The real mirror of online games

Thirty-two, Dad's phone number

Seeing the information of the mission reward, everyone took a deep breath.

Resident token: With this token, you can apply for a gang residence at the main city.

There is only a simple sentence in the introduction of the item, but everyone has not been in the mood to read it for a long time, and only the first four words have made them surprised.

What does the word "residence token" mean? That's money! Countless money!

After the failure of defending the city, the protection of the country and the Chinese Gang established their own gang residences one after another. Among them, the resident token of the Chinese Gang was purchased from the auction and cost 13 million gold coins! Now, only the protection of the country and the Huaxia Gang have built a station, and other gangs are annoyed that they have not received the resident token. At this time, if Song Fei and others can take out their resident token for auction, they can sell at least 10 million gold coins! 10 million, an average of one point, each person can share hundreds of thousands! How can they not be excited with such a huge wealth in front of them!

"I said, how can there be only such a little reward for such a complicated serial task!" Hua laughed happily.

"Resident token, resident token..." I was so excited that I didn't know what to say, but just repeated the words "resident token".

"10 million, the average is per person, um, more than 660,000, if it is a little more, it may reach 700,000." Chocolate muttered, but did not find that his calculation speed seemed to be a little slow at this time.

"King, what are you thinking about?"

Everyone was so excited that they didn't know what to do after seeing the resident token, only the first sight and Song Fei were not so excited. Song Fei was thinking and didn't know what he was thinking, but at first sight, he remembered Daming's defense of the city because he saw this station token, so his heart was heavy. Because I didn't get a lot of money**, I noticed Seinfeld's mood at first sight, so I asked this question.

"I'm thinking about what we should do with this resident token." Song Fei looked at the first meeting and said.

"Do you still need to think about this? Of course it's an auction!" The silence blurted out without thinking.

"Not necessarily. Maybe you can find someone to sell more in private and get some other benefits." Say it gly and smartly.

"What do you plan to do?" Zhang Xudong asked Song Fei cautiously.

"I want to give him away." After saying that, Song Fei looked around at the other people's expressions.

"Gend away? Are you right, boss? That's 10 million!" Hearing that Song Fei was going to give away 10 million, the silence suddenly became excited.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, "To whom?"

Sing Fei didn't say anything and turned around and handed the resident token to the first meeting. Looking at the resident token handed to him, he was stunned at first sight, and then blushed, but did not take it.

"Damn it! What do you mean? You two are a group of gis!" Looking at Song Fei and the first meeting, he roared puzzledly.

"The king means to give this resident token to Daming." I said excitedly at first sight. Although he understood what Song Fei meant, this resident token belonged to everyone. He could not make the decision alone, so he did not dare to take the token at first sight.

"Damn it! King, are you wrong? Did you forget what the garbage did to us?

"Of course I haven't forgotten!" Sefeld said affirmatively. But that's why I want to give this resident token to Daming and help Daming defend the city again.

"You..." I wanted to scold Song Fei, but the word "you" stopped abruptly. What do you mean?

"We have no essential contradiction with the blood-stained Canyang, and the blood-stained Canyang are not like the people of the Fengyun Gang. I don't want to build a powerful enemy for everyone. Sending them a resident token and helping them defend the city again is a good signal from us. Whether this defense of the city is successful or not, our conflict with the blood-stained remnant sun should be resolved. With the previous experience, I don't think Daming will make the same mistake this time. There should be a high chance of success in defending the city this time. In this way, people with blood and remnants may still be grateful to us. In fact, there is another reason why Song Fei didn't say it, but everyone has understood. If you don't do this, the knot you first saw may not be untied for the rest of your life.

Thinking of relieving the knot for the first sight, and thinking that it could resolve conflicts with the blood-stained remnant yang, everyone lowered their heads and expressed their attitudes in a tacitacit way. But after the first sight of leaving with the resident token, everyone did not speak for a long time, and the silence and glanguity kept repeating "10 million" and could not let go of the 10 million gold coins for a long time.

"Second brother, shall we do the task of delivering letters to the Demon Lord and the King of Yan first?" In the end, Wang Lin broke the awkward atmosphere.

"No, let's wait until we first meet! Why do the Demon Lord and the King of Yan give us some benefits for such a big thing? Song Fei thought for a moment and rejected Wang Lin's suggestion.

"Damn, let him take away 10 million, do you still care about this?" It seems that I have found a window to vent my emotions.

