencang'?" Daming looked at the dragon soul and asked.

"Not very similar." The dragon soul shook its head gently. If that's the case, they should stop and confront our people and let us relax our vigilance. But now, they have been fighting with our people as soon as they come, as if they are intended to attract our attention. Moreover, they are obviously showing weakness. Don't you think these 40-level strange combat effectiveness is too weak?

"It's a little weak, similar to the level 35 monster! I want to go out and kill a few!" Daming said excitedly.

"Sing east and west!" The dragon soul suddenly shouted, and then turned to his assistant and said, "Immediately transfer back to the 2,000 archers outside the city and all the local mages on the battlefield, gather 3,000 archers among the NPC guards, inform the secret weapons to be ready, wait for the order, and be ready to attack at any time!"

"What's going on?" Seeing that the Dragon Soul had deployed everything, Daming asked.

"You will understand in a minute." After saying that, the dragon soul stared at the rear of the siege monster.

A few minutes later, when 5,000 archers lined up on the wall, the rear of the monster army finally changed. Daming looked far away and finally saw a black cloud in the distant sky.

Two minutes later, the "black cloud" floated over the battlefield, and then people saw that it was a group of bats. More than a meter of wingspan, blood-red fur, purple eyes and bloody fangs made players on the battlefield feel strong fear.

Magic blood-sucking bat, level 40.

More than 10,000 giant bats flew by, and the sky over the battlefield was instantly covered, fighting with undead creatures in the dark, which invisibly exacerbated the fear in the hearts of players. However, at this time, Daming nodded clearly.

However, after the arrival of these giant bats, they did not join the battle outside the city, but went straight to the city, as if to cross the wall and directly attack the buildings in the city.

When the giant bat was more than 100 meters away from the wall, a player on the wall shouted: "Let go!" Five thousand archers used the "arrow array" skill at the same time. 200,000 arrows released a round of attacks at the same time and killed hundreds of bats in seconds. Thousands of bats fell to the ground because they were unable to fly due to injury.

After the archers' arrow array was released, another player shouted, and countless meteorites fell from the sky and smashed thousands of bats. Then the Dragon Soul turned to his assistant and said, "Enable the secret weapon!"

The assistant turned around, took out a small red flag and waved it back, and 20 huge stones and 20 giant crossbows immediately flew out of the mountain behind.

Song Fei was aware of the huge stones and crossbows flying from the mountain behind him. No wonder there are no stone carts and crossbows on the wall. They were originally installed on the three mountains behind, which can make the attack more powerful!

The boulder thrown by the trell and the crossbow released by the crossbow are different from the meteorites and bows placed by players. As long as these things encounter a monster, it is second kill. Although they failed to shoot down a large number of bats, they killed a few. Moreover, when these big stones and crossbows fell to the ground, they also killed many monsters on the ground, greatly reducing the pressure on the defenders.

"I see!"