The real mirror of online games

19, the last wave?

"I see!" Daming suddenly shouted, "They sent monsters of two races to attract our attention, and then deliberately showed weakness, leading a large number of our players outside the city, and then sent this bat team to directly attack the city. At that time, a large number of our players were entangled with monsters outside the city and could not withdraw to the city for a while, and this defense of the city was a complete failure!"

The Dragon Soul nodded, "This conductor is unusual!"

"What should I do now?" Daming asked anxiously.

"Now? Hasn't this been solved? The dragon soul pointed to the army of bats in the sky and said.

In this round of strikes, more than 10,000 bats in the sky have been reduced by nearly 5,000, while the remaining more than 7,000 are more than 70 meters away from the city wall.

After three rounds of strikes, only a few hundred of more than 10,000 bats in the sky could fly into the city. After entering the city, they were immediately solved by the remaining thousands of NPC guards.

Nevertheless, this group of flying monsters still brought a lot of trouble to the players defending the city, because many of the bats that were shot down fell behind the mage group, causing a period of panic among the mage group. Finally, the Dragon Soul had to send 3,000 NPC guards to protect those mages.

The loss of this round of battle exceeded the expectations of the Dragon Soul, because more than 2,000 legal players were lost in this round of battle. The Dragon Soul originally estimated that the mage's loss should be within 100 before the warrior died.

The eighth wave of monsters was once again unexpected, not because they were all up to level 45, nor because they were all humanoid monsters, but because they brought siege vehicles and ladders!

The eighth wave of monsters are all 45-level monsters, which is already the highest-level monsters in the Canyang City, which is the last wave of monsters estimated by the wind. However, the seventh round of air strikes did not appear. The three ethnic groups were all ground creatures and humanoid creatures. The undead are zombies, which is expected and nothing special. The demon clan is a lizard man with a lizard's head, but the body is a human body, holding a harpoon as a weapon in his hand. The strangeness of the human race is the most special. It is actually a group of bandits and robbers with big knives and axes! In addition, this group of robbers actually pushed 10 siege vehicles and 20 ladders!

Seeing these siege cars and ladders, Daming frowned. It seems that this round is not easy to defend! However, when I thought that this was the last wave of siege monsters, I felt a little relaxed.

The humanoid monster is the most difficult to deal with in the game, which is the consensus of players, because the IQ of the humanoid monster is too high! And the last wave of the siege actually sent a total of 30,000 humanoid monsters of three races, and also brought siege vehicles and ladders, and even the dragon soul was a little caught off guard.

When people are doing things, what they are most afraid of is accidents and disrupting their plans. But accidents are not necessarily bad, and sometimes they may be good. Just as the city defense battle entered the last moment, the accident happened, and it was a good accident for Daming.

After seeing that this was the last wave of monsters, the players brought by the major gangs that they thought would not make much effort rushed out of the city excitedly and shouted hypocritical slogans such as "Swear to defend Canyang City to the death".

The way of distributing experience in Mirror is very different from previous games. In previous games, the team experience of players at the same level was distributed evenly, which was directly distributed to the player. If you kill a monster, each person can get some experience. However, in Mirror, the way to form a team is to give a copy of the identity certificate to the captain. Although the experience of killing monsters is also distributed equally, it is stored in the identity certificate. After the team, the team members took back a copy of their ID cards and extracted their experience from it. Of course, if the experience stored in a copy of a team member's ID card is enough for him to upgrade, the system will automatically transfer the experience to the player and let the player complete the upgrade.

The way of distributing experience in large-scale wars such as gang warfare is also different from team formation. Because there are too many players participating in the battle and the battle process is too fast, the system cannot calculate the contributions of all players in a short time, so it can only wait until the end of the battle to help the gang managers to get their own experience. However, this calculation method only applies to people in this gang. If a player is not a member of this gang, the system can only calculate according to the combat situation of the player's team.

People brought by other gangs are now facing such a situation. They are not members of the Blood-stained Canyang Gang. If they want to gain experience in this battle, they have to form their own team to participate in the battle and gain some experience in the battle. If they don't go to war, they won't get anything.

Before, they did not participate in the war, but were observing the war. As Dragon Soul said, if the war situation is beneficial to the defense of the city, they are here to help, and if it is not conducive to the defense of the city, they are here to observe. Now that the battle is coming to an end, this wave of monsters is the last wave, and the current battle situation is very favorable for defending the city. If they don't go out to kill a few monsters to grab some experience at this time, it will really become a spectator!

More than 10,000 senior players suddenly rushed out of the city, which made the three bosses of the siege a headache. But they are not afraid, because they bring 345-level brothers, which is already quite high, and among the adventurers on the opposite side, those who reach level 45 are less than 2,000.

The average level of players is lower than that of monsters, but players of the same level are stronger than monsters. There are now more than 30,000 players on the defensive side, but they belong to various gangs, and their command and scheduling cannot be coordinated. In addition, thousands of idle players are fighting separately, making the formations that have been organized by other gangs chaotic. The attacking side is a neat NPC force, with a very suitable equipment, level and personnel ratio. The dispatching is unified and prohibited, and the purpose is very strong. Therefore, this last battle was extremely tragic.

At the beginning of the battle, the situation was out of control. Because the players brought by major gangs can't go to the gang administrator to get experience after the war, they all form teams to fight or fight separately. In order to grab more experience, they don't listen to the dispatch of the dragon soul at all. When they see monsters, they kill them when they see monsters, and rush the originally organized formations with blood-stained remnants into pieces in chaos. The monster army, under the dispatch of the three leaders and the small captain, has been maintaining an orderly formation and steadily advancing, protecting the siege vehicle and ladder in the middle, step by step towards the wall of Canyang City.

Originally, I thought it was a good thing for gangs to fight, but it became like this at the beginning of the battle. Daming frowned and the dragon soul shook his head. But the personnel of both sides have been entangled, and now withdrawing the people of the major gangs will not only help, but will make the scene more chaotic. Moreover, the gangs have been waiting for so long, waiting for this opportunity to grab experience and let them withdraw. How can they be willing? In this way, some emotional players can change their original goals and turn the city into siege, bringing unpredictable consequences to the blood-stained remnant sun. The consequence of this series of reactions is that the remnant sun failed to defend the city, and the blood stained remnant sun lost the hearts of the people!

In desperation, the Dragon Soul had to release the 7,000 NPC soldiers guarded in the city to stabilize the war situation. After all, these NPCs are formed armies and will not diso obey orders like players.

The battle has entered a stalemate for a while, but the monster army has obviously prevailed, because the players defending the city are retreating steadily, and the mages in the back row have now retreated to the bottom of the wall. Seeing that the mages could not retreat, the dragon soul had to open the gate, let the mages enter the city, and let the mages stand on the wall to attack. However, the moment the gate opened, the accident happened again.

The major gang players who originally wanted to take advantage rushed out of the city excitedly for a moment, but at the beginning of the battle, they found that their side was passive in this round of battle. If the defense of the city is at a disadvantage, how can they fight to the death? How can they really fulfill their promise to defend the Canyang City to the death? So as soon as the gate opened, more than 10,000 players rushed to the gate crazily and once again disrupted the mage team that entered the city in an orderly manner, which confused the originally small gate and greatly affected the efficiency of the gate. Finally, Daming gritted his teeth and ordered that 2,000 blood-stained soldiers guarded the gate and put the non-players into the city first.

"Brother Dragon Soul has miscalculated!"