"If you don't want this to happen again, we will put you away, shut up!" With a roar of flowers, he shut his mouth.

"Let's find a place to practice first." After saying that, Song Fei raised his legs and went out of Peony Town, but as soon as he took two steps, the phone rang.

"Dad? What's the matter?" Song Fei picked up the phone and saw that it was from his father Song Dexiong.

"Xiaofei, what are you doing?" Song Fei Dexiong's voice at the other end of the phone was a little heavy.

"It's okay. I'm playing games with my friends. What's wrong?"

"Oh, are you free these two days? Come home when you have time. I have something to tell you.

When he hung up his father's phone, Song Fei instinctively felt that things were a little unusual.

Song Fei is a rural child and the only son of his family. His father Song Dexiong opened a small printing factory at home. Although he failed to make a lot of money, his family was also rich in the countryside, so he had no worries about food and clothing since childhood. For such a child, he is generally spoiled and spoiled by his family, but Song Dexiong has a unique way to educate his son. Since Song Fei was very young, his father taught him not to fight for fame and wealth, not to be greedy for wealth, never to let him have a strong desire for material things, and never used materials to induce him to study hard. Under Song Dexiong's educational method, Song Fei has not only been very sensible since he was a child, but also his grades have always been very good.

Song Dexiong, like many fathers, knew that everything he did was for his son, including the printing factory, which was also the foundation he did for his son. Therefore, although he has the ability to develop the factory more, he has never done so. He has only kept the factory stable on the scale of two million assets, firstly laying a good foundation for his son, and secondly leaving a space for his son to develop. He has repeatedly proposed to Seinfeld that he can go home and jointly manage the printing factory with him, so that the factory can steadily transition to his son. However, Song Fei has been outside for a long time and is not optimistic about this small factory at home. He wants to break out of his own world in the big city, so he has never accepted his father's invitation.

After leaving home, his father said nothing to Song Fei. Most of them were concerned about his body and life. As for the philosophy of life, most of the time, he let him understand by himself. Even if he was asked to go home to take over the factory, although he had said a lot before, he said it every time he saw him, or mentioned it when he called. Seinfeld never heard his father say anything as solemnly as this time, so he instinctively felt that things were a little unusual.

"What's the matter, second?" Seeing Song Fei's expression, Zhang Xudong asked with concern.

"My father asked me to go home." Song Fei frowned and said.

"Are you leaving now?" Zhang Xudong, Wang Lin and Song Fei have a very tacit understanding. Every time a person has something to do at home, the other two never ask what happened. They all know that they will definitely tell them when they want to talk.

"Well, let's go right away!"

"Oi, go ahead. I'll let you know if there's anything here!" Zhang Xudong assured, and then added, "Be careful on the way."

Sing Fei nodded and quit the game without saying anything.

The city where Seinfeld is located is not far from home. When he takes a long-distance bus and reverses, he only takes five or six hours to get home. Returning home uneasy, Song Fei saw his father sitting on the sofa smoking with a frown as soon as he entered the room. In front of him, a hill had been piled up in the ashtray.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Looking at his haggard father, Song Fei asked anxiously.

"Oh, it's Xiaofei! Come back so soon! Sit down first." Seeing Song Fei come back, Song Dexiong frowned tightly.

"Where's my mother?" Song Fei looked left and right and didn't see his mother.

"I went to buy vegetables." Song De said absent-mindedly.

"Dad, what the hell is going on?"

"Xiaofei, I will ask you again, would you like to come back and work with me in this factory?" Song Dexiong's tone was unusually heavy.

Hearing Song Dexiong's question, Song Fei's heart sank, "Is there something wrong with the factory?"

Song Dexiong pressed the cigarette butt in his hand into the ashtray and casually clicked another one. After taking a breath, he said, "The factory has been sluggish recently. If it goes on like this, it will go bankrupt soon! If you are willing to come back to help me, we will work together again to see if we can let the factory come back to life; if you don't want to come back, I will get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise so many years of hard work will be in vain!"

Seon Fei leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and gasped. It seems that my father is old! If I had come back to help him earlier, I might not have come to this point today! But a month ago, the printing house was still booming. Who would have thought that the situation would suddenly turn down and go bankrupt in the past few days? Are you coming back now? Can you really bring the factory back to life by yourself? If it can, it's worth a try; if it can't, it's still empty! Take a step back, even if it's okay, what about your ideals? Do you give up? Will you be willing?

Faced with the choice of ideal and reality, Song Fei was speechless for a long time.