The real mirror of online games

33, Temple of Gods and Demons

After closing his eyes and gasping for a while, Sein Fei gradually calmed down and began to think about the printing factory. A month ago, the operation of the factory was still normal. Why did such a big problem suddenly happen? Is there something wrong with my father's business methods? Impossible! Although he doesn't know much about the operation of the factory, his father can start from scratch and start to run a small factory to its current scale, which shows that his father still has certain management methods.

"Wasn't it fine a month ago? Why did it suddenly become like this?" Song Fei got up and knocked down the hill in the ashtray.

Song Dexiong sighed, "I suspect someone is targeting us!"

"Someone is targeting us? Who? Business rivals?"

Song Dexiong shook his head, "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Song Fei was stunned.

Song Dexiong nodded and said, "That's why I'm worried! After so many years of business, Dad admits that he has not offended anyone. And looking at this man's movements, his strength is far above us! If it is a competitor with similar strength to ours, it is impossible to make such a big move that we can't raise our heads in a month, almost to the point of bankruptcy. But if he is far stronger than our opponent, why would he do this? I really can't figure it out!"

"What do you want to do?" Song Fei stared at his father.

"I'm a little conflicted. I want to hear your thoughts." My father threw the problem to Serow again.

"Dad, be rational, you should have a countermeasure!"

Sing Fei is right, and Song Dexiong has already had a countermeasure in his mind. From a rational point of view, he should get rid of the printing factory as soon as possible and keep a little money. He has been struggling in the mall for so many years. Song Dexiong is very clear about this. But from an emotional point of view, he is reluctant to part with this factory. After all, it is his efforts for so many years. How can he sell it? In addition, Song Dexiong has another concern in his heart, that is, Song Fei. All he has done is for his son, and of course his son knows this. Although Song Fei has not accepted his father's invitation to take over the management of the printing factory for so many years, this does not mean that he does not want this factory. Song Dexiong thought that maybe his son was just practicing outside and that when the time was ripe, he would come back to take over the factory. But if his son comes back and he sells the factory, how will he face his son?

"So you agree to sell the factory?"

"Selling it!"

When things come to an end, the father and son will no longer worry. The family had a reunion dinner and spent the night happily. The next day, Song Fei went back. That night, he received a phone call from his father and the printing house sold it. Father said that in a few days, he and his mother would go on a trip. I have been thinking about the printing factory for so many years, and I don't have time to go out to play. Now that the factory is sold, I can go out and have a good time.

Back to the game again, everyone went to do the task of sending the letter together. Because they do not have the privilege to enter and leave the demon world, if they want to go to the demon world, they must find the master of the three letters, that is, the NPC who helped them turn into demons.

This NPC is called Mingpo. Although he has white hair, his face is ruddy and steady. He knows at a glance that his cultivation is profound. Mingpo's status in the demon world is second only to the eight demon generals, ranking first among the 24 demons. On the surface, he is responsible for the liaison between the Phantom Dynasty and the demon world, but in fact, he listens to the movements of the Phantom Dynasty, that is, the head of the intelligence agency of the demon world.

"Master!" Seeing that Mingpo Shiran came, the three letters immediately came forward to salute.

Mingpo nodded, "Well, what's the matter?"

"We want to see the Demon Lord!" The letters directly say their purpose.

"See the Demon Lord?" My eyelids jumped. What do you even want to hide from me?" But his eyes swept to Song Fei and others.

"It's a matter of the survival of the demon world!" As the letter said, he nodded to Mingpo, indicating that Song Fei and others could be trusted.

"Go!" Mingpu only said one word, scratched his right hand in the air, and then pulled his hands hard on both sides, and the void in front of everyone was torn open. Not in the mood to pay attention to everyone's surprise, Mingpo took the lead in.

Seeing that Mingpo showed such a hand, everyone was very shocked that he actually tore the space! This man is just the third layer of the demon world, and there are eight demon generals and demons on top of him. He has such strength. How powerful are the eight demons? How powerful is the demon! Through the description of the king of the earth, everyone learned that the strength of a demon general is obviously not as good as that of the king of the earth, and the strength of the king of the devil is above him. How strong is the king of the devil?

Song Fei has never seen the demon lord and the king of Yanluo. He doesn't know how strong they are, but he knows that the top existence in the phantom dynasty should be the city owner of the five main cities and the head of the five gate sects, but the strength of the five city lords is not as strong as this magician. The head of the five gate schools should be similar. The whole phantom king In the court, the strength of Longxing may be stronger than that of these demons. But Longxing is the strongest in the whole phantom dynasty, but this magic envoy is just a third-rate master in the demon world, and this strength comparison is unbalanced at all!

