The real mirror of online games

24, the entrustment of the little tiger

"Hight! The transmission array in Canyang City is not open to the spies!"

Song Fei raised his head and saw several blood-stained gangs guarding in front of the transmission hall, looking at them angrily. With a helpless sigh, Song Fei turned around and left, but as soon as he took two steps, he heard silence and gloomy quarreling with the blood-stained gangs.

"The world is so cold!" Song Fei sighed and turned around to pull away the silence and gly.

When everyone came to the gate of Canyang City, they saw Daming, Dragon Soul, Li Ge and Feng, etc.

"Brother Heaven, you have been wronged!" Daming said and bowed his hand to Song Fei.

"Nothing, it's better to offend us than to offend the fallen family!" A desolate look flashed in Song Fei's eyes.

Which of the people from the major gangs is not human? At that time, as soon as they saw the expression, they had already guessed the truth. But at a glance, it represents a fallen family, and Seinfeld and others are just a 15-person team. Although they will get the favor of the Tianxing team, they will offend the fallen family at a glance. They still know the importance of this.

"Brother Heaven!" Daming's eyes were wet and he bowed deeply to Song Fei and others.

Song Fei didn't look back and took his own people out of the city.

After leaving Canyang City, Song Fei did not return to Zhuque City, but went all the way north.

"Big boss, where are we going?" Silently asked.

"Fengdu City."

"What are you going to do in Fengdu?"

"Go and see this place that has discredited us!"

When he came to the ruins of Fengdu City, Song Fei saw hundreds of players waiting here quietly from afar. The leaders were the wind-pulling, fallen single-winged angels and withered mandalas, including the ghosts of heaven and hell angels.

"You bastard!" As soon as silence saw the wind, he immediately wanted to rush to fight, but was stopped by Song Fei.

"Brother Lafeng seems to be waiting for me here?" Seinfeld's tone was unusually plain.

"I'm offended, Heavenly King!" Lafeng said and saluted Song Fei.

"It's not your fault, you're just doing tasks! I would like to thank Brother Shanyi for letting us live.

When the fallen single-wing angel released the soul to burn, Song Fei and others looked at it not far away. At that time, the effect of that skill made them still afraid now. Although everyone has been promoted to level 41, Zhang Xudong, Wang Lin and Luzhu are not sure that they can survive under that skill.

After the introduction, Song Fei learned that these 100 undead players participated in the siege. After being polite to everyone, Song Fei took everyone back to Zhuque City, and then went to White Tiger City. They are now 41 levels and can do the task of Sancai Valley.

"Oil, see you for the first time, don't think about it all the time." Walking on the street of White Tiger City, Song Fei's mood is still heavy, but there is one person who is more uncomfortable than him, that is, the first sight.

At first sight, he was a friend of Daming, and it was for this reason that Daming found them and asked them to help defend the city. Everyone went to help and failed to defend the city. They were already very guilty, but in the end, people blamed themselves. How can you not feel uncomfortable at first sight? He feels sorry for these brothers. However, they went to help Daming defend the city, and the reason for their failure was actually a skill they sold. From this perspective, I felt sorry for Daming at first sight.

Without him, Daming might not have found Song Fei and others; without him, Song Fei might not have promised to help Daming defend the city. He connected the two people together, but it caused them to break up unhappily. How can he not feel guilty? Therefore, he hasn't said a word since the end of everyone guarding the city.

Other people have already noticed the mood at first sight and understood why he was like this, but they didn't know what to say, so they didn't say anything.

Hearing Song Fei's comfort, he shook his head with a wry smile at first sight, but he still didn't say a word.

As soon as Song Fei wanted to say something more, he suddenly felt that his trouser legs were pulled. Looking back, it turned out to be the little yellow dog and tiger he met a few days ago, and he immediately opened his spiritual contact.

"What's the matter, little tiger?" Song Fei said kindly to Xiaohu.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Seeing Song Fei nodded, Xiaohu continued, "Brother Hei has left."

"Are you leaving? Where have you been?" Sefeld felt a little confused.

"After you left two days ago, little black brother followed his master. Before leaving, he told me that he might never come back again? Xiaohu said sadly.

