The real mirror of online games

25, you are drunk

The male knight was anxious. He pulled out his long sword and rushed to silence. As a result, his action stunned silence on the spot and hit him firmly.

This stunned the male knight. What is he doing? Don't dodge, just get hit like this? Looking at his equipment and riding, he doesn't look like a piece of garbage. Why doesn't he know how to hide? So the male knight pulled the relin and retreated to one side.

"Silent, what are you doing?"

While the silence was entangled with the male knight, others also caught up. Everyone had seen silence working with each other from afar, but they didn't expect that he was stunned at the moment of the engagement, so they came over and scolded the silence.

When the male knight heard the scolding, he unconsciously turned his eyes to gly, but he was shocked at first sight. I just passed by these people and saw that they had mounts, but because I paid all my attention to the female knight, I didn't notice what their mounts were like. At this time, he focused on this group of people knowing that it was not her, but he was very surprised at first sight. Almost everyone in this group of more than a dozen people has mounts, except for the post horses behind them! From these mounts alone, the knights can judge that none of these people is easy to deal with! For such a group of people, it seems that it is more evil and less auspicious today!

"I'm sorry, brother! My brother is a little impatient. Seeing that you are chasing a girl, I think you have any bad intentions!"

What the male knight didn't expect was that he thought there would be a fierce battle today, but one of the other party stood up to apologize to him. It seemed that this group of people were not a group of domineering guys.

"What the hell are you doing? You will be in a daze at that time!" At the moment when Song Fei apologized to the male knight, he had pulled the silence down from the horse and pulled it to everyone's side.

"He can fight on the horse!" Silently pointed to the male knight and said in surprise.

Hearing the silent words, everyone was stunned. Although the knight was fought on horseback in ancient times, it has always appeared as a meat shield in the game. Now there is really a knight fighting on horseback, which really surprised everyone a little.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" The male knight opposite was also stunned when he heard the silent words.

"Don't you feel awkward?" Silence and questioning.

"It will be a little bit at first, but it's good to get used to it." Seeing that there was no malice in the other party, the male knight also patiently explained to the crowd. As long as you cooperate with your own mount, it is not awkward to fight on horseback. And the knight is fighting on horseback, with the bonus of attack and defense.

"Damn it! No one told me about it! What a waste of resources!" He cursed silently and depressedly.

At the moment when everyone was talking to the male knight, the female knight actually returned. When the male knight saw the female knight, he immediately came up.

"Xiao Shuang, why are you hiding from me?" The male knight rushed to the female knight and grabbed the horse's rein and asked.

"Don't pester me anymore. We are fruitless!" The female knight said coldly.

"Why? Is it just because your father doesn't agree? I'm already working hard. I'm trying to change the status quo. I believe that with my efforts, I will let your father accept me!"

"It's not because of my father."

"What is that for?"

"As I said, there will be no result for the two of us!" The female knight's tone seemed to be a little softer.

"Why is there no result? Why is there no result? I will try my best and I will give you happiness!" The male knight did not notice the moral tone of the female rider and became more impatient.

"Don't always be like this!" The female knight also panicked for a moment. Well, since you are like this, I'll tell you that I like others!"

After the female knight finished speaking, she turned around and left, leaving only the stunned male knight and the inexplicable Song Fei and others there.

"Why? Why do you fall in love with others? The male knight's eyes were in a daze and muttered in a low voice. Are all the original vows fake?"


"What did you say!" Wang Lin's sudden "fake" made the male knight angry in an instant.

"She said it was fake to fall in love with others!" Wang Lin smiled.

"Are you telling the truth?" In a word, the expression on the male knight's face changed from anger to surprise, and from surprise to doubt.

"First, she saw that you had a conflict with us and came back immediately, which shows that she has you in her heart." Wang Lin explained slowly. Second, the tone of her conversation with you just now has been changing. It began to be very cold, and then it gradually softened, which shows that she doesn't want you to be too sad. Third, when she just said the last sentence and turned away, she seemed to cry.

"Are you telling the truth? Why didn't I feel it?" The male knight still can't believe it.

"The authorities are fascinated, and the onlookers are clear!" The letter shook its head and sighed.

"Thank you very much!" The male knight suddenly came back to life, arched his hand to the crowd, jumped on the war horse neatly, and wanted to leave.

"Brother, make a friend!" Song Fei said and handed over his business card.

The male knight took the business card, threw a business card of his own to Song Fei, and turned around and chased him in the direction of the female knight.

"You are drunk for the beauty!" Seinfeld took the male knight's business card, took a look and handed over the letter.

"Demon clan?" The letter is also an exclamation.

From the business card, Song Fei learned that this male knight was the famous "Jun is drunk" on the list at the beginning of the pet list, and his race is a demon clan. Looking at Jun running out of sight for the beauty, Song Fei shook his head, jumped on the mount and went west.

Following the post horse all the way to the west and turning around a few intersections, everyone came to the sunset town. The terrain of sunset town is exactly the opposite of Ming Beast City, which is located on a mountain. This mountain is about the size of the sunset town, which is only a little bigger than the town. In order to prevent someone from accidentally falling off the cliff, the town is surrounded by a 1.5-meter high low wall, which can not only let people see the scenery outside, but also prevent unwitting people from accidentally falling off the cliff.

Out of the sunset town all the way to the south, there is only one road leading to the Sancai Valley. Sancai Valley, as the name implies, is located in a valley. The center of the round valley is a small square paved with gravel. Four stone roads are connected to the square, three leading to three caves, and the other is the road to the valley, and other places are full of weeds.

Standing on the square, Song Fei has seen that the skeletons and ghosts guarding the entrance of the three caves are no longer the skeletons and ghosts they guess, but all the zombies. It seems that the undead have placed great hopes on the Sancai Valley. All the way into the cave, everyone found that all three caves were level 45 elite zombies. Although the level of monsters is high, these zombies do not rush to the mouth of the cave like monsters in other places, but patrol the hole one by one, so it does not cause much trouble to everyone.

After cleaning up the three-hole zombies, everyone's level has also risen to 44. But what makes them depressed is that there is no boss in these three holes! After walking around the cave and finding nothing valuable, everyone left the cave and wanted to go outside to see if they had missed anything. But as soon as they left the cave, the three-hole zombies were refreshed.

Looking at the three-hole zombies refreshed, everyone looked at each other. Do you want to do it again? After walking around the valley, they found nothing of value. Everyone had no choice but to kill zombies in three more holes. Originally, I thought that even if I killed zombies again, it would be nothing. Anyway, those zombies are level 45 elite monsters. If you kill one more time, you will gain more experience, but as soon as they start fighting, they will be depressed again. They have no experience in killing zombies for the second time!