The responsibility of hell, let's not talk about it for the time being, but what does the demon world do? If the demon world launches a war against the phantom dynasty, no one in the phantom dynasty can stop it! If the demon doesn't have to take action, the Phantom Dynasty will fall!

Sing Fei shook his head helplessly. Which programmer's spoof is this time? But is it a little big this time? Following Mingbo into the crack in space, Song Fei only felt a flash of light and shadow in front of him, and then saw that he was already standing on a ruin. There were overgrown weeds in front of him, and the broken walls and ruins could be seen everywhere, but no creature could not be seen.

"Fengdu City?" Song Fei was stunned.

I ignored everyone's surprise and walked straight to the center of the ruins of Fengdu City. Seeing that Mingpo had no intention to explain, everyone had to follow him. Fengdu City has long been in ruins, but there is a building in the center of the city standing alone. Although it is majestic and majestic, it cannot hide the vicissitudes of life after years of baptism.

This is a hall dozens of meters high and covers an area of thousands of square meters, covered with scars on green bricks, which seems to indicate that there have been countless wars here. There are only three walls in the hall, just like a triangular prism. There are three statues standing on the three corners of the top of the hall. You can know at a glance that they represent the three races of man, demon and the dead, but the three races coincidentally chose the dragon as the symbol of their own power.

Representing the human race is a five-clawed golden dragon, winding around the top corner of the hall. The fallen golden scales show the ruthlessness of the years. The dragon head stands up and looks at the south sky, and a dragon horn points to the direction of Huanglin City. Representing the demon clan is a magic dragon. Its appearance is very similar to that of the five-clawed golden dragon, but there are no scales or claws on the dark body surface. At first glance, it looks like an earthworm, but the back is stretched out with a pair of bat wings, and there is also a sharp angle on the dragon head. Naturally, the bone dragon represents the undead clan. The dragon bones outside make people tremble. The whole bone dragon is like a huge fish bone, but its head structure is very different from the fish head.

There is a door dozens of meters high on the front of the hall, and three ten-meter-high characters of "God and Demon Hall" are placed upright above the door frame. There is a huge couplet hanging on both sides of the door, "The gods and demons are boundless, and the three worlds are also connected", and each word is several meters high. The hall is divided into three halls, located on three corners. There is a plaque engraved with "human world" on the door facing the hall, and the couplets on both sides say: Once you step into the fairy road, you will cross the world from then on. On the left is the door of the Devil's Hall, and the same couplet is written on the same ten-meter-high couplet: As soon as you enter the Devil's Gate, no one knows right or wrong. The couplets on the door of the undead hall on the right are very different: laughing at the immortals and demons fighting, the dead souls are inevitable, and there is a faint tone above the two clans.

Following Minglu into the Devil's Hall, the first one to enter the eyes of everyone was a ten-meter-high statue directly opposite the hall door. The statue figure is lifelike, with a black hair floating on his shoulders, a ruddy face and an easy-going expression, and a short beard on his lips. Although the purple robe is stone, it is in the shape of dancing in the wind. His right hand holds the sword on the ground, and his left hand covers his right hand, which looks very chic.

In front of the demon, eight five-meter-high statues stand on both sides. Behind the eight statues, there are 24 statues of normal people, one of which is the spirit. Such a scene can only make Song Fei think of a class of Wenwu meeting his king in the court.

"Is this the devil?" Song Fei was stunned and didn't find it appropriate after blurted out a sentence.

"What? Not like? In your imagination, should the devil be a fierce god with long horns and fierce eyes on his head? The contemptuous rhetoric made Seinfeld even more ashamed.

Irring everyone's expressions, he walked to his statue, took a red token from the statue, turned around and walked to the statue. When he came to the Demon Lord, he bowed deeply, then raised his hand and threw the red token taken from his statue into the hands of the Demon Statue. Then his lips moved slightly and read a spell that everyone could not understand. After the spell was read, two red lights shot out of the eyes of the statue of the demon statue, shining on the red token, and the token also flashed red light, and then bounced up from the hands of the statue and fell back into the hands of the soul. Mingpo put the token back in place and turned around and walked out of the hall.

Following Mingpo out of the Temple of God and Demons, everyone was stunned again. The God and Demon Hall is still the former God and Demon Hall, but the broken walls and ruins of Fengdu City are no longer there, replaced by a bustling metropolis. The sky in the distance is gray. It is neither the blue sky and white clouds of the human world nor the darkness of the underworld. All kinds of flowers and trees on the roadside are not seen by Song Fei. There are many kinds of buildings in the city, but the styles are very different, including human-style buildings and undead-style buildings. Pedestrians on the street are also of all kinds. Not only are people, demons and undead, but also many animals set up stalls or buy things on the roadside like people.

"Is this the demon world?" Everyone asked in one voice.