"Oh, what are you looking for me for?"

"I want you to send me a message, tell him that I miss him, and let him come back and see me when he is free."

Shout, there is a task! Song Fei was overjoyed, and the previous haze was swept away.

"With Xiaohei's temper, do you still miss him?" Song Fei looked at the little tiger puzzledly.

"Actually, Brother Hei is very good. He has been with his master for a long time and is a little arrogant, but he has always been very good to me. Every time there is delicious food for me, he also tells me about his trip with his master." When it comes to Xiaohei, there will be infinite nostalgia in Xiaohu's eyes.

"Well, tell me where he has gone and help you find him."

"I don't know where he went. He said that he seemed to have gone to some town, but I have never been out of this street and can't remember those names. Xiaohu said helplessly.

"I don't know where I went? That's it," Song Fei said, suddenly remembering that he had left a business card for Boss Lei, and he was overjoyed. All right, I remember, and I'll help you bring the words!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Xiaohu said and rubbed his head against Song Fei's legs.

After leaving Xiaohu, everyone came to the main mansion of White Tiger City. This time, they received the task of Sancai Valley without any suspense.

Sancai Valley is located in the deep mountains and is under the jurisdiction of the sunset town under the jurisdiction of Ming Beast City. Because there are often fierce beasts in the mountains, they often roar and can be heard throughout the mountain. At the turn of spring and summer, the fierce beasts in the mountains are extremely excited, shouting one after another and echoing each other. If you are in the Ming Beast City and hear the roar of the four beasts, although you will be panicked, it is also a strange enjoyment. That's why Ming Beast City got its name.

The Beast City is located in a large natural valley, surrounded by 100-meter-high steep mountains, forming a natural wall. A small lake in the center of the city is connected to an underground river, which can ensure that the city will not be flooded by rain. The four roads out of the city are carved by people. When you go out, you can see that a mountain road more than ten meters wide is winding, and the mountain walls 100 meters high on both sides are dozens of miles.

Out of the west gate of Ming Beast City, Song Fei and others just took a few steps with the post horse of the post station and saw a red rabbit horse galloping by. Immediately, a woman with a beautiful and heroic face, and her tightly wrinkled eyebrows have become a "chuan" shape, but it does not affect the beauty at all, but adds a bleak mood to it.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the woman flying by, but a few seconds later, another red rabbit horse passed by. Immediately, a male knight stared at the female knight in front of him, with an anxious look on his face, obviously chasing the female knight. The male knight rushed to the crowd and saw the eyes of the female knight. His face flashed angrily, and she passed by. Seeing the angry look on the male knight's face, he suddenly became silent and angry, and he caught up with him as soon as he picked up.

The two knights rode a red rabbit horse. From the speed silence, it can be seen that this is the kind of system reward, so he is confident that his Lu can catch up with him. Silence can see this naturally, so others can also see it, so when they see silence speeding up and following it, they are afraid that he can't control it and have any conflict with others.

Silently caught up with the male knight, and as soon as he picked up the rein, Luma immediately hissed, and the man stood up, blocking the way of the male knight.

"What are you going to do?" After the male knight stopped, he questioned in silence with an angry face.

"What am I going to do? I also want to ask you what you want to do! Let me ask you, why are you chasing other girls so desperately? Silence is not weak.

"What's your business?" The male knight still looked angry, but there was a trace of anxiety in his tone at this time.

"A disciple is still so horizontal! Believe it or not, buddy, send you back to your hometown?" With silence, he pulled out his sword.

Looking at the silence drawing the sword, the knight opposite also pulled out his sword. At this time, he was anxious. Isn't it just for her to enter this game for so long? After entering the game for so long, I just saw her, but I didn't expect that she didn't want to run away when she saw herself. I knew that my mount couldn't catch up with her and wanted to follow her all the time. When she stopped, I could talk to her, but I was stopped by such a guy! If you can't explain this guy as soon as possible, you don't have to think about catching up with her.

Silently, he watched the other party pull out his sword and just wanted to get off the horse to fight, but the male knight rushed to him and made him stunned.